
AOAPC I: Beginning Algorithm Contests (Rujia Liu) 原始题库
  • Volume 0. Getting Started
    • NULL
      • 10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior
      • 10071 - Back to High School Physics
      • 10300 - Ecological Premium
      • 458 - The Decoder
      • 494 - Kindergarten Counting Game
      • 414 - Machined Surfaces
      • 490 - Rotating Sentences
      • 445 - Marvelous Mazes
      • 488 - Triangle Wave
      • 489 - Hangman Judge
      • 694 - The Collatz Sequence
      • 457 - Linear Cellular Automata
  • Volume 1. Elementary Problem Solving
    • String
      • 401 - Palindromes
      • 10010 - Where's Waldorf?
      • 10361 - Automatic Poetry
      • 537 - Artificial Intelligence?
      • 409 - Excuses, Excuses!
      • 10878 - Decode the tape
      • 10815 - Andy's First Dictionary
      • 644 - Immediate Decodability
      • 644 - Immediate Decodability(Update)
      • 10115 - Automatic Editing
    • Big Number
      • 424 - Integer Inquiry
    • Sorting/Searching
      • 340 - Master-Mind Hints
      • 10420 - List of Conquests
      • 10420 - List of Conquests(UPDATE)
      • 10474 - Where is the Marble?
      • 152 - Tree's a Crowd
      • 299 - Train Swapping
      • 120 - Stacks of Flapjacks
      • 156 - Ananagrams
      • 400 - Unix ls
      • 123 - Searching Quickly
      • 10194 - Football (aka Soccer)
      • 755 - 487--3279(未AC)
      • 10785 - The Mad Numerologist
    • Maths - Misc
    • Maths - Number Theory
    • Maths - Simple Geometry
  • Volume 2. Data Structures
    • Lists
      • 127 - "Accordian" Patience
      • 101 - The Blocks Problem
      • 133 - The Dole Queue
      • 10152 - ShellSort
      • 673 - Parentheses Balance
      • 442 - Matrix Chain Multiplication
      • 11111 - Generalized Matrioshkas
      • 11234 - Expressions
      • 540 - Team Queue
      • 10050 - Hartals
    • Binary Trees
      • 112 - Tree Summing
      • 548 - Tree
      • 548 - Tree(UPDATE)
      • 297 - Quadtrees
      • 712 - S-Trees
      • 699 - The Falling Leaves
      • 327 - Evaluating Simple C Expressions
      • 839 - Not so Mobile
      • 10562 - Undraw the Trees
    • Graphs
