

首先建一个应用程序项目,命名为ThreadExample,在窗体上放一个文本框(textBox1) ,一个标签(lblResult),再放两个按钮,分别命名为btnStart、btnStop。


namespace  ThreadExample
class  ThreadExample
/**/ ///   <summary>
///  Required designer variable.
///   </summary>
         private  System.ComponentModel.IContainer components  =   null ;

/**/ ///   <summary>
///  Clean up any resources being used.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="disposing"> true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. </param>
         protected   override   void  Dispose( bool  disposing)
if  (disposing  &&  (components  !=   null ))
base .Dispose(disposing);

        Windows Form Designer generated code
#region  Windows Form Designer generated code

/**/ ///   <summary>
///  Required method for Designer support - do not modify
///  the contents of this method with the code editor.
///   </summary>
         private   void  InitializeComponent()
this .btnStart  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this .btnStop  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this .button1  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this .textBox1  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this .lblResult  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this .SuspendLayout();
//  btnStart
             this .btnStart.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 38 );
this .btnStart.Name  =   " btnStart " ;
this .btnStart.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 75 23 );
this .btnStart.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnStart.Text  =   " 启动 " ;
this .btnStart.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .btnStart_Click);
//  btnStop
             this .btnStop.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 68 );
this .btnStop.Name  =   " btnStop " ;
this .btnStop.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 75 23 );
this .btnStop.TabIndex  =   1 ;
this .btnStop.Text  =   " 停止 " ;
this .btnStop.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .btnStop_Click);
//  button1
             this .button1.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 97 );
this .button1.Name  =   " button1 " ;
this .button1.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 75 23 );
this .button1.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .button1.Text  =   " 关闭 " ;
this .button1.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .button1_Click);
//  textBox1
             this .textBox1.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 11 );
this .textBox1.Name  =   " textBox1 " ;
this .textBox1.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 75 21 );
this .textBox1.TabIndex  =   4 ;
this .textBox1.Text  =   " 200 " ;
//  lblResult
             this .lblResult.AutoSize  =   true ;
this .lblResult.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 12 139 );
this .lblResult.Name  =   " lblResult " ;
this .lblResult.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 23 12 );
this .lblResult.TabIndex  =   5 ;
this .lblResult.Text  =   " 0/0 " ;
//  ThreadExample
             this .AutoScaleDimensions  =   new  System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);
this .AutoScaleMode  =  System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this .ClientSize  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 104 164 );
this .Controls.Add( this .lblResult);
this .Controls.Add( this .textBox1);
this .Controls.Add( this .button1);
this .Controls.Add( this .btnStop);
this .Controls.Add( this .btnStart);
this .Name  =   " ThreadExample " ;
this .Text  =   " Form1 " ;
this .ResumeLayout( false );
this .PerformLayout();



private  System.Windows.Forms.Button btnStart;
private  System.Windows.Forms.Button btnStop;
private  System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
private  System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1;
private  System.Windows.Forms.Label lblResult;

using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Data;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Windows.Forms;
using  System.Threading;

namespace  ThreadExample
public  partial  class  ThreadExample : Form
// 声明一个线程
         private  Thread timerThread;
// 声明一个变量,用来存储label值
         int  count, i  =   0 ;

public  ThreadExample()

// 把label的值加1;
         public   void  AddData()
// 显示lable的值
             if  (i  ==  count)
=   0 ;
this .lblResult.Text  =  i.ToString()  +   " / "   +  count.ToString();
++ ;

// 更新线程
         public   void  UpdataThread()
// 在对控件的调用方法进行调用时,或需要一个简单委托又不想自己定义时可以使用该委托。
                MethodInvoker mi  =   new  MethodInvoker( this .AddData);
while  ( true )
// 在创建控件的基础句柄所在线程上异步执行指定的委托
                     this .BeginInvoke(mi);
50 );
catch  (ThreadInterruptedException)
// 针对具体问题定制异常抛出显示
// 做一些处理

// 启动线程
         public   void  StartThread()
=   new  Thread( new  ThreadStart(UpdataThread));
// 获取或设置一个值,该值指示某个线程是否为后台线程。
            timerThread.IsBackground  =   true ;

// 停止线程
         public   void  StopThread()
if  (timerThread  !=   null )
// 中断线程
=   null ;

// 启动线程,显示结果
         private   void  btnStart_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
// 调用线程启动函数
            count  =   int .Parse(textBox1.Text);
this .StartThread();

// 停止线程
         private   void  btnStop_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
// 调用线程停止函数
             this .StopThread();

