JSF Standard Context Params


JSF Standard Context Params

Table 5.1. 

Context Param JSF Spec Description Default Value
javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES 1.2 and 2.0 Comma-delimited list of faces config files. null
javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX 1.2 and 2.0 Change the default suffix for JSP views. .jsp
javax.faces.LIFECYCLE_ID 1.2 and 2.0 ID for alternate Lifecycle implementations. null
javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD 1.2 and 2.0 "server" or "client" server
javax.faces.DATETIMECONVERTER _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_IS _SYSTEM_TIMEZONE 2.0 Controls if DateTimeConverter instances use the system timezone (if true) or GMT (if false). false
javax.faces.DATETIMECONVERTER _DEFAULT_TIMEZONE_IS _SYSTEM_TIMEZONE 2.0 Controls if DateTimeConverter instances use the system timezone (if true) or GMT (if false). false
javax.faces.DISABLE_FACELET _JSF_VIEWHANDLER 2.0 Disables the built-in Facelet ViewHandler. Useful for applications that use legacy Facelets implementation. false
javax.faces.FACELETS_LIBRARIES 2.0 Semicolon-separated list of paths to Facelet tag libraries. null
facelets.LIBRARIES 2.0 Semicolon-separated list of paths to Facelet tag libraries. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. null
javax.faces.FACELETS_BUFFER_SIZE 2.0 The buffer size set on the response. -1 (no assigned buffer size)
facelets.BUFFER_SIZE 2.0 The buffer size set on the response. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. -1 (no assigned buffer size)
javax.faces.DECORATORS 2.0 Semicolon-delimited list of TagDecorator implementations. See javadoc for javax.faces.view .facelets.TagDecorator. null
facelets.DECORATORS 2.0 Semicolon-delimited list of TagDecorator implementations. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. null
javax.faces.FACELETS _REFRESH_PERIOD 2.0 Time in seconds that facelets should be checked for changes since last request. A value of -1 disables refresh checking. implementation-specific
facelets.REFRESH_PERIOD 2.0 Time in seconds that facelets should be checked for changes since last request. A value of -1 disables refresh checking. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. implementation-specific
javax.faces.FACELETS _RESOURCE_RESOLVER 2.0 An implementation of javax.faces .view.facelets .ResourceResolver. See javadoc for details. null
facelets.RESOURCE_RESOLVER 2.0 An implementation of javax.faces .view.facelets .ResourceResolver. See javadoc for details. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. null
javax.faces.FACELETS_SKIP _COMMENTS 2.0 If true, strip XML comments out of Facelets before delivering to the client. false
facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS 2.0 If true, strip XML comments out of Facelets before delivering to the client. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. false
javax.faces.FACELETS_SUFFIX 2.0 Set the suffix for Facelet xhtml files. .xhtml
facelets.SUFFIX 2.0 Set the suffix for Facelet xhtml files. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. .xhtml
javax.faces.FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPINGS 2.0 Semicolon-separated list of Facelet files that don't use the default facelets suffix. null
facelets.VIEW_MAPPINGS 2.0 Semicolon-separated list of Facelet files that don't use the default facelets suffix. Used for backward-compatibility with legacy Facelets implementation. null
javax.faces.FULL_STATE _SAVING_VIEW_IDS 2.0 Semicolon-separated list of view IDs that must save state using the JSF 1.2-style state saving. null
javax.faces.INTERPRET_EMPTY _STRING_SUBMITTED_VALUES _AS_NULL 2.0 If true, consider empty UIInput values to be null instead of empty string. false
javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING 2.0 If true, use the JSF2 partial state saving for views. false, if WEB-INF/faces-config.xml does not declare JSF 2.0 schema. true, otherwise
javax.faces.PROJECT_STAGE 2.0 Set the project stage to "Development", "UnitTest", "SystemTest", or "Production". Production
javax.faces.VALIDATE_EMPTY_FIELDS 2.0 If "true", validate null and empty values. If "auto" validate when JSR-303 Bean Validation is enabled (in AS6 it is enabled by default). auto
javax.faces.validator.DISABLE _DEFAULT_BEAN_VALIDATOR 2.0 If "true", disable JSR-303 Bean Validation. false

5.2. Mojarra Context Params

These context params are only valid when using Mojarra JSF.

Table 5.2. 

Context Param Impl Ver Description Default Value
com.sun.faces. numberOfViewsInSession 1.2 and 2.0 For server state-saving, how many views, per logical view, can be stored in the session before oldest is removed? 15
com.sun.faces.numberOfLogicalViews 1.2 and 2.0 For server state-saving, how many logical views are allowed before oldest is removed? 15
com.sun.faces.preferXHTML 1.2 and 2.0 Set xhtml as the content type for browsers that support it. false
com.sun.faces.compressViewState 1.2 and 2.0 Compress the view after serialization but before encoding. false
com.sun.faces.disableVersionTracking 1.2 and 2.0 If true, don't allow JSF 1.1 implementations of certain interfaces. false
com.sun.faces.sendPoweredByHeader 1.2 and 2.0 If true, send a header with the JSF spec level. true
com.sun.faces.verifyObjects 1.2 and 2.0 If true, verify all JSF artifacts (such as managed beans) can be instantiated during initialization. false
com.sun.faces.validateXml 1.2 and 2.0 If true, perform XML validation on config files. false
com.sun.faces.displayConfiguration 1.2 and 2.0 If true, log the values of all Mojarra and JSF context params. false
com.sun.faces.injectionProvider 1.2 and 2.0 Replace the default InjectionProvider implementation. By default this is set by JBoss AS6. org.jboss.web .jsf.integration .injection .JBossDelegatingInjectionProvider
com.sun.faces.injectionProvider 1.2 and 2.0 Replace the default SerializationProvider implementation. null
com.sun.faces.responseBufferSize 1.2 and 2.0 Buffer size for writing most generated content. 4096
com.sun.faces. clientStateWriteBufferSize 1.2 and 2.0 Buffer size for writing client state. 8192
com.sun.faces.compressJavaScript 1.2 and 2.0 Remove whitespace from javascript used in standard JSF components. true
com.sun.faces.externalizeJavaScript 1.2 and 2.0 Allow browsers to cache javascript used in standard JSF components. false
com.sun.faces.enableJSStyleHiding 1.2 and 2.0 Hide javascript from older browser implementations. false
com.sun.faces.writeStateAtFormEnd 1.2 and 2.0 Controls if view state is written after opening a form tag (false) or closing a form tag (true). true
com.sun.faces. enableLazyBeanValidation 1.2 and 2.0 If false, examine managed beans at startup. Otherwise, validate when referenced/created. true
com.sun.faces. enabledLoadBundle11Compatibility 1.2 and 2.0 Preserve JSF 1.1 behavior of f:loadBundle. See issue here. false
com.sun.faces.clientStateTimeout 1.2 and 2.0 Time in seconds that client state is considered valid. If a request is received after timeout expired, ViewExpiredException is thrown. null
com.sun.faces.serializeServerState 1.2 and 2.0 If true, serialize server-side component state. false
com.sun.faces. enableViewStateIdRendering 1.2 and 2.0 If false, don't render id attribute on javax.faces.ViewState hidden field. See issue here. true
com.sun.faces. enableScriptsInAttributeValues 1.2 and 2.0 If false, don't allow attribute values with "javascirpt:" or "script:". true
com.sun.faces.disableUnicodeEscaping 1.2 and 2.0 "false", "true", or "auto". If "auto", escaping depends on response encoding.See issue here. false
com.sun.faces.developmentMode 1.2 If true, reload Groovy and faces-config files when edited. false
com.sun.faces. enableMultiThreadedStartup 1.2 If false, don't create worker threads at startup. true
com.sun.faces.enableThreading 2.0 If false, don't create worker threads at startup. false
com.sun.faces.resourceBufferSize 2.0 Read buffer size, in bytes, used by the default ResourceHandler implementation. 2048
com.sun.faces.defaultResourceMaxAge 2.0 Time in milliseconds that a resource from the ResourceHandler will be cached via an "Expires" response header. No caching if ProjectStage is "Development". 604800
com.sun.faces. resourceUpdateCheckPeriod 2.0 Frequency in minutes to check for changes to webapp artifacts that contain resources. 0 means never check for changes. -1 means always perform a new lookup when finding resources. 5
com.sun.faces.compressableMimeTypes 2.0 Comma-seperated list of compressable mime types. No compression if ProjectStage is "Development" null
com.sun.faces.expressionFactory 2.0 Expression factory implementation class. com.sun.el .ExpressionFactoryImpl
com.sun.faces.duplicateJARPattern 1.2 and 2.0 Regular expression to determine if two URLs point to the same jar. Set by JBoss JSF Deployer. ^tmp\d+(\S*\.jar)
com.sun.faces.faceletFactory 2.0 Set the FaceletFactory impl class. null
com.sun.faces.enableHtmlTagLibValidator 2.0 Enable validation of standard Html TagLibs. false
com.sun.faces.enableCoreTagLibValidator 2.0 Enable validation of standard Core TagLibs. false
com.sun.faces. registerConverterPropertyEditors 2.0 If true, allow EL Coercion to use JSF Custom converters. false
com.sun.faces.enableGroovyScripting 2.0 If true, allow Groovy. false
com.sun.faces. generateUniqueServerStateIds 2.0 If true, generate random server state Ids. If false, create Ids sequentially. true
com.sun.faces. autoCompleteOffOnViewState 2.0 If false, don't use autocomplete="off" when saving view state. true
com.sun.faces.allowTextChildren 2.0 If true, allow children of h:inputText and h:outputText to be rendered. In 1.2, they would always be rendered before the value of tag. In 2.0, they will not be rendered at all unless this flag is set. false

5.3. JBoss JSF Context Params

These context params are explained more in Chapter 3.

Table 5.3. 

Context Param Description Default Value
org.jboss.jbossfaces.JSF_CONFIG_NAME The name of the JSF Configuration to use for this WAR. Mojarra-2.0
org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR_BUNDLES_JSF_IMPL If true, allow WAR to use the JSF implementation found in WEB-INF/lib. false

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