# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from flask import ( abort, flash, Flask, g, redirect, render_template, request, session, url_for) from flask_principal import ( ActionNeed, AnonymousIdentity, Identity, identity_changed, identity_loaded, Permission, Principal, RoleNeed) app = Flask(__name__) app.config.update( DEBUG=True, SECRET_KEY='secret_xxx') principals = Principal(app, skip_static=True) # Needs be_admin = RoleNeed('admin') be_editor = RoleNeed('editor') to_sign_in = ActionNeed('sign in') # Permissions user = Permission(to_sign_in) user.description = "User's permissions" editor = Permission(be_editor) editor.description = "Editor's permissions" admin = Permission(be_admin) admin.description = "Admin's permissions" apps_needs = [be_admin, be_editor, to_sign_in] apps_permissions = [user, editor, admin] def authenticate(email, password): if password == email + "user": return "the_only_user" elif password == email + "admin": return "the_only_admin" elif password == email + "editor": return "the_only_editor" else: return None def current_privileges(): return (('{method} : {value}').format(method=n.method, value=n.value) for n in apps_needs if n in g.identity.provides) @app.route('/') #@user.require(http_exception=403) def index(): return 'index' #return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def login(): # user_id = authenticate(request.form['email'], # request.form['password']) user_id = authenticate(request.args['email'], request.args['password']) print user_id if user_id: identity = Identity(user_id) identity_changed.send(app, identity=identity) return redirect(url_for('index')) else: return abort(401) return 'login ' # return render_template('login.html') @app.route('/admin') @admin.require(http_exception=403) def admin(): return 'admin ' # return render_template('admin.html') @app.route('/edit') @editor.require(http_exception=403) def editor(): return 'editor ' # return render_template('editor.html') @app.route('/about') def about(): return 'about ' #return render_template('about.html') @app.route("/logout") def logout(): for key in ['identity.id', 'identity.auth_type']: session.pop(key, None) identity_changed.send(app, identity=AnonymousIdentity()) return 'logout ' # return render_template('logout.html') @app.errorhandler(401) def authentication_failed(e): flash('Authenticated failed.') print 'Authenticated failed.' return redirect(url_for('login')) @app.errorhandler(403) def authorisation_failed(e): flash(('Your current identity is {id}. You need special privileges to' ' access this page').format(id=g.identity.id)) return render_template('privileges.html', priv=current_privileges()) #当用户登陆的时候,对用户的identity进行判断 @identity_loaded.connect_via(app) def on_identity_loaded(sender, identity): needs = [] if identity.id in ('the_only_user', 'the_only_editor', 'the_only_admin'): needs.append(to_sign_in) if identity.id in ('the_only_editor', 'the_only_admin'): needs.append(be_editor) if identity.id == 'the_only_admin': needs.append(be_admin) for n in needs: identity.provides.add(n) # If the authenticated identity is : # - 'the_only user' she can sign in # - "the_only_editor" she can sign in and edit # - "the_only_admin" she can sign in , edit and administrate if __name__ == "__main__": app.run()