Oracle vs. Google 訴訟最新發展,Sun CEO 曾公開支持 Android

Oracle vs. Google 訴訟最新發展,Sun CEO 曾公開支持 Android_第1张图片

爭議多時的 Android 系統侵犯 Java 版權一案,近日再次出現突破性的發展。話說於 2007 年 Android 面世的時候,同時 Java 還是屬於 Sun Microsystems 的產品。Sun 的 CEO Jonathan Schwartz 在當時公開於網誌中祝賀 Android 系統的誕生,而且還表示 Java 能成為手機操作系統的開發平台感到十分高興。

以上的言論充分證明了 Sun 是何等支持 Android 系統,Google 亦準備當作呈堂證供,不過控方 Oracle 可能認為對自己大為不利,已經將這篇網誌刪除,可是在網絡中怎有秘密可言,幸好這篇文章還可透過 web archive 中復原,有興趣了解當中內容的朋友可閱讀跳轉後的原文。

報道稱,如果 Google 能夠證明 Schwartz 的言論是已經批准 Android 可以基於 Java 開發,這下子形勢馬上逆轉,Oracle 一方就變成反悔當初 Schwartz 許下的承諾,所有侵權都可視為無效。

Congratulations Google, Red Hat and the Java Community!
I just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of others from Sun in offering my heartfelt congratulations to Google on the announcement of their new Java/Linux phone platform, Android. Congratulations!

I’d also like Sun to be the first platform software company to commit to a complete developer environment around the platform, as we throw Sun’s NetBeans developer platform for mobile devices behind the effort. We’ve obviously done a ton of work to support developers on all Java based platforms, and were pleased to add Google’s Android to the list.

The Java platform has come a long way – we’re on the vast majority of mobile devices in the marketplace today (well over a billion phones at last count), and with Google’s mobile services (like gMail and Google Maps), along with Yahoo!’s Go Mobile, alongside a massive spectrum of incredible entertainment offerings from folks like Electronic Arts, we have by far and away the most complete content ecosystem on the market today. Enabling carriers, handset manufacturers, content creators – and most of all, consumers – to get the most from their mobile devices.

And needless to say, Google and the Open Handset Alliance just strapped another set of rockets to the community’s momentum – and to the vision defining opportunity across our (and other) planets.
Today is an incredible day for the open source community, and a massive endorsement of two of the industry’s most prolific free software communities, Java and Linux.

via: androidandme
