RMAN-08137: warning: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=
The source database has Golden Gate configured.
Since a clone is a copy of the source database, it will have capture name entires in the dba_capture .
There are two options
Option 1 :- On Clone run use delete force option
Delete the Archivelog using Force Option
Rman target /
Rman> delete force archivelog all completed before 'sysdate-n' ; --->Replace n with the Number of days
Option 2:- On Clone Identify the Golden gate Capture information and drop them
SQL> Connect /as sysdba
SQL> select capture_name, capture_type, status, queue_owner, capture_user, start_scn, oldest_scn, required_checkpoint_scn from dba_capture;
The above will show the list the capture name on clone.
Set serveroutput on ;
Set numwidth 20 ;
variable reqscn number;
variable reqrls number;
execute sys.dbms_rcvman.getRequiredSCN(:reqscn, :reqrls);
print reqscn;
print reqrls;
This SCN Primted Will Matches with REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN of the GG Capture Process
Drop the capture information on Clone where Goldengate is not configured/required.
SQL>exec dbms_capture_adm.drop_capture(capture_name=>'
Once done
SQL> select capture_name, capture_type, status, queue_owner, capture_user, start_scn, oldest_scn, required_checkpoint_scn from dba_capture;
Should show no rows
----------------------------- force
This database have been converted from RAC to Standalone database .
Thread 2 or related Thread from previous RAC database has been disabled.
While backing up the archive logs using Rman following error is reported:
RMAN backup log:
RMAN-08515: archived log file name=
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted as it is still needed
RMAN-08515: archived log file name=
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted as it is still needed
RMAN-08515: archived log file name=
If using Primary and Standby database.
The archive logs have already been applied in the Standby database successfully.
This database have been converted from RAC to Standalone database .
The issue is caused due to following bug
Bug 9040665 ----> Closed as Duplicate of Bug 8367313
Fixed In Ver: 11.2
Rman is not accounting for disabled nodes in RAC when Deleting archive log.
Check for the availability of one off patch for Bug 8367313
Download and apply one off patch Patch 8367313 if available
Use force" on the delete of archive log
For example
RMAN> delete force archivelog until time 'trunc(sysdate-4)' backed up 1 times to device type disk;