Spring BlazeDS Integration Flex4 Java 后台数据推送









			default-channels="my-streaming-amf,my-longpolling-amf,my-polling-amf" />
<flex:message-destination id="simple-feed" />

<!-- Pojo used to start and stop the data feed that pushes data in the 'simple-feed' destination -->
<bean id="simpleFeedStarter" class="SimpleFeed 类路径">
	<constructor-arg ref="defaultMessageTemplate" />
	<flex:remoting-destination />



import java.util.Random;

import org.springframework.flex.messaging.MessageTemplate;

public class SimpleFeed {

    private static FeedThread thread;

    private final MessageTemplate template;

    public SimpleFeed(MessageTemplate template) {
        this.template = template;

    public void start() {
        if (thread == null) {
            thread = new FeedThread(this.template);

    public void stop() {
        thread.running = false;
        thread = null;

    public static class FeedThread extends Thread {

        public boolean running = false;

        private final MessageTemplate template;

        public FeedThread(MessageTemplate template) {
            this.template = template;

        public void run() {
            this.running = true;
            Random random = new Random();
            double initialValue = 35;
            double currentValue = 35;
            double maxChange = initialValue * 0.005;

            while (this.running) {
                double change = maxChange - random.nextDouble() * maxChange * 2;
                double newValue = currentValue + change;

                if (currentValue < initialValue + initialValue * 0.15 && currentValue > initialValue - initialValue * 0.15) {
                    currentValue = newValue;
                } else {
                    currentValue -= change;

                this.template.send("simple-feed", new Double(currentValue));

                System.out.println("" + currentValue);

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" fontSize="20" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF">
			import mx.messaging.messages.IMessage;
			private function messageHandler(message:IMessage):void
				pushedValue.text = ""+ message.body;	
	<mx:ChannelSet id="cs">
		<!-- <mx:StreamingAMFChannel url="http://localhost:8080/testdrive/messagebroker/streamingamf"/> -->
		<mx:AMFChannel url="http://localhost:8080/testdrive/messagebroker/amflongpolling"/>
		<mx:AMFChannel url="http://localhost:8080/testdrive/messagebroker/amfpolling"/>
	<mx:Consumer id="consumer" destination="simple-feed" channelSet="{cs}" 

	<mx:TextInput id="pushedValue" width="250"/>

	<mx:Button label="Subscribe" click="consumer.subscribe()" enabled="{!consumer.subscribed}"/>
	<mx:Button label="Unsubscribe" click="consumer.unsubscribe()" enabled="{consumer.subscribed}"/>













