2.9 学习笔记


  1 using System;

  2 using System.IO;

  3 using Lucene.Net.QueryParsers;

  4 using Lucene.Net.Analysis;

  5 using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard;

  6 using Lucene.Net.Documents;

  7 using Lucene.Net.Index;

  8 using Lucene.Net.Search;

  9 using Lucene.Net.Store;

 10 using System.Xml;

 11 namespace DianJiangTai.searchEngine

 12 {

 13     public class SearchTools

 14     {

 15         //public Analyzer analyzer;

 16        // public IndexReader reader;

 17       //  public TopScoreDocCollector collector;

 18         public IndexSearcher isearcher;

 19         public static int searchItemCount=1000;//搜索时提取结果中前100条记录

 20         public static int startIndex = 0;//每页开始的位置

 21         public static int endIndex = 0;//每页结束的位置

 22         public static int pageSize =6;//页容量

 23         public static string[] resQuee = new string[50];

 24         public static int front = 0, rear = 0,Queelength=0;

 25         private int resCount;


 27 /*        private string readIndexPath()

 28         {

 29            //   string path=System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("IndexPath");

 30          //   return path;

 31              XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

 32                 xmlDoc.Load("");

 33                 XmlNode root = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("indexPath");

 34                 XmlNodeList subNode = root.ChildNodes;

 35                 XmlElement xe2 = (XmlElement)subNode[0];

 36                 XmlNode sub = xe2.FirstChild;

 37                 return sub.InnerText.Trim();

 38         }

 39 */


 41         public SearchTools()

 42         {

 43             //string path = readIndexPath();

 44         }     

 45         private bool push(string res)

 46         {

 47             if ((rear + 1) % 50 != front)

 48             {

 49                 resQuee[rear] = res;

 50                 rear=(rear+1)%50;

 51                 Queelength++;

 52                 return true;

 53             }

 54             else

 55                 return false;

 56         }

 57         private string pop()

 58         {

 59             if (rear != front)

 60             {

 61                 string temp= resQuee[front];

 62                 front = (front + 1) % 50;

 63                 Queelength--;

 64                 return temp;

 65             }

 66             else

 67                 return null;

 68         }

 69        /*

 70         private string pop(int id)

 71         {

 72             if (rear != front)

 73             {

 74                 string temp = resQuee[id];

 75                 return temp;

 76             }

 77             else

 78                 return null;

 79         }

 80         private bool ifQueeNULL()

 81         {

 82             if (Queelength <= 0)

 83                 return true;

 84             else return false;

 85         }

 86         public static bool ifNeedAnotherRead=false;

 87        /*

 88         private void searchAll(string[] querystr)

 89         {

 90             bool ifNULL = true;

 91             int length = querystr.Length;

 92             if (length <= 0) return;

 93             isearcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);

 94             ScoreDoc[] hits;

 95             int j;


 97       if(!ifNeedAnotherRead)

 98       {

 99           BooleanQuery query = new BooleanQuery();

100           for (j = length; j >= 2; j--)

101             {

102                 for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)

103                 { 

104                     TermQuery tempTerm = new TermQuery(new Term("indexItem", querystr[i]));

105                     query.Add(tempTerm, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

106                 }

107                 collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(isearcher.MaxDoc(), false);

108                 isearcher.Search(query, collector);

109                hits = collector.TopDocs().scoreDocs;

110                 if (hits.Length <= 0)

111                     continue;

112                 else

113                 {

114                    if (hits.Length <= 3*endIndex)

115                        {

116                            endIndex = hits.Length;

117                            ifNeedAnotherRead = true;

118                            WriteIntoCache(isearcher,hits,startIndex,endIndex);

119                            startIndex = 0;

120                            endIndex = startIndex + pageSize;

121                        }

122                        else

123                         {                 

124                              ifNeedAnotherRead = false;

125                              WriteIntoCache(isearcher,hits,startIndex,endIndex * 3);

126                              startIndex = endIndex * 3;

127                              endIndex = startIndex + pageSize;          

128                           }

129                   ifNULL = false;

130                 }

131             }

132       }

133       if(ifNeedAnotherRead || ifNULL)

134       {

135           QueryParser parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, "indexItem", analyzer);//indexItem

136             for (j = 0; j < length; j++)

137             {

138                 if (querystr[j].Trim().Equals("") || querystr[j] == null)

139                     continue;

140                 Query querySingle = parser.Parse(querystr[j]);

141                 collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(isearcher.MaxDoc(), false);

142                 isearcher.Search(querySingle, collector);

143                 hits = collector.TopDocs().scoreDocs;

144                 if (hits.Length <= 0)

145                 {

146                     continue;

147                 }

148                 else

149                 {

150                      int leftSize=50-Queelength;

151                       if (hits.Length >leftSize)

152                        {

153                           WriteIntoCache(isearcher,hits,startIndex,startIndex+leftSize);                    

154                           startIndex =leftSize;//要记下结束的位置

155                           endIndex = startIndex + pageSize;         

156                        }

157                        else

158                       {   

159                           WriteIntoCache(isearcher,hits,startIndex,hits.Length);   

160                           startIndex = 0;//要记下结束的位置

161                           endIndex = startIndex + pageSize;

162                       }

163                     ifNULL = false;

164                 }

165             }

166       }

167             isearcher.Close();

168             if (ifNULL)

169             {

170                 Console.WriteLine("搜索失败!");

171             }

172         }

173         */

174         public string[] StartSearch(string[] queryString, int searchType, int currentPage)

175         {

176             if (queryString.Length <= 0) return null;


178     //        string path = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("IndexPath");

179    //         if (path == null || path.Equals("")||!File.Exists(path))

180     //            return null;

181             string path = "G:/project/index";

182             front = 0; rear = 0; Queelength = 0; resCount = 0;

183             startIndex = (currentPage - 1) * pageSize;

184             endIndex = startIndex + pageSize * 2;

185             Analyzer analyzer=null;

186             IndexReader reader=null;

187             try

188             {


190                 reader = IndexReader.Open(FSDirectory.Open(new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path)), true);

191                 analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29);

192                 isearcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);

193             QueryParser parser = null;

194             switch (searchType)

195             {

196                 case 1: parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, "indexItem", analyzer);//search anthing containing any part of the key word

197                         searchByall(queryString, "indexItem");

198                         searchByItem(queryString, parser);

199                         break;

200                 case 2: parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, "DrugName", analyzer); //search by product

201                         searchByItem(queryString, parser);

202                         break;

203                 case 3: parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29, "OrgName", analyzer); //search by company

204                         searchByItem(queryString, parser);

205                         break;

206             }

207             }

208             catch (Exception e)

209             {}


211             isearcher.Close();

212             analyzer.Close();

213             reader.Clone();


215             string res = null;

216             while (Queelength > 0)

217             {

218                 res = res + pop() + "~";

219             }

220             res = res + resCount.ToString()+"~"+"end";

221             if (res == null)

222                 return null;

223             else

224                 return res.Split('~');

225         }


227         private void searchByall(string[] querystr,string fieldName)

228         {    

229             int length = querystr.Length;

230           //  bool ifNULL = true;

231             ScoreDoc[] hits;

232             int j;

233             BooleanQuery query;

234             TopScoreDocCollector collector;

235                 for (j = length-1; j >= 2; j--)

236                 {

237                     query = new BooleanQuery();

238                     for (int i = 0; i < j; i++)

239                    {

240                        TermQuery tempTerm = new TermQuery(new Term("indexItem", querystr[i]));

241                        BooleanClause clause=new BooleanClause(tempTerm ,BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

242                        query.Add(clause);

243                        //query.Add(tempTerm, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);

244                    }

245                     collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(isearcher.MaxDoc(), false);

246                     isearcher.Search(query ,collector);

247                     hits = collector.TopDocs().scoreDocs;

248                     resCount =resCount+ hits.Length;

249                     if (hits.Length < startIndex)

250                     {

251                         return;

252                     }

253                     else

254                    if (hits.Length <= 0)

255                         continue;

256                     else

257                     {

258                         if (hits.Length < endIndex)

259                         {

260                             WriteIntoCache(isearcher, hits, startIndex, hits.Length);

261                         }

262                         else

263                         {

264                             WriteIntoCache(isearcher, hits, startIndex, endIndex);

265                         }

266                       //  ifNULL = false;

267                     }

268                 }

269             isearcher.Close();

270           //  if (ifNULL)

271           //  {

272            //     Console.WriteLine("搜索失败!");

273           //  }


275         }

276         private void searchByItem(string[] Productstring, QueryParser parser)

277         {

278             int length = Productstring.Length;

279          //   bool ifNULL = true;

280             ScoreDoc[] hits;

281             TopScoreDocCollector collector;

282             int j;

283             for (j = 0; j < length; j++)

284             {

285                 if (Productstring[j].Trim().Equals("") || Productstring[j] == null)

286                     continue;

287                 Query querySingle = parser.Parse(Productstring[j]);

288                 collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(isearcher.MaxDoc(), false);

289                 isearcher.Search(querySingle, collector);

290                 hits = collector.TopDocs().scoreDocs;

291                 resCount = resCount + hits.Length;

292                 if (hits.Length < startIndex)

293                 {

294                     return;

295                 }

296                 else

297                 if (hits.Length <= 0)

298                 {

299                     continue;

300                 }

301                 else

302                 {

303                     if (hits.Length > endIndex)

304                        {

305                           WriteIntoCache(isearcher, hits, startIndex, endIndex);

306                        }

307                        else

308                       {

309                           WriteIntoCache(isearcher, hits, startIndex, hits.Length);

310                       }

311                    // ifNULL = false;

312                 }

313             }

314             isearcher.Close();

315         //    if (ifNULL)

316         //    {

317          //       Console.WriteLine("搜索失败!");

318          //   }  

319         }


321         private void WriteIntoCache(IndexSearcher isearcher, ScoreDoc[] hits, int start, int end)

322         {

323             string temp = "";

324                 for (int i = start; i < end; i++)

325                 {

326                     try 

327                     {

328                         Document hitDoc = isearcher.Doc(hits[i].doc);

329                         temp = hitDoc.Get("ObjectID") + "^" + hitDoc.Get("Title") + "^" + hitDoc.Get("Summary") + "^" + hitDoc.Get("JingBiaoStartTime") + "^" + hitDoc.Get("CreateTime") + "^" + hitDoc.Get("OrgName") + "^" + hitDoc.Get("Status");

330                         if (!push(temp))

331                             break;

332                     }

333                     catch(Exception e)

334                     {

335                         return;

336                     }       

337                 }

338         }

339         /*

340         public static int pageCount;

341         public string[] getSearchResult(string[] query, int page,int ifNextPageOrNewSearch)

342         {


344             if (ifQueeNULL() || ifNextPageOrNewSearch == 1)

345            {

346                 front = 0;

347                 rear = 0; 

348                 Queelength = 0;

349                 searchAll(query);

350                 pageCount = Queelength / pageSize;

351                 if (Queelength % pageSize != 0)

352                     pageCount++;

353             }

354             string res = null;

355             if (page <= pageCount)

356             {

357                // if (page > 5)

358                   //  search(query);

359                 int pos = (front + (page - 1) * pageSize) % 50;

360                 for (int i = pos; i < pos + pageSize; i++)

361                 {

362                     if (i >= Queelength) break;

363                     res = res + pop(i) + "~";

364                 }

365                 return res.Split('~');

366             }

367             else

368                return null;

369         }*/

370     }

371 }


