linux环境下安装: ( 编译安装 ) --- 本人使用的是 ubuntu 哟!!!
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:phalcon/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php5-phalcon
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-mysql gcc libpcre3-dev
1. 从C源代码创建扩展请按照下面的步骤:
git clone --depth=1 git://
cd cphalcon/build sudo
2. 添加扩展到php.ini文件:
3. 最后,重启web服务器
这些工具是一些有用的脚本,用于生成结构性的代码。 您应用的核心代码只需要用一句简单的命令即可生成, 让您更加方便地使用Phalcon去开发应用。
curl -s | php
{ "require": { "phalcon/devtools": "dev-master" } }
php composer.phar install
给phalcon.php创建symbolic link:
ln -s ~/devtools/phalcon.php /usr/bin/phalcon
chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/phalcon
git clone --depth=1 git:// ----------- 必须先安装 git 工具 然后进入目录 执行 sudo ./install 安装成功
使用 git 工具下载开发者工具 进入文件夹之后运行
ln -s ~/phalcon-devtools/phalcon.php /usr/bin/phalcon
chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/phalcon
server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; root /www; index index.php index.html index.htm; # Make site accessible from http://localhost/ server_name localhost; location ~ .php$ { try_files $uri =404; #增加 fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+.php)(/.+)$; #反注释 ## NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini # ## With php5-cgi alone: # fastcgi_pass; ## With php5-fpm: fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; #反注释 fastcgi_index index.php; #反注释 include fastcgi_params; #反注释 } server { listen 80; server_name; set $root_path '/www/maple/leon/phalcon/test/public'; root $root_path; access_log /var/log/nginx/$host-access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/$host-error.log error; index index.php index.html index.htm; try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite; location @rewrite { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?_url=/$1; } location ~ \.php { # try_files $uri =404; fastcgi_index /index.php; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$fastcgi_path_info; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; } location ~* ^/(css|img|js|flv|swf|download)/(.+)$ { root $root_path; } location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } }
---- 这里是执行添加环境变量功能。
Available commands:
创建控制器 controller -> controller [name] [directory]
Options: --name=s Controller name --namespace=s Controller's namespace [option] --directory=s Directory where the controller should be created [optional] --base-class=s Base class to be inherited by the controller [optional] --force Force to rewrite controller [optional]
phalcon controller 控制器名称
创建模型 model
phalcon model 表名(必须和数据库表名一致)
创建所有表名 all-models
phalcon all-models
创建项目 project -> project [name] [type] [directory] [enable-webtools]
Options: --name Name of the new project --enable-webtools Determines if webtools should be enabled [optional] --directory=s Base path on which project will be created [optional] --type=s Type of the application to be generated (micro, simple, modules) --template-path Specify a template path [optional] --use-config-ini Use a ini file as configuration file [optional] --trace Shows the trace of the framework in case of exception. [optional] --help Shows this help
phalcon project 项目名称
phalcon project 项目名称 --type modules (创建控制器的时候没有创建命令空间,需要自己添加/contoller/Action)
创建数据库表的支架 scaffold
使用:scaffold [tableName] [options]
Options: --table-name=s Table used as base to generate the scaffold --schema=s Name of the schema. [optional] --get-set Attributes will be protected and have setters/getters. [optional] --directory=s Base path on which project was created [optional] --template-path=s Specify a template path [optional] --template-engine=s Define the template engine, default php (php, volt). [optional] --force Forces to rewrite generated code if they already exists. [optional] --trace Shows the trace of the framework in case of exception. [optional] --ns-models=s Model's namespace [optional] --ns-controllers=s Controller's namespace [optional]
phalcon scaffold --table-name 表名
//控制控制器输出 $this->view->disable();
1 URL重定向:
___重定向不会禁用视图组件。因此,如果你想从一个controller/action重定向到另一个controller/acton上,视图将正常显示。当然,你也可以使用 $this->view->disable() 禁用视图输出。
2 存储/获取 Session数据
$this->session->set("session_name", "session_value");
3 数据库操作方法
添加 直接设置传递过来的值即可 或可以使用save()方法
更新 save()
删除 delete()
查找 find() findFirst()
保存 save()
4 From 表单接收
eg:$name= $this->request->getPost("name", "string");
$email =$this->request->getPost("email", "email");
5 控制器跳转
在控制器中做跳转操作,一般会用到 dispatcher的 forward方法
"controller" => "users",
"action" => "signin"
也可以定义beaseController 自定义方法进行控制器的跳转。
6 处理Not-Found
当用户访问未定义的路由时, 微应用会试着执行 "Not-Found"处理器。
7 中文乱码问题
'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8') 这样试试。
8 数据库操作
使用方法:$xxx = 表名::findFirst(); $this->view->setVar('name(参数)',$region->name(字段名)); 更改数据 $region->name = "数据"; $region->save(); //sql 什么字段下什么数据 $region = Users::findFirst("字段='数据'"); //sql语句的拼接 $region = Users::findFirst(array("字段='数据'","order"=>"name"));
//数据表总共有多是条数据 $user = Users::find();echo count($user); //xx字段xx数据有多少个 $user = Users::find("xx = 'xx'");echo count($user); //打印字段的数据(这里面主要做的是sql语句的拼接:这一句就好比(SELECT (Users) * FROM Users WHERE 字段 = '数据' ORDER BY name)) $user = Users::find(array( "字段 = '数据'", "order" => "name" //如果还需要拼接可以接着写 "limit" => 100 //多少条 limit 100 )); foreach($user as $r){ echo $r->字段,"\n"; }
foreach($user as $u){ //遍历所有的xx字段数据 echo $u->name, "<br/>"; } $user->rewind(); while ($user->valid()) { $robot = $user->current(); echo $robot->name, "<br/>"; $user->next(); } //总数 echo count($user); echo $user->count(); //把数据存到一个文件中 file_put_contents("cache.txt", serialize($user));
Parameter | Description | Example |
conditions | Search conditions for the find operation. Is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion. By default Phalcon\Mvc\Model assumes the first parameter are the conditions. | “conditions” => “name LIKE ‘steve%’” |
columns | Return specific columns instead of the full columns in the model. When using this option an incomplete object is returned | “columns” => “id, name” |
bind | Bind is used together with options, by replacing placeholders and escaping values thus increasing security | “bind” => array(“status” => “A”, “type” => “some-time”) |
bindTypes | When binding parameters, you can use this parameter to define additional casting to the bound parameters increasing even more the security | “bindTypes” => array(Column::BIND_TYPE_STR, Column::BIND_TYPE_INT) |
order | Is used to sort the resultset. Use one or more fields separated by commas. | “order” => “name DESC, status” |
limit | Limit the results of the query to results to certain range | “limit” => 10 / “limit” => array(“number” => 10, “offset” => 5) |
group | Allows to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns | “group” => “name, status” |
for_update | With this option, Phalcon\Mvc\Model reads the latest available data, setting exclusive locks on each row it reads | “for_update” => true |
shared_lock | With this option, Phalcon\Mvc\Model reads the latest available data, setting shared locks on each row it reads | “shared_lock” => true |
cache | Cache the resultset, reducing the continuous access to the relational system | “cache” => array(“lifetime” => 3600, “key” => “my-find-key”) |
hydration | Sets the hydration strategy to represent each returned record in the result | “hydration” => Resultset::HYDRATE_OBJECTS |
$robots = Robots::query() ->where("type = :type:") ->andWhere("year < 2000") ->bind(array("type" => "mechanical")) ->order("name") ->execute();
注意:find和findFirst方法是只能针对当模型操作,没有join操作,涉及多表操作时,一、可以依赖模型间的关系定义,自动完成;二、使用query()构建查询,三、使用Phalcon\Mvc\Query执行PQHL查询 四、使用Phalcon\Mvc\Query\Builder来构建PHQL查询语句然后执行;一般如果涉及多表查询,如果模型间的关系定义无法满足时(比如left join等),可以使用模型的query()方法构建查询并把逻辑封装在模型内部。
//字段里面数据的所有数据 $name = "helinfeng"; $robot = Users::findFirstByName($name); if($robot){ $this->flash->success("id:".$robot->id. 'name:' .$name . "email:" . $robot->email); }else{ $this->flash->error("There were no robots found in our table with the name " . $name); }
//插入数据到数据库(save) $user = new Users(); //1 $user -> name = "xx"; $user -> email = "[email protected]"; if ($user->save() == false) { //if ($user->create() == false){ echo "Umh, We can't store robots right now: \n"; foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) { echo $message, "\n"; } } else { echo "Great, a new robot was saved successfully!"; } //2 $user->save(array( "name"=>"leon", "email"=>"[email protected]" ));
$user = Users::findFirst(11); //删除数据 if ($user != false) { if ($user->delete() == false) { echo "Sorry, we can't delete the robot right now: \n"; foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) { echo $message, "\n"; } } else { echo "The robot was deleted successfully!"; } } //带参数删除 foreach (Users::find("id='3'") as $user) { if ($user->delete() == false) { echo "Sorry, we can't delete the robot right now: \n"; foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) { echo $message, "\n"; } } else { echo "The robot was deleted successfully!"; } } //全部删除(建议别乱用) foreach($user as $u){ $u->delete(); } //还有一个直接的 $user->delete();//和foreach一样
Operation | Name | Can stop operation? | Explanation |
Deleting | beforeDelete | YES | Runs before the delete operation is made |
Deleting | afterDelete | NO | Runs after the delete operation was made |
<?php class Robots extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model { public function beforeDelete() { if ($this->status == 'A') { echo "The robot is active, it can't be deleted"; return false; } return true; } }
Validation Failed Events 验证失败事件
Another type of events are available when the data validation process finds any inconsistency:
Insert or Update | notSave | Triggered when the INSERT or UPDATE operation fails for any reason |
Insert, Delete or Update | onValidationFails | Triggered when any data manipulation operation fails |
foreach ($user->getParts() as $part) { $part->stock = 100; $part->updated_at = time(); if ($part->update() == false) { foreach ($part->getMessages() as $message) { echo $message; } break; } } $user->getParts()->update(array( 'stock' => 100, 'updated_at' => time() )); //‘update’ also accepts an anonymous function to filter what records must be updated: $data = array( 'stock' => 100, 'updated_at' => time() ); //Update all the parts except these whose type is basic $user->getParts()->update($data, function($part) { if ($part->type == Part::TYPE_BASIC) { return false; } return true; });
//删除相关记录 foreach ($user->getParts() as $part) { if ($part->delete() == false) { foreach ($part->getMessages() as $message) { echo $message; } break; } } <?php $robots->getParts()->delete(); ‘delete’ also accepts an anonymous function to filter what records must be deleted:
Type | Description |
PresenceOf | Generated when a field with a non-null attribute on the database is trying to insert/update a null value |
ConstraintViolation | Generated when a field part of a virtual foreign key is trying to insert/update a value that doesn’t exist in the referenced model |
InvalidValue | Generated when a validator failed because of an invalid value |
InvalidCreateAttempt | Produced when a record is attempted to be created but it already exists |
InvalidUpdateAttempt | Produced when a record is attempted to be updated but it doesn’t exist |
Operation | Name | Can stop operation? | Explanation |
Inserting/Updating | beforeValidation | YES | Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys |
Inserting | beforeValidationOnCreate | YES | Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made |
Updating | beforeValidationOnUpdate | YES | Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made |
Inserting/Updating | onValidationFails | YES (already stopped) | Is executed after an integrity validator fails |
Inserting | afterValidationOnCreate | YES | Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made |
Updating | afterValidationOnUpdate | YES | Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made |
Inserting/Updating | afterValidation | YES | Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys |
Inserting/Updating | beforeSave | YES | Runs before the required operation over the database system |
Updating | beforeUpdate | YES | Runs before the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made |
Inserting | beforeCreate | YES | Runs before the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made |
Updating | afterUpdate | NO | Runs after the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made |
Inserting | afterCreate | NO | Runs after the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made |
Inserting/Updating | afterSave | NO | Runs after the required operation over the database system |
<?php //This service returns a MySQL database $di->set('dbMysql', function() { return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array( "host" => "localhost", "username" => "root", "password" => "secret", "dbname" => "invo" )); }); //This service returns a PostgreSQL database $di->set('dbPostgres', function() { return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\PostgreSQL(array( "host" => "localhost", "username" => "postgres", "password" => "", "dbname" => "invo" )); }); //具体模型中 <?php class Robots extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model { public function initialize() { $this->setConnectionService('dbPostgres'); } }
class Robots extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model { public function initialize() { $this->setReadConnectionService('dbSlave'); $this->setWriteConnectionService('dbMaster'); } } class Robots extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model { /** * Dynamically selects a shard * * @param array $intermediate * @param array $bindParams * @param array $bindTypes */ public function selectReadConnection($intermediate, $bindParams, $bindTypes) { //Check if there is a 'where' clause in the select if (isset($intermediate['where'])) { $conditions = $intermediate['where']; //Choose the possible shard according to the conditions if ($conditions['left']['name'] == 'id') { $id = $conditions['right']['value']; if ($id > 0 && $id < 10000) { return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard1'); } if ($id > 10000) { return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard2'); } } } //Use a default shard return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard0'); } }
一个向前的动作接受下列参数:控制器跳转 forward
Parameter | Triggered |
controller | 一个有效的控制器的名字了。 |
action | 一个有效的模型的名字了。 |
params | 对于动作的参数的数组 |
namespace | 一个有效的命名空间名称,其中控制器部分 |