Download “Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers” all in one installation from
After uncompressing (usually with "tar xzf eclipse.<version info here>.tar.gz"), you can simply enter the eclipse directory (with "cd eclipse") and run the Eclipse (usually using "./eclipse"). After you start the Eclipse for the first time, it will ask you for the "workspace" directory. This directory will contain your future projects in subdirectories.
【附】运行eclipse需要安装JRE(安装方法见博文:ubuntu下安装最新 版jre 7)
In the Eclipse, go to main menu option "File - New - Project", then choose "C/C++" and then "Makefile Project with Existing Code" and navigate to the FFmpeg's source code directory“ffmpeg-1.1.3”.
在Import Existing Code对话框中的Toolchain for Indexer Settings中选Linux GCC
First of all, make sure you have c++, g++, make and other build tools installed. If you are using debian/ubuntu, you can type "apt-get install build-essential". Before you compile the source code for the first time, you'll have to go to your ffmpeg root directory ("ffmpeg-1.1.3") and type "./configure". After it finishes, go back to Eclipse and use the main menu option "Project - Build All".
./configure --enable-gpl --disable-optimizations --disable-ffplay --disable-asm –prefix=/usr
Dev packages provide the headers and .lib/.dll.a files required to use the .dll files in other programs.
右键点击ffmpeg_g选debug as->Local c/c++ Application
右键点击ffmpeg_g选debug as-> Debug Configuration
Step Over (类似vs的F10) / Step Into (类似vs的F11)