java 监控车辆位置_基于Spring Boot的实时运行车辆位置模拟和监控系统


This is a real-time running vehicle location simulation and monitoring system using Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS, Maven, JPA, Tomcat, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, MySQL and Docker.

Designed and developed a real-time flight location simulation and monitoring system

using Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS, Maven, JPA, Hibernate, Tomcat, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, MySQL, WebSocket, HTML, JavaScript, Docker and Vagrant

Designed and implemented back-end services such as flights location simulator and

flights location update handler based on Microservices architecture. Incorporated Netflix Eureka as service registration and discovery

Effectively implemented server side REST APIs using Spring MVC, Spring Data,

Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Persisted data to MongoDB and MySQL using Spring Data as Data Access Layer Incorporated RabbitMQ as message queue to decouple back-end services.

Used Spring Boot Actuator to monitor application health

Deployed applications to embedded Tomcat in automated fashion

Dockerized the system infrastructure in a Vagrant managed virtual machine

Developed the single page front-end to integrate with backend using HTML, CSS,

JavaScript, REST and WebSocket Used Git as source code version control. Used Maven to manage dependencies
