Printer Print Queue

  1. 需求说明


    • 暂停打印
    • 重启打印
    • 取消打印
    • 当打印失败时,在PrintCenter显示打印错误信息。当用户看到错误信息取消打印时,能准确记录已经成功打印过的产品数量
    • 支持打印队列的排队。如果两个PrintQueue对应的是同一个打印机,则同一时刻,只允许一个PrintQueue在打印,当其中一个printQueue暂停时,另一个排除的PrintQueue则进行打印。如果两个printQueue对应的是不同的打印机,则要支持同时打印。


  2. 经过分析以及测试之后,发现System.Printing.dll能满足项目需求,主要应用到如下类型:
    • PrinterServer:在打印服务器上管理打印队列。
    • PrintQueue:管理打印机与打印作业。
    • PrintSystemJobInfo:详细定义打印作业。
    • PrintJobStatus:指定打印队列中打印作业的状态。


  3. 代码实现
    1. PrintStatus:定义打印作业的状态
       1  [Flags]
       2     public enum PrintStatus
       3     {
       4         // Summary:
       5         //     The print job has no specified state.
       6         Pending = 1,
       7         //
       8         // Summary:
       9         //     The print job is paused.
      10         Paused = 2,
      11         //
      12         // Summary:
      13         //     The print job is in an error state.
      14         Error = 4,
      15         //
      16         // Summary:
      17         //     The print job is now printing.
      18         Printing = 8,
      19         //
      20         // Summary:
      21         //     The printer is offline.
      22         Offline = 16,
      23         //
      24         // Summary:
      25         //     The printer is out of the required paper size.
      26         PaperOut = 32,
      27         //
      28         // Summary:
      29         //     The print job printed.
      30         Printed = 64,
      31         //
      32         // Summary:
      33         //     The printer requires user action to fix an error condition.
      34         UserIntervention = 128,
      35     }
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    2. WindowsPrintQueue:判断不同的driver是否指向的是同一个物理打印机
       1 public class WindowsPrintQueue
       2     {
       3         /// <summary>
       4         /// whether the two printer is same model.
       5         /// </summary>
       6         /// <param name="printerName1"></param>
       7         /// <param name="printerName2"></param>
       8         /// <returns></returns>
       9         public bool IsSameModel(string printerName1,string printerName2) 
      10         {
      11             return GetPrinterModel(printerName1).Equals(GetPrinterModel(printerName2));
      12         }
      14         /// <summary>
      15         /// Return printer model
      16         /// </summary>
      17         /// <param name="printerName"></param>
      18         /// <returns></returns>
      19         public string GetPrinterModel(string printerName) 
      20         {
      21             string model = string.Empty;
      22             System.Printing.PrintQueue printQueue = GetPrintQueue(printerName);
      23             if (printQueue != null)
      24             {
      25                 //Get printer model
      26                 if (printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") == printQueue.Description.LastIndexOf(","))
      27                 {
      28                     model = printQueue.Description.Substring(printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") + 1, printQueue.Description.LastIndexOf(",") - printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") - 1);
      29                 }
      30                 else
      31                 {
      32                     model = printQueue.Description.Substring(printQueue.Description.IndexOf(",") + 1);
      33                 }
      34             }
      35             return model;
      36         }
      38         /// <summary>
      39         /// Get Windows Print Queue via printer name
      40         /// </summary>
      41         /// <param name="printerName"></param>
      42         /// <returns></returns>
      43         public System.Printing.PrintQueue GetPrintQueue(string printerName)
      44         {
      45             System.Printing.PrintQueue printQueue = null;
      46             PrintServer server = new PrintServer(printerName);
      47             foreach (System.Printing.PrintQueue pq in server.GetPrintQueues())
      48             {
      49                 if (pq.FullName.Equals(printerName))
      50                 {
      51                     printQueue = pq;
      52                 }
      53             }
      54             return printQueue;
      55         }
      57         /// <summary>
      58         /// Get Windows Print Queue via printer name
      59         /// 如果两个printer指向的是同一个物理打印机,则如果copy1的printQueue已经打开,则发送到copy2的打印job也会添加到已经打开的copy1的printQueue中.
      60         /// </summary>
      61         /// <param name="printerName"></param>
      62         /// <returns></returns>
      63         public System.Printing.PrintQueue GetOpenedPrintQueueOfSameModel(string printerName) 
      64         {
      65             System.Printing.PrintQueue doorOpenedprintQueue = null;
      66             System.Printing.PrintQueue currentPrinterPrintQueue = null;
      67             PrintServer server = new PrintServer(printerName);
      68             foreach (System.Printing.PrintQueue pq in server.GetPrintQueues())
      69             {
      70                 if (pq.FullName.Equals(printerName))
      71                 {
      72                     currentPrinterPrintQueue = pq;
      73                 }
      74                 else
      75                 { 
      76                    if(IsSameModel(printerName,pq.FullName))
      77                    {
      78                       if(pq.IsDoorOpened)
      79                       {
      80                           doorOpenedprintQueue = pq;
      81                           break;
      82                       }
      83                    }
      84                 }
      85             }
      87             if (doorOpenedprintQueue != null)
      88             {
      89                 return doorOpenedprintQueue;
      90             }
      91             else
      92             {
      93                 return currentPrinterPrintQueue;
      94             }
      95         }
      96     }
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