<!-- app/views/example.blade.php --><p>{{ date('d/m/y') }}</p>
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php --><p>{{{ '<script>alert("CHUNKY BACON!");</script>' }}}</p>
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php --><p><script>alert("CHUNKY BACON!");</script></p>
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php -->@if ($something == 'Red Panda') <p>Something is red, white, and brown!</p>@elseif ($something == 'Giant Panda') <p>Something is black and white!</p>@else <p>Something could be a squirrel.</p>@endif
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php -->@foreach ($manyThings as $thing) <p>{{ $thing }}</p>@endforeach
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php -->@for ($i = 0; $i < 999; $i++) <p>Even {{ $i }} red pandas, aren't enough!</p>@endfor
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php -->@while (isPretty($kieraKnightly)) <p>This loop probably won't ever end.</p>@endwhile
<!-- app/views/example.blade.php -->@unless (worldIsEnding()) <p>Keep smiling.</p>@endunless
<html lang="en"><h1>When does the Narwhal bacon?</h1><!-- app/views/footer.blade.php --><small>Information provided based on research as of 3rd May '13.</small><!-- app/views/example.blade.php --><!doctype html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Narwhals</title></head><body> @include('header') <p>Why, the Narhwal surely bacons at midnight, my good sir!</p> @include('footer')</body></html>
<html lang="en"><!doctype html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> @section('head') <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> @show</head><body> @yield('body') @section('message') @parent <p>parent message.</p> @show</body></html><!-- app/views/home.blade.php -->@extends('layouts.base') @section('head') <link rel="stylesheet" href="another.css" />@stop @section('body') <h1>Hurray!</h1> <p>We have a template!</p>@stop @section('message') @parent <p>Fourth</p>@stop
{{-- This is a pretty, and secret Blade comment. --}}
{{ $var }}
- Echo content
{{ $var or 'default' }}
- Echo content with a default value
{{{ $var }}}
- Echo escaped content
{{-- Comment --}}
- A Blade comment
- Extends a template with a layout
- Starts an if block
- Starts an else block
- Start a elseif block
- Ends a if block
@foreach($list as $key => $val)
- Starts a foreach block
- Ends a foreach block
@for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
- Starts a for block
- Ends a for block
- Starts a while block
- Ends a while block
- Starts an unless block
- Ends an unless block
- Includes another template
@include(file, ['var' => $val,...])
- Includes a template, passing new variables.
- Renders a template on a collection
- Renders a template on a collection or a different template if collection is empty.
- Yields content of a section.
- Ends section and yields its content
- Outputs message from translation table
@choice('message', $count)
- Outputs message with language pluralization
- Starts a section
- Ends section
- Ends section
- Ends section and appends it to existing of section of same name
- Ends section, overwriting previous section of same name