之前一直用的LCT模板,因为其实个人对LCT和Splay不是很熟,所以用起来总觉得略略的坑爹,过了一段时间就忘了,但事实上很多裸的LCT要改的东西是不多的,所以今天写了些注释,以后可能套起模板来会得心应手一点吧- -0
#pragma warning(disable:4996) #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <cstdio> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <map> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define maxn 200000 #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f #define INP INF+1 #define MP make_pair void merge(int mxx[2], int nxx[2], int pval, int pnum) { if (pval>mxx[0]){ mxx[1] = mxx[0]; nxx[1] = nxx[0]; mxx[0] = pval; nxx[0] = pnum; } else if (pval == mxx[0]){ nxx[0] += pnum; } else if (pval>mxx[1]){ mxx[1] = pval; nxx[1] = pnum; } else if(pval==mxx[1]){ nxx[1] += pnum; } } struct Node { /* Splay items(need not to be modified)*/ Node *p, *ch[2]; /* end */ /* LCT items(need not to be modified)*/ bool isRoot; Node *fa; /* end */ /* tags to add(rev should always exist)*/ bool rev; int add, cov; /* end */ /* data need to be maintained*/ int val, size; int mx[2], num[2]; /* end */ /* default value for the sentinel null(all the TAG and DATA should be set correcly)*/ Node(){ /* DATA */ val = 0; size=0; mx[0] = mx[1] = -INF; num[0] = num[1] = 0; /* TAG */ rev = 0;add = 0; cov = INP; } /* end */ /* Splay function(need not to be modified)*/ void setc(Node *c, int d){ ch[d] = c; c->p = this; } bool d(){ return p->ch[1] == this; } /* end */ /* update function(maintain for ALL the DATA)*/ void upd(){ size = ch[0]->size + ch[1]->size + 1; mx[0] = ch[0]->mx[0]; num[0] = ch[0]->num[0]; mx[1] = ch[0]->mx[1]; num[1] = ch[0]->num[1]; merge(mx, num, val, 1); merge(mx, num, ch[1]->mx[0], ch[1]->num[0]); merge(mx, num, ch[1]->mx[1], ch[1]->num[1]); } /* end */ /* tags function(for ALL the TAG,write a function)*/ void revIt(){ rev ^= 1; swap(ch[0], ch[1]); } void addIt(int vx){ add += vx; val += vx; if (mx[0] != -INF) mx[0] += vx; if (mx[1] != -INF) mx[1] += vx; } void setIt(int vx){ add = 0; cov = vx; val = vx; mx[0] = vx; num[0] = size; mx[1] = -INF; num[1] = 0; } /* end */ void relax(); void setRoot(Node *f); }Tnull, *null = &Tnull; /* function setRoot(need not to be modified) */ void Node::setRoot(Node *f){ fa = f; isRoot = true; p = null; } /* function relax(need to be rewrite for ALL the TAG) */ void Node::relax(){ if (cov != INP){ for (int i = 0; i<2; ++i){ if (ch[i] != null) ch[i]->setIt(cov); } cov = INP; } if (add != 0){ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ if (ch[i] != null) ch[i]->addIt(add); } add = 0; } if (rev){ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ if (ch[i] != null) ch[i]->revIt(); } rev = 0; } } /* memory part(add C=mem for every iteration)*/ Node mem[maxn], *C = mem; /* function make(need to set the default value for ALL the TAG and DATA)*/ Node *make(int v){ /* DATA */ C->size=1; C->val = v; C->mx[0] = v; C->num[0] = 1; C->mx[1] = -INF; C->num[1] = 0; /* TAG */ C->rev = 0; C->add = 0; C->cov = INP; /* Pointer(need not to be modified) */ C->ch[0] = C->ch[1] = null; C->isRoot = true; C->p = null; C->fa = null; return C++; } /* function rot(need not to be modified) */ void rot(Node *t){ Node *p = t->p; p->relax(); t->relax(); bool d = t->d(); p->p->setc(t, p->d()); p->setc(t->ch[!d], d); t->setc(p, !d); p->upd(); if (p->isRoot){ p->isRoot = false; t->isRoot = true; t->fa = p->fa; } } /* function pushTo(need not to be modified) */ void pushTo(Node*t) { static Node*stk[maxn]; int top = 0; while (t != null) { stk[top++] = t; t = t->p; } for (int i = top - 1; i >= 0; --i) stk[i]->relax(); } /* function splay(need not to be modified) */ void splay(Node*u, Node*f = null) { pushTo(u); while (u->p != f) { if (u->p->p == f) rot(u); else u->d() == u->p->d() ? (rot(u->p), rot(u)) : (rot(u), rot(u)); } u->upd(); } /* Node pointer array*/ Node *v[maxn]; /* The graph stored in the E*/ vector<int> E[maxn]; int n, nQ; /* BFS items, using for construct the Tree */ int que[maxn], fa[maxn], qh = 0, qt = 0; int wht[maxn]; /* function BFS(need not to be modified) */ void bfs() { qh = qt = 0; que[qt++] = 1; fa[1] = -1; while (qh < qt){ int u = que[qh++]; for (int i = 0; i < E[u].size(); i++){ int e = E[u][i]; if (e != fa[u]){ fa[e] = u; v[e]->fa = v[u]; que[qt++] = e; } } } } /* function expose(need not to be modified) */ Node *expose(Node *u) { Node *v; for (v = null; u != null; v = u, u = u->fa){ splay(u); u->ch[1]->setRoot(u); u->setc(v, 1); v->fa = u; } return v; } /* function makeRoot(need not to be modified) */ void makeRoot(Node *u) { expose(u); splay(u); u->revIt(); } /* function addEdge(need not to be modified) */ void addEdge(Node *u, Node *v) { makeRoot(v); v->fa = u; } /* function delEdge(need not to be modified) */ void delEdge(Node *u, Node *v) { makeRoot(u); expose(v); splay(u); u->setc(null, 1); u->upd(); v->setRoot(null); } /* function find root(need not to be modified) */ Node *find_root(Node *u) { expose(u); splay(u); while (u->ch[0] != null){ u = u->ch[0]; } splay(u); return u; } /* function used for query*/ /*************************** prototype: void xPath(Node *u,Node *v,(int ax)) { makeRoot(u); expose(v); splay(v); v->xIt((ax)) } ***************************/ void addPath(Node *u, Node *v, int ax) { makeRoot(u); expose(v); splay(v); v->addIt(ax); } void setPath(Node *u, Node *v, int ax) { makeRoot(u); expose(v); splay(v); v->setIt(ax); } pair<int, int> queryPath(Node *u, Node *v){ makeRoot(u); expose(v); splay(v); return MP(v->mx[1], v->num[1]); } int main() { int T; cin >> T;int ca=0; while (T--) { /* Things to do */ /************************* C=mem; initialize E; read in the wht for nodes; make for each node; bfs(); solve for query(); **************************/ C = mem; scanf("%d%d", &n, &nQ); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++){ scanf("%d", wht + i); v[i] = make(wht[i]); } for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) E[i].clear(); int ui, vi; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){ scanf("%d%d", &ui, &vi); E[ui].push_back(vi); E[vi].push_back(ui); } bfs(); int cmd, xi, yi, ai, bi; Node *nx, *ny, *na, *nb; printf("Case #%d:\n",++ca); while (nQ--){ scanf("%d", &cmd); if (cmd == 1) scanf("%d%d%d%d", &xi, &yi, &ai, &bi); else if (cmd == 2 || cmd == 3) scanf("%d%d%d", &ai, &bi, &xi); else scanf("%d%d", &ai, &bi); if (cmd == 1){ nx = v[xi]; ny = v[yi]; na = v[ai]; nb = v[bi]; delEdge(nx, ny); addEdge(na, nb); } else if (cmd == 2){ nx = v[ai]; ny = v[bi]; setPath(nx, ny, xi); } else if (cmd == 3){ nx = v[ai]; ny = v[bi]; addPath(nx, ny, xi); } else{ nx = v[ai]; ny = v[bi]; pair<int, int> ans = queryPath(nx, ny); if (ans.first <= -INF) printf("ALL SAME\n"); else printf("%d %d\n", ans.first, ans.second); } } } return 0; }