将 Aptana 作为插件安装到 Zend Studio 或者 Eclipse

 Aptana是一个非常强大,开源,JavaScript-focused的AJAX开发IDE。它的特点包括: *JavaScript,JavaScript函数,HTML,CSS语言的Code Assist功能。 *Outliner(大纲):显示JavaScript,HTML和CSS的代码结构。


  *支持Aptana UI自定义和扩展。


  *支持流行AJAX框架的Code Assist功能:AFLAX,Dojo,JQuery,MochiKit,Prototype,Rico,script.aculo.us,Yahoo UI。


但是它其他方面不强,而zend studio 对php的支持很强,但是对这方面不强,如果二者能合二为一就好了,于是,搜一下,Aptana作为插件,有好多网页,例如:



Aptana Update Site

This site is designed to be used though the Eclipse or Aptana update manager.

Installing this Plugin via Aptana or Eclipse

  1. From the Help menu, select Install New Software... to open an Install pop-up window.
  2. In the Work with: text box of the Install window, type the URL http://d3lq98emif3szr.cloudfront.net/tools/studio/plugin/update/studio/ the update site, and hit the Enter key.
  3. In the populated table below, check the box next to the name of the plug-in, and click the Next button.
  4. Click the Next button to go to the license page.
  5. Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the Finish button.

Manual Installation


  1. Save the above file to an easy-to-find location.
  2. Open Eclipse distribution, and go to Help -> Install New Software....
  3. Click the Add... button to open the Add Site window.
  4. Click the Archive... button, and select the file saved in step 1.
  5. Select the appropriate plugins to install, and click Next -> Next.
  6. Click the Finish button.

See Installing a Plug-in if you have further questions.







(不保证持久有效,如果上述地址失效,请联系我索取,邮箱:[email protected]


下载完之后,启动 zend studio(Eclipse同理),help 菜单,install new software,

单击“Add...”按钮,打开Add site 对话框,然后单击 Archive... 按钮,选择,之后点击 next ,next就可以了。

单击完成,重启 zend studio(千万不要点击其他的,诸如 apply now之类的,会很麻烦)



