Disassembly managed code


I am using Windbg to disassembly managed code (written in c#,console application) using Windbg's !U command from sos.dll.I find when using !u to disassemble  a managed function ,the disassebled IL code only contains function calls i made ,and for remaining parts(non-function call C# code),for example a=a*2,and foreach loops in C#,only natice assembly language code is shown ,is that the correct expected behavior?



If you want to dump iL while debugging you can use the !dumpil command from sos.It takes a MethodDesc pointer as input,so you have to obtain that first!

One way to get the MethodDesc pointer use the !name2ee command.

 0:000> !name2ee ClassLibrary1!ClassLibrary1.Bar.Foo
Module: 001630bc (ClassLibrary1.dll)
Token: 0x06000001
MethodDesc: 00163450  <=== HERE
Name: ClassLibrary1.Bar.Foo()
JITTED Code Address: 007500f0
Following that, you can do a !dumpil 00163450 to dump the IL for method Foo like this

0:000> !dumpil 00163450
ilAddr = 73532050
IL_0000: ldstr "Foo"
IL_0005: call System.Console::WriteLine
