When your data is too large for one node, you can break it up and store it in sections by creating one or more shards. Each is a portion of the logical index, or core, and it's the set of all nodes containing that section of the index.
A shard is a way of splitting a core over a number of "servers", or nodes. For example, you might have a shard for data that represents each state, or different categories that are likely to be searched independently, but are often combined.
Before SolrCloud, Solr supported Distributed Search, which allowed one query to be executed across multiple shards, so the query was executed against the entire Solr index and no documents would be missed from the search results. So splitting the core across shards is not a exclusively SolrCloud concept. There were, however, several problems with the distributed approach that necessitated improvement with SolrCloud:
SolrCloud fixes all those problems. There is support for distributing both the index process and the queries automatically, and ZooKeeper provides failover and load balancing. Additionally, every shard can also have multiple replicas for additional robustness.
Unlike Solr 3.x, in SolrCloud there are no masters or slaves. Instead, there are leaders and replicas. Leaders are automatically elected, initially on a first-come-first-served basis, and then based on the Zookeeper process described at http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/recipes.html#sc_leaderElection..
不像Solr 3.x一样,在SolrCloud里面没有master和slave的存在,取而代之的是leader和replica。leader是自动选举出来的,leader选举首先是基于一个“先到先服务”的原则,然后才是基于ZooKeeper处理(关于ZooKeeper的leader选举的叙述http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/recipes.html#sc_leaderElection)
If a leader goes down, one of its replicas is automatically elected as the new leader. As each node is started, it's assigned to the shard with the fewest replicas. When there's a tie, it's assigned to the shard with the lowest shard ID.
如果leader宕机了,replica节点中的某一个节点将会自动被选举成新的leader。在每一个节点启动之后,它都是自动分配给拥有replica最少的shard。当所有shard拥有一样数量的replica的时候,新的节点会被分配给shard id值最小的shard。
When a document is sent to a machine for indexing, the system first determines if the machine is a replica or a leader.
Solr 4.1 added the ability to co-locate documents to improve query performance.
Solr 4.5 has added the ability to specify the router implementation with the router.name parameter. If you use the "compositeId" router, you can send documents with a prefix in the document ID which will be used to calculate the hash Solr uses to determine the shard a document is sent to for indexing. The prefix can be anything you'd like it to be (it doesn't have to be the shard name, for example), but it must be consistent so Solr behaves consistently. For example, if you wanted to co-locate documents for a customer, you could use the customer name or ID as the prefix. If your customer is "IBM", for example, with a document with the ID "12345", you would insert the prefix into the document id field: "IBM!12345". The exclamation mark ('!') is critical here, as it defines the shard to direct the document to.
Then at query time, you include the prefix(es) into your query with the _route_ parameter (i.e., q=solr&_route_=IBM!) to direct queries to specific shards. In some situations, this may improve query performance because it overcomes network latency when querying all the shards.
The _route_ parameter replaces shard.keys, which has been deprecated and will be removed in a future Solr release.
If you do not want to influence how documents are stored, you don't need to specify a prefix in your document ID.
If you created the collection and defined the "implicit" router at the time of creation, you can additionally define a router.field parameter to use a field from each document to identify a shard where the document belongs. If the field specified is missing in the document, however, the document will be rejected. You could also use the _route_ parameter to name a specific shard.
Until Solr 4.3, when you created a collection in SolrCloud, you had to decide on your number of shards when you created the collection and you could not change it later. It can be difficult to know in advance the number of shards that you need, particularly when organizational requirements can change at a moment's notice, and the cost of finding out later that you chose wrong can be high, involving creating new cores and re-indexing all of your data.
The ability to split shards is in the Collections API. It currently allows splitting a shard into two pieces. The existing shard is left as-is, so the split action effectively makes two copies of the data as new shards. You can delete the old shard at a later time when you're ready.
在Collection API中包含了分割shard的功能。现在允许通过它来把一个shard分开到两个块中。原来存在的shard还是会保持原状,所以分割操作实际上是创建了它的数据的两个副本作为新的shard(译注:这里应该是把原来shard里面的数据作为一个副本分开到两个新的shard里面去)。当你一切都准备好了之后,你可以把旧的shard给删除掉。
More details on how to use shard splitting is in the section on the Collections API.
关于怎么使用shard分割的更多细节在Collections API.