1. List中的每个元素乘2:
2. List求和:
['a',3,'z'].sum() //结果为字符串‘a3z’
3. List中是否含有某个字符串
def wordList = ['groovy', 'akka', 'grails framework', 'spock', 'typesafe']
def tweet = 'This is an example tweet talking about groovy and spock.'
wordList.any { word -> tweet.contains(word) }
class Person{
String name
def person1=new Person(name:'person1')
def person2=new Person(name:'person2')
def person3=new Person(name:'person3')
def wordList = [person1,person2]
def tweet = [person3]
wordList.any { it -> tweet.contains(it) }
上述代码结果为false,如果tweet = [person3,person1],结果就为true
4. 文件内容读取,易如反掌:
new File("data.txt").text
new File("data.txt").readLines()
5. 生日快乐!
(1..4).each { println 'Happy Birthday ' + ((it == 3) ? 'dear Arturo' : 'to You') }
6. 按条件拆分List
def (passed, failed) = [49, 58, 76, 82, 88, 90].split{ it > 60 }
7. 获取和解析XML Web服务
def results = new XmlSlurper().parse('')
8. 找出List中最大最小值:
[14, 35, -7, 46, 98].min()
[14, 35, -7, 46, 98].max()
9. 使用GPars提供的直观、安全的方式控制Groovy的并行任务
import groovyx.gpars.*
GParsPool.withPool { def result = dataList.collectParallel { processItem(it) } }
10.找质数算法(Sieve of Eratosthenes筛法)
def t = 2..100
(2..Math.sqrt(t.last())).each { n -> t -= ((2*n)..(t.last())).step(n) }
println t
这个方法来自于Groovy Prime Numbers的评论。
11.有奖问答:FizzBuzz问题 - 打印1到100这些数字,遇到数字为3的倍数的时候,打印“Fizz”替代数字,5的倍数用“Buzz”代替,既是3的倍数又是5的倍数打印“FizzBuzz”。
for (i in 1..100) {
println "${i%3?'':'Fizz'}${i%5?'':'Buzz'}" ?: i
def count=0
101.times{ x1 -> 21.times{
x2 -> 11.times{
x3 -> 5.times{
x4 -> 3.times{
x5 -> if(x1*1+x2*5+x3*10+x4*25+x5*50 == 100){
println "$x1*1+$x2*5+$x3*10+$x4*25+$x5*50 == 100"
println count
def hanoita(n, a, b, c){
println "$n : $a -> $c"
hanoita n-1, a, c, b
println "$n : $a -> $c"
hanoita n-1, b, a, c
hanoita 5, 'a', 'b', 'c'