AutoHotkey & Total Commander


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AutoHotkey is a complementary program which can be used to initiate operations and automate tasks in Total Commander. AutoHotkey is a scripting language (kind of programming language) specifically designed to create hotkeys, which in AutoHotkey terminology means mouse, joystick and keyboard shortcuts.

Another notable feature is hotstrings (requires Windows NT/2000/XP or later). Hotstrings are basically the same as hotkeys except that they are triggered when a certain piece of text is typed. They are mainly used to automatically replace typed text with other texts but can be used to trigger any scripted action.

Getting started is not very hard. Just take a look at AutoHotkey's help file which is suited for beginners and advanced users as well and will help you to create your own scripts in no time.

Be aware that some AHK-Scripts with different versions of Windows do not work properly or possibly do not work at all.


  • 1 How does it work?
  • 2 Useful Scripts
    • 2.1 GUI enhancements
    • 2.2 Automatic actions
    • 2.3 User experience improvements
      • 2.3.1 Menus and such
      • 2.3.2 Help with Copy/Move/Pack/Download
      • 2.3.3 Help with file panels
      • 2.3.4 Help with Config
      • 2.3.5 Help with the Clipboard
    • 2.4 Integration with external tools
    • 2.5 External (standalone) scripts
  • 3 Useful addons
  • 4 External links

How does it work?

In order to make use of the following scripts you have to

  1. install AutoHotkey;
  2. save the script as WhateverYouLike.ahk (alternatively add it to the AHK autostart file AutoHotkey.ini);
  3. run it.


you compile the script with Ahk2Exe.exe (available in the zip-file at the AHK Download page). Thus you get a standalone exe-file you can run on each PC without Autohotkey installed. Disadvantage: You can't modify this compiled exe anymore.

Useful Scripts

GUI enhancements

AutoHotkey: Drives Tooltip (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Move Quicksearch Box To Make Status Bar Visible (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Show elapsed / remaining / total / start / finish times in title bar of progress dialogs (by Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Show the active path in the title bar (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Show the active path in the title bar extended (by StatusQuo)

AutoHotkey: TC Fav Menu (by majkinetor)

AutoHotkey: Tray Icon for TC (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Keyboard navigation for Background Transfer Manager (by StatusQuo)

AutoHotkey: From FileSync open another TC instance with selected files (by StatusQuo)

Automatic actions

AutoHotkey: Automatic directory-specific configuration / actions (by Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Alt-Tab fix when minimized to tray (by TucknDar)

AutoHotkey: Reset the MultiRenameTool automatically (by SanskritFritz, Sheepdog)

AutoHotkey: Run or activate Total Commander (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Auto-Delete BAK-files created by TC's File-Compare-Editor (by StatusQuo)

AutoHotkey: Launch a putty session out of an active sftp-plugin connection within TC (by TWatcher

User experience improvements

Menus and such

AutoHotkey: Makedir and file create history (by Jungle)

AutoHotkey: Popup menu for button bar or F4 (by Mbirth)

AutoHotkey: Popup the splitter menu (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Duplicate starter menu entry (or entry in directory hotlist) (by StatusQuo)

Help with Copy/Move/Pack/Download

AutoHotkey: Always copy / move in Queue (by Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Auto add URL to Background transfer manager (by Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Inplace rename with dialog (by Icfu, SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Shutdown computer after download or copy (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Unpack each archive to a separate subdir (by Icfu, Icfu, Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Automatically assign name for archive (by saturn)

AutoHotkey: AppendLnk option for packing (plus: Automatically assign name for archive) (by StatusQuo)

AutoHotkey: Move selected files to parent directory (by ArchCarrier)

Help with file panels

AutoHotkey: Backspace In Drive Root Opens My Computer (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Double click resets the splitter (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Find Previous Match With Ctrl Shift Enter (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Go To Parent Directory When Doubleclicking Border (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Jump To The Next File Extension (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Mark Important Files Permanently (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Middle click opens new tab (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: ScrollLock functionality (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Simultaneous switch to next/previous Tab in both panes (by Sheepdog)

Autohotkey: Spread Selection with Parameter (by Sheepdog)

AutoHotkey: With Alt - \ always to root of drive (by Sheepdog)

Autohotkey: When switching panels also transfer file selection (by StatusQuo)

Autohotkey: (Un)select all files in both panels with a single key combination (by StatusQuo)

Help with Config

AutoHotkey: Switch Language (by Sheepdog)

Help with the Clipboard

AutoHotkey: CopyNamesToClipWithoutExt (by Icfu, Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Copy Filename To Clipboard When Inplace-renaming (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Copy Selection To Clipboard In Lister (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Get the ftp address as hyperlink (by SanskritFritz)

Integration with external tools

AutoHotkey: Launch external diff (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: XML tidy for TC File Compare tool (by tomte)

AutoHotkey: Locate in TC (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Paste TC's active path anywhere (by Hacker, SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Send a command to Total Commander (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Send a command to Total Commander (Accurate Version) (by Balderstrom)

AutoHotkey: Start Notepad In Lister (by Icfu)

AutoHotKey: Explorer Directory Tree (by Vigk)

AutoHotkey: Send a user command to Total Commander (by sunwind)

AutoHotkey: Copy and Paste of Exif via ExifTools (by Nikolay Cherkasov)

External (standalone) scripts

AutoHotkey: Close or minimize windows (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Combine file parts (by Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Create .bat file to combine file parts (by Hacker)

AutoHotkey: Create folders from filenames (by Icfu)

AutoHotkey: Inplace rename facilities (by Gbo)

AutoHotkey: Make a Screenshot of the current Window with Irfanview (by Sheepdog)

AutoHotkey: Refresh the treeinfo.wc of certain drives (by Sheepdog)

AutoHotkey: Set folder timestamp to newest file (by SanskritFritz)

AutoHotkey: Make shortcut file from clipboard contents (by StatusQuo)

AutoHotkey: Launch putty or RDP sessions via a tree-driven selection menu (by mrbinary)

Useful addons

  • TC user Boskoop has created an AHK syntax highlighter (DDL) for the TC editor plugin SynPlus.

External links

  • Official website of AutoHotkey
  • Official AutoHotkey Wiki (in English)
  • Official AutoHotkey Forum (in English)
  • Discussion in the Total Commander forum about some differences between AutoIt and AutoHotkey.

AutoHotkey 在TC中应用

(, qjchen,在DEEPIN无法注册到qjchen,只好另外注册一个了:))


#SingleInstance force
SetTimer subTimer, 500
If WinActive( /"ahk_class switchwin2/" )
SendInput, {Enter}
[c-sharp] view plain copy
  1. DetectHiddenWindows,On  
  2. ;~ DetectHiddenText,On  
  3. #t::run D:/k_wps_cn/greenTools/totalcmd/TOTALCMD.EXE /O  
  6. #e::  
  7. ;快捷键设定为Win + E  
  8. IfWinNotExist, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD  
  9. ;判断TC是否启动  
  10.     Run, D:/k_wps_cn/greenTools/totalcmd/totalcmd.exe /O  
  11. ;~  #t::run d:/GREEN/totalcmd_703/TOTALCMD.EXE /O  
  13. ;没启动则启动TC  
  14. Else  
  15. {  
  16.     IfWinActive, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD  
  17. ;启动的话则判断TC窗口是否激活  
  18.        WinMinimize,   
  19. ;激活的话就最小化  
  20.     Else  
  21.        WinActivate,  
  22. ;没激活的话就激活  
  23. }  
  24. return  

cm_OpenDirInNewTab := 3003
#IfWinActive ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
MouseGetPos, , , , sControl
if (sControl != /"TMyListBox1/" and sControl != /"TMyListBox2/")
Send {MButton}
PostMessage 1075, %cm_OpenDirInNewTab%, 0

3)通过热键调整splitter(就是用键盘调用窗口分隔条,可能是我愚笨,没有在TC的command中找到这个键盘快捷键) ... p_the_splitter_menu

; Win-G (Total Commander: splitter menu)
if not WinActive( /"ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD/" )

WinGet sf_aControls, ControlList
Loop Parse, sf_aControls, `n
StringLeft sf_sTemp, A_LoopField, 6
if (sf_sTemp = /"TPanel/")
ControlGetPos Cx,Cy,Cw,Ch, %A_LoopField%
if (Cw < 16)
ControlClick %A_LoopField%, A,,RIGHT

4)TC Fav Menu


SetTimer subTimer, 250
if WinActive( /"ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD/" )
ControlGetText sPath, TMyPanel2
StringMid sPath, sPath, 1, StrLen(sPath) -1
WinGetTitle sWindowTitle
if ( sWindowTitle != sPath )
WinSetTitle %sPath%

6)在进度条上显示进度的已用时间,剩余时间,总时间,和开始结束时间 ... of_progress_dialogs

7)给工具图标Toolbar Icon增加弹出菜单,可以多项启动参数。 ... or_button_bar_or_F4


RegRead, DoubleClickSpeed, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel//Mouse, DoubleClickSpeed
If DoubleClickSpeed =
DoubleClickSpeed = 500

IfWinActive, ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
If A_TimeSinceThisHotkey >= %DoubleClickSpeed%
ClickCount = 0
MouseGetPos, xcoordinate
If xcoordinate = 4
PostMessage 1075, 4001, , , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
If (xcoordinate = A_ScreenWidth+3)
PostMessage 1075, 4002, , , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
If ClickCount = 2
PostMessage 1075, 2002, , , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD
ClickCount = 0

AutoHotkey: Send a command to Total Commander

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The purpose of this script is to send an internal command to Total Commander (e.g. from a batch file). Useful to collect some tasks to automate them for usage with a Button.

A compiled version of this script is here available.

; Script name: SendTCCommand.ahk ; Sends a Total Commander command to a TC instance. ; Can be used from the scheduler for example. ; Specify the TC command as command line parameter for example: ; AutoHotkey.exe SendTCCommand.ahk cm_FtpNew ; Or if the script is compiled: ; SendTCCommand.exe cm_FtpNew sCmdParam = %1% SendTCCommand( sCmdParam ) Return ; ; SendTCCommand 0.2 ; ; Function purpose: ; Sends a Total Commander internal command to a TC instance. ; It can be used to automate Total Commander. ; ; Parameters: ; xsTCCommand: The Total Commander internal command, see the list here: ;  %COMMANDER_PATH%\TOTALCMD.INC ; xbWait: Whether to wait for the command to execute, ; or just post it and return. ; ; Usage example: ; SendTCCommand( "cm_RereadSource", False ) ; SendTCCommand( xsTCCommand, xbWait=1 ) { loop Read, %COMMANDER_PATH%\TOTALCMD.INC { StringSplit asCommands, A_LoopReadLine, = if (asCommands1 = xsTCCommand) { StringSplit asCommandsValues, asCommands2, `; Break } } if !(asCommandsValues1 > 0) return if (xbWait) SendMessage 1075, %asCommandsValues1%, 0, , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD else PostMessage 1075, %asCommandsValues1%, 0, , ahk_class TTOTAL_CMD

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