Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

Eclipse -  FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

FindBugs is a static analysis tool that examines the classes in search of potential problems during development, providing a powerful code auditing feature. It analyzes the bytecode to identify the familiar patterns. It is not limited to perform search using regular expressions, it tries to understand what the program wants to do. 
FindBugs 是一款静态的分析工具,它具有了强大的代码审查功能,可以检查所有的类以发现在开发阶段潜在的一些问题。它通过分析字节码识别相似的样式。它并不局限与使用正则表达式进行搜索,它还试图理解程序的所实现的功能。


FindBugs is a plugin compatible with Eclipse versions 3.x: (3.0, 3.1, 3.2, ...). 
If you have already installed a previous version of FindBugs (before May 2006), then delete this version: 
Simply delete the de.tobject.findbugs_0.0.n folder located in the plugins directory of Eclipse. 
Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is present.

        To install the FindBugs plug-in, follow these steps:

      In Eclipse, click Help/Software Update/Find and Install ...

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

    Choose the option "Search for new features to install" and click Next.

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

    Click on New Remote Site.

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

  Fill the following fields:

    Name: FindBugs update site

    URL: enter the following: (note: no slash at the end of the url)

    For official releases:

    For official releases and candidates release:

    For all versions:

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

  Then click OK.

  "FindBugs update site" should appear in the list "Sites to include in search".

  Select the checkbox "FindBugs update site", then click "Finish".

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用


    "FindBugs Feature" would then appear under "Select features to install".

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

    Select the checkbox and click "next".

    Select the "I accept" to accept the license and click "Next."

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

    Make sure that the installation directory is correct. Then click Finish.

    Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

    Restart Eclipse.


     The FindBugs Window 
    Click on Window/Show View/Other /Bug Explorer 
     Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用
           Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

The " Bug Explorer" and "Bug Details" windows should appear . 

查看 bugs

   Select projects, packages, or classes that you want to check, right-click and choose Find Bugs.
Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用

    The bugs found by FindBugs appear in the Bug Explorer window.
     Eclipse - FindBugs Plugin 的安装和使用
