JavaScript Lab - Articles - Non-recursive Preorder Traversal - Part 1

JavaScript Lab - Articles - Non-recursive Preorder Traversal - Part 1

Non-recursive Preorder Traversal - Part 1

Published on 1st of November 2008. Copyright Tavs Dokkedahl. Displayed 4534 time(s)

A brief introduction to trees

If you have never heard of trees keep reading otherwise you can safely skip to the next section.

A tree is a datastructure which organizes data as shown on the picture below.

  • The root is the top most element. A root element has no parent element nor any siblings.
  • A branch has exactly 1 parent element and at least 1 child element. It may have 0 or more siblings.
  • A leaf has exactly 1 parent and no child elements. If may have 0 or more siblings.

In general all elements in the tree are called nodes and we differentiate between root, branches and leafs by checking their parent/child properties.

The DOM of a HTML document is such a tree. Below is a picture of how some of the elements of this page are ordered.

This tree corresponds to the following HTML code

 1 <html>
 2   <head>
 3     <title>
 4       JavaScript Lab - Articles - Non-recursive Preorder Traversal
 5     </title>
 6     <meta name=\"language\" content=\"EN\" />
 7   </head>
 8   <body>
 9     <div id=\"header\">
10     </div>
11     <div id=\"toolbar\">
12       <ul>
13         ...
14       </ul>
15       <div class=\"clear\">
16       </div>
17     </div>
18     ...
19   </body>
20 </html>

The root node is the html element. It has 2 children - the head and the body elements.

The head element has 2 children - the title and the meta elements. These two elements are siblings and share the same parent node.

The meta element is a leaf as it has no child nodes whereas the title is not as it has a string value.

The title string itself is a text node and a leaf.

When we are doing a preorder traversal we are visiting each node in the tree in the following order

So a preorder traversal is a ordering of the elements as they are ordered in the source code.

San Francisco Bay Area Professional Blog: Traverse/walk DOM tree recursively

Traverse/walk DOM tree recursively

Task definition: You have a DOM tree (startNode which can be the whole document), and need to find first specific tag in this tree.

Here is the recursion function to do this:
1. function findNodeByTag(startNode, tagName) {
2.     if (startNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == tagName.toLowerCase()) return startNode;
3.     var childList = startNode.childNodes;
4.     for (var i=0; i<childList.length; i++) {
5.         return findNodeByTag(childList[i], tagName);
6.     }
7.     return null;
8. }

And you call it:
1. findNodeByTag(myDOMobj, "img");
