

The purpose /ˈpɜːpəs/ of an autopsy /ˈɔːtɒpsi/ is to provide clarity. (autopsy 验尸; 尸体解剖)


The autopsy report gave the cause of death as poisoning.


How did the victim die? Was death the result of a gunshot /ˈɡʌnʃɒt/? Stabbing /stæb/? Poison /ˈpɔɪzn/?

这些受害者是怎么死的?是死于枪击吗? 捅死的?毒死的?

How somebody is killed is easy to understand. Why it happened, that's never so simple.


conduct /ˈkɒndʌkt/ a tawdry /ˈtɔːdri/ affair  搞风流韵事

tawdry 俗丽而不值钱的; 花里胡哨的; 下流的; 卑鄙的;

You made all others who came before seem cheap, tawdry, and shallow.


People make all sorts of questionable choices.


That's what keeps me in business. 我因此才有活干 keep sb in business

give sb odd looks 看某人的眼神很奇怪

jewelry /ˈdʒuːəlri/ 珠宝

you shouldn't have 不需要这样麻烦的。如果有人送给你礼物,你可以说 thankyou ,也可以说这句话表示感谢。

tears of joy /teəz ɒv dʒɔɪ/  喜悦的泪水

You don't make it very easy to be your boyfriend. 做你男朋友可真难

ski mask 滑雪面罩   

Can I get you anything to eat? 很口语化的问,您还需要点一些什么吗?

Can I get you anything to eat or drink?

Yes,can I have some bread?// No, the food is dreadful /ˈdredfl/ here 这里的食物真的糟糕透了

unsolicited /ˌʌnsəˈlɪsɪtɪd/ 未经要求的; 自发的; 自我推荐的

'If I were you,' she adds by way of some unsolicited advice, 'I'd watch out for that girl of yours.'


offer unsolicited opinions // add some unsolicited advice(没有s)// Here's my two cents (这里的 two cents 也是未经允许的建议)

What can I do for you ?我能帮你什么,你找我有事吗

make some really ugly threats 歇斯底里的发出抗议

a jar of peanut butter 一瓶花生酱

that's more than they deserve 他们可不配吃

What's with the skates /skeɪts/ ?这双溜冰鞋是用来做什么的?

Why are you digging them up now? 你现在把他们翻出来做什么

gain the trust and convince her to end this affair

(gain sb's trust  获得某人的信任  convince sb to do 说服某人做某事)

free-spirited 无拘无束,自由奔放      barf 呕吐

What's wrong with her being a friend? 和她做朋友有什么不好吗

that makes me sound slow 那听起显得我有点智障 (slow 迟钝的,不太聪明的亚子)

she is not available now 她现在没有空

I don't want to get physical with you 我不想和你动手

(get physical with sb 换一个语境,这个肢体接触可能是ooxx了,八卦的时候可以用:so... was it getting physical?)

felon 重犯       three strikes 三振出局,被判出局

assault /əˈsɔːlt/

n.侵犯他人身体(罪); 攻击;袭击; (向困难或危险事物发起的) 冲击;

v.猛烈攻击,袭击,侵犯人身(尤指构成罪行); 使(感官)难受;

commit physical assault 行凶

At the police station, I was charged with assault.  在警察局,我被指控殴打他人。

The gang assaulted him with iron bars  这伙人用铁棍殴打他。

be in touch 保持联系

I had under control 我已经控制了局面了,不是在控制之下

It was a team effort 这是团队协作的结果,团队总结常用套话

I was freaked out  我吓死了,我当时害怕极了

Just put them on the maybe list  把他们放到待定名单上吧

despise /dɪˈspaɪz/ 轻视,鄙视

I can never, ever forgive him. I despise him  我永远不会原谅他。我鄙视他。

since when? 什么时候开始的?

petty /ˈpeti/   adj.小的; 琐碎的; 次要的; 小气的; 狭隘的;

That's awfully petty 那就太小心眼了

He was miserable all the time and rows would start over petty things.


be in a foul /faʊl/ mood 情绪很不好/爱一张臭脸   foul 暴躁的

ever since 从那时开始到现在

You've been in a foul mood ever since you came home last night


prepaid 已支付/预支付     rube /ruːb/ 乡巴佬/土包子

caterer 置办酒席的人,筹备人

The wedding is off, I require wine. 婚礼取消,我要红酒

That was a blast 刚才玩的真开心,刚刚好"炸"啊 

have a blast = have a great time

(blast 爆炸; 突如其来的强劲气流; (吹奏乐器、哨子、汽车喇叭等突然发出的) 响声,吹奏声,轰鸣;)

It's getting late, I have to go. 天色已晚,我该走了,用于委婉的说再见和告别

What are you up to? 

1.你最近在忙啥呢?相当于:What's up?

- It's been a while. What are you up to?

- 好久不见啊,你最近在忙啥呢?

- I've been preparing for the performance all around the clock. It'll be held at the weekend.

- 我整天都在准备表演。表演会在周末举行。

- Oh, really! Break a leg!

- 真的吗?祝你好运哦。

2. 你在做什么?相当于:What are you doing?

- Hey, what are you up to?

- 嗨,你在干什么呀?

- I lost my job, so I am trying to find a new one to bring home the bacon.

- 我丢了工作,所以我正试着找个新工作来养家糊口。

- Okay, take your time then.

- 好的,那你慢慢找吧。

-What are you up to? Are you listening?

- 你在干什么?你在用心听讲吗?

- I'm sorry. I was zoning out. Now I'm all ears.

- 对不起,我刚刚走神了。现在,我全神贯注了。

3.你打算干嘛?相当于:What are you going to do?

- It's Friday. What are you up to?

- 今天是周五,你准备干嘛去?

- I'm gonna hang out with my best friend.

- 和我好朋友出去玩。

4. 语气不同所要表达的意思也不一样. 也可以表示:你正在搞什鬼?你有什么鬼点子?真很口语

Do you think you have time for one more adventure tonight?

-What are you up to?

ingredient 原料,要素   lawn 家门前的草坪

weed = pot /pɒt/ 飞叶子= marijuana /ˌmærəˈwɑːnə/ 大麻毒品= reefer /ˈriːfə(r)/ 大麻香烟

It's not a big deal 这不是什么大不了的事情

He can be such a square 他确实很古板   square = old-fashioned

cut loose 摆脱;割断;不受约束,自由行动;逃跑;狂欢

cut (something) loose


I want to save some bread so I can cut the hustling thing loose altogether.我要搞点积蓄,这样就能从那乱糟糟的事情中解脱出来。


It was hard to cut loose from home.要脱离家庭是很难的。

I guess it’s time I cut loose.我想我该自立了。

I really didn't mean to offend /əˈfend/ you. 我真的无意冒犯

what the heck(尤在迷惑或恼怒时用于疑问句中表示强调) 到底,究竟; 管它呢; 不管它;

heck 没有实际意思,只是做强调用

sb had suspicions /səsˈpɪʃənz/ for a while 某人起疑心有一段时间了

sb's suspicions were aroused 引起某人的怀疑

140 pounds if she's an ounce /aʊns/ 她有足足140镑

if someone is an ounce是什么意思呢?先看看英语口语里类似的句式:

She's 6 feet tall if she's an inch.

It was a gallon of blood if it was a drop.

That man is sixty if he's a day.


ounce 盎司(重量单位,¹⁄₁₆磅,等于28.35克); 少许; 少量; 一点点; 丝毫;

If only my father had possessed /pəˈzes/ an ounce of business sense 


I spent every ounce of energy trying to hide. 


In early trading in Hong Kong yesterday, gold was quoted at$ 368.20 an ounce 


hoedown n.土风舞    carnival /ˈkɑːnɪvl/ 狂欢节

fiance /fɪ'ɑ:nseɪ/ 未婚夫

off and on 分分合合

take sb's side 袒护,偏向某一方

the situation is not quite so cut and dried 情况可能不是那么非黑即白

drink without glass 对瓶吹

Takes a while to kick in 需要一点时间才会起效

recognize the sensation 辨别出那种感觉

It's under your armpit 在你的腋窝下夹着

let's go over a few things 让我来复习一些事情

I'm begging you 我求你的了

two's good, three's better 两人好,三个人更好,这里是请求加入的一种诙谐表达

tell me about it 不是告诉我的意思,而是:可不是嘛,我也早久这样人为了。表达对你的赞同。

His attitude is driving me crazy.他的态度真的快让我疯掉了。

be off to  去...什么地方

I'm off to the gallery 我要去画廊了

I was up all night 我一整晚没有睡

at least take the flower 至少收下花吧

It's been a while 有一段时间没有见了   It has been a long time 看时态

bouquet /buˈkeɪ/ 花束

what does that say about sth/sb  对某事/某人来说意味着什么

If you won't accept a simple gift, then what does that say about our future?

be seeing someone  与某人交往,有恋情 。不是看某人的意思

I don't know if you're seeing anyone these days, but I could really use some cheering up.

console each other 相互慰藉

avenge/revenge 都有复仇的意思

avenge /əˈvendʒ/ v. 报(某事)之仇;向(某人)报仇

She vowed to avenge her brother’s death.( avenge sth)


He later avenged himself on his wife’s killers.


revenge /rɪˈvendʒ/   n.报复; (曾经失败一方的) 雪耻   v.报复; 替…报仇; 雪耻;

She vowed to be revenged on them all.


He was later revenged on his wife’s killers.


The attackers were said to be taking revenge on the 14-year-old, claiming he was a school bully.


:You cannot revenge sth. 不能说 revenge sth:

She vowed to revenge her brother’s death.

We were just about to send out a search party. 我们都要派人去找你们了(你们来的太晚了的委婉表达)

here's our guest of honor 这位是荣誉嘉宾

I hope I live up to your expectation 希望我没有辜负你的厚望

live up to 不辜负/做到

I bet you couldn't  我认为你不行          I dare you  我认为你不行   

She is feisty /ˈfaɪsti/. 她真好斗/坚决而据理力争的

You're on 那我就奉陪吧/非正式的一言为定,当对方给你发出挑战,你选择接受时,就这样说

I know what you've been up to 我知道你最近在干嘛

low-budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt/ 低预算的

That's a bit harsh  这话有点扎心

come by 顺道拜访

lose my mind 疯掉

I could've sworn they were in my jacket 我发誓我放在外套里了

In those heels /hiːl/, you won't make it past the driveway 穿这个高跟鞋,你都走不出车道

you're slamming the door on Brad forever. 你就关上了Brad的门,应该翻译成你会永远失去Brad

slam /slæm/ v.(使…) 砰地关上; 使劲一推; 猛劲一摔; 猛烈抨击; n.猛关(或推、摔、撞等); 猛摔(或撞等)的声音;

Who got to you? 谁把你影响了

pay sb back by doing 通过...报复某人

That's beside the point 这不是重点    That's the point 

sort some issues 处理一些事情



Love is always a risk, and I know it's easy to think this is never going to last, so why don't I end it now, but the chance for love doesn't come around everyday. One must think long and hard before one casts it aside. 


more than you know 比想象的好,意料之外

accomplice /əˈkʌmplɪs/ 同谋,共犯

disbar /dɪsˈbɑː(r)/ v.取消(某人)的律师资格;

The bar association condemned the lawyer's actions but did not disbar him.


defend my own home 保护我的家

step in 介入,插手干预

I need a moment 我需要和你聊一聊   

in the middle of dinner /meeting/ conversation 正在吃饭/开会/沟通

put a name to our relationship 给我们的关系下定义/正名

back off 放弃 = give up     if you're not into it 如果你不喜欢这样

get back at sb 报复某人

back to us 说些我的事情

....will be fine   ....就挺好,那我选....

It's rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd/, It's all tight folds and sharp edges /edʒ/

joint 大麻烟卷 = reefer 

I left my joint in the pocket 

settle for sth/ doing 满足于.....     

I'd settle for a few laughs now and then 偶尔放声大笑我就很满足了

I'm a rebel /rɪˈbel/ 我是一个叛逆女孩

hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/ 极其滑稽的;

morgue /mɔːɡ/ 停尸房; 太平间;

He went to see your brother's body in the morgue. 


reckless /ˈrekləs/ love affair 不计后果的婚外情

