MVC JQuery Table Ajax 的一些扩展和应用

  1 ///Home page 

  2 public ActionResult MaintainSuperUserAdmin()

  3         {                        

  4             return View();

  5         }


  7         /// <summary>

  8         /// return Json Data for Jquery  Table

  9         /// </summary>

 10         /// <param name="parm"></param>

 11         /// <returns></returns>

 12         public JsonResult PageList(DataTablesParam parm)

 13         {

 14             int iDisplayStart = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["iDisplayStart"]);

 15             //data size

 16             int iDisplayLength = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["iDisplayLength"]);

 17             //data total            

 18             int totalCount = 0;

 19             IEnumerable<UserProfileRoleSchemeView> user = db.P_V_USER_PROFILE_ROLE_SCHEME_S_BY_APPID_ROLEID(appid, Sid).ToList();

 20             totalCount = user.OrderBy(m=>m.LAST_ACTIVITY_TIME).ToList().Count();


 22             user = user.Skip(iDisplayStart).Take(iDisplayLength).ToList();


 24             return Json(new

 25             {

 26                 sEcho = parm.sEcho,

 27                 iTotalRecords = totalCount,

 28                 iTotalDisplayRecords = totalCount,

 29                 aaData = user

 30             }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

 31         }


 33 ///add Ajax Post

 34  [HttpPost]

 35         public JsonResult Add(string SchemeId, string RoleId)

 36         {

 37             bool result=false;

 38             List<RoleScheme> admin = (List<RoleScheme>)Session["RoleScheme"];           

 39             RoleScheme rs = new RoleScheme();            

 40             //rs.SchemeId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["SchemeId"]);

 41             //rs.RoleId = Request["RoleId"];            

 42             rs.SchemeId =Convert.ToInt32(SchemeId);

 43             rs.RoleId = RoleId;             

 44             var role = cUser.Roles.Where(m => m.ROLE_ID == rs.RoleId).FirstOrDefault();

 45             rs.RoleName = role.ROLE_NAME;

 46             var Scheme = db.Schemes.Where(m => m.SCHEME_ID == rs.SchemeId).FirstOrDefault();

 47             rs.SchemeName = Scheme.SCHEME_NAME;

 48             foreach (var model in admin)

 49             {

 50                 if (model.RoleId == rs.RoleId & model.SchemeId == rs.SchemeId)

 51                     result = true;

 52             }

 53             if (result)

 54             {

 55                 return Json("No", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

 56             }

 57             else

 58             {

 59                 admin.Add(rs);

 60                 Session["RoleScheme"] = admin;

 61                 return Json("OK", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

 62             }

 63         }

 64 //Delete Ajax Post

 65         [HttpPost]

 66         public JsonResult Delete(string SchemeIdAndRoleId)

 67         {

 68             int SchemeId;

 69             string RoleId = "";

 70             SchemeIdAndRoleId = SchemeIdAndRoleId.Remove(SchemeIdAndRoleId.Length - 1);

 71             var list = SchemeIdAndRoleId.Split(',').ToList();

 72             List<RoleScheme> admin = (List<RoleScheme>)Session["RoleScheme"];

 73             if (list.Count > 1)

 74             {               

 75                 for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)

 76                 {

 77                     RoleId = list[i].Split('&')[0].ToString();

 78                     SchemeId = Convert.ToInt32(list[i].Split('&')[1].ToString());

 79                     RoleScheme roleAndS = admin.Where(m => m.RoleId == RoleId & m.SchemeId == SchemeId).FirstOrDefault();

 80                     admin.Remove(roleAndS);

 81                 }

 82                 Session["RoleScheme"] = admin;

 83                 return Json("OK", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

 84             }

 85             else

 86             {

 87                 RoleId = SchemeIdAndRoleId.Split('&')[0].ToString();

 88                 SchemeId = Convert.ToInt32(SchemeIdAndRoleId.Split('&')[1].ToString());

 89                 RoleScheme roleAndS = admin.Where(m => m.RoleId == RoleId & m.SchemeId == SchemeId).FirstOrDefault();

 90                 admin.Remove(roleAndS);

 91                 Session["RoleScheme"] = admin;

 92                 return Json("OK", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

 93             }            

 94         }


 96         public JsonResult Get()

 97         {

 98             RoleScheme rsIndex = new RoleScheme();           

 99             rsIndex.SchemeName ="Sample(GST)";

100             rsIndex.RoleName = "Sample(SUPERUSER)";

101             if (Session["RoleScheme"] == null)

102             {

103                 List<RoleScheme> users = new List<RoleScheme>();

104                 users.Add(rsIndex);


106                 Session["RoleScheme"] = users;

107             }            

108             Dictionary<string, List<RoleScheme>> result = new Dictionary<string, List<RoleScheme>>();

109             result["aaData"] = (List<RoleScheme>)Session["RoleScheme"];          

110             return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

111         }

Model为自定义的, 该项目为MVC DataBaseFirst   数据源是一个多个表组成的view。

 1 using System;

 2 using System.Collections.Generic;

 3 using System.Linq;

 4 using System.Web;

 5 using CPFB.AWP.GPP.Models;

 6 using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

 7 using CPFB.AWP.Common.Models;

 8 using System.Web.Mvc;


10 namespace CPFB.AWP.GPP.Web.Admin.Mvc.Models

11 {

12     public class MaintainUserAdminModel

13     {


15     }

16     public class UserAdmin

17     {

18         [Required]        

19         public int USERS_IN_ROLES_ID { get; set; }

20         [Required]

21         public string USER_ID { get; set; }

22         [Required]

23         public string ADID { get; set; }

24         [Required(ErrorMessage="Pls Input a Value")]

25         public string NAME { get; set; }

26         [Required]

27         public string NRIC { get; set; }

28         [Required]

29         public string Email { get; set; }

30         [Required]

31         public string ContractNumber { get; set; }


33         [Required(ErrorMessage="Not Null")]

34         public string AgencyId { get; set; }

35         [Required]

36         public string Designation { get; set; }


38         [Required(ErrorMessage="Not Null")]        

39         public int SchemeId { get; set; }


41         [Required(ErrorMessage = "Not Null")]   

42         public string RoleId { get; set; }

43         [Required]

44         public bool IsVip { get; set; }

45         [Required]

46         public bool IsDelete { get; set; }

47         [Required]

48         public bool IsPostQA { get; set; }

49         [Required]

50         public int VERSIONNO { get; set; }

51         [Required]

52         public string TRANSACTIONID { get; set; }

53         [Required]

54         public string CREATEBY { get; set; }

55         [Required]

56         public DateTime CREATETIME { get; set; }       

57     }

58     public class RoleScheme

59     {        

60         public int SchemeId { get; set; }

61         public string RoleId { get; set; }

62         public string SchemeName { get; set; }

63         public string RoleName { get; set; }

64     }

65 }

 关于Jquery  Table  还是需要多查询一些属性。
View 中由于一些需求更改,,注释了许多东西,注释的也是可以完成的一些基本功能

  1 <div><h4>MaintainSuperUserAdmin</h4>

  2     <h5 style="color:red">@ViewBag.mes</h5>

  3     </div>

  4 @using (Html.BeginForm(new { id = "Grid-form", @role = "form", @class = "form-horizontal" }))

  5 {

  6     <table id="tab">

  7         <thead>

  8             <tr>

  9                 <th>Delete</th>                

 10                 <th>Scheme</th>

 11                 <th>NAME</th>

 12                 <th>Email</th>

 13                 <th>Contract Number</th>

 14                 <th>Agency</th>

 15                 <th>Designation</th>

 16                 <th>Scheme</th>

 17                 <th>IsDeleted</th>             

 18             </tr>

 19         </thead>

 20     </table>

 21     <div class="text-center">

 22         <input id="AddUserInfo" type="submit" value="Add User" name="btnaction" />

 23         <input id="DelUserInfo" type="submit" value="Delete" name="btnaction" />

 24     </div>

 25 }




 29 @section Scripts{

 30     <script type="text/javascript">

 31         var url = "";        

 32         $(document).ready(function () {

 33             var admin = $('#tab').dataTable({

 34                 "sScrollX": "100%",               

 35                 "sScrollXInner": "100%",

 36                 "bScrollCollapse": true,

 37                 "processing": true,

 38                 "serverSide": true,

 39                 'bPaginate': true,

 40                 "sAjaxSource": "/UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/PageList",

 41                 'iDisplayLength': 8,

 42                 "bLengthChange": false,

 43                 "bFilter": false,                

 44                 "aoColumnDefs": [                   

 45                       {

 46                           "render": function (data, type, full) {

 47                               if (full.IS_DELETED == true) {

 48                                   return full.USER_NAME;

 49                               }

 50                               else {

 51                                   return '<a href="/UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/UpdateSuperUser' + "?userid=" + full.USER_ID + "&roleid=" + full.ROLE_ID +

 52                                       "&SchemeId=" + full.SCHEME_ID + '">' + full.USER_NAME + '</a>';

 53                               }

 54                           },

 55                           "targets": 2

 56                       },                     

 57                       {

 58                           "render": function (data, type, full) {

 59                               if (full.IS_DELETED == true) {

 60                                   return '<input type="checkbox" id="CheckUser" name="SelectedRoleId" value="' + full.IS_DELETED + '"/>';

 61                               }

 62                               else {

 63                                   return '<input type="checkbox" id="CheckUser" name="SelectedRoleId" value="' + full.USER_ID + '&' + full.USERS_IN_ROLES_ID + '&' + full.IS_DELETED + '"/>';

 64                               }

 65                           },

 66                           "targets": 0

 67                       },

 68                       //{

 69                       //    "render": function (data, type, full) {

 70                       //        return '<input id="btnAdd" type="button" onclick="keleyidialog(' + full.USERS_IN_ROLES_ID + ');" value="AddRole"/>';

 71                       //    },

 72                       //    "targets": 9

 73                       //},

 74                       {

 75                           "render": function (data, type, full) {

 76                               if (full.IS_DELETED == true) {

 77                                   return "Yes";

 78                               }

 79                               else {

 80                                   return "No";

 81                               }

 82                           },

 83                           "targets": 8

 84                       },               

 85                 ],

 86                 'aoColumns': [

 87                         { "mData": "USERS_IN_ROLES_ID" },                        

 88                         { "mData": "AD_ID" },

 89                         { "mData": "USER_NAME" },

 90                         { "mData": "EMAIL_ADDRESS" },

 91                         { "mData": "MOBILE_ALIAS" },

 92                         { "mData": "AGENCY_ID" },

 93                         { "mData": "DESIGNATION" },

 94                         { "mData": "SCHEME_NAME" },

 95                         {"mData":"IS_DELETED"},

 96                         //{ "mData": null },                       

 97                 ]

 98             });

 99             //$("#tab tbody").on('click', 'button', function  Clic(){

100             //    var clickfull=$(this).parents("tr")[0].sectionRowIndex;

101             //    var data = $("#tab tbody tr")[clickRow].parentNode.children[clickRow].innerHTML;

102             //})

103             //var formOptions = {

104             //    success: function (responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {


106             //        if (responseText == "OK") {


108             //            admin.ajax.reload();

109             //        }

110             //    },

111             //    dataType: "json"

112             //};

113             //$("#add-form").ajaxForm(formOptions);

114             //$("#AddRole").click(function () {

115             //    var oSettings = admin.fnSettings();

116             //    oSettings.sAjaxSource = "/UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/PageList";

117             //    alert(oSettings.sAjaxSource);

118             //    admin.fnClearTable(0);

119             //    admin.fnDraw();

120             //});

121         })



124         //var row = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelected');

125         //if (row) {

126         //    $('#dlg').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle', 'Edit User');

127         //    $('#fm').form('load', row);

128         //    url = 'update_user.php?id=' +;

129         //}



132         //function keleyidialog(userinroleid) {

133         //    $("#table").dialog(

134         //        {

135         //            title: "Add Role And Scheme",

136         //            resizable: false,

137         //            height: 240,

138         //            width: 400,

139         //            modal: true,

140         //        }

141         //        );

142         //    document.getElementById('USERS_IN_ROLES_ID').value = userinroleid;            

143         //}



146         //function getDate()

147         //{

148         //    var result;

149         //    jQuery.ajax({

150         //        type: 'POST',

151         //        async: false,

152         //        url: '../hand/UserDel.ashx?uid=' + depCodeVal + '',

153         //        data: '',

154         //        success: function (data) {

155         //            if (data.length > 0) {

156         //                result = data;

157         //            }

158         //        }

159         //    });

160         //}

161         //function hidden()

162         //{

163         //    $("#table").hide();

164         //}


166     </script>

167 }
  1 <h2>AddSuperUser</h2>



  4 @using (Html.BeginForm())

  5 {

  6     @Html.AntiForgeryToken()

  7     <div class="row">

  8         <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="dataTables-example">

  9             <tr>

 10                 <td></td>

 11             </tr>

 12             <tr>

 13                 <td>

 14                     USER ID

 15                 </td>

 16                 <td>

 17                     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ADID)

 18                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.ADID)

 19                 </td>

 20             </tr>

 21             <tr>

 22                 <td>

 23                     NAME

 24                 </td>

 25                 <td>

 26                     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.NAME)

 27                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.NAME)

 28                 </td>

 29             </tr>

 30             <tr>

 31                 <td>

 32                     Email

 33                 </td>

 34                 <td>

 35                     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Email)

 36                 </td>

 37             </tr>

 38             <tr>

 39                 <td>

 40                     Contract Number

 41                 </td>

 42                 <td>

 43                     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.ContractNumber)

 44                 </td>

 45             </tr>

 46             <tr>

 47                 <td>

 48                     Agency

 49                 </td>

 50                 <td>

 51                     @*@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Schemalist, @ViewData["Schemalist"] as SelectList)*@

 52                     @Html.DropDownListFor(model=>model.AgencyId,(SelectList)ViewData[Constants.AdminMoudle.Agencylist], Constants.AdminMoudle.ListIndex)

 53                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.AgencyId)

 54                 </td>

 55             </tr>

 56             <tr>

 57                 <td>

 58                     Designation

 59                 </td>

 60                 <td>

 61                     @Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Designation)

 62                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Designation)

 63                 </td>

 64             </tr>

 65         </table>

 66     </div>

 67     <div class="row">

 68         <div>Access Rights</div> 

 69         <table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="AccessRights">

 70             <thead>

 71                 <tr> 

 72                     <th>Delete</th>                 

 73                     <th>Schema</th>

 74                     <th>Role</th>

 75                 </tr>

 76             </thead>                    

 77         </table>    

 78         <div>

 79             <input id="AddAccess" type="button" value="Add" onclick="keleyidialog();"  name="action" />

 80             <input id="DelAccess" type="button" value="Delete"  name="action" onclick="Del();"/>

 81         </div>

 82     </div>

 83     <div class="text-center">

 84         <input id="AddUser" type="submit" value="Add User" name="action" />

 85         <input id="btnClear" type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="formReset();" name="action" />        

 86     </div>        

 87 }


 89 <div id="table" style="display:none">

 90     @using (Html.BeginForm("../UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/Add", "Add", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "add-form", @role = "form" }))

 91     {


 93         @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.USERS_IN_ROLES_ID)

 94         @Html.HiddenFor(model => model.USER_ID)       

 95         <table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">


 97             <tr>

 98                 <td>Scheme</td>

 99                 <td>

100                     @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.SchemeId, (SelectList)ViewData[Constants.AdminMoudle.Schemalist], Constants.AdminMoudle.ListIndex)

101                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.SchemeId)

102                 </td>

103             </tr>

104             <tr>

105                 <td>Role</td>

106                 <td>                    

107                     @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.RoleId, (SelectList)ViewData[Constants.AdminMoudle.Rolelist])

108                     @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.RoleId)

109                 </td>

110             </tr>

111         </table>

112         <div class="text-center">

113             <input id="AddRole" type="submit" value="Add"  name="btnaction" />

114         </div>

115     }

116 </div>

117 <script type="text/javascript">

118 function formReset()

119 {

120     $("#ADID").val("");

121     $("#NAME").val("");

122     $("#Email").val("");

123     $("#ContractNumber").val("");

124     $("#Agencylist").val("");

125     $("#Designation").val("");

126     $("#Schemalist").val("");   

127 }


129 </script>


131 @section Scripts {

132 <script type="text/javascript">


134     $(document).ready(function () {


136         var adminGrid = $("#AccessRights").DataTable({

137             "sAjaxSource": "/UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/Get",

138             "sScrollX": "100%",

139             "sScrollXInner": "100%",

140             "bScrollCollapse": true,            

141             "aoColumnDefs": [

142                 {

143                     "render": function (data, type, full) {                        

144                         return '<input type="checkbox" id="CheckRole" name="CheckSelect" value="' + full.RoleId + '&' + full.SchemeId + '"/>';

145                     },

146                     "targets": 0

147                 },

148             ],

149             "aoColumns": [

150                     { "mData": null },

151                     { "mData": "SchemeName" },

152                     { "mData": "RoleName" }],

153         });        

154         var formOptions = {

155             success: function (responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {


157                 if (responseText == "OK") {

158                     adminGrid.ajax.reload();

159                 }

160             },           

161             dataType: "json"

162         };


164         $("#add-form").ajaxForm(formOptions);              

165     });


167     function keleyidialog() {

168         $('#SchemeId').val("");

169         $("#table").dialog(

170             {

171                 title: "Add Role And Scheme",

172                 resizable: false,

173                 height: 240,

174                 width: 400,

175                 modal: true,                

176             }

177             );     

178     }



181     function Del() {

182         //var SchemeIdAndRoleId = $('input:checkbox:checked').val();

183         //var s = $('input:checkbox:checked').val();

184         //alert(s);               

185         var SchemeIdAndRoleId = "";

186         $("[name='CheckSelect']:checked").each(function (index, element) {


188             SchemeIdAndRoleId += $("[name='CheckSelect']:checked").val() + ",";


190         });        

191         if (SchemeIdAndRoleId == "") {

192             alert("Pls Choose one or more to Delete");

193         }

194         else if (SchemeIdAndRoleId == "null&0,")

195         {

196             alert("The Sample Records not allow delete");

197             $("#AccessRights").DataTable().ajax.reload();

198         }

199         else {

200             $.ajax({

201                 type: 'POST',

202                 url: "/UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/Delete",

203                 dataType: "json",

204                 data: { SchemeIdAndRoleId: SchemeIdAndRoleId },

205                 success: function (responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {


207                     if (responseText == "OK") {

208                         $("#AccessRights").DataTable().ajax.reload();

209                     }                   

210                 },

211                 dataType: "json"

212             });

213         }

214     }


216     $("#AddRole").click(

217         function () {            

218             $('#table').dialog('close');

219             var SchemeId = $('#SchemeId').val();

220             var RoleId = $('#RoleId').val();

221             $.ajax({

222                 type: 'POST',

223                 url: "/UserProfileRoleSchemeViews/Add",

224                 dataType: "json",

225                 data: {

226                     SchemeId: SchemeId,

227                     RoleId:RoleId

228                 },

229                 success: function (responseText, statusText, xhr, $form) {


231                     if (responseText == "No") {

232                         alert("The records have Exist,Please do not add a duplicate");

233                         $("#AccessRights").DataTable().ajax.reload();

234                     }

235                     else if (responseText == "OK") {

236                         $("#AccessRights").DataTable().ajax.reload();

237                     }

238                 },

239                 dataType: "json"

240             });

241         });

242     </script>

243     @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/jqueryval")

244 }
Add View

