OpenAI gym: How to get complete list of ATARI environments

题意:OpenAI Gym:如何获取完整的 ATARI 环境列表


I have installed OpenAI gym and the ATARI environments. I know that I can find all the ATARI games in the documentation but is there a way to do this in Python, without printing any other environments (e.g. NOT the classic control environments)

我已经安装了 OpenAI Gym 和 ATARI 环境。我知道可以在文档中找到所有 ATARI 游戏,但有没有办法在 Python 中做到这一点,而不打印任何其他环境(例如,不包括经典控制环境)?


You can achieve this by calling list_games() on atari_py:

你可以通过在 `atari_py` 上调用 `list_games()` 来实现这一点:

>>> import atari_py as ap
>>> game_list = ap.list_games()
>>> print(sorted(game_list))
<<< ['adventure',
     # ...

OpenAI gym: How to get complete list of ATARI environments_第1张图片
