mongodb 全文搜索---ttlsa教程系列之mongodb(十)

mongodb full text search(fts:全文搜素)是在版本2.4新加的特性。在以前的版本,是通过精确匹配和正则表达式来查询,这效率是很低的。全文索引,能够从大量的文本中搜索出所需的内容,内置多国语言和分词方法。不支持宇宙第一语言---中文。 全文索引会导致mongodb写入性能下降,因为所有字符串都要拆分,存储到不同地方。 全文索引是一种技术,并大量的使用。如搜索引擎,站内搜索等等。常使用到的全文搜索有: lucene sphinx redis-search riak search 不过,对中文的搜索不尽如人意。 mongodb用的是开源的snowball分词器,参见 mongodb 全文索引支持的语言有: danish dutch english finnish french german hungarian italian norwegian portuguese romanian russian spanish swedish turkish 如果希望使用其他语言,需要在创建索引时指定要使用的语言。默认是支持英文的。
> {txt: "text"}, {default_language: "german"} )
1. 启用全文索引
> db.adminCommand( { setParameter : 1, textSearchEnabled : true } )
{ "was" : false, "ok" : 1 }
默认是关闭的。否则会报错"err" : "text search not enabled" 2. 插入测试数据 下面是插入一些《加州旅馆》这首二十世纪非常著名的流行音乐。
> db.ttlsa_com.insert({"song":"1. Hotel California", "lyrics": "On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair. Warm smell of colitas, rising up through the air."})
> db.ttlsa_com.insert({"song":"2. Hotel California", "lyrics": "Up ahead in the distance, I saw a shimmering light. My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim."})
> db.ttlsa_com.insert({"song":"3. Hotel California", "lyrics": "Such a lovely place, Such a lovely face."})
> db.ttlsa_com.insert({"song":"4. Hotel California", "lyrics": "Some dance to remember, some dance to forget."})
> db.ttlsa_com.insert({"song":"5. Hotel California", "lyrics": "Welcome to the Hotel California"})
> db.ttlsa_com.insert({"song":"加州旅馆", "lyrics": "Welcome to the Hotel California"})
3. 创建全文索引
> db.ttlsa_com.ensureIndex({"song":"text", "lyrics":"text"})
> db.ttlsa_com.ensureIndex({"$**": "text"})
> db.ttlsa_com.ensureIndex({"song":"text"},{"weights":{"song": 2, "$**": 3}})
4. 查看索引信息
> db.system.indexes.find().toArray()
                "v" : 1,
                "key" : {
                        "_id" : 1
                "ns" : "testindex.ttlsa_com",
                "name" : "_id_"
                "v" : 1,
                "key" : {
                        "_fts" : "text",
                        "_ftsx" : 1
                "ns" : "testindex.ttlsa_com",
                "name" : "song_text_lyrics_text",
                "weights" : {
                        "lyrics" : 1,
                        "song" : 1
                "default_language" : "english",
                "language_override" : "language",
                "textIndexVersion" : 1
5. 查询 全文索引是通过
db.collection.runCommand( "text", { search: <string>,
                                    filter: <document>,
                                    project: <document>,
                                    limit: <number>,
                                    language: <string> } )
> db.ttlsa_com.runCommand("text",{search:"Welcome"})
        "queryDebugString" : "welcom||||||",
        "language" : "english",
        "results" : [
                        "score" : 0.6666666666666666,
                        "obj" : {
                                "_id" : ObjectId("5203366a1e234f712039f7ef"),
                                "song" : "5. Hotel California",
                                "lyrics" : "Welcome to the Hotel California"
                        "score" : 0.6666666666666666,
                        "obj" : {
                                "_id" : ObjectId("5203366b1e234f712039f7f0"),
                                "song" : "加州旅馆",
                                "lyrics" : "Welcome to the Hotel California"
        "stats" : {
                "nscanned" : 2,
                "nscannedObjects" : 0,
                "n" : 2,
                "nfound" : 2,
                "timeMicros" : 86
        "ok" : 1
> db.ttlsa_com.runCommand("text",{search:"hotel -California"})
        "queryDebugString" : "hotel||california||||",
        "language" : "english",
        "results" : [ ],
        "stats" : {
                "nscanned" : 6,
                "nscannedObjects" : 0,
                "n" : 0,
                "nfound" : 0,
                "timeMicros" : 172
        "ok" : 1
> db.ttlsa_com.runCommand("text",{search:"the"})
        "queryDebugString" : "||||||",
        "language" : "english",
        "results" : [ ],
        "stats" : {
                "nscanned" : 0,
                "nscannedObjects" : 0,
                "n" : 0,
                "nfound" : 0,
                "timeMicros" : 35
        "ok" : 1
就搜索不到的。 上面说到了,mongodb是不支持中文搜索的。 要用到复杂的搜索功能,还是用sphinx。 sphinx内容可以参见: 如需转载请注明出处: mongodb 全文搜索
