
linux环境下安装:    (  编译安装 )  --- 本人使用的是 ubuntu 哟!!!


  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:phalcon/stable

  sudo apt-get update

  sudo apt-get install php5-phalcon


  sudo apt-get install python-software-properties





  • PHP 5.x 开发工具包
  • GCC 编译器


  sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-mysql gcc libpcre3-dev


1. 从C源代码创建扩展请按照下面的步骤:

  git clone --depth=1 git://

  cd cphalcon/build sudo


2. 添加扩展到php.ini文件:

3. 最后,重启web服务器



这些工具是一些有用的脚本,用于生成结构性的代码。 您应用的核心代码只需要用一句简单的命令即可生成, 让您更加方便地使用Phalcon去开发应用。



  curl -s | php


  { "require": { "phalcon/devtools": "dev-master" } }


  php composer.phar install

给phalcon.php创建symbolic link:

  ln -s ~/devtools/phalcon.php /usr/bin/phalcon

  chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/phalcon


     git clone --depth=1 git://      -----------  必须先安装 git 工具   然后进入目录  执行   sudo ./install 安装成功

     使用 git 工具下载开发者工具      进入文件夹之后运行  

 ln -s ~/phalcon-devtools/phalcon.php /usr/bin/phalcon

 chmod ugo+x /usr/bin/phalcon


server {

    listen 80 default_server;

    listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on;

    root /www;

    index index.php index.html index.htm;

    # Make site accessible from http://localhost/

    server_name localhost;

location ~ .php$ {

try_files $uri =404; #增加

fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+.php)(/.+)$; #反注释

## NOTE: You should have "cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;" in php.ini


## With php5-cgi alone:

# fastcgi_pass;

## With php5-fpm:

fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; #反注释

fastcgi_index index.php; #反注释

include fastcgi_params; #反注释


server {

    listen      80;


    set $root_path '/www/maple/leon/phalcon/test/public';

    root        $root_path;

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/$host-access.log;

    error_log   /var/log/nginx/$host-error.log error;

    index index.php index.html index.htm;

    try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrite;

    location @rewrite {

        rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?_url=/$1;


    location ~ \.php {

        # try_files    $uri =404;

        fastcgi_index  /index.php;

        fastcgi_pass   unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

        include fastcgi_params;

        fastcgi_split_path_info       ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;

        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO       $fastcgi_path_info;

        fastcgi_param PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$fastcgi_path_info;

    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;


    location ~* ^/(css|img|js|flv|swf|download)/(.+)$ {

        root $root_path;


    location ~ /\.ht {

        deny all;




---- 这里是执行添加环境变量功能。


Available commands:


创建控制器     controller -> controller [name] [directory]


 --name=s          Controller name

 --namespace=s     Controller's namespace [option]

 --directory=s     Directory where the controller should be created [optional]

 --base-class=s    Base class to be inherited by the controller [optional]

 --force           Force to rewrite controller [optional]

phalcon controller 控制器名称

创建模型    model

phalcon model 表名(必须和数据库表名一致) 

创建所有表名  all-models 

phalcon all-models

创建项目      project  -> project [name] [type] [directory] [enable-webtools]


 --name               Name of the new project

 --enable-webtools    Determines if webtools should be enabled [optional]

 --directory=s        Base path on which project will be created [optional]

 --type=s             Type of the application to be generated (micro, simple, modules)

 --template-path      Specify a template path [optional]

 --use-config-ini     Use a ini file as configuration file [optional]

 --trace              Shows the trace of the framework in case of exception. [optional]

 --help               Shows this help

phalcon project 项目名称

phalcon project 项目名称 --type modules   (创建控制器的时候没有创建命令空间,需要自己添加/contoller/Action)

创建数据库表的支架  scaffold

使用:scaffold [tableName] [options]



--table-name=s     Table used as base to generate the scaffold

--schema=s       Name of the schema. [optional]

--get-set          Attributes will be protected and have setters/getters. [optional]

--directory=s       Base path on which project was created [optional]

--template-path=s     Specify a template path [optional]

--template-engine=s    Define the template engine, default php (php, volt). [optional]

--force          Forces to rewrite generated code if they already exists. [optional]

--trace          Shows the trace of the framework in case of exception. [optional]

--ns-models=s      Model's namespace [optional]

--ns-controllers=s    Controller's namespace [optional]





phalcon scaffold --table-name 表名



1 URL重定向:



  2. // 此路由重定向到其它的路由  
  3. $app->post('/old/welcome', function () use ($app) {  
  4.     $app->response->redirect("new/welcome")->sendHeaders();  
  5. });  
  7. $app->post('/new/welcome', function () use ($app) {  
  8.     echo 'This is the new Welcome';  
  9. });   
  1. //设置一个内部跳转  
  2. $this->response->redirect( 'posts/index' );  
  3. // 外部跳转url  
  4. $this->response->redirect( '', true );  
  5. // 设置跳转 http状态  
  6. $this->resopnse->redirect( '' , true , 301 );  

___重定向不会禁用视图组件。因此,如果你想从一个controller/action重定向到另一个controller/acton上,视图将正常显示。当然,你也可以使用 $this->view->disable() 禁用视图输出。


2 存储/获取 Session数据

$this->session->set("session_name", "session_value");

3 数据库操作方法

    添加  直接设置传递过来的值即可 或可以使用save()方法

    更新  save()

    删除  delete()

    查找  find() findFirst()

    保存  save()

4 From 表单接收

    eg:$name= $this->request->getPost("name", "string");

      $email =$this->request->getPost("email", "email");


  1. <?php $request = $di->get( 'request' ); ?>  


  1. <?php $request = $di->getRequest(); ?>  

5 控制器跳转

在控制器中做跳转操作,一般会用到 dispatcher的 forward方法

            "controller" => "users",
            "action" => "signin"

也可以定义beaseController 自定义方法进行控制器的跳转。

6  处理Not-Found

当用户访问未定义的路由时, 微应用会试着执行 "Not-Found"处理器。

  1. <?php  
  3. $app->notFound(function () use ($app) {  
  4.     $app->response->setStatusCode(404, "Not Found")->sendHeaders();  
  5.     echo 'This is crazy, but this page was not found!';  
  6. });  

7 中文乱码问题


 'charset' => 'gbk'

'options' => array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8') 这样试试。

8 数据库操作


使用方法:$xxx = 表名::findFirst();


更改数据 $region->name = "数据";


//sql 什么字段下什么数据

$region = Users::findFirst("字段='数据'");


$region = Users::findFirst(array("字段='数据'","order"=>"name"));



$user = Users::find();echo count($user);


$user = Users::find("xx = 'xx'");echo count($user);

//打印字段的数据(这里面主要做的是sql语句的拼接:这一句就好比(SELECT (Users) * FROM Users WHERE 字段 = '数据' ORDER BY name))

$user = Users::find(array(

            "字段 = '数据'",

            "order" => "name"


            "limit" => 100    //多少条 limit 100


        foreach($user as $r){

            echo $r->字段,"\n";

foreach($user as $u){


            echo $u->name, "<br/>";



        while ($user->valid()) {

            $robot = $user->current();

            echo $robot->name, "<br/>";




echo count($user);

echo $user->count();


file_put_contents("cache.txt", serialize($user));



Parameter Description Example
conditions Search conditions for the find operation. Is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified criterion. By default Phalcon\Mvc\Model assumes the first parameter are the conditions. “conditions” => “name LIKE ‘steve%’”
columns Return specific columns instead of the full columns in the model. When using this option an incomplete object is returned “columns” => “id, name”
bind Bind is used together with options, by replacing placeholders and escaping values thus increasing security “bind” => array(“status” => “A”, “type” => “some-time”)
bindTypes When binding parameters, you can use this parameter to define additional casting to the bound parameters increasing even more the security “bindTypes” => array(Column::BIND_TYPE_STR, Column::BIND_TYPE_INT)
order Is used to sort the resultset. Use one or more fields separated by commas. “order” => “name DESC, status”
limit Limit the results of the query to results to certain range “limit” => 10 / “limit” => array(“number” => 10, “offset” => 5)
group Allows to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns “group” => “name, status”
for_update With this option, Phalcon\Mvc\Model reads the latest available data, setting exclusive locks on each row it reads “for_update” => true
shared_lock With this option, Phalcon\Mvc\Model reads the latest available data, setting shared locks on each row it reads “shared_lock” => true
cache Cache the resultset, reducing the continuous access to the relational system “cache” => array(“lifetime” => 3600, “key” => “my-find-key”)
hydration Sets the hydration strategy to represent each returned record in the result “hydration” => Resultset::HYDRATE_OBJECTS
= Robots::query() ->where("type = :type:") ->andWhere("year < 2000") ->bind(array("type" => "mechanical")) ->order("name") ->execute();

注意:find和findFirst方法是只能针对当模型操作,没有join操作,涉及多表操作时,一、可以依赖模型间的关系定义,自动完成;二、使用query()构建查询,三、使用Phalcon\Mvc\Query执行PQHL查询 四、使用Phalcon\Mvc\Query\Builder来构建PHQL查询语句然后执行;一般如果涉及多表查询,如果模型间的关系定义无法满足时(比如left join等),可以使用模型的query()方法构建查询并把逻辑封装在模型内部。



        $name = "helinfeng";

        $robot = Users::findFirstByName($name);


            $this->flash->success("id:".$robot->id. 'name:' .$name . "email:" . $robot->email);


            $this->flash->error("There were no robots found in our table with the name " . $name);


$user = new Users();


        $user -> name = "xx";

        $user -> email = "[email protected]";

        if ($user->save() == false) {

     //if ($user->create() == false){

            echo "Umh, We can't store robots right now: \n";

            foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) {

                echo $message, "\n";


        } else {

            echo "Great, a new robot was saved successfully!";



        $user->save(array( "name"=>"leon", "email"=>"[email protected]" )); 
$user = Users::findFirst(11);


if ($user != false) {

    if ($user->delete() == false) {

        echo "Sorry, we can't delete the robot right now: \n";

        foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) {

            echo $message, "\n";


    } else {

        echo "The robot was deleted successfully!";




foreach (Users::find("id='3'") as $user) {

            if ($user->delete() == false) {

                echo "Sorry, we can't delete the robot right now: \n";

                foreach ($user->getMessages() as $message) {

                    echo $message, "\n";


            } else {

                echo "The robot was deleted successfully!";




        foreach($user as $u){






Operation Name Can stop operation? Explanation
Deleting beforeDelete YES Runs before the delete operation is made
Deleting afterDelete NO Runs after the delete operation was made


class Robots extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model



    public function beforeDelete()


        if ($this->status == 'A') {

            echo "The robot is active, it can't be deleted";

            return false;


        return true;




Validation Failed Events 验证失败事件
Another type of events are available when the data validation process finds any inconsistency:


Insert or Update notSave Triggered when the INSERT or UPDATE operation fails for any reason
Insert, Delete or Update onValidationFails Triggered when any data manipulation operation fails

($user->getParts() as $part) { $part->stock = 100; $part->updated_at = time(); if ($part->update() == false) { foreach ($part->getMessages() as $message) { echo $message; } break; } } $user->getParts()->update(array( 'stock' => 100, 'updated_at' => time() )); //‘update’ also accepts an anonymous function to filter what records must be updated: $data = array( 'stock' => 100, 'updated_at' => time() ); //Update all the parts except these whose type is basic $user->getParts()->update($data, function($part) { if ($part->type == Part::TYPE_BASIC) { return false; } return true; });

foreach ($user->getParts() as $part) {

    if ($part->delete() == false) {

        foreach ($part->getMessages() as $message) {

            echo $message;










‘delete’ also accepts an anonymous function to filter what records must be deleted:



Type Description
PresenceOf Generated when a field with a non-null attribute on the database is trying to insert/update a null value
ConstraintViolation Generated when a field part of a virtual foreign key is trying to insert/update a value that doesn’t exist in the referenced model
InvalidValue Generated when a validator failed because of an invalid value
InvalidCreateAttempt Produced when a record is attempted to be created but it already exists
InvalidUpdateAttempt Produced when a record is attempted to be updated but it doesn’t exist


Operation Name Can stop operation? Explanation
Inserting/Updating beforeValidation YES Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys
Inserting beforeValidationOnCreate YES Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made
Updating beforeValidationOnUpdate YES Is executed before the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made
Inserting/Updating onValidationFails YES (already stopped) Is executed after an integrity validator fails
Inserting afterValidationOnCreate YES Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an insertion operation is being made
Updating afterValidationOnUpdate YES Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys when an updating operation is being made
Inserting/Updating afterValidation YES Is executed after the fields are validated for not nulls/empty strings or foreign keys
Inserting/Updating beforeSave YES Runs before the required operation over the database system
Updating beforeUpdate YES Runs before the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made
Inserting beforeCreate YES Runs before the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made
Updating afterUpdate NO Runs after the required operation over the database system only when an updating operation is being made
Inserting afterCreate NO Runs after the required operation over the database system only when an inserting operation is being made
Inserting/Updating afterSave NO Runs after the required operation over the database system




//This service returns a MySQL database

$di->set('dbMysql', function() {

     return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array(

        "host" => "localhost",

        "username" => "root",

        "password" => "secret",

        "dbname" => "invo"




//This service returns a PostgreSQL database

$di->set('dbPostgres', function() {

     return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\PostgreSQL(array(

        "host" => "localhost",

        "username" => "postgres",

        "password" => "",

        "dbname" => "invo"







class Robots extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model


    public function initialize()






class Robots extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model



    public function initialize()







class Robots extends Phalcon\Mvc\Model



     * Dynamically selects a shard


     * @param array $intermediate

     * @param array $bindParams

     * @param array $bindTypes


    public function selectReadConnection($intermediate, $bindParams, $bindTypes)


        //Check if there is a 'where' clause in the select

        if (isset($intermediate['where'])) {


            $conditions = $intermediate['where'];


            //Choose the possible shard according to the conditions

            if ($conditions['left']['name'] == 'id') {

                $id = $conditions['right']['value'];

                if ($id > 0 && $id < 10000) {

                    return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard1');


                if ($id > 10000) {

                    return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard2');





        //Use a default shard

        return $this->getDI()->get('dbShard0');




 一个向前的动作接受下列参数控制器跳转 forward


Parameter Triggered
controller 一个有效的控制器的名字
action 一个有效的模型的名字
params 对于动作的参数的数组
namespace 一个有效的命名空间名称,其中控制器部分



