噢也,,期待已久的solr 1.4 发布了

下载连接 http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/lucene/solr/

New Solr 1.4 features include
- Major performance enhancements in indexing, searching, and faceting
- Revamped all-Java index replication that’s simple to configure and
can replicate config files
- Greatly improved database integration via the DataImportHandler
- Rich document processing (Word, PDF, HTML) via Apache Tika
- Dynamic search results clustering via Carrot2
- Multi-select faceting (support for multiple items in a single
category to be selected)
- Many powerful query enhancements, including ranges over arbitrary
functions, and nested queries of different syntaxes
- Many other plugins including Terms for auto-suggest, Statistics,
TermVectors, Deduplication

新solr 1.4 特征如下:
-通过apache tika支持多文档处理(Word, PDF, HTML)
