算法效率分析,这里的分析首先是从现代计算机的模型出发,和我看过的另外一本书深入理解计算机系统就接起来了,找到组织了,泪流满面啊~ 这里对插入排序做了一个详尽的分析,然后算出一个表达式,最后把表达式变为order of growth,由繁而简,抓入主要矛盾。大赞。
递归表达式,在计算归并排序的效率时,第一发明就是T(n)的递归表达式,由递归表达式加上递归树的理念,得出了T(n) = Θ(nlgn)。
Using Figure 2.2 as a model, illustrate the operation of INSERTION-SORTon the array A = <31, 41, 59, 26, 41, 58>.
31, 41, 59, 26, 41, 58
31, 41, 59, 26, 41, 58
26, 31, 41, 59, 41, 58
26, 31, 41, 41, 59, 58
26, 31, 41, 41, 58, 59
Rewrite the INSERTION-SORT procedure to sort into nonincreasing instead of nondecreasing order.
for j = 2 to A.length
key = A[j]
//Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j-1].
i = j - 1
while i > 0 and A[i] < key
A[i+1] = A[i]
i = i - 1
A[i+1] = key
主要就是第6行的 A[i] < key 啦。
Consider the searching problem:
Input: A sequence of numbers A = and a value v.
Output: An index i such that v = A[i] or the special value NIL if v does not appear in A.
Write pseudocode for linear search, which scans through the sequence, looking for v. Using a loop invariant, prove that your algorithm is correct. Make sure that your loop invariant fulfills the three necessary properties.
for i = 1 to n
if A[i] == v
return i
return NIL
循环不变量: 从 0 到 i-1 , 始终保持如下关系 A[i] != v。或者说,在循环过程中一直保持不变的是 A[0]…A[i-1] 都不等于v,或者用文艺一点的说法是 v !∈ {A[0]…A[i-1]}。
Consider the problem of adding twon-bit binary integers, stored in twon-element arrays A and B. The sum of the two integers should be stored in binary form in an (n+1)-element arrayC. State the problem formally and write pseudocode for adding the two integers.
Add(A[], B[])
for i = 1 to n + 1
C[i] = 0
for i = 1 to n
C[i] += (A[i] + B[i])
if C[i] == 2
C[i+1] = 1
C[i] = 0
if C[i] == 3
C[i+1] = 1
C[i] = 1
Express the function n3/1000 - 100n2 - 100n + 3 in terms of Θ-notation.
Consider sorting n numbers stored in array A by first finding the smallest element of A and exchanging it with the element inA(1). Then find the second smallest element of A, and exchange it withA(2). Continue in this manner for the first n-1 elements of A. Write pseudocode for this algorithm, which is known as selection sort. What loop invariant does this algorithm maintain? Why does it need to run for only the first n-1 elements, rather than for allnelements? Give the best-case and worst-case running times of selection sort in Θ-notation.
for i = 1 to A.len - 1 C1 = n-1
min = -∞ C2 = C1
for j = i + 1 to A.len C3 = ∑(n-i) {i=1 to n-1}
if A[j] < min C4 = C3
min = A[j] C5 = ∑(n-i)*Ti {i=1 to n-1}
k = j C6 = C5
exchange(A[i], A[k]) C7 = n-1
Consider linear search again (see Exercise 2.1-3). How many elements of the in put sequence need to be checked on the average, assuming that the element being searched for is equally likely to be any element in the array? How about in the worst case? What are the average-case and worst-case running times of linear search in Θ-notation? Justify your answers.
证明……这个可能要用点概率论的知识吧,我忘的差不多了 -__-
How can we modify almost any algorithm to have a good best-case running time?
Using Figure 2.4 as a model, illustrate the operation of merge sort on the array A = <3, 41, 52, 26, 38, 57, 9, 49>.
Rewrite the MERGE procedure so that it does not use sentinels, instead stopping once either array L or R has had all its elements copied back to A and then copying the remainder of the other array back into A.
Merge(A[], p, q, r)
m = q - p + 1
n = r - q
L[1..m] = A[p..q]
R[1..n] = A[q+1..r]
// 复制到两个数组中
i = j = 1
for k = p to r
if i == m + 1 // L用完了,拷贝R
A[k..r] = R[j..n]
if j == n + 1 // R用完了,拷贝L
A[k..r] = L[i..m]
if L[i] <= R[j]
A[k] = L[i]
A[k] = R[j]
Use mathematical induction to show that when n is an exact power of 2,the solution of the recurrence
T(n) = / 2 if n = 2
\ 2T(n/2) + n if n = 2^k, for k > 1
T(n) = nlgn
T(k) = klgk
T(2k) = 2T(k) + 2k
= 2klgk + 2k
= 2k(lgk + lg2) - 2klg2 + 2k
= 2klg2k - 2klg2 + 2k
= 2klg2k + 2k*0.7
= Θ(2klg2k)
We can express insertion sort as a recursive procedure as follows. In order to sort A[1..n], we recursively sort A[1..n-1] and then insert A[n] into the sorted array A[1, n-1]. Write a recurrence for the running time of this recursive version of insertion sort.
Sort(A[], i)
if i == 1
Sort(A[], i-1)
k = A[i]
for j = i-1 to 1
if A[j] > k
A[j+1] = A[j]
A[j] = k
Referring back to the searching problem (see Exercise 2.1-3), observe that if the sequence A is sorted, we can check the midpoint of the sequence against and eliminate half of the sequence from further consideration. The binary search algorithm repeats this procedure, halving the size of the remaining portion of the sequence each time. Write pseudocode, either iterative or recursive, for binary search. Argue that the worst-case running time of binary search is Θ(lgn).
BinarySearch(A[], v)
i = 1
j = n
while i < j
k = (i+j)/2 」(取下整)
if v > A[k]
i = k
else if v < A[i]
j = k
return i
return NIL
没有太仔细的检查边界条件,估计就是这样吧。运行时间的证明主要是每次循环搜索的数组长度都是上一次的1/2,最后到1为止,则循环运行的次数为 2^m < n, m < lgn, 则运行时间为Θ(lgn)。
Observe that thewhileloop of lines 5–7 of the INSERTION-SORT procedure in
Section 2.1 uses a linear search to scan (backward) through the sorted subarray A[1..j-1] Can we use a binary search (see Exercise 2.3-5) instead to improve the overall worst-case running time of insertion sort to Θ(nlgn)?
借用奥观海同志的话,Yes, We Can!
for j = 2 to A.length
key = A[j]
i = BinarySearch(A[1..j-1], key) C1 = ∑lgj {j=2 to n}
for k = j to i+1 C2 = ∑(j/2) {j=2 to n}
A[k] = A[k-1]
A[i] = k
对于这里的2个关键步骤来说 C1 = lg2 + lg3 ... lgn
,C2 = n(n-1)/4
Describe a Θ(nlgn)-time algorithm that, given a set S of n integers and another integer x, determines whether or not there exist two elements in S whose sum is exactly x.
简单的思路就是,先排序,然后选择 (x/2)的元素,然后用x减去这个元素,然后再BinarySearch这个元素是否存在。
总运行时间 = 排序消耗Θ(nlgn) + 遍历(n)*BinarySearch(lgn)
= Θ(nlgn)
Although merge sort runs in Θ(nlgn) worst-case time and insertion sort runs in Θ(n^2) worst-case time, the constant factors in insertion sort can make it faster in practice for small problem sizes on many machines. Thus, it makes sense to coarsen the leaves of the recursion by using insertion sort within merge sort when subproblems become sufficiently small. Consider a modification to merge sort in which n/k sublists of length k are sorted using insertion sort and then merged using the standard merging mechanism, where k is a value to be determined.
a. Show that insertion sort can sort the n/k sublists, each of length k,in Θ(nk) worst-case time.
总运行时间 = n/k * Θ(k^2)
= Θ(nk)
b. Show how to merge the sublists in Θ(nlg(n/k)) worst-case time.
总时间 = n * 树的高度
在这个案例里面,树的底层是 n/k 个子列表,每一层的归并都会把列表的个数消灭一半,所以树的高度是lg(n/k)
总运行时间 = n * 树的高度
= n * lg(n/k)
= Θ(nlg(n/k))
c. Given that the modified algorithm runs in Θ(nk + nlg(n/k)) worst-case time, what is the largest value of k as a function of n for which the modified algorithm has the same running time as standard merge sort, in terms of Θ-notation?
Θ(nk + nlg(n/k)) >= Θ(nlgn)
如果 k = Θ(n)
,和n是同阶的,那么 Θ(nk + ...)
就会变成 Θ(n^2)
,这就违背了我们当时设计这个混合算法的初衷。在仔细的观察后,如果 k = lgn
k = Θ(lgn)
Θ(nk + nlg(n/k)) = Θ(nlgn + nlg(n/lgn))
= Θ(nlgn)
d. How should we choose k in practice?
运行时间 = C1*nk + C2*nlg(n/k)
然后在 k <= lgn
Bubblesort is a popular, but inefficient, sorting algorithm. It works by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements that are out of order.
1 for i = 1 to A.length - 1
2 for j = A.length downto i + 1
3 if A[j] < A[j+1]
4 exchange A[j] with A[j-1]
a. Let A` denote the output of BUBBLESORT(A). To prove that BUBBLESORT is
correct, we need to prove that it terminates and that
A`[1] < A`[2] < ... < A`[n] (2.3)
where n = A.length. In order to show that BUBBLESORT actually sorts, what
else do we need to prove? The next two parts will prove inequality (2.3).
b. State precisely a loop invariant for the for loop in lines 2–4, and prove that this loop invariant holds. Your proof should use the structure of the loop invariant proof presented in this chapter.
c. Using the termination condition of the loop invariant proved in part (b), state a loop invariant for thefor loop in lines 1–4 that will allow you to prove inequality (2.3). Your proof should use the structure of the loop invariant proof presented in this chapter.
[ 3, 2, 5, 1, 9]
^ ^
[ 3, 2, 5, 1, 9]
^ ←^
[ 3, 2, 1, 5, 9]
^ ←^
[ 3, 1, 2, 5, 9]
^ ←^
[ 1, 3, 2, 5, 9]
最后,得到的结果是什么呢?就是所有元素中最小的1被撸到了A[1]这个位置,后面的步骤就是继续撸出A[2], A[3]…等等,最后达到所有数字都排列正确的地步,善哉善哉
d. What is the worst-case running time of bubblesort? How does it compare to the running time of insertion sort?
The following code fragment implements Horner’s rule for evaluating a polynomial
P(x) = ∑a[k] * x^k
= a[0] + x(a[1] + x(a[2] + .... x(a[n-1] + xa[n])..)
given the coefficients a[0], a[1]…a[n] and a value for x:
y = 0
for i = n downto 0
y = a[i] + x * y
a. In terms of Θ-notation, what is the running time of this code fragment for Horner’s rule?
b. Write pseudocode to implement the naive polynomial-evaluation algorithm that computes each term of the polynomial from scratch. What is the running time of this algorithm? How does it compare to Horner’s rule?
运行时间 = 1 + 2 + ... n+1
= Θ(n^2)
c. Consider the following loop invariant: At the start of each iteration of theforloop of lines 2–3,
y = ∑a[k+i+1]x^k {k = 0 to n-(i+1)}
*Interpret a summation with no terms as equaling 0. Following the structure of the loop invariant proof presented in this chapter, use this loop invariant to show that, at termination, *
y= ∑a[k]x^k
d. Conclude by arguing that the given code fragment correctly evaluates a polynomial characterized by the coefficients a[0]…a[n].
Let A[1..n] be an array of n distinct numbers. If i A[j], then the pair (i,j) is called an inversion of A.
a. List the five inversions of the array <2,3,8,6,1>
<8,6> -- (3,4)
<6,1> -- (4,5)
<2,1> -- (1,5)
<3,1> -- (2,5)
<8,1> -- (3,5)
b. What array with elements from the set {1,2,…n} has the most inversions? How many does it have?
<n, n-1,...2,1>
以n开头的逆序对有n-1个,分别是 …
以n-1开头的逆序对有n-2个,分别是 …
总计会产生 (n-1) + (n-2) + … 1 个逆序对,也就是 n(n-1)/2个
c. What is the relationship between the running time of insertion sort and the number of inversions in the input array? Justify your answer.
|6可以往前面插1格,因为6小于8,发现 逆序对数 = 1
|1可以往前面插4格,1是最小的,发现 逆序对数 = 1 + 4 = 5
d. Give an algorithm that determines the number of inversions in any permutation on n elements in Θ(nlgn) worst-case time. (Hint:Modify merge sort.)
Merge-Inverse(A[], p, q, r)
m = q - p + 1
n = r - q
L[1..m] = A[p..q]
R[1..n] = A[q+1..r]
// 复制到两个数组中
i = j = 1
x = 0
for k = p to r
if i == m + 1 // L用完了,拷贝R
A[k..r] = R[j..n]
if j == n + 1 // R用完了,拷贝L
A[k..r] = L[i..m]
if L[i] <= R[j]
A[k] = L[i]
A[k] = R[j]
// 右边的小于左边,嗯,这就要开始算左边剩的元素数量了
x += (m - i + 1)
return x
x = 0
if p < r
q = (p + r)/2 」
x += Merge-Sort-Inverse(A,p,q)
x += Merge-Sort-Inverse(A,q,r)
x += Merge-Inverse(A,p,q,r)
// 逆序对数量 = 左分支产生的数量 + 右分支产生的数量 + 归并过程中产生的数量
return x