Sphere - AABB Collision Detaction





Sphere - AABB Collision Detaction






Sphere - AABB Collision Detaction如图蓝色的点代表球心初始位置,箭头代表速度方向,箭头和红色轮廓的交点就是第一次接触时间。

所以现在问题变为只要求出线段(C0 C0 +Vt)和红色区域第一次接触的时间,那么这个时间就是球体和盒子第一次发生碰撞的时间。



Sphere - AABB Collision Detaction如果交点位于绿色部分区域的话,那么这个交点就是第一次发生接触的位置,如果处于蓝线的区域部分那么需要做额外的判断也就是在求一次线段和以该顶点为圆心,R为半径的球体的交点。如果相交那么该交点就是第一次碰撞的时间否则不发生碰撞,转到3维空间就是





bool GFSphereAABBIntersector::FindCollision(const GFAabb &StaBox,const GFSphere&MoveBall,const GFVECTOR_3D&Speed,float Timeinterval,float&collidetime)


        GFAabb   ExtBox = StaBox;


        //Extend the ExtBox figure by the Sphere Radius

                   float    Radius = MoveBall.GetRadius();



                   //Calculate Segment

                   GFPOINT_3D SegStart = MoveBall.m_Center;

                   GFVECTOR_3D d = Speed * Timeinterval;

                   GFPOINT_3D SegEnd = SegStart + d;


                   float tmin , tmax;

                   bool Intersected = GFLineAABBIntersector::InterSectSegMent(SegStart, SegEnd, ExtBox, tmin , tmax);

                  if( Intersected == false)

                            return false;


                   //Now the Segment Intersected the Extended Box We should check Whetehr the

                   //Intersect Point P is in the Original Box's Vertex or Edge's Voroni Region

                   GFPOINT_3D p = SegStart + d * tmin;//This is the Intersect Point

                   int u = 0, v = 0;

                   if(p.x < StaBox.GetMinX()) u |= 1;

                   if(p.x > StaBox.GetMaxX()) v |= 1;

                   if(p.y < StaBox.GetMinY()) u |= 2;

                   if(p.y > StaBox.GetMaxY()) v |= 2;

                   if(p.z < StaBox.GetMinZ()) u |= 4;

                   if(p.z > StaBox.GetMaxZ()) v |= 4;


                   int m = u + v;

        //Prepare some useful varaiable to be used

                   GFPOINT_3D DestPoint = MoveBall.m_Center + Speed * Timeinterval;

                   GFCapsule Capsule;

                   Capsule.m_p1 = BoxCorner(StaBox , v);

                   Capsule.m_radius = MoveBall.GetRadius();

                  int intersectnum ;

        //if all 3Bits set P is in a Vertex Voroni Region

                   //then we need to test the 3 Capsule meeting in this Region to Find the cd TIme

                   if(m == 0)


            collidetime = Timeinterval * tmin;

                            return true;


                   if(m == 7)


                            float min = FLT_MAX;


                            //Test First Capsule In Vertex Region Conjunction

            Capsule.m_p2 = BoxCorner(StaBox, v ^ 1);

                            intersectnum = GFLineQuadricInterSector::SegMentCapsuleIntersector(MoveBall.m_Center , DestPoint , Capsule , tmin , tmax);

            if( intersectnum >0 )

                                     min = (tmin < min ? tmin : min);

                            //Test Second Capsule In Vertex Region Conjunction

            Capsule.m_p2 = BoxCorner(StaBox, v ^ 2);

                            intersectnum = GFLineQuadricInterSector::SegMentCapsuleIntersector(MoveBall.m_Center , DestPoint , Capsule , tmin , tmax);

            if( intersectnum >0 )

                                     min = (tmin < min ? tmin : min);

                            //Test Second Capsule In Vertex Region Conjunction

            Capsule.m_p2 = BoxCorner(StaBox, v ^ 4);

                            intersectnum = GFLineQuadricInterSector::SegMentCapsuleIntersector(MoveBall.m_Center , DestPoint , Capsule , tmin , tmax);

            if( intersectnum >0 )

                                     min = (tmin < min ? tmin : min);

                            if( FLT_MAX == min)//No intersect

                                     return false;

                            collidetime = Timeinterval * min;

                            return true;



                   if((m & (m-1))== 0)


            collidetime = Timeinterval * tmin;

                            return true;



        Capsule.m_p2 = BoxCorner(StaBox, u ^ 7);

                   intersectnum = GFLineQuadricInterSector::SegMentCapsuleIntersector(MoveBall.m_Center , DestPoint , Capsule , tmin , tmax);

        if( intersectnum > 0)


            collidetime = Timeinterval * tmin;

            return true;



                            return false;

