空格 + Left : 追踪光标所在信号源头
空格 + Right : 追踪光标所在信号目的
空格 + Down : 回退
空格 + Up : 向前
gi : 进入子模块
Shift + t : (1)显示当前模块拓扑结构(2)打开和收回光标所在模块拓扑子模块的拓扑结构
空格 : (1)光标在拓扑结构窗口,自动打开光标对应模块代码(2)光标在追踪结果窗口,自动定位到追踪结果对应代码行 (3)光标在trace point上时自动跳转到trace point 记录的位置。
空格 + h : hold住光标所在窗口,该窗口除非手动关闭不会自动关闭。
空格 + a : add trace point,在右侧显示拓扑栏增加 追踪点的功能,能够通过“空格” 直接跳转到添加追踪点的位置。
(1) 按照file 0-4 将对于代码复制到对应文件名文件中
或 百度网盘下载源码 :http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6D1ulG
(2) 输入:chmod 777 install.py ,打开执行权限。
(3) ./install , 运行install.py。
(4) 根据提示如果存在库vhdl文件,输入库路径,如果没有输入'~'。
(5) 按装成功。
#file 0 name: install.py
#! /usr/bin/python #*________________________________________________________________________* #* FILENAME : install.py * #* AUTHOR : JUN CAO * #*________________________________________________________________________* import os import re os.system('mkdir -p ~/.vim/vimTrace') curPath = os.popen('pwd').read() pwd = os.popen('pwd').read() usrPath = re.match('(?P<usrPath>^/home/\w+)(/.*|)$', pwd).group('usrPath') vimPath = usrPath + '/' + '.vim/vimTrace' libPath = raw_input('Input your Lib VHDL Path :') fp = open('vhdlTrace.vim_t', 'w') vimPathInit = False for l in open('vhdlTrace.vim', 'r').readlines(): if re.match('^vimPath =.*#install change', l) and (not vimPathInit): vimPathInit = True l = "vimPath = \"" + vimPath + "\" #install change\n" fp.write(l) fp.close() os.system('mv vhdlTrace.vim_t ' + vimPath + '/vhdlTrace.vim') fp = open('vhdlTraceGlobal.py_t', 'w') assistPathInit = False libPathInit = False for l in open('vhdlTraceGlobal.py', 'r').readlines(): if re.match('^assistPath =.*#install change', l) and (not assistPathInit): assistPathInit = True l = "assistPath = \"" + vimPath + "\" #install change\n" if re.match('^libPath =.*#install change', l) and (not libPathInit): libPathInit = True l = "libPath = \"" + libPath + "\" #install change\n" fp.write(l) fp.close() os.system('mv vhdlTraceGlobal.py_t ' + vimPath + '/vhdlTraceGlobal.py') fp = open('vhdlTraceBaseLib.py_t', 'w') vimPathInit = False for l in open('vhdlTraceBaseLib.py', 'r').readlines(): if re.match('^vimPath =.*#install change', l) and (not vimPathInit): vimPathInit = True l = "vimPath = \"" + vimPath + "\" #install change\n" fp.write(l) fp.close() os.system('mv vhdlTraceBaseLib.py_t ' + vimPath + '/vhdlTraceBaseLib.py') try: os.system('mv ~/.vimrc org_vimrc') new_vimrc = open('vimrc', 'r').readlines() fp = open('vimrc_t', 'w') new_vimrc_done = False old_vimrc_begin = False for l in open('org_vimrc', 'r').readlines(): if re.search('"vi_vhdl_extend_begin', l): old_vimrc_begin = True for nl in new_vimrc: fp.write(nl) new_vimrc_done = True continue if old_vimrc_begin: if re.search('"vi_vhdl_extend_end', l): old_vimrc_begin = False continue fp.write(l) if not new_vimrc_done: for nl in new_vimrc: fp.write(nl) fp.close() os.system('mv vimrc_t ~/.vimrc') os.system('rm org_vimrc') except: os.system('cat vimrc >> ~/.vimrc')
file 1 name : vhdlTrace.vim
"*________________________________________________________________________* "* FILENAME : vhdlTrace.vim * "* AUTHOR : JUN CAO * "*________________________________________________________________________* function! VimPythonExtend() python << EOF import re import vim import os import sys vimPath = "/home/juncao/.vim/vimTrace" #install change sys.path.insert(0,vimPath) import vhdlTraceGlobal G = vhdlTraceGlobal.G from vhdlTraceBaseLib import* os.system('rm -rf '+vimPath+'/.*.swp ') os.system('rm -rf '+vimPath+'/*.vimTrace ') def goIntoSubModule(Open = True, curCursor = False, curRight = False): #shortcut key <Down> curBuf = vim.current.buffer curWin = vim.current.window if not curCursor: curCursor = curWin.cursor curLine = curBuf[curCursor[0]-1] if Open: updataTrace() leftSignal = getLeft(curLine,curRight) if not leftSignal: return False instEntityInf = getInstEntity(curBuf.name, curCursor) subEntityName = instEntityInf[0] subEntityLineNum = instEntityInf[1] libName = instEntityInf[2] try: subEntityPath = G['AllModules'][subEntityName][0] except: CmdPrint(str(subEntityLineNum+1)+' : module '+ subEntityName + " not exist !") return False G['upEntity'][subEntityPath] = {'upEntityPath':curBuf.name,'upInSubCursor':(subEntityLineNum+1, 0)} if Open: goWin(subEntityPath,(1,0),leftSignal) updataTrace() return True else: subModule = open(subEntityPath,'r').readlines() for i in range(0,len(subModule)): SLine = subModule[i] match_IO = re.match("(|.*\W)"+leftSignal+"(.*\W|):\s*(?P<type>in|out|inout)\s",SLine.lower()) if match_IO: return {'name':leftSignal,'type':match_IO.group('type'),'path':subEntityPath, 'lineNum':i} assert(False),"we should found that line!" assert(False),"Should find a entity !" def use_goIntoSubModule(): if G['debugMode']: goIntoSubModule() else: try: goIntoSubModule() except: Pass def TraceSour(): curBuf = vim.current.buffer curWin = vim.current.window (cursor_x,cursor_y) = curWin.cursor updataTrace() #updata trace curLine = curBuf[cursor_x-1] curWord = getFullWord(curLine,cursor_y) G["MaybeSD"] = [] G["SDPtr"] = [curWord,0] if not curWord: CmdPrint("current cursor not upon word !") return MatchCursorXHis = set() while True: matchCursor = MatchFromNextLine(curWord) matchCursorX = matchCursor[0] matchLineNum = matchCursorX - 1 if matchCursorX in MatchCursorXHis: break MatchCursorXHis.add(matchCursorX) fullLineInf = getFullLine(curBuf,matchCursor,';') if not fullLineInf: continue fullLine = fullLineInf[0] crossLines = fullLineInf[1] matchInput = re.match('(\s*'+curWord+'\s*:\s*in\s+)',fullLine.lower()) if matchInput: curPath = curBuf.name if curPath in G['upEntity']: upEntityPath = G['upEntity'][curPath]['upEntityPath'] upSubInstCursor = G['upEntity'][curPath]['upInSubCursor'] goWin(upEntityPath, upSubInstCursor, curWord) updataTrace() return else: updataTrace() return matchAssign = re.match('(|.*\W)'+curWord+'(|\W.*)(<=|:=)',fullLine.lower()) # match key := | <= if matchAssign: updataTrace() return if sepMatch(',',fullLine.lower(),".*=>(|.*\W)"+curWord+"(\W.*|)$"): subModuleInf = goIntoSubModule(False,matchCursor,curWord) if not subModuleInf: G["MaybeSD"].append((curWord,curBuf.name,crossLines)) continue if subModuleInf['type'] == 'out': goWin(subModuleInf['path'], (2,0), subModuleInf['name']) updataTrace() return if len(G["MaybeSD"]) == 0 : CmdPrint("should find assign for this signal ,but not ! "+curWord) return CmdPrint("------------------- ----maybe dest-------------------------------") curWord = G["MaybeSD"][0][0] sourPath = G["MaybeSD"][0][1] startLine = G["MaybeSD"][0][2][0] goWin(sourPath, (startLine+1,0), curWord) updataTrace() #updata trace printSDInf(G["MaybeSD"],"Mybe Sour") CmdPrint("----------------------------END----------------------------------") def use_TraceSour(): if G['debugMode']: TraceSour() else: try: TraceSour() except: pass def TraceDest(): curBuf = vim.current.buffer curWin = vim.current.window (cursor_x,cursor_y) = curWin.cursor updataTrace() #updata trace curLine = curBuf[cursor_x-1] curWord = getFullWord(curLine,cursor_y) G["MaybeSD"] = [] G["AllDest"] = [] G["SDPtr"] = [curWord,0] if not curWord: CmdPrint("current cursor not upon word !") return MatchCursorXHis = set() while True: matchCursor = MatchFromNextLine(curWord) assert(matchCursor) matchCursorX = matchCursor[0] matchLineNum = matchCursorX - 1 if matchCursorX in MatchCursorXHis: break MatchCursorXHis.add(matchCursorX) fullLineInf = getFullLine(curBuf,matchCursor,';') if not fullLineInf: # not a valid match continue fullLine = fullLineInf[0] crossLines = fullLineInf[1] matchOutput = re.match('(\s*'+curWord+'\s*:\s*out\s+)',fullLine.lower()) if matchOutput: curPath = curBuf.name if curPath in G['upEntity'] : upEntityPath = G['upEntity'][curPath]['upEntityPath'] upSubInstCursor = G['upEntity'][curPath]['upInSubCursor'] upSubInstLine = upSubInstCursor[0] -1 upEntity = open(upEntityPath,'r').readlines() findSignInUpInst = False for i in range(upSubInstLine,len(upEntity)): upELine = upEntity[i] upELine = re.sub('--.*','',upELine) matchInst = re.match("(|.*\W)"+curWord+"(\W.*|)",upELine.lower()) if matchInst: G["AllDest"].append((curWord,upEntityPath,[i])) findSignInUpInst = True #CmdPrint('') #CmdPrint(str(upSubInstLine)+' '+upEntityPath) assert(findSignInUpInst),'We should find that singal:=%s'%(curWord) else: G["AllDest"].append((curWord,curBuf.name,[matchLineNum])) continue matchAssign = re.match('(.*(<=|:=)(|.*\W)'+curWord+'(\W.*|)$)',fullLine.lower()) # match key := | <= if matchAssign: G["AllDest"].append((curWord,curBuf.name,crossLines)) continue if sepMatch(',',fullLine.lower(),'.*=>(|.*\W)'+curWord+'(\W.*|)$'): subModuleInf = goIntoSubModule(False,matchCursor,curWord) if not subModuleInf: G["MaybeSD"].append((curWord,curBuf.name,crossLines)) continue if subModuleInf['type'] == 'in': leftWord = getLeft(fullLine,curWord) G["AllDest"].append((leftWord,subModuleInf['path'],[subModuleInf['lineNum']])) if len(G["AllDest"]) + len(G["MaybeSD"]) == 0: CmdPrint("Should find assign for this signal ,but not ! "+curWord) return if len(G["AllDest"]) != 0: CmdPrint('') CmdPrint("------------------- --------DEST---------------------------------") curWord = G["AllDest"][0][0] destPath = G["AllDest"][0][1] startLine = G["AllDest"][0][2][0] goWin(destPath, (startLine-1,0), curWord) updataTrace() #updata trace printSDInf(G["AllDest"],"Dest") if len(G["MaybeSD"]) != 0: CmdPrint("------------------------Maybe Dest-------------------------------") printSDInf(G["MaybeSD"],"Maybe Dest") CmdPrint("----------------------------END----------------------------------") CmdPrint('') return if len(G["MaybeSD"]) != 0: CmdPrint('') CmdPrint("------------------- ----Maybe Dest-------------------------------") #CmdPrint("No Dest Find,Go First Assign, MaybeDest !") curWord = G["MaybeSD"][0][0] destPath = G["MaybeSD"][0][1] startLine = G["MaybeSD"][0][2][0] goWin(destPath, (startLine-1,0), curWord) updataTrace() #updata trace printSDInf(G["MaybeSD"],"Maybe Dest") CmdPrint("----------------------------END----------------------------------") CmdPrint('') def use_TraceDest(): if G['debugMode']: TraceDest() else: try: TraceDest() except: pass def rollBack(): cursorBack = G['CursorNow']-1 if cursorBack < 0: CmdPrint("this already back to the original point !") return G['CursorNow'] -=1 BackFile = G['CursorTrace'][cursorBack][0] BackCursor = G['CursorTrace'][cursorBack][1] curWord = G['CursorTrace'][cursorBack][2] #add new goWin(BackFile, BackCursor, curWord) #add new def use_rollBack(): if G['debugMode']: rollBack() else: try: rollBack() except: pass def goForward(): cursorForward = G['CursorNow']+1 if cursorForward >= len(G['CursorTrace']): CmdPrint("this already forward to the newest point !") return G['CursorNow'] +=1 ForwardFile = G['CursorTrace'][cursorForward][0] ForwardCursor = G['CursorTrace'][cursorForward][1] curWord = G['CursorTrace'][cursorForward][2] #add new goWin(ForwardFile, ForwardCursor, curWord) def use_goForward(): if G['debugMode']: goForward() else: try: goForward() except: pass def showLayer(): debug(("Run showLayer()")) curPath = vim.current.buffer.name if curPath[-5:] != '.vhdl': debug(("End showLayer(): cause current file not .vhdl file!")) return updataTrace() newLayerDb = [] curEntityName = getEntityNameFromPath(curPath) newLayerDb.append((0,curPath,{'CopyNum':1, 'InstName':'top','libName':'top', 'name':curEntityName, 'matchCursor':(1,0)})) if curPath not in G['allTopologys'] : getTopology(curPath) TPKeys = G['allTopologys'][curPath].keys() TPKeys.sort() for key in TPKeys: newLayerDb.append((1,key,G['allTopologys'][curPath][key])) G['LayerDB'] = newLayerDb PrintLayer() updataTrace() debug(("End showLayer(): finish correct!")) def openLayerFile(shadow = False): if not re.search(G['LayerPath'],vim.current.buffer.name) : return curLine = vim.current.window.cursor[0] - 1 if G['IgnoreSpace'] == [True,curLine]: #add for unknow space G['IgnoreSpace'] = [False, 0] return G['IgnoreSpace'] = [False,0] if curLine in range( len(G['LayerDB']) ): openPath = G['LayerDB'][curLine][1] moduleName = G['LayerDB'][curLine][2]['name'] if shadow: goWin(openPath,(1,0),False,True) return curLine updataTrace() goWin(openPath,(2,0),moduleName) updataTrace() return if curLine in range(len(G['LayerDB'])+2, len(G['LayerDB'])+3+len(G['CursorCheckPoint']) ) and not shadow : cursorLine = curLine - 3 - len(G['LayerDB']) Path = G['CursorCheckPoint'][cursorLine]['path'] cursor = G['CursorCheckPoint'][cursorLine]['cursor'] Word = G['CursorCheckPoint'][cursorLine]['word'] updataTrace() goWin(Path, cursor, Word) updataTrace() return def openCmdSD(): if not re.search(G['CmdPath'],vim.current.buffer.name) : return curLine = vim.current.window.cursor[0] - 1 if curLine < 0 and curLine >= len(G['CmdSDDB']): return openPath = G['CmdSDDB'][curLine]['path'] key = G['CmdSDDB'][curLine]['key'] startLine = G['CmdSDDB'][curLine]['startLine'] updataTrace() goWin(openPath,(startLine+1,0),key) updataTrace() def use_SpaceOperate(): debug(('Run SpaceOperate() at' ,vim.current.buffer.name)) if G['debugMode']: if vim.current.buffer.name == G['LayerPath']: openLayerFile() return if vim.current.buffer.name == G['CmdPath']: openCmdSD() return else: if vim.current.buffer.name == G['LayerPath']: try: openLayerFile() except: pass return if vim.current.buffer.name == G['CmdPath']: try: openCmdSD() except: pass return def rollBackLayer(): curLine = vim.current.window.cursor[0] - 1 debug(("Run rollBackLayer(%s)"%(curLine))) if curLine not in range(len(G['LayerDB']) - 1): return False curDepth = G['LayerDB'][curLine][0] nextDepth = G['LayerDB'][curLine+1][0] if curDepth + 1 != nextDepth: debug(("End rollBackLayer(), False")) return False delLine = curLine + 1 while True: if delLine == len(G['LayerDB']): break if G['LayerDB'][delLine][0] >= nextDepth: del G['LayerDB'][delLine] continue break PrintLayer() reSetLayerWinWidth() debug(("End rollBackLayer(), True")) G['IgnoreSpace'] = [True,curLine] return True def expendLayer(): debug(("Run expendLayer()")) if vim.current.buffer.name == G['LayerPath']: addCheckPoint() if rollBackLayer(): debug(("End expendLayer():cause rollBackLayer() return True")) checkPointRecover() return True curLayerDB = G['LayerDB'] curLine = openLayerFile(True) curDepth = G['LayerDB'][curLine][0] subLayerDB = [] subPath = vim.current.buffer.name #if not G['allTopologys'].has_key(subPath): if subPath not in G['allTopologys']: getTopology(subPath) TPKeys = G['allTopologys'][subPath].keys() TPKeys.sort() for key in TPKeys: subLayerDB.append((curDepth+1, key, G['allTopologys'][subPath][key])) vim.command('q') reSetLayerWinWidth() if curLine == len(curLayerDB)-1: #last line newLayerDb = curLayerDB + subLayerDB else: newLayerDb = curLayerDB[:curLine+1] + subLayerDB +curLayerDB[curLine + 1:] G['LayerDB'] = newLayerDb PrintLayer() checkPointRecover() debug(("End expendLayer(): True")) return True debug(("End expendLayer(): False")) return False def use_showLayer(): debug(("Run use_showLayer()")) if G['debugMode']: if not expendLayer(): showLayer() else: try: if not expendLayer(): showLayer() except: pass debug(("End use_showLayer()")) def holdCurrentWin(): curPath = vim.current.buffer.name if not G['holdWin'].has_key(curPath): G['holdWin'][curPath] = 'hold is window' def use_holdCurrentWin(): if G['debugMode']: holdCurrentWin() else: try: holdCurrentWin() except: pass def addCursorTrace(): curPath = vim.current.buffer.name curCursor = vim.current.window.cursor curWord = getCurWord() G["CursorCheckPoint"].insert(0,{'path':curPath, 'cursor':curCursor, 'word':curWord}) del G["CursorCheckPoint"][G['CursorCheckPointDepth']:] addCheckPoint() PrintLayer() checkPointRecover() def use_addCursorTrace(): if G['debugMode']: addCursorTrace() else: try: addCursorTrace() except: pass EOF endfunction
#file 2 name: vhdlTraceBaseLib.py
#*________________________________________________________________________* #* FILENAME : vhdlTraceBaseLib.py * #* AUTHOR : JUN CAO * #*________________________________________________________________________* import re import vim import os import sys vimPath = "/home/juncao/.vim/vimTrace" #install change sys.path.insert(0,vimPath) import vhdlTraceGlobal G = vhdlTraceGlobal.G def debug(Inf): if G['debugMode']: FP = open(G['debugPath'],'a') for i in Inf: FP.write(i.__str__()) FP.write('\n') FP.close() def getEntityNameFromPath(path): return re.match('.*/(?P<entityName>\w+)\.vhdl',path).group('entityName') def CmdPrint(PrintStr): addCheckPoint() CmdWinOpen = False for i in range(0,len(vim.windows)): if vim.windows[i].buffer.name == G['CmdPath']: CmdWinOpen = True CmdWin = vim.windows[i] break if not CmdWinOpen: curWinheight = vim.current.window.height layWinheight = curWinheight/5 vim.command('bo sp '+G['CmdPath']) vim.current.window.height = layWinheight CmdWin = vim.current.window writeLineNum = len(CmdWin.buffer) CmdWin.buffer.append(PrintStr) goWin(G['CmdPath'],(writeLineNum+1,0)) vim.command('w!') vim.command('e') checkPointRecover() return writeLineNum def getFullWord(Line,Pos): if not Line: return '' cWord = '' for i in range(Pos,-1,-1): if re.match('\w',Line[i]): cWord = Line[i]+cWord else: break for i in range(Pos+1,len(Line)): if re.match('\w',Line[i]): cWord = cWord + Line[i] else: break return cWord def getFullLine(buf,cursor,septor): curLineNum = cursor[0] - 1 curCharNum = cursor[1] curLine = buf[curLineNum] curLine = curLine.rstrip('\n') curLine = re.sub('--.*','',curLine) #clear note if re.match('^\s*$',curLine): #empty line return False if curCharNum >= len(curLine): return False t_result = '' crossLines = [curLineNum] LineEnd = False for i in range(curCharNum,len(curLine)): c = curLine[i] if re.match(septor,c): LineEnd = True break t_result = t_result + c LineStart = False for i in range(curCharNum-1,-1,-1): c = curLine[i] if re.match(septor,c): LineStart = True break t_result = c + t_result if not LineEnd: for i in range(curLineNum+1,len(buf)): t_line = buf[i].rstrip('\n') t_line = re.sub('--.*','',t_line) #clear note t_line = re.subn('\s+',' ',t_line)[0]#all empty to space if re.match('^\s*$',t_line): #empty line continue sep = re.split(septor,t_line) t_result = t_result + sep[0] if len(sep) > 1: if not re.match('^\s*$',sep[0]): crossLines.append(i) break crossLines.append(i) if not LineStart: for i in range(curLineNum-1,-1,-1): t_line = buf[i].rstrip('\n') t_line = re.sub('--.*','',t_line) #clear note t_line = re.subn('\s+',' ',t_line)[0]#all empty to space if re.match('^\s*$',t_line): #empty line continue sep = re.split(septor,t_line) t_result = sep[-1] + t_result if len(sep) > 1: if not re.match('^\s*$',sep[-1]): crossLines.append(i) break crossLines.append(i) crossLines.sort() return (t_result,crossLines) def getCurFullLine(): return getFullLine(vim.current.buffer, vim.current.window.cursor, ';') def getFullLines(sep_sign,pre_lines): lines = [] t_line = '' t_line_begin_num = 0 crossLines = [] for i in range(0,len(pre_lines)): pre_line = pre_lines[i] pre_line = pre_line.strip('\n') pre_line = pre_line.lower() pre_line = re.sub('--.*','',pre_line) #clear note pre_line = re.subn('\s+',' ',pre_line)[0]#all empty to space if re.match('^\s*$',pre_line): #empty line continue crossLines.append(i) sep = re.split(sep_sign,pre_line) if len(sep) > 1: t_line = t_line + sep[0] lines.append((t_line_begin_num,t_line,crossLines)) crossLines = [] t_line = '' for j in range(1,len(sep)-1): lines.append((i,sep[j],[i])) if re.match('^\s*$',sep[-1]): t_line_begin_num = i + 1 continue t_line = t_line + sep[-1] t_line_begin_num = i crossLines.append(i) else: t_line = t_line + pre_line lines.append((t_line_begin_num,t_line,crossLines)) #if last line no ";" or "," return lines def getCurWord(): curBuf = vim.current.buffer curWin = vim.current.window (cursor_x,cursor_y) = curWin.cursor #cursor position curLine = curBuf[cursor_x-1] curWord = getFullWord(curLine,cursor_y) return curWord def updataTrace(nextTrace = False): if not nextTrace: curWord = getCurWord() # if not on word return '' nextTrace = (vim.current.buffer.name, vim.current.window.cursor, curWord) assert(G['CursorNow'] < len(G['CursorTrace'])) if G['CursorNow'] != -1: # not initial curTrace = G['CursorTrace'][G['CursorNow']] #except when initial if curTrace[0] == nextTrace[0] and curTrace[1][0] == nextTrace[1][0]: #debug('same file and same line !') return del G['CursorTrace'][G['CursorNow'] + 1:] G['CursorTrace'].append(nextTrace) G['CursorNow'] += 1 #debug("add new trace "+nextTrace[0]+' '+str(G['CursorNow'])) def getLeft(Line,Right = False): Lines = re.split(';|,',Line) if not Right: Right = '.*' for L in Lines: match_assign = re.match("\s*(?P<left>\w+)(\W.*|)=>(.*\W|)"+Right+"(\W.*|)$",L) if match_assign: return match_assign.group('left') CmdPrint("Current line not across module !"+ Line +" "+ Right) return def MatchFromCurLine(key , startCursor = False, patten = False): try: if not startCursor: startCursor = vim.current.window.cursor if startCursor[0] == 1: startCursor = (len(vim.current.buffer)+1,startCursor[1]) vim.current.window.cursor = (startCursor[0]-1,startCursor[1]) if not patten: patten = '/\c\<'+key+'\>' vim.command(patten) curCursor = vim.current.window.cursor matchLineNum = curCursor[0]-1 matchLine = vim.current.buffer[matchLineNum] matchColmNum = len(re.match('(?P<pre>|.*\W)'+key+'(\W.*|)',matchLine).group('pre')) matchCursor = (matchLineNum+1,matchColmNum) vim.current.window.cursor = matchCursor return matchCursor except: return False def MatchFromNextLine(key, patten = False): try: if not patten: patten = '/\c\<'+key+'\>' vim.command(patten) curCursor = vim.current.window.cursor matchLineNum = curCursor[0]-1 matchLine = vim.current.buffer[matchLineNum] matchColmNum = len(re.match('(?P<pre>|.*\W)'+key+'(\W.*|)',matchLine.lower()).group('pre')) matchCursor = (matchLineNum+1,matchColmNum) vim.current.window.cursor = matchCursor return matchCursor except: return False def isAssistWin(path = False): if not path: path = vim.current.buffer.name if re.search(G['LayerPath']+'|'+G['CmdPath'], path): return True return False def reSetLayerWinWidth(): for i in range(0, len(vim.windows)): if vim.windows[i].buffer.name == G['LayerPath']: vim.windows[i].width = G['LayerWinWidth'] def resortWinQueue(path): i = 0 match = False for i in range(0, len(G["WinQueue"])): if path == G["WinQueue"][i]: match = True break if match: del G["WinQueue"][i] G["WinQueue"].insert(0, path) def closeWin(path): #addCheckPoint() for i in range(0,len(vim.windows)): if vim.current.buffer.name == path: vim.command('q') reSetLayerWinWidth() break vim.command("wincmd w") #checkPointRecover() def delCloseWin(): openWin = {} for i in range(0, len(vim.windows)): openWin[vim.windows[i].buffer.name] = 0 i = 0 while True: if i >= len(G["WinQueue"]): break t_path = G["WinQueue"][i] if openWin.has_key(t_path): i += 1 continue del G["WinQueue"][i] i = 0 keys = G["holdWin"].keys() debug(('debug 00:',keys)) while True: if i >= len(keys): break t_path = keys[i] if openWin.has_key(t_path): i += 1 continue del G["holdWin"][keys[i]] i += 1 def addNewWin(): QueueWin = {} for i in G["WinQueue"]: QueueWin[i] = 0 for i in range(0, len(vim.windows)): t_path = vim.windows[i].buffer.name if (not isAssistWin(t_path)) and (not QueueWin.has_key(t_path)): G["WinQueue"].insert(0, t_path) QueueWin[t_path] = 0 def goWin(path, cursor = (1,0), searchWord = False, shadow = False): reSetLayerWinWidth() delCloseWin() addNewWin() for i in range(0,len(vim.windows)): if vim.current.buffer.name == path: resortWinQueue(path) if searchWord: MatchFromCurLine(searchWord,cursor) return vim.current.window.cursor = cursor return vim.command("wincmd w") if not os.path.isfile(path): CmdPrint(path+" not exit !") return debug(('0_0 0:curWin:', G["WinQueue"])) debug(('0_0 0.1:', shadow,G["holdWin"])) if not isAssistWin(path) and not shadow: G["WinQueue"].insert(0,path) i = len(G["WinQueue"])-1 while len(G["WinQueue"]) > G["MaxWinNum"] + len(G["holdWin"]): if G["holdWin"].has_key(G["WinQueue"][i]): i -=1 if i < 0: break continue t_path = G["WinQueue"][i] closeWin(t_path) i -=2 if i < 0: break if isAssistWin(): vim.command("wincmd w") if isAssistWin(): vim.command("wincmd w") vim.command("bel vsp "+path) debug(('0_0 1:curWin:', G["WinQueue"])) debug(('0_0 2:add a new win path = ', path)) if searchWord: MatchFromCurLine(searchWord,cursor) reSetLayerWinWidth() return vim.current.window.cursor = cursor reSetLayerWinWidth() def printSDInf(SDInf, prefix, start = 0): curBuf = vim.current.buffer L = len(SDInf) if start >= L : return #CmdPrint("-"*20+prefix+" total:"+str(L)+" Start"+'-'*20) for i in range(start,L): tempBuf = curBuf key = SDInf[i][0] path = SDInf[i][1] lineNums = SDInf[i][2] entity = getEntityNameFromPath(path) if curBuf.name != path: tempBuf = open(path,'r').readlines() CmdWriteLineNum = CmdPrint(prefix+' '+str(i)+":|"+entity+' '+str(lineNums[0])+": "+tempBuf[lineNums[0]]) G['CmdSDDB'][CmdWriteLineNum] = {'path':path,'key':key,'startLine':lineNums[0]} #CmdPrint("-"*20+prefix+" End"+'-'*20) def ChoseNextSD(SDInf,TraceWord): if G["SDPtr"][0] == TraceWord: if len(SDInf) == 0: return G["SDPtr"][1] = (G["SDPtr"][1] + 1) % len(SDInf) NextMatch = SDInf[G["SDPtr"][1]] CmdPrint("Next Trace "+str(G["SDPtr"][1])+":") curWord = NextMatch[0] SDPath = NextMatch[1] startLine = NextMatch[2][0] goWin(SDPath, (startLine - 1,0), curWord) #why not startLine updataTrace() return True return def getRealPos(Buf,SearchWord,Start): for i in range(Start, len(Buf)): tempLine = Buf[i] if re.match("(.*\W|)"+SearchWord+"(\W.*|)$",tempLine): return i assert(False),"We shoild find that patten" def getInstEntity(path, cursor): lineNum = cursor[0] - 1 Lines = open(path,'r').readlines() for i in range(lineNum, -1, -1): line = Lines[i] line = re.sub('--.*','',line) #clear note line = re.subn('\s+',' ',line)[0]#all empty to space if re.match('^\s*$',line): #empty line continue matchInst = re.search('\s*(?P<instName>\s*:\s*(((?P<isEntity>entity\s+)(?P<lib_name>\w+)\.(?P<sub_entity_name>\w+))|(?P<compName>\w+))(\s+|$))',line.lower()) if matchInst: instName = matchInst.group('instName') isEntity = matchInst.group('isEntity') lib_name = matchInst.group('lib_name') sub_entity_name = matchInst.group('sub_entity_name') compName = matchInst.group('compName') moduleName = sub_entity_name if isEntity else compName return (moduleName, i, lib_name) assert(False),"We should find entity !" def getCurInstEntity(): curBuf = vim.current.buffer curWin = vim.current.window return getInstEntity(curBuf.name,curWin.cursor) def sepMatch(septor,fullLine,patten): sepLines = re.split(septor,fullLine) for i in range(0,len(sepLines)): match = re.match(patten,sepLines[i]) if match: return match return False def addCheckPoint(): curPath = vim.current.buffer.name cursor = vim.current.window.cursor curWord = getCurWord() G['checkPoint'].append((curPath,cursor,curWord)) def checkPointRecover(): CP = G['checkPoint'].pop() #goWin(CP[0],CP[1],CP[2],True) goWin(CP[0],CP[1],CP[2]) def getTopology(path): addCheckPoint() goWin(path) MatchCursorXHis = set() TopologyDS = {} while True: matchCursor = MatchFromNextLine('port\s*map') if not matchCursor: #no match found break matchCursorX = matchCursor[0] matchLineNum = matchCursorX - 1 if matchCursorX in MatchCursorXHis: # found all module break MatchCursorXHis.add(matchCursorX) matchLine = vim.current.buffer[matchLineNum].rstrip('\n') if re.match(".*--.*\Wport\s+map(\W.*|$)" ,matchLine): #this is not valid line continue instName = '' isEntity = '' libName = '' entityName = '' compName = '' subEntityName = '' subInstLineNum= '' for l in range(matchLineNum, -1 ,-1): c_pre_line = vim.current.buffer[l].rstrip('\n') c_pre_line = re.sub('--.*','',c_pre_line) #clear note if re.match('^\s*$',c_pre_line): #empty line continue matchInst = re.search('\s*(?P<instName>\s*:\s*(((?P<isEntity>entity\s+)(?P<libName>\w+)\.(?P<entityName>\w+))|(?P<compName>\w+))(\s+|$))',c_pre_line.lower()) if matchInst: instName = matchInst.group('instName') isEntity = matchInst.group('isEntity') libName = matchInst.group('libName') entityName = matchInst.group('entityName') compName = matchInst.group('compName') subInstLineNum = l subEntityName = entityName if isEntity else compName break assert(subInstLineNum),'%d : port map...'%(matchLineNum) if subEntityName in G['ModuleNotShowInTopo']: #this module should not show in topo continue subEntityPath = ( G['AllModules'].get(subEntityName, ['']) )[0] # get the first module path if subEntityPath in TopologyDS: TopologyDS[subEntityPath]['CopyNum'] += 1 TopologyDS[subEntityPath]['InstName'].append(instName) else: TopologyDS[subEntityPath] = {'CopyNum':1, 'InstName':[instName],'libName':libName, 'name':subEntityName, 'matchCursor':(subInstLineNum+1, 0)} G['allTopologys'][path] = TopologyDS for key in TopologyDS: # add for topology trace iterm = TopologyDS[key] matchCursor = iterm['matchCursor'] G['upEntity'][key] = {'upEntityPath':path, 'upInSubCursor':matchCursor} checkPointRecover() def PrintLayer(): curWinWidth = vim.current.window.width layWinWidth = curWinWidth/6 LayerWinOpen = False for i in range(0, len(vim.windows)): if vim.current.buffer.name == G['LayerPath']: LayerWinOpen = True break vim.command("wincmd w") if not LayerWinOpen: vim.command('top vsp '+G['LayerPath']) vim.current.window.width = layWinWidth LayBuf = vim.current.buffer del LayBuf[0:] topLineDB = G['LayerDB'][0] LayBuf[0] = ' '*topLineDB[0] + topLineDB[2]['name'] for i in range(1,len(G['LayerDB'])): LineDB = G['LayerDB'][i] LayBuf.append(' '*LineDB[0]+'|'+LineDB[2]['name']) if len(G['CursorCheckPoint']) > 0: LayBuf.append('') LayBuf.append('') LayBuf.append('Check Point:') for i in range(len(G['CursorCheckPoint'])): LayBuf.append('P'+str(i)+' : '+G['CursorCheckPoint'][i]['word']) vim.command('w!')
#file 3 name: vhdlTraceGlobal.py
#*________________________________________________________________________* #* FILENAME : vhdlTraceGlobal.py * #* AUTHOR : JUN CAO * #*________________________________________________________________________* import re import vim import os import sys assistPath = "/home/juncao/.vim/vimTrace" #install change libPath = "/home/juncao/Work/src/lib" #install change libPath = libPath.rstrip('/') + '/' workPath = os.getcwd() def getAllVhdlModule(dirs): vhdl_modules = {} # { vhdl module name : vhdl file paths } for d in dirs: vhdl_files_path = os.popen('find ' + d +' -name \'*.vhdl\' -type f 2>/dev/null').readlines() for vhdl_file in vhdl_files_path: vhdl_file = vhdl_file.strip('\n') match = re.match("(?P<path>.*/)(?P<name>\w+)\.vhdl$",vhdl_file) if match: moduel_name = match.group("name") file_path = vhdl_file vhdl_modules.setdefault(moduel_name, []).append(file_path) return vhdl_modules all_vhdl_modules = getAllVhdlModule([libPath, workPath]) G = { "AllModules" :all_vhdl_modules ,"ModuleNotShowInTopo" : {} ,"FullLines" :{} ,"CursorTrace" :[] ,"CursorNow" :-1 ,"AllDest" :[] ,"SDPtr" :['',0] ,"MaybeSD" :[] ,"upEntity" :{} ,"checkPoint" :[] ,"allTopologys" :{} ,"LayerPath" :assistPath+'/layer.vimTrace' ,"LayerDB" :[] ,"LayerWinWidth":40 ,"CmdPath" :assistPath+'/Cmd.vimTrace' ,"CmdSDDB" :{} ,"WinQueue" :[] ,"MaxWinNum" :1 ,"debugPath" :assistPath+'/debug.vimTrace' ,"debugMode" :True ,"holdWin" :{} ,"IgnoreSpace" :[False,0] ,"CursorCheckPoint" :[] ,"CursorCheckPointDepth" :10 }
#file 4 name : vimrc
"vi_vhdl_extend_begin----------------------------------- source ~/.vim/vimTrace/vhdlTrace.vim call VimPythonExtend() map <Space><Right> :py use_TraceDest() <CR> map <Space><Left> :py use_TraceSour() <CR> map <Space><Down> :py use_rollBack() <CR> map <Space><Up> :py use_goForward() <CR> map gi :py use_goIntoSubModule() <CR> map <Space> :py use_SpaceOperate() <CR> map <S-t> :py use_showLayer() <CR> map <Space>h :py use_holdCurrentWin() <CR> map <Space>a :py use_addCursorTrace() <CR> "vi_vhdl_extend_end-------------------------------------