13.1 通用调优技术

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13.1 General techniques

13.1 通用调优技术


You can do two simple things to improve JMS messaging performance: use nonpersistent

messaging, or if you really need guaranteed messaging, then use transactions to

batch up large groups of messages. Usually nonpersistent message delivery isn’t a consideration

unless you don’t care that a message will be lost (for example, in real-time

data feeds, since the status will be sent repeatedly within such a short period of time),

and batching messages in transactions won’t always be applicable. But ActiveMQ incorporates

failsafes for reliable delivery of nonpersistent messages so that only catastrophic

failure would result in message loss. In this section we’ll explain why nonpersistent

message delivery and batching messages are faster, and why they could be

applicable to use in your application if you don’t need to absolutely guarantee that

messages will never be lost.









13.1.1 Persistent versus nonpersistent messages

13.1.1 持久化消息 VS 非持久化消息




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