



Running Editor Script Code on Launch

    Sometimes it is useful to be able to run some editor script code in a project as soon as Unity launches without requiring action from the user.
You can do this by applying the InitializeOnLoad attribute to a class which has a static constructor. 
A static constructor is a function with the same name as the class, 
declared static and without a return type or parameters (see here for more information)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class Startup {
    static Startup()
        Debug.Log("Up and running");

2,代码切换平台方法  EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTarget.Android)


EditorUserBuildSettings . activeBuildTargetChanged = delegate ( ) {
if ( EditorUserBuildSettings . activeBuildTarget == BuildTarget . Iphone ) {
Debug . Log ( "do you want to do" ) ;
} ;
