Acne Solutions - Not All Measures are Equal



Acne isn't easy to live with but 90% of the global population has to at one time or another. It strikes all ages, races, cultures and geographical regions. There are ways to deal with it, though.

Briefly, acne happens when a hair follicle becomes clogged by dead skin and debris. Bacteria that naturally live on your face then infect the pore and the result is a blackhead or pimple. By the time you notice a pimple it's too late to prevent it so you must take aggressive action to prevent further outbreaks and tame the blemish.

Acne needs cleanliness more than anything else. By keeping the area clean and free of as much bacteria as possible, you'll keep the blemish from becoming worse. Above all, do not "pop" the pimple. Popping can spread the bacteria and infection to other areas of the face, compounding your problem. It can also lead to permanent scarring.

Washing your face at least twice a day with a natural or commercial solution will keep outbreaks to a minimum and control the infections you already may have. A note of caution, however, washing too often will signal your glands that your face needs more oil, which may result in more acne. Neosporin (name brand or generic) applied to the area a few times a day will help banish the infection. If the site breaks open on its own Neosporin will help keep it soft, kill the bacteria infecting it and prevent scarring.

Moisturizers also help acne by giving the skin enough elasticity that it doesn't think it needs to increase oil production, which in turn clogs pores and causes acne. A water-based, oil-free moisturizer will not only help prevent acne but make outbreaks less severe.

Sometimes an outbreak can be so severe and resistant to anything you try that your best solution is to consult a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a physician who specializes in skin conditions of all types and a large percentage of their caseload is patients with acne. They can decide if you need prescription medication, such as antibiotics or other medicines. Some prescription medications such as Accutane have demonstrated severe side effects in a small percentage of patients, though, and you should be sure to educate yourself by reading the patient information provided with the drug as well as discussing it with your dermatologist.

Sometimes you can control, reduce or eliminate acne through dietary means. Your body's acidity level (pH) has a lot to do with your glands' oil production. If you can reduce the food and drink in your diet that are acidic, you'll be able to reduce your prevent acne. Carbonated beverages are a major culprit and should be replaced with water. Eating lot of anti-oxidants, found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables will also prevent or help control acne breakouts.


Previous: Natural Ways to Cure Adult Acne
Acne is a skin condition that usually affects teenagers due to the hormonal changes that accompany puberty. For a small percentage of people their acne continues into adulthood, and can continue into their thirties, and in some cases into their forties.Oily skin is the biggest cause of acne as... 
