随着Windows8的发布,微软给出了一个Windows Runtime(以下简称WinRT),据说是用COM技术实现的。在结合使用.NET和WinRT时,你会发现它们对相同的概念,有不同的实现,或者说是类,比如异步操作,.NET中用Task概念,而WinRT则是用IAsyncInfo,IAsyncAction等,而在流的概念中,.NET围绕Stream类建立,而WinRT则先定义了三个主要的接口,然后逐一实现之。本文就是集中在“流”的相互转换上,因为你在编写Metro App时,会用到WinRT组件。
1. 将IBuffer转换成一个.NET Stream:
InMemoryRandomAccessStream memoryStremWRT = new InMemoryRandomAccessStream(); await memoryStremWRT.ReadAsync(buffer,buffer.Length,InputStreamOptions.None); Stream stream = memoryStremWRT.AsStream();
stream = outputStream.AsStreamForWrite();
stream = inputStream.AsStreamForRead();
5.Stream 转成Buffer:
IBuffer buffer=null; var inputstream=stream.AsInputStream(); using(var dataReader=new DataReader(inputstream)) { await dataReader.LoadAsync((uint)stream.Length); buffer=dataReader.DetachBuffer(); }
6.Stream 转成IIputStream
var inputstream=stream.AsInputStream();
var outputstream=stream.AsOutputStream();
8.Stream转成 IRandomAccess:
IBuffer buffer=null; var inputstream=stream.AsInputStream(); using(var dataReader=new DataReader(inputstream)) { await dataReader.LoadAsync((uint)stream.Length); buffer=dataReader.DetachBuffer(); } var randomAccessStream =new InMemoryRandomAccessStream (); await randomAccessStream.WriteAsync(buffer);
对于DataWriter的含义,则与Reader相对,就是我们输入我们需要的数据,无论是byte,还是string 还是int,long,经过适度的编码以及分解,然后输出到一个流中。
// Initialize the in-memory stream where data will be stored. using (var stream = new Windows.Storage.Streams.InMemoryRandomAccessStream()) { // Create the data writer object backed by the in-memory stream. using (var dataWriter = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter(stream)) { dataWriter.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8; dataWriter.ByteOrder = Windows.Storage.Streams.ByteOrder.LittleEndian; // Parse the input stream and write each element separately. string[] inputElements = ElementsToWrite.Text.Split(';'); foreach (string inputElement in inputElements) { uint inputElementSize = dataWriter.MeasureString(inputElement); dataWriter.WriteUInt32(inputElementSize); dataWriter.WriteString(inputElement); } // Send the contents of the writer to the backing stream. await dataWriter.StoreAsync(); // For the in-memory stream implementation we are using, the flushAsync call // is superfluous,but other types of streams may require it. await dataWriter.FlushAsync(); // In order to prolong the lifetime of the stream, detach it from the // DataWriter so that it will not be closed when Dispose() is called on // dataWriter. Were we to fail to detach the stream, the call to // dataWriter.Dispose() would close the underlying stream, preventing // its subsequent use by the DataReader below. dataWriter.DetachStream(); } // Create the input stream at position 0 so that the stream can be read // from the beginning. using (var inputStream = stream.GetInputStreamAt(0)) { using (var dataReader = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader(inputStream)) { // The encoding and byte order need to match the settings of the writer // we previously used. dataReader.UnicodeEncoding = Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8; dataReader.ByteOrder = Windows.Storage.Streams.ByteOrder.LittleEndian; // Once we have written the contents successfully we load the stream. await dataReader.LoadAsync((uint)stream.Size); var receivedStrings = ""; // Keep reading until we consume the complete stream. while (dataReader.UnconsumedBufferLength > 0) { // Note that the call to readString requires a length of "code units" // to read. This is the reason each string is preceded by its length // when "on the wire". uint bytesToRead = dataReader.ReadUInt32(); receivedStrings += dataReader.ReadString(bytesToRead) + "\n"; } // Populate the ElementsRead text block with the items we read // from the stream. ElementsRead.Text = receivedStrings; } }