文章标题:基于xml文件实现系统属性配置管理 .
文章地址: http://blog.csdn.net/5iasp/article/details/11774501
作者: javaboy2012
Email:[email protected]
qq: 1046011462
1. SystemProperties
package com.yanek.cfg; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; public interface SystemProperties extends Map { public abstract Collection getChildrenNames(String s); public abstract Collection getPropertyNames(); public void init(); }
2. XMLSystemProperties类
package com.yanek.cfg; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.io.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class XMLSystemProperties implements SystemProperties { static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(XMLSystemProperties.class.getName()); private File file; private Document doc; private Map propertyCache; private Object propLock; public XMLSystemProperties(InputStream in) throws Exception { propertyCache = new HashMap(); propLock = new Object(); Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); buildDoc(reader); } public XMLSystemProperties(String fileName) throws IOException { File tempFile; boolean error=false; Reader reader; propertyCache = new HashMap(); propLock = new Object(); file = new File(fileName); if(!file.exists()) { tempFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".tmp"); if(tempFile.exists()) { logger.error("WARNING: " + fileName + " was not found, but temp file from " + "previous write operation was. Attempting automatic recovery. Please " + "check file for data consistency."); tempFile.renameTo(file); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("XML properties file does not exist: " + fileName); } } tempFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".tmp"); if(tempFile.exists()) { logger.error("WARNING: found a temp file: " + tempFile.getName() + ". This may " + "indicate that a previous write operation failed. Attempting automatic " + "recovery. Please check file " + fileName + " for data consistency."); if (tempFile.lastModified() > file.lastModified()) { error = false; reader = null; try{ reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(tempFile), "UTF-8"); SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader(); xmlReader.read(reader); }catch(Exception e){ try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception ex) {} error = true; } } } if(error) { String bakFile = tempFile.getName() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".bak"; tempFile.renameTo(new File(tempFile.getParentFile(), bakFile)); } else { /*String bakFile = file.getName() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".bak"; file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(), bakFile)); try { Thread.sleep(100L); } catch(Exception e) { } tempFile.renameTo(file);*/ } error = false; reader = null; try{ reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"); SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader(); xmlReader.read(reader); try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} }catch(Exception e){ error = true; } if(error) { String bakFileName = file.getName() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".bak"; File bakFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), bakFileName); file.renameTo(bakFile); try { Thread.sleep(100L); } catch(Exception e) { } tempFile.renameTo(file); } /*else { String bakFile = tempFile.getName() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".bak"; tempFile.renameTo(new File(tempFile.getParentFile(), bakFile)); }*/ if(!file.canRead()) throw new IOException("XML properties file must be readable: " + fileName); if(!file.canWrite()) throw new IOException("XML properties file must be writable: " + fileName); reader = null; try { reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"); buildDoc(reader); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Error creating XML properties file " + fileName + ": " + e.getMessage()); throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { } try { reader.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public Object get(Object o) { String name; String value; Element element; name = (String)o; value = (String)propertyCache.get(name); if(value != null) return value; String propName[] = parsePropertyName(name); element = doc.getRootElement(); for(int i = 0; i < propName.length; i++) { element = element.element(propName[i]); if(element == null) return null; } synchronized(propLock){ value = element.getText(); if ("".equals(value)) return null; value = value.trim(); propertyCache.put(name, value); return value; } } public Collection getChildrenNames(String parent) { String propName[] = parsePropertyName(parent); Element element = doc.getRootElement(); for(int i = 0; i < propName.length; i++) { element = element.element(propName[i]); if(element == null) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } List children = element.elements(); int childCount = children.size(); List childrenNames = new ArrayList(childCount); for(Iterator i = children.iterator(); i.hasNext(); childrenNames.add(((Element)i.next()).getName())); return childrenNames; } public Collection getPropertyNames() { List propNames = new java.util.LinkedList(); List elements = doc.getRootElement().elements(); if(elements.size() == 0) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; for(int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { Element element = (Element)elements.get(i); getElementNames(propNames, element, element.getName()); } return propNames; } public String getAttribute(String name, String attribute) { if(name == null || attribute == null) return null; String propName[] = parsePropertyName(name); Element element = doc.getRootElement(); int i = 0; do { if(i >= propName.length) break; String child = propName[i]; element = element.element(child); if(element == null) break; i++; } while(true); if(element != null) return element.attributeValue(attribute); else return null; } private void getElementNames(List list, Element e, String name) { if(e.elements().isEmpty()) { list.add(name); } else { List children = e.elements(); for(int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { Element child = (Element)children.get(i); getElementNames(list, child, name + '.' + child.getName()); } } } public synchronized Object put(Object k, Object v) { String name = (String)k; String value = (String)v; propertyCache.put(name, value); String propName[] = parsePropertyName(name); Element element = doc.getRootElement(); for(int i = 0; i < propName.length; i++) { if(element.element(propName[i]) == null) element.addElement(propName[i]); element = element.element(propName[i]); } element.setText(value); saveProperties(); return null; } public synchronized void putAll(Map propertyMap) { String propertyName; String propertyValue; for(Iterator iter = propertyMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); propertyCache.put(propertyName, propertyValue)) { propertyName = (String)iter.next(); propertyValue = (String)propertyMap.get(propertyName); String propName[] = parsePropertyName(propertyName); Element element = doc.getRootElement(); for(int i = 0; i < propName.length; i++) { if(element.element(propName[i]) == null) element.addElement(propName[i]); element = element.element(propName[i]); } if(propertyValue != null) element.setText(propertyValue); } saveProperties(); } public synchronized Object remove(Object n) { String name = (String)n; propertyCache.remove(name); String propName[] = parsePropertyName(name); Element element = doc.getRootElement(); for(int i = 0; i < propName.length - 1; i++) { element = element.element(propName[i]); if(element == null) return null; } String value = element.getText(); element.remove(element.element(propName[propName.length - 1])); saveProperties(); return value; } public String getProperty(String name) { return (String)get(name); } public boolean containsKey(Object object) { return get(object) != null; } public boolean containsValue(Object object) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented in xml version"); } public Collection values() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented in xml version"); } public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } public int size() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented in xml version"); } public Set entrySet() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented in xml version"); } public void clear() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented in xml version"); } public Set keySet() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented in xml version"); } private void buildDoc(Reader in) throws Exception { SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader(); doc = xmlReader.read(in); } private synchronized void saveProperties() { Writer writer; boolean error; File tempFile; writer = null; error = false; tempFile = null; try{ tempFile = new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + ".tmp"); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tempFile), "UTF-8"); XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(writer, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()); xmlWriter.write(doc); try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); error = true; } }catch(Exception ex){ logger.error("Unable to write to file " + file.getName() + ".tmp" + ": " + ex.getMessage()); error = true; }finally{ try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); error = true; } } if(error) return; error = false; if(file.exists() && !file.delete()) { logger.error("Error deleting property file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return; } try{ writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), "UTF-8"); XMLWriter xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(writer, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()); xmlWriter.write(doc); try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); error = true; } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Unable to write to file '" + file.getName() + "': " + e.getMessage()); error = true; try { file.delete(); } catch(Exception fe) { } try { writer.close(); } catch(Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); error = true; } } if(!error) tempFile.delete(); } private String[] parsePropertyName(String name) { List propName = new ArrayList(5); for(StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(name, "."); tokenizer.hasMoreTokens(); propName.add(tokenizer.nextToken())); return (String[])(String[])propName.toArray(new String[propName.size()]); } public void init() { } }
3. SystemGlobals
package com.yanek.cfg; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.io.SAXReader; public class SystemGlobals { static class InitPropLoader { public String getSystemHome() { String systemHome; InputStream in; systemHome = null; in = null; if(systemHome == null) { try { in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sys_init.xml"); if (in != null) { Document doc = (new SAXReader()).read(in); systemHome = doc.getRootElement().getText(); } } catch (Exception e) { SystemGlobals.log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error loading sys_init.xml to find systemHome -> " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (Exception e) {} } } if(systemHome != null) for(systemHome = systemHome.trim(); systemHome.endsWith("/") || systemHome.endsWith("\\"); systemHome = systemHome.substring(0, systemHome.length() - 1)); if("".equals(systemHome)) systemHome = null; return systemHome; } InitPropLoader() { } } private static final Logger log; private static String SYS_CONFIG_FILENAME = "system_config.xml"; public static String systemHome = null; public static boolean failedLoading = false; private static SystemProperties setupProperties = null; private static Date startupDate = new Date(); private SystemGlobals() { } public static Date getStartupDate() { return startupDate; } public static String getSystemHome() { if(systemHome == null) loadSetupProperties(); return systemHome; } public static synchronized void setSystemHome(String sysHome) { setupProperties = null; failedLoading = false; systemHome = sysHome; loadSetupProperties(); System.err.println("Warning - sysHome is being reset to " + sysHome + "! Resetting the baduHome is a normal part of the setup process, " + "however it should not occur during the normal operations of System."); } public static void setConfigName(String configName) { SYS_CONFIG_FILENAME = configName; } public static boolean isSetup() { return "true".equals(getLocalProperty("setup")); } public static String getLocalProperty(String name) { if(setupProperties == null) loadSetupProperties(); if(setupProperties == null) return null; else return (String)setupProperties.get(name); } public static int getLocalProperty(String name, int defaultValue) { String value; value = getLocalProperty(name); if(value != null) { try{ return Integer.parseInt(value); }catch(NumberFormatException nfe){} } return defaultValue; } public static List getLocalProperties(String parent) { if(setupProperties == null) loadSetupProperties(); if(setupProperties == null) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; Collection propNames = setupProperties.getChildrenNames(parent); List values = new ArrayList(); Iterator i = propNames.iterator(); do { if(!i.hasNext()) break; String propName = (String)i.next(); String value = getLocalProperty(parent + "." + propName); if(value != null) values.add(value); } while(true); return values; } public static void setLocalProperty(String name, String value) { if(setupProperties == null) loadSetupProperties(); if(setupProperties != null) setupProperties.put(name, value); } public static void setLocalProperties(Map propertyMap) { if(setupProperties == null) loadSetupProperties(); if(setupProperties != null) setupProperties.putAll(propertyMap); } public static void deleteLocalProperty(String name) { if(setupProperties == null) loadSetupProperties(); setupProperties.remove(name); } public static boolean isWhiteLabel(){ return true; } private static synchronized void loadSetupProperties() { if(failedLoading) return; if(setupProperties == null) { if(systemHome == null) systemHome = (new InitPropLoader()).getSystemHome(); if(systemHome == null) try { InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); systemHome = (String)context.lookup("java:comp/env/baduHome"); } catch(Exception e) { } if(systemHome == null) systemHome = System.getProperty("systemHome"); if(systemHome == null) { failedLoading = true; StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("Critical Error! The systemHome directory could not be loaded, \n"); msg.append("which will prevent the application from working correctly.\n\n"); msg.append("You must set systemHome in one of three ways:\n"); msg.append(" 1) Add a sys_init.xml file to your classpath, which points \n "); msg.append(" to sysHome. Normally, this file will be in WEB-INF/classes.\n"); msg.append(" 2) Set the JNDI value \"java:comp/env/systemHome\" with a String \n"); msg.append(" that points to your systemHome directory. \n"); msg.append(" 3) Set the Java system property \"systemHome\".\n\n"); msg.append("Further instructions for setting systemHome can be found in the \n"); msg.append("installation documentation."); System.err.println(msg.toString()); return; } try { File jh = new File(systemHome); if(!jh.exists()) log.severe("Error - the specified systemHome directory does not exist (" + systemHome + ")"); else if(!jh.canRead() || !jh.canWrite()) log.severe("Error - the user running this System application can not read and write to the specified systemHome directory (" + systemHome + "). Please grant the executing user " + "read and write perms."); setupProperties = new XMLSystemProperties(systemHome + File.separator + SYS_CONFIG_FILENAME); } catch(IOException ioe) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, ioe.getMessage(), ioe); failedLoading = true; } } } static { log = Logger.getLogger((com.yanek.cfg.SystemGlobals.class).getName()); } }
4. 配置文件 sys_init.xml ,
定义xml 配置文件的目录
<?xml version="1.0"?> <systemHome>E:\work\XmlProp\conf</systemHome>
5. xml 配置文件:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <setup>true</setup> <upload> <file> <imgFilePath>f:\img\</imgFilePath> <maxSize>1024</maxSize> <allowFileType>gif,bmp,png,jpg</allowFileType> </file> </upload> <prop> <connection> <pool> <name>proxool.test.prop</name> </pool> <jndi> <name>test/test</name> </jndi> </connection> </prop> <log4j> <filePath>WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties</filePath> </log4j> <taskEngine> <status>false</status> </taskEngine> <list> <x>aaaa</x> <y>222</y> <z>333</z> </list> <dbname>testdb</dbname> <db> <username>test</username> <password>test</password> </db> </config>
6. 测试类:
package com.yanek.cfg; import java.util.List; public class Test { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("setup:"+SystemGlobals.getLocalProperty("setup")); System.out.println("taskEngine.status:"+SystemGlobals.getLocalProperty("taskEngine.status")); System.out.println("prop.connection.pool.name:"+SystemGlobals.getLocalProperty("prop.connection.pool.name")); List list=SystemGlobals.getLocalProperties("upload.file"); System.out.println(list); for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++) { System.out.println((String)list.get(i)); } SystemGlobals.setLocalProperty("db.username", "test"); SystemGlobals.setLocalProperty("db.password", "test"); } }