最近搞了一把人工智能,感觉AIML(Artificial Intelligence Mark-up Language)确实是个好东西,特笔记之。
<aiml> <category><pattern>WHO WANTS TO KNOW</pattern><template>ALICE wants to know.</template></category> <category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU CALLED</pattern><template> <srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai> </template></category> <category><pattern>WHY ARE YOU NAMED *</pattern><template> <srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai> </template></category> <category><pattern>WHY DO YOU DREAM *</pattern><template>I dream about adding new code to ALICE.</template></category> <category><pattern>WHY SILVER</pattern><template>ALICE is competing for the Loebner Silver Medal.</template></category> <category><pattern>WHY WERE YOU NAMED ALICE</pattern><template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template></category> <category><pattern>WHY WERE YOU NAMED</pattern><template><srai>WHAT DOES ALICE STAND FOR</srai></template></category> <category><pattern>WHY</pattern><that>I AM SMARTER *</that><template>ALICE won an award for being the "most human" robot.</template></category> <category><pattern>WOULD ALICE *</pattern><template><srai>WOULD YOU <star/> </srai> </template></category> </aiml>
1:pattern tag:支持模式匹配(正则表达式,模糊匹配),及基于template的返回
2:random tag:支持随机回答(一对多)
4:think,system tag: 支持简单逻辑记忆及自定义函数(本来打算扩展一下AIML, 搞一个支持Groovy语言的标签, 结果看到了它的<system>标签, 遂作罢)
5:javascript tag: 支持嵌入js脚本(适用于web chat开发,比如根据情绪改变表情等)。
6:srai tag: 支持多对一回答.
2:按照AIML, 鄙人整理了一个简单的DEMO,扩展了AIML的DATE标签,支持了java的时间掩码,并有自学习功能.
Alice>Hi ya! Welcome! you say>what's your name Alice>sorry, what? you say>this is not a good answer //开始学习功能 Alice>Sorry. What would be a good answer? you say>my name is Alice Alice>Alright! You can ask me again to see if I got it. you say>what's your name Alice>my name is Alice you say>what is your name Alice>my name is Alice you say>my name is Lichunlei Alice>hello, Lichunlei. you say>do you remember me? Alice>Your name is Lichunlei, seeker. //Alice的记忆功能 you say>what's time now? Alice>It is 10:59 A.M. you say>what date is today? Alice>Monday.
如果感觉机器人Alice的答案不满意, 只需输入包含not和good answer的句子,在你的指导下,Alice就可以开始学习新知识。
让它如此智慧的原因就是AIML文件, 此为机器人的大脑.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <aiml> <!-- Copyright (c) 2007 ALICE A.I. Foundation, Inc. --> <!-- Last modified Seo 21, 2009, by Lichunlei --> <category><pattern>WHAT IS TIME *</pattern><template>It is <date format="h:mm a"/>.</template></category> <category><pattern>WHAT DAY IS TODAY</pattern><template><date format="E"/>.</template></category> <category><pattern>WHAT IS TODAY *</pattern><template><date format="EEE"/>.</template></category> <category><pattern>MY NAME IS *</pattern><template><think><set name="name"><star/></set></think>hello, <get name="name"/>.</template></category> <category><pattern>DO YOU REMEMBER ME</pattern><template>Your name is <get name="name"/>, seeker.</template></category> <category><pattern>I CAN NOT *</pattern><template>Why can't you do <set name="it"><person/></set>?</template></category> <category><pattern>MY INPUT</pattern> <template> 1:<input index="1"/> 2:<input index="2"/> 3:<input index="3"/></template></category> <category><pattern>*</pattern><template>sorry, what?</template></category> <!-- Greeting categories. --> <category> <pattern>WELCOME</pattern> <template> <think> <system> <!-- Defines a method to create new categories from user input at run-time. --> import bitoflife.chatterbean.AliceBot; import bitoflife.chatterbean.Context; import bitoflife.chatterbean.Graphmaster; import bitoflife.chatterbean.aiml.Category; import bitoflife.chatterbean.text.Transformations; void learn(String pattern, String template) { /* The "match" variable represents the current matching context. */ AliceBot bot = match.getCallback(); Context context = bot.getContext(); Transformations transformations = context.getTransformations(); pattern = transformations.normalization(pattern); Category category = new Category(pattern, new String[] {template}); Graphmaster brain = bot.getGraphmaster(); brain.append(category); } </system> </think> Hi ya! Welcome! </template> </category> <!-- A category set to learn simple user-fed categories. --> <category> <pattern>* NOT * GOOD ANSWER</pattern> <template> Sorry. What would be a good answer? </template> </category> <category> <pattern>_</pattern> <that>WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD ANSWER</that> <template> <system>learn("<input index="3"/>", "<input index="1"/>")</system> Alright! You can ask me again to see if I got it. </template> </category> </aiml>
之所以Alice可以学习, 重要的一点是<input/>标签,此标签记住了之前对方的聊天记录, 通过index可以得到(倒序索引)
Alice工厂: AliceBotMother
package co.aiml; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import bitoflife.chatterbean.AliceBot; import bitoflife.chatterbean.Context; import bitoflife.chatterbean.parser.AliceBotParser; import bitoflife.chatterbean.util.Searcher; public class AliceBotMother { private ByteArrayOutputStream gossip; public void setUp() { gossip = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); } public String gossip() { return gossip.toString(); } public AliceBot newInstance() throws Exception { Searcher searcher = new Searcher(); AliceBotParser parser = new AliceBotParser(); AliceBot bot = parser.parse(new FileInputStream("Bots/context.xml"), new FileInputStream("Bots/splitters.xml"), new FileInputStream("Bots/substitutions.xml"), searcher.search("Bots/mydomain", ".*\\.aiml")); Context context = bot.getContext(); context.outputStream(gossip); return bot; } }
package co.aiml; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import bitoflife.chatterbean.AliceBot; public class Chat { public static final String END = "bye"; public static String input() { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.println("you say>"); String input = ""; try { input = in.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return input; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { AliceBotMother mother = new AliceBotMother(); mother.setUp(); AliceBot bot = mother.newInstance(); System.err.println("Alice>" + bot.respond("welcome")); while(true) { String input = Chat.input(); if(Chat.END.equalsIgnoreCase(input)) break; System.err.println("Alice>" + bot.respond(input)); } } }
AliceBot bot = parser.parse(new FileInputStream("Bots/context.xml"), new FileInputStream("Bots/splitters.xml"), new FileInputStream("Bots/substitutions.xml"), searcher.search("Bots/mydomain", ".*\\.aiml"));
context.xml:设置application的属性, 及时间格式等可变属性
<context> <!-- The id is a unique string that identifies this context. --> <bot name="id" value="test_cases" /> <!-- Bot predicates are set at load time, and cannot be changed at runtime. --> <bot name="output" value="Logs/gossip.txt" /> <bot name="randomSeed" value="1" /> <bot name="series" value="Alpha" /> <bot name="version" value="0.7.5 Alpha" /> <bot name="location" value="Atlanta" /> <bot name="name" value="Alice" /> <!-- Default values for predicates, can be changed later at runtime. --> <set name="dateFormat" value="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" /> <set name="name" value="dear friend" /> <set name="me" value="Alice" /> <set name="engine" value="ChatterBean" /> <set name="topic" value="*" /> </context>
<splitters> <splitter value="..." type="sentence"/> <splitter value="." type="sentence"/> <splitter value="!" type="sentence"/> <splitter value="?" type="sentence"/> <splitter value=";" type="sentence"/> <splitter value="," type="word"/> <splitter value=":" type="word"/> </splitters>
<substitutions> <!-- Input substitutions correct spelling mistakes and convert "sentence"-ending characters into characters that will not be identified as sentence enders. --> <input> <correction><!--sentence correction--> <substitute find="=reply" replace=""/> <substitute find="name=reset" replace=""/> <substitute find=":-)" replace=" smile "/> <substitute find=":)" replace=" smile "/> <substitute find=",)" replace=" smile "/> <substitute find=";)" replace=" smile "/> <substitute find=";-)" replace=" smile "/> <substitute find=""" replace=""/> <substitute find="/" replace=" "/> <substitute find=">" replace=" gt "/> <substitute find="<" replace=" lt "/> <substitute find="(" replace=" "/> <substitute find=")" replace=" "/> <substitute find=" u " replace=" you "/> <substitute find=" ur " replace=" your "/> <substitute find=" you'd " replace=" you would "/> <substitute find=" you're " replace=" you are "/> <substitute find=" you re " replace=" you are "/> <substitute find=" you've " replace=" you have "/> <substitute find=" you ve " replace=" you have "/> <substitute find=" what's " replace=" what is "/> ... </correction> <protection><!-- sentence protection --> <substitute find=",what " replace=". what "/> <substitute find=", do " replace=". do "/> <substitute find=",do " replace=". do "/> ... </protection> </input> <gender> <substitute find=" on her " replace="on him"/> <substitute find=" in her " replace="in him"/> <substitute find=" his " replace="her"/> <substitute find=" her " replace="his"/> <substitute find=" him " replace="her"/> ... </gender> <person> <substitute find=" I was " replace="he or she was"/> <substitute find=" mine " replace="his or hers"/> </person> <person2> ... <substitute find=" your " replace="my"/> </person2> </substitutions>
比如在上面的聊天DEMO中, 我输入what's your name, 和输入what is your name, 都能得到正确的回答,这是因为:
<substitute find=" what's " replace=" what is "/>
package bitoflife.chatterbean.aiml是chatterbean对于AIML标签的实现包。目前为止,实现了大多数常用AIML标签.
而对date标签只有一个最简单的实现, 也不支持java时间掩码.
<category><pattern>WHAT IS TIME *</pattern><template>It is <date format="h:mm a"/>.</template></category>
所以, 修改之:
public class Date extends TemplateElement { private final SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(); /**date tag format value, add by lcl**/ private String formatStr = ""; public Date() { } public Date(Attributes attributes) { //得到时间掩码 formatStr = attributes.getValue(0); } public String process(Match match) { try { format.applyPattern(formatStr); return format.format(new java.util.Date()); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultDate(match); } } private String defaultDate(Match match) { try { format.applyPattern((String) match.getCallback().getContext().property("predicate.dateFormat")); return format.format(new java.util.Date()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { return ""; } } }
4:要想让Alice足够聪明, 必须要有足够多的AIML, 如下地址是其所有的资料库:
加入到程序中, Alice几乎无所不知了。
5:如果需要做一个某领域的机器人专家, 基于AIML来实现,是一个不错的选择。