(五)backbone - DEMO - 通信录改造之使用requirejs




• model文件 model/contact.js

 1 define(function (){

 2 // user contact 

 3 var Contact = (function(){

 4     var _c = Backbone.Model.extend({

 5         defaults: {  

 6             name: '小强',  

 7             email: '小强@无敌.com'  

 8         },

 9         // validate user name

10         validate: function(attrs,options) {

11             if (attrs.name == "") {  

12               return "what's the name?";  

13             };  

14         },

15         // for user search

16         filter: function(query) {

17             if (typeof(query) === 'undefined' || query === null || query === '') return true;  

18             query = query.toLowerCase();  

19             return this.get('name').toLowerCase().indexOf(query) != -1 || this.get('email').toLowerCase().indexOf(query) != -1;  

20         }

21     }); 

22     return _c;

23 })();


25 var _store = (function(){

26     return new Store("my-contacts"); 

27 })();

28 var Contacts = (function(){

29     var _c = Backbone.Collection.extend({

30         model: Contact,

31         localStorage: _store

32     });

33     return _c;

34 })();


36 return {

37     Contact:Contact,

38     Contacts:Contacts

39 };


41 });

view文件 view/view.js

  1 define(["model/contact"], function (_contact){


  3 // one user contact view

  4 var ContactItemView = Backbone.View.extend({

  5     className: 'item',

  6     template: _.template($('#tpl-item').html()),

  7     events: {

  8         'click': 'select'

  9     },

 10     initialize: function() {

 11         _.bindAll(this, 'select');    // select方法绑定到当前对象

 12         this.model.bind('reset', this.render, this);

 13         this.model.bind('change', this.render, this);

 14         this.model.bind('destroy', this.remove, this);

 15         if(this.model.view){

 16             this.model.view.remove();

 17         }

 18         this.model.view = this;

 19     },

 20     render: function() {

 21         this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON()));

 22         return this;

 23     },

 24     select: function() {    // 选择某个联系人

 25         appRouter.navigate('contacts/' + this.model.cid, {

 26             trigger: true

 27         });

 28     },

 29     active: function() {

 30         this.$el.addClass('active');

 31     },

 32     deactive: function() {

 33         this.$el.removeClass('active');

 34     }

 35 });


 37 // user contact list view

 38 var ContactListView = Backbone.View.extend({

 39     className: 'sidebar',

 40     template: _.template($('#tpl-sidebar').html()),

 41     events: {

 42         'click footer button': 'create',    // footer 标签内的 button 标签 click 事件

 43         'click input': 'filter',

 44         'keyup input': 'filter'

 45     },

 46     initialize: function() {

 47         _.bindAll(this, 'create', 'filter');    // 给 create,filter 函数绑定到当前对象

 48         // model 监听事件

 49         this.model.bind('reset', this.renderAll, this);

 50         this.model.bind('add', this.add, this);

 51         this.model.bind('remove', this.remove, this);

 52     },

 53     render: function() {

 54         $(this.el).html(this.template());  

 55         this.renderAll();  

 56         return this;  

 57     },

 58     renderAll: function() {

 59         this.$(".items").empty();  

 60         this.model.each(this.renderOne, this);  

 61         this.filter();  

 62     },

 63     renderOne: function(contact) {

 64         var view = new ContactItemView({

 65             model: contact

 66         });

 67         this.$(".items").append(view.render().el);

 68     },

 69     create: function() {

 70         var contact = new _contact.Contact();

 71         this.model.add(contact);

 72         appRouter.navigate('contacts/' + contact.cid + '/edit', {

 73             trigger:true

 74         });

 75     },

 76     filter: function() {

 77         var query = $('input', this.el).val();

 78         this.model.each(function(contact, element, index, list) {

 79             contact.view.$el.toggle(contact.filter(query));

 80         });

 81     },

 82     active: function(item){

 83         if (this.activeItem) {

 84             this.activeItem.view.deactive();

 85         }

 86         this.activeItem = item;

 87         if (this.activeItem) {

 88             this.activeItem.view.active();  

 89         }

 90     },

 91     add: function(contact) {

 92         this.renderOne(contact);

 93     },

 94     remove: function(contact) {

 95         console.log(contact);  

 96     }

 97 });


 99 // show one user View

100 var ShowView = Backbone.View.extend({

101     className: 'show',

102     template: _.template($('#tpl-show').html()),

103     events: {

104         'click .edit': 'edit'

105     },

106     initialize: function() {

107         _.bindAll(this, 'edit');

108     },

109     render: function() {

110         if(this.item){

111             this.$el.html(this.template(this.item.toJSON()));

112         }

113         return this;

114     },

115     change: function(item) {

116         this.item = item;  

117         this.render();  

118     },

119     edit: function() {

120         if (this.item) appRouter.navigate('contacts/' + this.item.cid + '/edit', {  

121           trigger: true  

122         });  

123     }

124 });


126 // edit usr contact view 

127 var EditView = Backbone.View.extend({

128     className: 'edit',

129     template: _.template($('#tpl-edit').html()),

130     events: {

131         'submit form': 'submit',

132         'click .save': 'submit',

133         'click .delete': 'remove'

134     },

135     initialize: function() {

136         _.bindAll(this, 'submit', 'remove');

137     },

138     render: function() {

139         if(this.item){

140             this.$el.html(this.template(this.item.toJSON()));

141         }

142         return this;

143     },

144     change: function(item) {

145         this.item = item;  

146         this.render();  

147     },

148     submit: function() {

149         this.item.set(this.form());

150         this.item.save();

151         appRouter.navigate('contacts/' + this.item.cid, {

152             trigger:true

153         });

154         return false;

155     },

156     form: function() {

157         return {

158             name: this.$('form [name="name"]').val(),  

159             email: this.$('form [name="email"]').val()  

160         };

161     },

162     remove: function() {

163         this.item.destroy();

164         this.item = null;

165         appRouter.navigate('', {  

166           trigger: true  

167         });

168     }

169 });


171 // main view

172 // show and edit users

173 var MainView = Backbone.View.extend({

174     className: 'main stack',

175     initialize: function() {

176         this.editView = new EditView();  

177         this.showView = new ShowView();  

178     },

179     render: function() {

180         this.$el.append(this.showView.render().el);

181         this.$el.append(this.editView.render().el);

182         return this;

183     },

184     edit: function(item) {

185         this.showView.$el.removeClass('active');

186         this.editView.$el.addClass('active');  

187         this.editView.change(item);  

188     },

189     show: function(item) {

190         this.editView.$el.removeClass('active');

191         this.showView.$el.addClass('active');  

192         this.showView.change(item);  

193     }

194 });


196 // app view

197 // all page view, for contact list and main view

198 var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({

199     className: 'contacts',

200     initialize: function() {

201         this.contactList = new ContactListView({

202             model: this.model

203         });

204         this.main = new MainView();

205         this.vdiv = $('<div />').addClass('vdivide');

206         this.model.fetch();

207         this.render();

208     },

209     render: function() {

210         this.$el.append(this.contactList.render().el);

211         this.$el.append(this.vdiv);

212         this.$el.append(this.main.render().el);

213         $('#article').append(this.el);  

214         return this;  

215     },

216     show: function(item){

217         this.contactList.active(item);  

218         this.main.show(item);  

219     },

220     edit: function(item){

221         this.contactList.active(item);  

222         this.main.edit(item);  

223     }

224 });


226 return {

227     AppView:AppView,

228     MainView:MainView

229 };

230 });

router文件 router/router.js

 1 define(["view/view","model/contact"], function (_view,_content){

 2 var dolymood = {};

 3 dolymood.contacts = new _content.Contacts();

 4 dolymood.appView = new _view.AppView({

 5     model:dolymood.contacts

 6 });

 7 dolymood.AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

 8     routes: {

 9         '': 'show',

10         'contacts/:id': 'show',

11         'contacts/:id/edit': 'edit'

12     },

13     show: function(id) {

14         if(id !== undefined){

15             dolymood.appView.show(this.getContact(id));

16         }

17         else {

18             dolymood.appView.show(dolymood.contacts.first());  

19         }

20     },

21     edit: function(id) {

22         if(id !== undefined){

23             dolymood.appView.edit(this.getContact(id));

24         }

25     },

26     getContact: function(id) {

27         return dolymood.contacts.get(id);

28     }

29 });


31 return dolymood;


33 });

• main文件 


require(["router/router"], function (dolymood){ 

// app start

window.appRouter = new dolymood.AppRouter();




• requirejs 的 引用

<script src="js/lib/requirejs.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" data-main="js/main.js"></script>

