MySQL出现ERROR 1093-You can‘t specify target table ‘xx‘ for update in FROM clause错误的解决方法


在MySQL中,可能会遇到You can't specify target table '表名' for update in FROM clause这样的错误它的意思是说,不能在同一语句中,先select出同一表中的某些值,再update这个表,即不能依据某字段值做判断再来更新某字段的值。

--查询user_id为空并且 按照account_no分组account_no 大于1条的,删除记录

delete form xx_table where user_id in(
    select id from xx_table where user_id  is  null  
      and account_no in( 
        select account_no FROM  xx_table  GROUP BY account_no 
        HAVING  count(account_no)>1


select 的结果再通过一个中间表 select 多一次,就可以避免这个错误.

delete form xx_table where user_id in(
      select id from   xx_table (
         select id from xx_table where user_id  is  null  
          and account_no in( 
            select account_no FROM  xx_table  GROUP BY account_no 
            HAVING  count(account_no)>1
