【翻译】使用Scala和Akka Actor发送邮件

原文见: http://raulraja.com/post/40997612883/sending-email-with-scala-and-akka-actors

作者正在学习Akka所以他决定使用Akka actor模型来写邮件发送服务,akka不光提供了扩展性和并行的框架,还有以下的好处:

  • The builtin configurable supervisor strategy allows you to monitor child workers and decide what policy applies should there be an exception. 使用内置可配置的监控机制来监控子进程,并决定处理异常的策略
  • I could easily reschedule email delivery attempts on common email exception often times thrown by SMTP servers. 在碰到SMTP服务异常等常见错误时,可以方便地重新调度邮件发送
  • Actor routers allow you to dispatch messages to a pool of actors in an intelligent way. In this case we use the SmallestMailboxRouter which sends messages to actors in the pool with a smaller workload.使用Actor Router来智能分发信息到一个actor池。作者使用了SmallestMailboxRouter来发送信息到那些比较空闲的actor。

 * Copyright (C) 2012 47 Degrees, LLC
 * http://47deg.com
 * [email protected]
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package services

import akka.actor._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Akka
import play.api.Play.current
import akka.actor.SupervisorStrategy._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.routing.SmallestMailboxRouter
import org.apache.commons.mail.{HtmlEmail, DefaultAuthenticator, EmailException}
import akka.actor.ActorDSL._

 * Smtp config
 * @param tls if tls should be used with the smtp connections
 * @param ssl if ssl should be used with the smtp connections
 * @param port the smtp port
 * @param host the smtp host name
 * @param user the smtp user
 * @param password thw smtp password
case class SmtpConfig(tls : Boolean = false,
                      ssl : Boolean = false,
                      port : Int = 25,
                      host : String,
                      user : String,
                      password: String)

 * The email message sent to Actors in charge of delivering email
 * @param subject the email subject
 * @param recipient the recipient
 * @param from the sender
 * @param text alternative simple text
 * @param html html body
case class EmailMessage(
                         subject: String,
                         recipient: String,
                         from: String,
                         text: String,
                         html: String,
                         smtpConfig : SmtpConfig,
                         retryOn: FiniteDuration,
                         var deliveryAttempts: Int = 0)

 * Email service
object EmailService {

   * Uses the smallest inbox strategy to keep 20 instances alive ready to send out email
   * @see SmallestMailboxRouter
  val emailServiceActor = Akka.system.actorOf(
      SmallestMailboxRouter(nrOfInstances = 50)
    ), name = "emailService"

   * public interface to send out emails that dispatch the message to the listening actors
   * @param emailMessage the email message
  def send(emailMessage: EmailMessage) {
    emailServiceActor ! emailMessage

   * Private helper invoked by the actors that sends the email
   * @param emailMessage the email message
  private def sendEmailSync(emailMessage: EmailMessage) {

    // Create the email message
    val email = new HtmlEmail()
    email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator(

   * An Email sender actor that sends out email messages
   * Retries delivery up to 10 times every 5 minutes as long as it receives
   * an EmailException, gives up at any other type of exception
  class EmailServiceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {

     * The actor supervisor strategy attempts to send email up to 10 times if there is a EmailException
    override val supervisorStrategy =
      OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 10) {
        case emailException: EmailException => {
          log.debug("Restarting after receiving EmailException : {}", emailException.getMessage)
        case unknownException: Exception => {
          log.debug("Giving up. Can you recover from this? : {}", unknownException)
        case unknownCase: Any => {
          log.debug("Giving up on unexpected case : {}", unknownCase)

     * Forwards messages to child workers
    def receive = {
      case message: Any => context.actorOf(Props[EmailServiceWorker]) ! message


   * Email worker that delivers the message
  class EmailServiceWorker extends Actor with ActorLogging {

     * The email message in scope
    private var emailMessage: Option[EmailMessage] = None

     * Delivers a message
    def receive = {
      case email: EmailMessage => {
        emailMessage = Option(email)
        email.deliveryAttempts = email.deliveryAttempts + 1
        log.debug("Atempting to deliver message")
        log.debug("Message delivered")
      case unexpectedMessage: Any => {
        log.debug("Received unexepected message : {}", unexpectedMessage)
        throw new Exception("can't handle %s".format(unexpectedMessage))

     * If this child has been restarted due to an exception attempt redelivery
     * based on the message configured delay
    override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
      if (emailMessage.isDefined) {
        log.debug("Scheduling email message to be sent after attempts: {}", emailMessage.get)
        import context.dispatcher
        // Use this Actors' Dispatcher as ExecutionContext

        context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(emailMessage.get.retryOn, self, emailMessage.get)

    override def postStop() {
      if (emailMessage.isDefined) {
        log.debug("Stopped child email worker after attempts {}, {}", emailMessage.get.deliveryAttempts, self)


