维基百科对字符串相似度(Damerau–Levenshtein distance)的定义是:
In information theory and computer science, the Damerau–Levenshtein distance (named after Frederick J. Damerau and Vladimir I. Levenshtein) is a "distance" (string metric) between two strings, i.e., finite sequence of symbols, given by counting the minimum number of operations needed to transform one string into the other, where an operation is defined as an insertion, deletion, or substitution of a single character, or atransposition of two adjacent characters. In his seminal paper[1], Damerau not only distinguished these four edit operations but also stated that they correspond to more than 80% of all human misspellings. Damerau's paper considered only misspellings that could be corrected with at most one edit operation. The corresponding edit distance, i.e., dealing with multiple edit operations, known as the Levenshtein distance, was introduced by Levenshtein,[2] but it did not include transpositions in the set of basic operations. The name Damerau–Levenshtein distance is used to refer to the edit distance that allows multiple edit operations including transpositions, although it is not clear whether the term Damerau–Levenshtein distanceis sometimes used in some sources as to take into account non-adjacent transpositions or not.
而所谓“编辑距离(edit distance,或叫Levenshtein distance)”,并不包含互换两个相邻字符。
看起来简单,实现还是有一定困难的,好在有牛人已经做好相应的函数,如 Kambiz 在 How to match two strings approximately 中提供了两个函数:
计算DL距离的函数DamerauLevenshteinDistance(Str1, Str2)
function DamerauLevenshteinDistance(const Str1, Str2: string): Integer; var LenStr1, LenStr2: Integer; I, J, T, Cost, Minimum: Integer; pStr1, pStr2, S1, S2: PChar; D, RowPrv2, RowPrv1, RowCur, Temp: PIntegerArray; begin LenStr1 := Length(Str1); LenStr2 := Length(Str2); // to save some space, make sure the second index points to the shorter string if LenStr1 < LenStr2 then begin T := LenStr1; LenStr1 := LenStr2; LenStr2 := T; pStr1 := PChar(Str2); pStr2 := PChar(Str1); end else begin pStr1 := PChar(Str1); pStr2 := PChar(Str2); end; // to save some time and space, look for exact match while (LenStr2 <> 0) and (pStr1^ = pStr2^) do begin Inc(pStr1); Inc(pStr2); Dec(LenStr1); Dec(LenStr2); end; // when one string is empty, length of the other is the distance if LenStr2 = 0 then begin Result := LenStr1; Exit; end; // calculate the edit distance T := LenStr2 + 1; GetMem(D, 3 * T * SizeOf(Integer)); FillChar(D^, 2 * T * SizeOf(Integer), 0); RowCur := D; RowPrv1 := @D[T]; RowPrv2 := @D[2 * T]; S1 := pStr1; for I := 1 to LenStr1 do begin Temp := RowPrv2; RowPrv2 := RowPrv1; RowPrv1 := RowCur; RowCur := Temp; RowCur[0] := I; S2 := pStr2; for J := 1 to LenStr2 do begin Cost := Ord(S1^ <> S2^); Minimum := RowPrv1[J - 1] + Cost; // substitution T := RowCur[J - 1] + 1; // insertion if T < Minimum then Minimum := T; T := RowPrv1[J] + 1; // deletion if T < Minimum then Minimum := T; if (I <> 1) and (J <> 1) and (S1^ = (S2 - 1)^) and (S2^ = (S1 - 1)^) then begin T := RowPrv2[J - 2] + Cost; // transposition if T < Minimum then Minimum := T; end; RowCur[J] := Minimum; Inc(S2); end; Inc(S1); end; Result := RowCur[LenStr2]; FreeMem(D); end;
还有计算字符串相似度的函数 StringSimilarityRatio(Str1, Str2, IgnoreCase): Double;
function StringSimilarityRatio(const Str1, Str2: string; IgnoreCase: Boolean): Double; var MaxLen: Integer; Distance: Integer; begin Result := 1.0; if Length(Str1) > Length(Str2) then MaxLen := Length(Str1) else MaxLen := Length(Str2); if MaxLen <> 0 then begin if IgnoreCase then Distance := DamerauLevenshteinDistance(LowerCase(Str1), LowerCase(Str2)) else Distance := DamerauLevenshteinDistance(Str1, Str2); Result := Result - (Distance / MaxLen); end; end;
后来data man 参考一个德国人的ApproxStrUtils单元(该单元计算的是L距离,不是DL距离),给出一个据说效率更高的DL距离函数,遗憾的是调用它会有“Invalid Pointer Operation”的报错,还没有Debug出问题所在,所以暂时先用前一个版本吧。
function DamerauLevenshteinDistance2(const Str1, Str2: string): Integer; function Min(const A, B, C: Integer): Integer; inline; begin Result := A; if B < A then Result := B; if C < Result then Result := C; end; var LenStr1, LenStr2: Integer; I, J, T, Cost, PrevCost: Integer; pStr1, pStr2, S1, S2: PChar; D: PIntegerArray; begin LenStr1 := Length(Str1); LenStr2 := Length(Str2); // to save some space, make sure the second index points to the shorter string if LenStr1 < LenStr2 then begin T := LenStr1; LenStr1 := LenStr2; LenStr2 := T; pStr1 := PChar(Str2); pStr2 := PChar(Str1); end else begin pStr1 := PChar(Str1); pStr2 := PChar(Str2); end; // to save some time and space, look for exact match while (LenStr2 <> 0) and (pStr1^ = pStr2^) do begin Inc(pStr1); Inc(pStr2); Dec(LenStr1); Dec(LenStr2); end; while (LenStr2 <> 0) and ((pStr1 + LenStr1 - 1)^ = (pStr2 + LenStr2 - 1)^) do begin Dec(LenStr1); Dec(LenStr2); end; if LenStr2 = 0 then begin Result := LenStr1; Exit; end; // calculate the edit distance T := LenStr2 + 1; GetMem(D, T * SizeOf(Integer)); for I := 0 to T do D[I] := I; S1 := pStr1; for I := 1 to LenStr1 do begin PrevCost := I - 1; Cost := I; S2 := pStr2; for J := 1 to LenStr2 do begin if (S1^ = S2^) or ((I > 1) and (J > 1) and (S1^ = (S2 - 1)^) and (S2^ = (S1 - 1)^)) then Cost := PrevCost else Cost := 1 + min(Cost, PrevCost, D[J]); PrevCost := D[J]; D[J] := Cost; Inc(S2); end; Inc(S1); end; Result := D[LenStr2]; FreeMem(D); end;