One simple health check for oracle with sql

There are some sqls which is used for check the oracle database's health condition.


------numbers of process
select count(*) process_num from v$process;


show parameter processes

select count(*) datafile_num from v$datafile;

show parameter db_files;

col comp_name for a40

col version for a16

col status for a10

set pagesize 1000

set line 100

select comp_name,version,status from dba_registry;

select count(*) datafile_num from dba_data_files;

select count(*) tablespace_num from dba_tablespaces;

select sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 datafile_size from v$datafile;

col name for a30

col type for a10

col value for a40

show parameter

show sga

col pool for a20

col name for a40

set line 100

set pagesize 1000


col value for 999999999

col name for a40

set line 100


col value$ for a30

col name for a30

select name,value$ from props$ where name like '%CHARACTERSET%';



col name for a30

set line 100

select * from v$controlfile;

set linesize 120

col first_change# for 9999999999999

col status for a10

alter session set nls_date_format='yyyymmdd hh24miss';

select * from v$log;

col member for a40

select * from v$logfile;

show parameter db_block_size

set linesize 120 pagesize 50

col file_name for a40

col ts_name for a18

col cur_mb for 99999

col max_mb for 99999

select status, file_id, file_name, tablespace_name ts_name, autoextensible,

bytes/1048576 cur_mb, maxbytes/1048576 max_mb

from dba_data_files order by file_name;

select status, file_id, file_name, tablespace_name ts_name, autoextensible,

bytes/1048576 cur_mb, maxbytes/1048576 max_mb

from dba_temp_files order by file_name;

set linesize 120 pagesize 50

col tablespace_name format a20

col contents for a9

col ext_mgmt for a10

col alloc_type for a9

col ext_kb format 999999

col ssm for a6

col total_mb format a13

col free_mb format a10

col free_pct format a7

select c.tablespace_name, c.contents, c.extent_management ext_mgmt,

 c.allocation_type alloc_type, c.initial_extent/1024 ext_kb,

c.segment_space_management SSM, a.total_mb, b.free_mb,

 to_char(100*b.free_mb/a.total_mb, '999.99') free_pct


 (select tablespace_name, to_char(sum(bytes)/1048576, '99999999.99') total_mb

  from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) a,

 (select tablespace_name, to_char(sum(bytes)/1048576, '999999.99') free_mb,

   count(*) free_exts, to_char(max(bytes)/1048576, '999999') max_mb,

   to_char(min(bytes)/1048576, '999999') min_mb

  from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) b,

 dba_tablespaces c

where a.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name(+) and c.tablespace_name=b.tablespace_name

order by free_pct, tablespace_name;

select owner,count(*) seg_num_system from dba_segments where tablespace_name='SYSTEM' group by owner;

col username for a16

col default_tablespace for a20

col temporary_tablespace for a20

select username, default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users

 where default_tablespace='SYSTEM' or temporary_tablespace='SYSTEM';

select count(*) invalid_num from dba_objects where status='INVALID';

col owner for a16

col object_name for a30

col object_type for a16

set line 100

set pagesize 10000

select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where status='INVALID';

col table_name for a30

col tablespace_name for a20

set line 100

select owner, table_name, tablespace_name, chain_cnt from dba_tables where chain_cnt >0;

select OWNER||'.'||index_name as "OWNER.INDEX_NAME", blevel from dba_indexes where blevel>=4 order by 2 desc;

col username for a16

select * from v$pwfile_users;

col GRANTEE for a20

col GRANTED_ROLE for a20 

Select * from dba_role_privs where granted_role='DBA';

select event,count(*) from v$session_wait group by event;


