3. Looking at Classes
superclass => get the parent of any particular class
ancestors => get both superclasses and mixin modules
4. Looking inside Classes
class Demo end Demo.private_instance_methods(false) Demo.protected_instance_methods(false) Demo.public_instance_methods(false) Demo.singleton_methods(false) Demo.class_variables Demo.constants(false)
5. Calling Mehods Dynamically
obj.method(sym) -> method
Looks up the named method as a receiver in obj, returning a Method
object (or raising NameError). The Method object acts as a closure in
obj's object instance, so instance variables and the value of self
remain available.
len="hello".method(:length) len.call # => 5
def double(a) 2*a end method_object = method(:double) [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ].map(&method_object)
str = %q{puts "hello".length} eval str # => 5