12 版本升级接口开发 错误日志


<?php require_once('./common.php'); class ErrorLog extends Common { public function index() { $this->check(); $errorLog = isset($_POST['error_log']) ? $_POST['error_log'] : ''; if(!$errorLog) { return Response::show(401, '日志为空'); } $sql = "insert into error_log( `app_id`, `did`, `version_id`, `version_mini`, `error_log`, `create_time`) values( ".$this->params['app_id'].", '".$this->params['did']."', ".$this->params['version_id'].", ".$this->params['version_mini'].", '".$errorLog."', ".time()." )"; $connect = Db::getInstance()->connect(); if(mysql_query($sql, $connect)) { return Response::show(200, '错误信息插入成功'); } else { return Response::show(400, '错误信息插入失败'); } } } $error = new ErrorLog(); $error->index();




 * 处理接口公共业务




class Common {

    public $params;

    public $app;

    public function check() {

        $this->params['app_id'] = $appId = isset($_POST['app_id']) ? $_POST['app_id'] : '';

        $this->params['version_id'] = $versionId = isset($_POST['version_id']) ? $_POST['version_id'] : '';

        $this->params['version_mini'] = $versionMini = isset($_POST['version_mini']) ? $_POST['version_mini'] : '';

        $this->params['did'] = $did = isset($_POST['did']) ? $_POST['did'] : '';

        $this->params['encrypt_did'] = $encryptDid = isset($_POST['encrypt_did']) ? $_POST['encrypt_did'] : '';


        if(!is_numeric($appId) || !is_numeric($versionId)) {

            return Response::show(401, '参数不合法');


        // 判断APP是否需要加密

        $this->app = $this->getApp($appId);

        if(!$this->app) {

            return Response::show(402, 'app_id不存在');


        if($this->app['is_encryption'] && $encryptDid != md5($did . $this->app['key'])) {

            return Response::show(403, '没有该权限');




    public function getApp($id) {

        $sql = "select *

                from `app`

                where id = " . $id ."

                and status = 1 

                limit 1";

        $connect = Db::getInstance()->connect();

        $result = mysql_query($sql, $connect);

        return mysql_fetch_assoc($result);



    public function getversionUpgrade($appId) {

        $sql = "select *

                from `version_upgrade`

                where app_id = " . $appId ."

                and status = 1 

                limit 1";

        $connect = Db::getInstance()->connect();

        $result = mysql_query($sql, $connect);

        return mysql_fetch_assoc($result);




     * 根据图片大小组装相应图片

     * @param string $imageUrl

     * @param string $size


    public function setImage($imageUrl, $size) {

        if(!$imageUrl) {

            return '';


        if(!$size) {

            return $imageUrl;



        $type = substr($imageUrl, strrpos($imageUrl, '.'));

        if(!$type) {

            return '';


        $path = substr($imageUrl, 0, strrpos($imageUrl, '.'));


        return $path . '_' . $size . $type;



