术语 | 中文含义 | 备注 |
central limit theorem | 中心极限理论 | p78 |
Mahalanobis distance | 马氏距离 | #, p80 |
orthonormal | 正交 | p80 |
eigenvalue | 特征值 | p81 |
positive definite | 正定的 | p81 |
singular | 非平凡的 | p81 |
positive semidefinite | 半正定的 | p81 |
Jacobian matrix | 雅克比矩阵 | p81 |
moment | 原点矩 | p82 |
covariance | 协方差 | p83 |
diagonal | 对角 | p84 |
isotropic covariance | #, p84 | |
unimodal | 单峰 | p84 |
latent(hidden,unobserved) varialbes | #, p84 | |
hierarchical models | #, p84 | |
Markov random field | #, p84 | |
linear dynamical system | #, p84 | |
precision matrix | p85 | |
Schur complement | p87 | |
sufficient statistic | 充分统计量 | p93 |
error signal | p95 | |
Robbins-Monro algorithm | p95, 顺序模型中的参数估计算法 | |
regression | p95 | |
stationary point | 驻点 | p96 |
point estimate | p97 | |
gamma distribution | p100 | |
inverse gamma distribution | p101 | |
normal-gamma (Gaussian-gamma) | p101 | |
Student’s t-distribution | p103 | |
degrees of freedom | p103 | |
Cauchy distribution | p103 | |
squared Mahalanobis distance | p105 | |
Cartesian coordinates | p106 | |
von Mises distribution (circular normal) | p108 | |
concentration parameter | p108 | |
zeroth-order Bessel function of the first kind |
p108 | |
responsibilities | p112 | |
closed-form analytical solution | p113 | |
expectation maximization | p113 |
p79, We strongly encourage the reader to become proficient in manipulating Gaussian distributions using the techniques presented here as this will prove invaluable in understanding the more complex models presented in later chapters.
p78, 多维高斯分布的密度函数(公式2.43)的归一化证明在公式2.57中
p78, The Gaussian distribution arises in many different contexts and can be motivated from a variety of different perspectives. Such as “maximizes the entropy” or “the sum of multiple random variables”.
p80 – p82, 作者先高斯分布的几何形状作为切入点来讲解高斯分布,即等密度椭圆曲线。
p82 – p83, 多维高斯分布均值和协方差矩阵的数学推导。
p83 - p84, 高斯分布的局限性和解决办法(*)
#, 其中有关Markov random field模型的说明尚未了解其含义。
p85, An important property of the multivariate Gaussian distributions is that if two sets of variables are jointly Gaussian, then the conditional distribution of one set conditioned on the other is again Gaussian. Similarly, the marginal distribution of either set is also Gaussian.
p87, The mean of the conditional distribution, given by (2.81), is a linear function of xb and that the covariance , given by (2.82), is independent of xa. This represents an example of a linear-Gaussian model.
#:协方差似乎也独立于xb,在p90页最后一段的中提到了这个性质,进一步验证需查看资料 (p91, Roweis and Ghahramani, 1999)
勘误:公式 (2.87) 的最后一行(第四行)中不应有 –1 这个求逆符号。
本小节主要讲解了由p(x)和p(y|x)推导p(x|y) 的过程。
p92, We can interpret the distribution p(x) as a prior distribution over x. If the variable y is observed, then the conditional distribution p(x|y) represents the corresponding posterior distribution over x.
p94, The maximization of (2.118) with respect to Σ is rather more involved. The simplest approach ……
求协方差矩阵的方法相对复杂,详情请看 Magnus and Neudecker (1999).
本小节主要讲解了顺序模型中参数估计的方法,先介绍了上节中均值的最大似然解在顺序估计中的应用,然后介绍了更一般化的方法,不过只讨论了单变量的情况,多变量的需查阅 (Blum, 1965).
p96, 需要理解并掌握约束条件的作用和含义。
p97 – p99, 方差已知,求均值
p99 – p101, 均值已知,求方差
p101, 均值,方差都未知
*:p103, From (2.158), we see that Student’s t-distribution is obtained by adding up an infinite number of Gaussian distributions having the same mean but different precisions. This can be interpreted as an infinite mixture of Gaussians.
p103, t-分布与高斯分布的区别,及各自的优缺点:t-分布的鲁棒性更好。
p103, t-分布的最大似然解可以用EM算法。
p104, 孤立点(或噪声点)产生的两个原因。
*:p104, Robustness is also an important property for regression problems. Unsurprisingly, the least squares approach to regression does not exhibit roubustness, because it corresponds to maximum likelihood under a (conditional) Gaussion distribution.
#: p105, mode[x] = μ
作者:兔纸张 来源:博客园 ( http://www.cnblogs.com/geiliCode )