hive序列生成,如何生成HIVE中的日期系列? (创建表)

Suppose I currently have a table that has 1 row for each account and the data in the tables are:

Account Number

Start Date

End Date

Now I'd like to create a new table that has 1 row for each day the account is open, i.e. 1 day for each row between the start and end dates (inclusive) for each account.


Table 1

Account Number Start Date End Date

123 1-Jan-17 1-Jul-17

456 1-Feb-17 4-May-17

Table 2 (Desired table)

Account Number Day

123 1-Jan-17

123 1-Jan-17


123 1-Jul-17

456 1-Feb-17

456 2-Feb-17


456 4-May-17

I know in Postgresql there's a function called 'generate series' that would allow you to do that easily. I'm wondering if there's a similar function in HIVE that would allow you to do that as well?


解决方案select t.AccountNumber

,date_add (t.StartDate,pe.i) as Day

from Table1 t

lateral view

posexplode(split(space(datediff(t.EndDate,t.StartDate)),' ')) pe as i,x
