英语科技论文写作——Difference between APA&MLA

来源:华中科技大学外语学院 英语科技论文写作



Both use parenthetical reference system. But different in Text citation:

APA===Author +date method

MLA===Author’s name + page number in parenthesis without the intervening comma.


The name for reference list is different.


MLA===Works Cited

They are all centered.

Entries are listed alphebetically according to the surname of the author


They have different format.

APA===First line indented for 5 space. The second line and so on flush left.

MLA===First line flush left. The second line and so on indented for five spaces.


The author’s name are different.

APA===Last name+name seperated by comma. The name of the author is usually written in its initial capital letter form. Use “&” to take the place of “and”.

MLA===Last name+name seperated by comma to the first author only. For the second author and the rest, use Name+surname form. Use “and” only, not “&”.


The title of the article is different.

APA===Capitalize the first letter of title, the proper noun, and the thing after the Colon. The rest of the title are in small letters. No use of underline, nor italicize, nor quotations (“…”).

MLA===All words except those not at the beginning of the title should be capitalized. The title should be in quotation, not underlined, nor italicized.


The name of the book is different.

APA=== Capitalize the first letter of title, the proper noun, and the thing after the Colon. The rest of the title are in small letters. Underline or italicize the name.

MLA=== All words except those not at the beginning of the title should be capitalized.

Underline or italicize the name of the book.


The publishing date is different.

APA===Give the date of publication in bracket, and place it after the author.

MLA===Place the date of publication at the end of the reference, without the use of bracket.


Basic reference list is different.

APA===(for periodicals)

Author,A.A., Author, B.B.(1994). Title of Article. Title of Periodicals, XX, XXX-XXX.

(For books)

Author, A.A.(1994). Title of Work. Location: Publisher.



Author. Title of the Book, Publishing place, publishing house, date of publication.


Author. “Name of the Article”, name of the periodical, serial number, publishing date, page number.






Author Date Sytem

The author-date system requires that a parenthetical reference include the author’s last name, a comma, the work’s year of publication, another comma, and the page reference, preceded by the abbreviation p.or pp.

(Wilson, 1992,p.73)


Number System

In the number system, arabic numberals designate entries in the list of works cited and appear in parenthetical documentation followed by commas and the relevant volume and page references, which are preceded by the appropriate abbreviations.

(13, Vol. 5, p.259)

With this system, the year of publication remains at the end of the bibliographic entry,

And the works are usually listed not in alphabetical order but in the order in which they are first cited in the text. Titles generally follow APA style.

EG: But Peter Scotto has offered another view (1).

Scotto, P. Censorship, reading, and interpretation: A case study fron the Soviet Union. PMLA 109 (1994): 61-70


Number Notes

Number notes consecutively, starting from 1, throughout a research paper. Do not number them by page or designate them by asterisks or other symbols.

Format note numbers as superior, or supterscript, arabic numerals (raised slightly above the line), without periods, parentheses, or slashes.

In general, to avoid interrupting the continuity of the text, place a note number, like a parenthetical reference, at the end of the sentence, clause, or phrase containing the material quoted or referred to.



If you use notes for documentation, you may not need a list of works cited or a bibliography. The first not referring to a source includes the publication information found in a bibliography entry---the author’s name, the title, and the publication facts---as well as the page reference identifying the portion of the source you refer to at that point in the text.

A bibliographic entry for a work published as part of a book or periodical usually ends with the inclusive page numbers for the entire work cited, but a documentation note, in contrast, ends with the page number or numbers only of the portion you refer to.

Note numbers replace parenthetical references at the points in the text where citations are necessary.

Documentation notes appear either at the end of the text, as endnotes, or at the bottoms of relevant pages as footnotes.

In research papers, make all notes endnotes, unless you are instructed otherwise.

Endnotes appear after the text, starting on a new page numbered in sequence with the preceding page. Center the title Notes one inch from the top, double-space, indent one-half inch (or five spaces) from the left margin, and add the note number, without punctuation, slightly above the line.


Endnotes VS. Footnotes

Type a space and then the reference. If the note extends to two or more lines, begin subsequent lines at the left margin. Type the notes consecutively, double-spaced, and number all pages.

Footnotes appear at the bottoms of pages, beginning four lines (two double spaces) below the text. Single-space footnotes, but double-space between them. When a note continues on the following page, add a solid line across the new page two lines (one double space) below the last line of the text and continue the note two lines below the solid line.

Footnotes for the new page immediately follow the note continued from the previous page, after a double space.


每一文献后加注文献类别标号,专著标号为[M],论文集为[C],论文集内文章为[A],期刊上文章为[J],未经出之会议论文为[P],博士论文为[D],硕士论文为[MA] 或[MP], 报刊文章为[N],报告为[R],计算机程序为[CP]等。
