

801、单词 spellchecker 的匹配文本:

  1. Setting this property to values higher than the size parameter can result in a more accurate document frequency (this is because of the fact that terms are held in different shards for our indices unless we have a single-shard index created) being calculated but will also result in the spellchecker's performance degradation. Mastering ElasticSearch

  2. Within the spellchecker search component, there are one or more XML blocks named spellchecker so that different dictionaries and other options can be configured. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  3. Chapter 9, Using Additional Solr Functionalities: In this chapter, you will find recipes that will show you how to use additional Solr components, like the highlighting mechanism, spellchecker, statistics, or grouping mechanism. Solr 3.1 Cookbook

  4. Lucene has a sandbox component, spellchecker, covered in section 8.XXX, that you can use. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  5. If you are used to the way spellchecker worked in the previous Solr versions, you may remember that it required its own index to give you spelling corrections. Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

802、单词 xcode 的匹配文本:

  1. The Jar Bundler utility that is a part of XCode lets you turn a JAR file into a first-class Mac application. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. Outside of the Web, environments like Apple’s Xcode or Microsoft’s .NET all provide toolkits that simplify the development and functionality of your applications. Getting Started with CouchDB

  3. Xcode is a collection of development tools, and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for OS X. Monitoring with Ganglia

  4. Though the installation of Xcode for OS X is a bit more difficult, the fact that the build tools download is 10 times larger makes following along without a long break much more difficult. Redis in Action

  5. Installing the Xcode Developer Tools The Xcode developer tools are a suite of utilities for creating software applications that run on Mac OS X. Beginning CouchDB

  6. In this recipe, we will see how to download and configure the iWebDriver Xcode project from the Selenium code base to run against a simulator. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

  7. They all require you to have the XCode developer tools installed, which includes libraries and compilers. Redis Cookbook

  8. You will however need to have a machine with OS X on to start the simulator since it is part of XCode. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

803、单词 resizing 的匹配文本:

  1. It doesn’t immediately resize the component but merely marks it for resizing. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. You can see this by resizing the window when you run the program from the console command line. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. While the server is rebuilding, its status will be displayed as RESIZING. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  4. Resizing the Oplog Your primary’s oplog should be thought of as your maintenance window. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  5. The latter provides more control using resizing of thread pools, which helps ensure that your overall computation doesn’t block just because all of your fixed number of threads are waiting for I/O. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  6. You can see that resizing a picture, rewarding the user, and notifying friends are three separate tasks. RabbitMQ in Action

  7. This can mean changing GC strategies, automatic heap resizing, getting rid of memory fragmentation at the right intervals, or mainly recognizing when it is most appropriate to "stop the world" Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  8. Resizing columns Users can select rows by clicking anywhere in a row. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  9. As elements are added to a StringBuilder or StringBuffer, the underlying char[] data storage, may be subject to resizing. Java Performance

  10. Because the paintComponent() method will be called during a resizing of the window, the clearRect() method will dynamically fill the background to gray as we resize the window. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

804、单词 uninitialized 的匹配文本:

  1. There must never be an uninitialized class instance on the operand stack or in a local variable when a jsr or jsr_w instruction is executed. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  2. Of course, the compiler could have given i a default value, but an uninitialized local variable is probably a programmer error, and a default value would have covered that up. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. If a program were able to read the value of an uninitialized variable, the effect would be the same as if it were able to read random memory locations. Java Security 2nd Edition

  4. And calling the constructor explicitly from your code is also a futile exercise, since it leaves you with an uninitialized instance that most definitely does not behave as expected. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  5. A final instance field in a Java object is assigned its one and only value in a constructor, but as all uninitialized fields, it also has an implicit default value (0 or maybe null) before the constructor is run. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  6. Accidental errors, such as uninitialized variables, can easily wreak havoc if they are not caught. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  7. The idea behind the idiom is to check the value of the field twice (hence the name double-check): once without locking, and then, if the field appears to be uninitialized, a second time with locking. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  8. The new operator creates a new, but uninitialized, instance of the class. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. All JIT compilers of Java bytecodes have to deal with the possibility of unloaded or uninitialized classes, and the Server JIT compiler handles this by treating the path as unreached when it contains unresolved constant pool entries. Java Performance

  10. Like all other uninitialized Object reference instance variables, the _grades array instance variable is automatically initialized to null. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

805、单词 ieee 的匹配文本:

  1. The rounding operations of the Java Virtual Machine always use IEEE 754 round to nearest mode. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  2. You might not be able to move files to a system whose floating-point format is different (however, the vast majority of processors use the IEEE floating-point format) High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  3. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Building LinkedIn’s Real-time Activity Data1

  4. The primitive types are defined to be the same on all machines and in all implementations, and are various sizes of two's-complement integers, single- and double-precision IEEE 754 standard floating-point numbers, a boolean type, and a Unicode character char type. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  5. In theory, if you understand the details of storing numbers in the IEEE 754 SQL Antipatterns

  6. Both types adhere to the IEEE 754-1985 standard, which specifies both the format of the numbers and the behavior of arithmetic for the numbers. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  7. Floats and doubles are written in IEEE 754 form in four and eight bytes, respectively. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  8. Rather, it’s a general problem for all systems that use the IEEE standard for encoding floating-point numbers! However, there are two workarounds we can use in Hive. Programming Hive

  9. See also follow-ups, including: "Recent Advances in Memory Consistency Models for Hardware Shared-Memory Systems" Proceedings of the IEEE, special issue on distributed shared memory, 1999 Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

  10. This means that BSON can encode any IEEE floating-point value and any signed integer up to eight bytes in length. MongoDB in Action

806、单词 printf 的匹配文本:

  1. You have now seen all features of the printf method. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. Note: ideally, this should be the printf/scanf-style format of the value being passed, but in reality, all are presently passed as string values, and are then converted to their specified types by gmond. Monitoring with Ganglia

  3. Formatting output One of the long-awaited features that has finally appeared in Java SE5 is output formatting in the style of C’s printf( ) statement. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  4. That is, Predef’s printf( ) routes the call to Console’s printf( ) Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

  5. In this case, each string in the collection is passed as an argument to printf: Programming Scala

  6. There is also a printf function with a C-style format string: Scala for the Impatient

  7. To write to a print writer, use the same print, println, and printf methods that you used with System.out. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  8. The toString method is automatically invoked when an object is passed to println, printf, the string concatenation operator, or assert, or printed by a debugger. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  9. This string was used in both of the printf methods. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

  10. This class enables C-style formatted text output with printf( ) and format( ) methods. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

807、单词 safepoint 的匹配文本:

  1. Newer versions of JRockit use a more traditional safepoint approach instead. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  2. The modules for supporting synchronization, stack, memory, and safepoint pages are initialized. Java Performance

808、单词 fsync 的匹配文本:

  1. It has broken InnoDB’s support for group commit (a technique that can commit several transactions with a single I/O operation) since MySQL 5.0, so it causes many more fsync() calls than it should.12 It also causes each transaction to require a binary log sync if binary logs are enabled and requires two InnoDB transaction log flushes per commit instead of one. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. When it is set to true (the default), CouchDB allows operations to be run against the disk without an explicit fsync after each operation. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  3. This command locks the database against any further writes and then flushes all dirty data to disk (fsync), ensuring that the files in the data directory have the latest consistent information and are not changing. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  4. For non-bulk writes, requiring an fsync will have a major performance impact. Scaling CouchDB

  5. Another method, hsync(), has also been added that makes a stronger guarantee that the operating system has flushed the data to the datanodes’ disks (like POSIX fsync) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  6. As far as HBase and the log are concerned, you can set the log flush times to be as low as you want, or sync them for every edit—you are still dependent on the underlying filesystem as mentioned earlier; the stream used to store the data is flushed, but is it written to disk yet? We are talking about fsync style issues. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  7. If you want a snapshot of the whole cluster, you would have to turn off the balancer, fsync and lock the slaves in the cluster, take dumps from them, then unlock them and restart the balancer. Scaling MongoDB

  8. However, Lucene relies on the OS and IO system that holds the index to properly implement the “fsync” system call, by flushing any OS or IO write caches to the actual underlying stable storage. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  9. The fsync option can be set to TRUE or FALSE; FALSE is the default value for this option as well. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

  10. So MongoDB forcibly syncs all data files every 60 seconds using the fsync system call. MongoDB in Action

809、单词 crl 的匹配文本:

  1. It is also useful to have a cron script that will periodically redownload the metadata and copy the new Certificate Revocation List (CRL) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  2. One of those commands is called ca and is used to set up a CA and a certificate revocation list (CRL).4 RabbitMQ in Action

  3. As you can see, there is a strong synergy between the methods that are used to operate upon an X509 certificate and those used to operate upon a CRL: Java Security 2nd Edition

  4. The puppet cert command will automatically keep the ca_crl.pem file updated as we issue and revoke new Puppet agent certificates. Pro Puppet

  5. The CertificateFactory class serves as a certificate parser, providing the ability to convert a stream of bytes (or the base64 encoding of those bytes) into a Certificate, a CertPath or a CRL object. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

810、单词 nimbus 的匹配文本:

  1. Nimbus uses vector drawings, not bitmaps, and is therefore independent of the screen resolution. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. Storm’s overall execution is controlled by a master process —  Nimbus. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  3. A Storm cluster consists of one master node (called nimbus) and one or more. Storm Blueprints Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation

  4. We need at least one nimbus node, two supervisor nodes, and a zookeeper node: Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

  5. Master node run a daemon called Nimbus, which is responsible for distributing code around the cluster, assigning tasks to each worker node, and monitoring for failures. Getting Started with Storm

  6. The following code listing builds an application showcasing many of Swing’s standard components with the new Nimbus Look ‘n’ Feel: Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

811、单词 sourceforge 的匹配文本:

  1. Ganglia (http://ganglia.sourceforge.net/) is an open source monitoring tool used to collect metrics, display graphs, and can be tiered to handle very large installations. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

  2. Tip The Napkin look-and-feel (http://napkinlaf.sourceforge.net) gives a hand-drawn appearance to all user interface elements. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  3. It provides the stable base of Hadoop 0.18.3 with bug fixes and some new features back-ported in and added-in hooks to the support scribe log file aggregation service (http://scribeserver.wiki.sourceforge.net/) Pro Hadoop

  4. Cobertura (http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/) is a Java code coverage tools that needs to instrument the bytecode after it’s compiled. Gradle in Action

  5. Ceph is licensed under the LGPL and is available at http://ceph.sourceforge.net/ Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

  6. Cluster SSH (http://sourceforge.net/projects/clusterssh) is a useful tool if you’re dealing with a cluster of machines. HBase in Action

  7. For help setting up NFS on Linux, refer to the HOWTO at http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/index.html. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  8. If your database doesn’t, check out iSQL-Viewer (http://isql.sourceforge.net) or SQuirreL (http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net) Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  9. Getting ready Before stating this recipe, you should download FindBugs from the project's web page (http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/) Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

  10. To do so, go to http://emma.sourceforge.net/ and download the latest Emma code coverage version. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

812、单词 ent 的匹配文本:

  1. Querying this using the same query values as last time, but using the view by_ingredi ent, we get the following list of recipes: Getting Started with CouchDB

  2. You need not include limitations (a)-(c) from the previous paragraph or any icular "pass through" requirements in any license You grant concerning the use of your ent Implementation or products derived from it. Java EE 7 Specification

  3. The NDITIONS is a Sqoop ro that must be ent in the WHERE se of the query. Hadoop in Practice

  4. Only if all of them fall inside the EJB Lite subset that ent is considered applicable to Web Profile products. Java EE 7 Web Profile Specification

813、单词 dremel 的匹配文本:

  1. In this paper, we describe the architecture and implementation of Dremel, and explain how it complements MapReduce-based computing. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

  2. The need to support a SQLlike query language in Spanner was also clear, given the popularity of Dremel [28] as an interactive dataanalysis tool. Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

  3. As Sqoop matures, a renewed focus on SQL-oriented analytics continues to make it relevant: systems like Cloudera Impala and Dremel-style analytic engines offer powerful distributed analytics with SQLbased languages, using the common data substrate offered by HDFS. Apache Sqoop Cookbook

  4. Dremel is a scalable, interactive, ad-hoc query system used to analyze read-only nested data. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  5. The engine itself can only deal with flat relational data, unlike Dremel [17] Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

  6. Compared to Dremel which supports thousands of different datasets (streaming the data from a distributed file system such as GFS [15]), our column-store relies on having as much data in memory as possible. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

814、单词 marshalling 的匹配文本:

  1. It’s no fault of the database; properly tuned and configured, a modern database is excellent at indexing and retrieving information efficiently, but the overhead of retrieving, marshalling, serializing, transmitting, and deserializing result sets is still much greater than the overhead of reading data from optimized in-memory data structures. Mahout in Action

  2. When a stub passes a request to a remote skeleton, it must package the parameters (either primitive datatypes, objects, or both) for transmission, which is known as data marshalling. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

  3. Netty comes with either a compatible implementation that can be used with other peers using JDK Serialization or one that can be used for maximum speed if the other peers also use JBoss Marshalling. Netty in Action MEAP V08

  4. In addition to the actual data persistence component, the system needs to have the following characteristics; scalable and robust solutions for load balancing, membership and failure detection, failure recovery, replica synchronization, overload handling, state transfer, concurrency and job scheduling, request marshalling, request routing, system monitoring and alarming, and configuration management. Cassandra A Decentralized Structured Storage System

  5. These formats work in a straightforward manner in most programming languages, with several tools available to help you with marshalling, unmarshalling, and validating where applicable. Hadoop in Practice

  6. The last thing that the JIT compiler does to the register allocated LIR is to add mov instructions for parameter marshalling (in this case moving values from in-parameters as defined by the calling convention to positions that the register allocator has picked) Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  7. Parameter marshalling This process is obviously complex, but the good news is that it is completely automatic and, to a large extent, transparent for the programmer. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  8. For distributed applications , you need to break down measurements into times spent on each component, times spent preparing data for transfer and from transfer (e.g., marshalling and unmarshalling objects and writing to and reading from a buffer), and times spent in network transfer. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  9. Instead, the focus is on the marshalling and unmarshalling performance. Java Performance

  10. This is useful during the next step of XML processing, which is either unmarshalling or marshalling these bindings. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

815、单词 openstack 的匹配文本:

  1. These packages are maintained by community members, refer to http://wiki.openstack.org/Packaging for additional links. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  2. Acknowledgments In general, I would like to thank the entire OpenStack community that gathers on the #openstack IRC channel, mail aliases, and forums. Deploying OpenStack

  3. Swift Recon The Swift Recon middleware (see http://swift.openstack.org/admin_guide.html#clustertelemetry-and-monitoring) provides general machine statistics, such as load average, socket statistics, /proc/meminfo contents, and so on, as well as Swift-specific metrics: bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

  4. To subscribe or view the archives, go to http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/ listinfo/openstack. admin-user-guide-trunk

  5. When you create images that access configuration drive data and multiple directories are under the openstack directory, always select the highest API version by date that your consumer supports. user-guide

  6. Learn more about how to contribute to the OpenStack docs at Documentation How To (http://wiki.openstack.org/Documentation/HowTo) OpenStack Operations Guide

816、单词 drpc 的匹配文本:

  1. To enable this functionality, Storm uses the combination of an extra service (Storm DRPC) and a specialized spout and bolt that work together to provide a highly scalable Distributed RPC capability. Storm Blueprints Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation

  2. We will also see how DRPC easily enables such architecture in a later chapter. Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

  3. Storm gives you some tools to enable the use of DRPC. Getting Started with Storm

817、单词 expr 的匹配文本:

  1. If booleanExpr evaluates to true, trueExpr is returned; otherwise falseExpr is returned. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  2. Given a data type Expr representing such expressions, in Scala you can write the following code to decompose an Expr into its parts and then return another Expr: Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  3. Erlang will evaluate Expr, and the Body part that gets executed will depend on the result of that expression; you mark the end of the case expression with the word end. RabbitMQ in Action

  4. Instead, it just results in expr, the expression matched upon. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  5. Otherwise, if n DimExpr expressions appear, then array creation effectively executes a set of nested loops of depth n-1 to create the implied arrays of arrays. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  6. If expr is an Add, we extract the left and right parameters, which are themselves Exprs. Beginning Scala

818、单词 gmetric 的匹配文本:

  1. Primarily, we discuss two ways in which to extend Ganglia, including the development and deployment of additional metric modules, and the use of a standalone utility called gmetric. Monitoring with Ganglia

  2. The Ganglia gmetric value FilesCreated will give you an idea of the rate of HDFS file creation. Pro Hadoop

819、单词 hessian 的匹配文本:

  1. Spring remoting provides support for a wide variety of different protocols, including Caucho’s Burlap and Hessian. Pro Spring 3

  2. In doing so, you’ll explore various remoting technologies, including RMI, Hessian/ Burlap, and SOAP web services with JAX-WS. Spring in Action 4th Edition

820、单词 phantomjs 的匹配文本:

  1. With the advent of server-side JavaScript via Node.js, PhantomJS and other applications can now be written entirely in JavaScript. Testable JavaScript

821、单词 zab 的匹配文本:

  1. ZooKeeper uses a protocol called Zab that runs in two phases, which may be repeated indefinitely: Phase 1: Leader election. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  2. This is mitigated by ZooKeeper’s distributed design using an assemble of servers and the Zab protocol to keep its state consistent. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  3. The use of epochs and counters will become clear when we discuss Zab, the protocol we use to broadcast state updates to servers. ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination

  4. Abstract—Zab is a crash-recovery atomic broadcast algorithm we designed for the ZooKeeper coordination service. Zab High-performance broadcast for primary-backup systems

822、单词 acknowledgments 的匹配文本:

  1. Front cover brief contents contents foreword preface acknowledgments about this book Roadmap Who should read the book? Code conventions and downloads Author Online About the author. Gradle in Action

  2. Consistency level TWO would allow the first two acknowledgments, local or remote, to successfully complete the operation. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  3. Acknowledgments This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

  4. Acknowledgments I’d first like to thank Damien Katz, creator of CouchDB, and all of CouchDB’s contributors. Scaling CouchDB

  5. Acknowledgments I would like to extend my thanks to my team of excellent tech editors who contributed ably to the quality of this book: Jason Porter, Spencer Allain, Darin Pope, and Rod Hilton. Gradle Beyond The Basics

  6. Front Cover brief contents contents preface acknowledgments about this book Roadmap Code conventions and downloads Author Online About the author About the cover illustration. Hadoop in Action

  7. Acknowledgments There are many wonderful people to whom I am grateful for helping bring this book to life. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  8. Consider the overhead of persisting messages and the cost of transporting both messages and client acknowledgments over the wire. ActiveMQ in Action

  9. Acknowledgments Over the years, many others have made contributions to Google’s hardware architecture that are at least as significant as ours. Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

  10. Acknowledgments from Tim Berglund I’m delighted to be a part of this, the first book on Gradle to be available to the marketplace. Building and Testing with Gradle

823、单词 querydsl 的匹配文本:

  1. The main features of the Spring Data JPA project include the concepts of Repository and Specification, support for the Query Domain Specific Language (QueryDSL), and so on. Pro Spring 3

  2. The Querydsl project tries to tackle this problem by providing a fluent API to define these queries. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

824、单词 dfsadmin 的匹配文本:

  1. This is done by the hadoop dfsadmin command in step 9 HBase Administration Cookbook

  2. Hadoop also provides the dfsadmin -report command-line tool, which will provide a somewhat verbose listing of the DataNodes in a service. Pro Hadoop

  3. Use the following steps to check the status of an HDFS cluster with hadoop dfsadmin: Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  4. You can remove the nodes from the exclude file and execute the bin/hadoop dfsadmin –refreshNodes command when you want to add the nodes back in to the cluster. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

  5. It is possible for an administrator to run this process manually while the namenode is in safe mode, using the hadoop dfsadmin -saveNamespace command. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  6. While fsck reports on each file in HDFS, there is a dfsadmin command for reporting on each DataNode. Hadoop in Action

  7. The dfsadmin command As an alternative tool to constantly viewing the HDFS web UI to determine the cluster status, we will use the dfsadmin command-line tool: Hadoop Beginners Guide

  8. You can verify that Hadoop is using your script by running the command hadoop dfsadmin -report as the HDFS superuser. Hadoop Operations

825、单词 declaratively 的匹配文本:

  1. Later, Ant caught up with Maven by introducing dependency management through the Apache library Ivy, which can be fully integrated with Ant to declaratively specify dependencies needed for your project’s compilation and packaging process. Gradle in Action

  2. Spring’s transaction support provides a simple mechanism to control transactions across one or more resource providers, either programmatically or declaratively. Pro Spring 3

  3. Authorization with Spring Security can be applied programmatically, by means of code, or declaratively. Pro Spring MVC

  4. How many times do you find yourself reimplementing these operations using iterators? Most databases let you specify such operations declaratively. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  5. Spring Batch allows you to choose declaratively a skip policy when something goes wrong. Spring Batch in Action

  6. With appropriate container support, dependency injection can also make it easier to declaratively specify the overall shape of a system, as each component has its dependencies injected into it in a configuration file or in a bit of configuration code. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

  7. Access is not done declaratively, but purely imperatively through the client-side API. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  8. Enables a WebSocket client and server endpoint to be defined declaratively via annotations on a POJO, or programmatically via interface implementation. Java EE 7 Essentials

  9. We can place a guard between the pattern and the => that adds further testing that cannot be described declaratively. Beginning Scala

  10. Spring for Apache Hadoop makes it easy to declaratively configure and create a PigServer in a Java application, much like the Grunt shell does under the covers. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

826、单词 repartition 的匹配文本:

  1. In distributed query execution, data repartition (like shuffle of MapReduce) is very important. Introduction to Tajo

  2. A metadata server (MDS), also called master server, which manages the file repartition, their access and the namespace. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  3. Moving partitions is simpler, which is why it makes sense to use it when possible, running the more resource-intensive repartition process only when partitions get large enough that only one or two can fit on each database server. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  4. The join and aggregation are performed in this shuffle (repartition) method. Tajo A Distributed Data Warehouse System on Large Clusters

  5. Repartition join—A reduce-side join for situations where you’re joining two or more large datasets together. Hadoop in Practice

  6. Unfortunately, situations where we can naturally apply this are limited, and running extra MapReduce jobs to repartition the data sources to be usable by this package seems to defeat the efficiency gain. Hadoop in Action

  7. In particular, it adds a Repartition operator, also known as a Reduce Sink operator, before Join or GroupBy operators. HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

827、单词 jce 的匹配文本:

  1. If you are also using CentOS or other Red Hat-compatible operating systems, we need to install Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files, by downloading it from the following link: Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  2. Chapter 13 This chapter discusses the encryption available within Java Cryptography Extension (JCE), which allows developers to encrypt and decrypt arbitrary data. Java Security 2nd Edition

  3. The JCE library provides a convenient set of stream classes that automatically encrypt or decrypt stream data. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  4. The Java Cryptography Extension, or JCE, consists of the javax.crypto package and its subpackages. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  5. For Java to support AES-256, an additional JCE policy file must be installed on all machines in the cluster as well as any client machines that wish to connect to it. Hadoop Operations

  6. The stock JSSE bundled with the JDK actually does have code for stronger 256-bit encryption, but it’s disabled unless you install the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

828、单词 multicasting 的匹配文本:

  1. As its name suggests, the MulticastChannel interface maps a network channel that supports IP multicasting. Pro Java 7 NIO.2

  2. Class D is used for simultaneously broadcasting data to a large number of machines that are grouped together (a technique known as multicasting) Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

  3. Here is a modified version that works in a multithreaded environment and uses multicasting for events: Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  4. Multicasting broadcasts content to all subscribed computers rather than to one particular computer. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  5. Broadcasting and multicasting are also useful when clients need to look for services. Fundamental Networking in Java

  6. Java SE 7 brought forth a few new features, enabling easier multicasting among other things. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

829、单词 wifi 的匹配文本:

  1. A cutdown version of the WifiSampler class, just extracting the Wi-Fi metric, is presented here: Monitoring with Ganglia

  2. At the time you weren’t using WiFi because you wanted concentrate on your work, so you didn’t read his email until you got home. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  3. Once advantage of the Nabaztag is that, since it works via WiFi, it is not constrained to be located. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  4. After trying to upload a large file several times on a slow, flaky network (WiFi, anyone?), you’ll realize that a proper file transfer protocol needs a way to recover from failures. ZeroMQ

  5. If this attribute is enabled, then the tokens become a phrase query, such as "WiFi" and consequently these tokens must be adjacent in the index. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  6. Here’s a sampling of the full dataset—a handful of places to find a wifi connection in Midtown Manhattan. HBase in Action

  7. Some hosts use Ethernet; some use WiFi; some use PPP; some use something else. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  8. The easiest way to do this is to configure a wifi network and connect your device to it. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

830、单词 xmlreader 的匹配文本:

  1. Listing 4-11 (code file:class XMLReader) shows an implementation that is free of these shortcomings. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  2. Here is a part of the parse method of the EmployeeReader class that implements the XMLReader interface: Click here to view code imageClick here to view code image. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  3. Instead of using one of the parse( ) methods of this class, you can also call getXMLReader( ) to obtain the underlying XMLReader object and work with it directly to parse the desired document. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  4. In this case, you’d need to convert these channels into streams before passing them to XMLReader’s parse() method: Java Network Programming 4th Edition

831、单词 dirichlet 的匹配文本:

  1. Fuzzy k-means and Dirichlet clustering will be discussed in that context. Mahout in Action

  2. We can use Latent Dirichlet Allocation to cluster a given set of words into topics and a set of documents to combinations of topics. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

832、单词 chinese 的匹配文本:

  1. Unicode grew beyond 65,536 characters, primarily due to the addition of a very large set of ideographs used for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. We want to know how many "chinese" entries we have. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  3. An active member of the open source community and recognized Maven expert, Juven was responsible for the Chinese translation of Maven: The Definitive Guide as well as an original Chinese reference book on Maven. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  4. A class that implements this interface represents an RSA private key that uses the Chinese Remainder Theorem to calculate its value. Java Security 2nd Edition

  5. There are some "ICU" Unicode classes for multilingual support, a Chinese stemmer, and a Polish stemmer. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  6. Letters and digits may be drawn from the entire Unicode character set, which supports most writing scripts in use in the world today, including the large sets for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  7. We will close this chapter with a complete example—a retirement calculator with a user interface in English, German, and Chinese. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  8. These supplementary characters, which are mostly infrequently used Han (Chinese) ideographs, occupy 21 bits and cannot be represented in a single char value. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. For instance, this META tag specifies the Big-5 encoding for Chinese: Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  10. A JFlex-based1 grammar underlies it, tokenizing with cleverness for the following lexical types: alphanumerics, acronyms, company names, e-mail addresses, computer host names, numbers, words with an interior apostrophe, serial numbers, IP addresses, and CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) characters. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

833、单词 redirection 的匹配文本:

  1. Note When you launch a program from a command shell, you can use the redirection syntax of your shell and attach any file to System.in and System.out: Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. When a resource moves to a new location or a new server, redirection is occasionally used. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

  3. Redirect the contents of a file into this program (the process of redirection will vary depending on your operating system) Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  4. Run the patch command and use the shell's input redirection to feed it the contents of the patch file: Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  5. Often, browsers follow these redirects transparently to the user; in Java, the programmer has the ability to determine if the redirection should automatically be followed or not. Java Security 2nd Edition

  6. Many sites in IBM’s intranet employ redirection for updating, load balancing, upgrading, and handling internal reorganizations. Hadoop in Action

  7. However, chunked transfer encoding does get in the way of authentication and redirection. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  8. This includes logging levels and output redirection, as I show briefly in the next section. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  9. An example is the redirection at the end of a POST request processing that may change the state of the application. Java Performance

  10. The same thing is done when using the STDIN redirection such as shown in the example. OpenStack Operations Guide

834、单词 liquibase 的匹配文本:

  1. Liquibase is an open source tool that can help manage and organize upgrade paths between versions of a database using a high-level approach. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  2. There are many other tools for such upgrades, including Liquibase [Liquibase], MyBatis. NoSQL Distilled

  3. The Example Plug-In In this chapter, we will create a Gradle plug-in to automate the use of the open-source database refactoring tool, Liquibase. Gradle Beyond The Basics

835、单词 autowired 的匹配文本:

  1. You just need to add an @Autowired annotation to the setter. Pro Spring 3

  2. However, in our case the AccountRepository is autowired (by Spring) in the AccountService. Pro Spring MVC

  3. The @Autowired annotation can be applied to constructors or fields and allows you to wire relationships by type, without having to explicitly set them up in the XML configuration. Spring in Practice

  4. The test uses the Spring TestContext Framework, which creates a Spring application context during the test and lets you inject some Spring beans into the test (with the @Autowired annotation) Spring Batch in Action

  5. You may have noticed that the constructor is annotated with @Autowired. Spring Integration in Action

  6. You can even roll your own Spring Beans to represent each of these component types, and wire them together using Spring’s @Autowired annotation, or even drop down to using XML or even JavaConfig to configure them. Spring Roo in Action

  7. In this case, we want to use constructor injection, so we added an @ Autowired annotation to the constructor for each class. Getting Started with Google Guava

  8. The constructor is annotated with @Autowired, which means that when the repository implementation is configured, the Spring container will inject the DataSource that has been defined in the application context. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

  9. To prove that, the test has a property of type CompactDisc that is annotated with @Autowired to inject the CompactDisc bean into the test. Spring in Action 4th Edition

836、单词 optimizes 的匹配文本:

  1. The first assumption is that the map tasks will be threaded, and the individual jobs will choose a thread count that optimizes CPU utilization. Pro Hadoop

  2. Despite this noise, and even though YARN’s design optimizes for multi-tenant throughput, its performance for single jobs is competitive with the central coordinator. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

  3. When the final results of the parallel operations are eventually needed, FlumeJava first optimizes the execution plan, and then executes the optimized operations on appropriate underlying primitives (e.g., MapReduces) FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

  4. Although integration with DynamoDB seems like a trivial implementation (just implement a custom InputFormat and reader classes, similar to ones described in Chapter 4), EMR Hive’s implementation optimizes split calculations by leveraging knowledge of Dynamo internals. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  5. The recipes in this chapter show configuration options and how changing them optimizes performance. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  6. Instead, Ceph optimizes for the most common metadata access scenarios. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

  7. The balancer optimizes the balancing process by minimizing the inter-rack data copying. The Hadoop Distributed File System

  8. On the other hand, Pig optimizes and processes an entire Pig script as a whole. Hadoop in Action

  9. This slight shift in focus optimizes the workload for certain kinds of problems—in particular, data warehouses and analytics applications that require computing aggregate values over very large sets of similar data. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  10. In contrast our generated native code can store results on the stack (better data locality) or even registers, depending on how the JIT compiler optimizes. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

837、单词 subtyping 的匹配文本:

  1. These subtype rules are not necessarily the most obvious formulation of subtyping. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  2. Since the only subtyping available for an enum is that of interface implementation, each nested enum implements the surrounding interface Food. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. In the case of covariance, subtyping can go downward, as you saw in the example of List, but in contravariance it’s the opposite: subtypes go upward. Scala in Action

  4. Java supports wildcards as a flexible mechanism to allow subtyping for generics (more generally referred to as use-site variance) Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  5. Furthermore, the object-oriented tradition of subtyping and a universal root type accepts some programs that would be considered erroneous in classical functional languages. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  6. Since array subtyping is covariant, it must be the case that V << U. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  7. There are no interfaces or subtyping here in this example. Functional Programming in Scala

  8. This is especially true for library writers, who will want to understand when to use parameterized types versus abstract types, which type parameters should be covariant, contravariant, or invariant under subtyping, and so forth. Programming Scala

  9. Luckily, object-oriented languages such as Java offer a far better alternative for defining a single data type capable of representing objects of multiple flavors: subtyping. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  10. So you may be wondering whether there is a way to achieve a variant subtyping relationship similar to what we tried to do in the previous line of code. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

838、单词 trie 的匹配文本:

  1. A trie with a branching factor of thirty-two requires at most four levels to hold up to 1 million elements. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

  2. Vectors are composed as a trie on the index position of elements. Scala in Depth

  3. If the binary representation of the key is the correct sort order, a binary trie (an ordered tree structure; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie) will be constructed and used for searching; otherwise, a binary search based on the output key comparator will be used. Pro Hadoop

  4. For that reason, RabbitMQ implements a trie data structure where the binding keys patterns are stored in a format that allows for fast querying. RabbitMQ in Action

  5. Trie” comes from the word "retrieval" and is pronounced tree or try. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  6. So if the original used quadratic space, so does the compressed trie. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

  7. Footnote 13mWe could also represent  as a trie in which shared prefixes of the error stack areParseError not duplicated, at a cost of having more expensive inserts. Functional Programming in Scala

  8. If you are using strings that contain mainly the ASCII character set, consider using a digital search trie for the first couple of characters. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  9. If you still have performance problems, you may want to switch to TrieRangeQuery, available in Lucene’s sandbox and covered in Section 8.12.5 Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  10. It can be as different as a trie (prefix tree) or bit compressed representations tuned to storing numerical values, see Section 3 for more details on this. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

839、单词 preconditions 的匹配文本:

  1. To meet the preconditions of a composite join, both the user and comment data sets have been preprocessed by MapReduce and output using the TextOutputFormat. MapReduce Design Patterns

  2. Oozie server components are responsible for the analysis of job dependencies, execution of preconditions, and submission of the asynchronous jobs to the Hadoop cluster. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  3. Typically, the preconditions olve the presence of one or more technologies among those included in the Unconditional requirements must be obeyed unconditionally. Java EE 7 Specification

  4. The only interesting difference is that we can use Clojure’s preconditions to ensure that the discount is in the valid range. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

  5. This allows us to describe and validate the contract by ensuring that the preconditions must be met by the caller before the method or constructor may be invoked. Java EE 7 Essentials

  6. The Preconditions class, which provides methods for asserting certain conditions you expect variables, arguments, or methods to adhere to. Getting Started with Google Guava

  7. The doc comment should enumerate all of the method’s preconditions, which are the things that have to be true in order for a client to invoke it, and its postconditions, which are the things that will be true after the invocation has completed successfully. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  8. Another common use of the assert statement is to test whether the arguments passed to a method all have values that are legal for that method; this is also known as enforcing method preconditions. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. You should use this pattern for debug and trace statements and assertion preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  10. Preconditions and postconditions on the effects of operations, such as rules stating that it is impossible to remove water from an empty tank, or to add water to a full tank that is not equipped with an available overflow tank. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

840、单词 automating 的匹配文本:

  1. Automating the loading of files is all the resource loading feature does. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. If you’re a developer, automating your project is part of your day-to-day business. Gradle in Action

  3. Consider automating through a Jenkins job as a part of a project's QA process. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

  4. This can be useful if you have a large set of options you want to use or are automating the task of starting up MongoDB. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  5. And, by automating the deployment process, Continuous Integration helps you get your software into the hands of the testers and the end users faster, more reliably, and with less effort. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  6. Once you’re ready to rent computing nodes from AWS, you’ll find Hadoop tools for automating the setting up and running of a Hadoop cluster. Hadoop in Action

  7. However, when working with operational workloads, looking to integrate into other workflows, or automating service access, a browser-based tool is not appropriate, regardless of how powerful it is. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  8. Automating Backups For small installations or developer setups, the simple act of running the mongodump utility and saving the results is a perfectly adequate method of performing ad-hoc backups. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

  9. As we explore the tool’s capabilities, you’ll discover that Gradle is being heralded as more than just a build tool but also as a means of automating the compilation, test, and release process. Building and Testing with Gradle

  10. Parallel databases can achieve especially high performance when administered by a highly skilled DBA who can carefully design, deploy, tune, and maintain the system, but recent advances in automating these tasks and bundling the software into appliance (pre-tuned and pre-configured) offerings have given many parallel databases high performance out of the box. HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

841、单词 adjacency 的匹配文本:

  1. If the graph is not dense, in other words, if the graph is sparse, a better solution is an adjacency list representation. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

  2. The processing engine Some definitions require that a graph database use index-free adjacency, meaning that connected nodes physically “point” to each other in the database.2 Here we take a slightly broader view: any database that from the user’s perspective behaves like a graph database (i.e., exposes a graph data model through CRUD operations) qualifies as a graph database. Graph Databases

  3. Two common ways of representing graphs are with adjacency matrices and with adjacency lists. Hadoop in Practice

  4. We call this the adjacency list, and it can be generated in Pig by a simple GROUP BY. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  5. Adjacency List can be an antipattern when it’s the default choice of so. SQL Antipatterns

  6. They created FlockDB to store the adjacency lists for followers on Twitter, so they could readily understand who follows whom and who blocks whom. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  7. There are several well-known graph representations known as pointer-based, adjacency matrix, and adjacency list. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  8. Two such methods, the adjacency list and the nested set, are presented in this MySQL developer article: http://mng.bz/83w4 MongoDB in Action

842、单词 jps 的匹配文本:

  1. In the namenode_status() function, we use the jps command to show all running Java processes owned by the hadoop user, and the grep name of the NameNode daemon to see whether it has started: HBase Administration Cookbook

  2. Checking the NameNodes On the master machine, run the jps command as follows: Pro Hadoop

  3. With the jps command, we can get a list of all running daemons as follows: Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  4. In order to check what Java processes are running and what their virtual machines identifiers are, one can just run a jps command which is provided with most JDK distributions. Mastering ElasticSearch

  5. After running the start script, you should use the jps Java utility to check that all the processes are running. Hadoop in Practice

  6. You can also use Java’s jps command to see whether they are running. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  7. The Java jps command will list all daemons to verify the setup was successful. Hadoop in Action

  8. After starting these components, we use the JDK's jps utility to see which Java processes are running, and, as the output looks good, we then use Hadoop's dfs utility to list the root of the HDFS filesystem. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  9. If you have this path, you can run the tools such as JStack and JPS. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

  10. Displaying the Gradle worker JVMs with the jps utility $ gradle test. Building and Testing with Gradle

843、单词 encodings 的匹配文本:

  1. Moreover, the encodings for languages with large character sets have variable length: Some common characters are encoded as single bytes, others require two or more bytes. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. More important (but less unusual these days), the language defines a Unicode representation for strings, yet handles a variety of external character encodings. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

  3. It doesn’t have support in MapReduce for its native data serialization format, though it can support different wire-level data representations, including JSON and various binary encodings. Hadoop in Practice

  4. How do you choose between a fixed-length and a variable-length encoding? Fixedlength encodings are good when the distribution of values is fairly uniform across the whole value space, such as a (well-designed) hash function. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  5. Table 1.1 lists the character encodings that every Java implementation is required to have. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  6. This package contains classes that represent character sets or encodings, and defines methods that encode characters into bytes and decode bytes into characters. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  7. Used properly, readers and writers can handle a wide variety of character encodings, including multibyte character sets such as SJIS and UTF-8 Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  8. While XML 1.0 is the most commonly used serialization, a variety of other binary encodings can be used for improved performance. Java Performance

  9. Qualitatively speaking, our OptCols and OptDicts encodings exploit similar properties as a generic dictionary based compression algorithm would (which does not use any expensive, entropy based techniques like Huffman codes) PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

  10. Convert legacy character encodings from a byte array to a Unicode String using the String class. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

844、单词 hduser 的匹配文本:

  1. The following command will add new user called hduser, and then adds this user to the hadoop group: Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

  2. We need to type in yes and then provide the password for the user hduser to log in to the host. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

845、单词 indirection 的匹配文本:

  1. In those cases, you can build in another level of indirection, as shown in figure 9.5 Gradle in Action

  2. Note also that value types are also likely to give better performance, not only for data access (multiple levels of pointer indirection replaced with a single indexed-addressing instruction) but also for hardware cache utilization (due to data contiguity) Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  3. Rarely is the often-cited performance hit due to indirection a serious consideration. MapReduce Design Patterns

  4. Any problem in computer science can be solved with a level of indirection. HBase in Action

  5. It worked! The disadvantage of using the Thrift server is that it adds another layer of indirection on top of HDFS, which means that your reads and writes won’t be as fast as they could be. Hadoop in Practice

  6. Defining interceptor bindings provides one level of indirection but removes the dependency from the actual interceptor implementation class. Java EE 7 Essentials

  7. The C runtime system has no protection against array bounds errors, indirection through bad pointers, and so on. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  8. This means that practically every call to the WeakHashMap has one extra level of indirection it must go through (e.g., WeakHashMap.get( ) calls HashMap.get( )), which can be a significant performance overhead. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  9. Such possibilities are truly endless when you consider that asynchronous messaging is simply adding a level of indirection between components in a system. ActiveMQ in Action

  10. The second indirection introduced by the chunk-dictionaries has the effect that the elements are comprised of values from a small range of consecutive integers. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

846、单词 icmp 的匹配文本:

  1. One such mechanism is the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), which is used in conjunction with the Internet Protocol to report errors when and if they occur. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

  2. The rules for all other variants of the if_icmp instruction are identical. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  3. Every security group rule is a policy which allows you to specify inbound connections that are allowed to access the instance, by source address, destination port and IP protocol, (TCP, UDP or ICMP) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  4. In this example, we will permit SSH (TCP port 22) and ICMP traffic to our instance from any IP address. Deploying OpenStack

  5. If you cannot reach your instances through the floating IP address, make sure the default security group allows ICMP (ping) and SSH (port 22), so that you can reach the instances: bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

  6. It utilizes the IP protocol's time to live (TTL) field and attempts to elicit an ICMP TIME_EXCEEDED response from each gateway along the path to the host. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  7. Sure enough, the standard set of rules allowing only established and related connections, ICMP, loopback device, and SSH traffic were permitted. Hadoop Operations

  8. The most commonly requested is ICMP, the Internet Control Message Protocol, which uses raw IP datagrams to relay error messages between hosts. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  9. The first column is the IP protocol (one of icmp, tcp, or udp) the second and third columns specify the affected port range. admin-user-guide-trunk

  10. This command allows access to all codes and all types of ICMP traffic, respectively: user-guide

847、单词 params 的匹配文本:

  1. There are convenience methods for tracing execution flow: void entering(String className, String methodName) void entering(String className, String methodName, Object param) void entering(String className, String methodName, Object[] params) void exiting(String className, String methodName) void exiting(String className, String methodName, Object result) Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. The value of this element is determined by the configuration params (plural) directive within a module block. Monitoring with Ganglia

  3. Because paramList is initialized from the static defaultParams array, you can change the paramList for all tests by reassigning defaultParams, or you can change the paramList for one test by passing in a custom paramList for that test: Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  4. After that we set the script that will be used by ElasticSearch by using the setScript method, we set the script parameters by using the setScriptParams method and we run the update request waiting for it to finish and return the UpdateResponse object. Mastering ElasticSearch

  5. The P, Q, and G parameters are set from the values passed in params. Java Security 2nd Edition

  6. For example, req.query is a JSON object of query parameters (query_params from the replication request) Scaling CouchDB

  7. We usually call that class module::params, so in our current case it would be named ssh::params. Pro Puppet

  8. NOTE: In a Scala constructor, you can never call super(params), as you would in Java, to call the superclass constructor. Scala for the Impatient

  9. Initialization parameters, also known as init params, may be defined on a servlet to store startup and configuration information. Java EE 7 Essentials

  10. QueryParams are type-safe in that they can only contain fields defined in the Table that we’re passing them to. Beginning Scala

848、单词 xslt 的匹配文本:

  1. For that purpose, you’ll create a reusable custom task in the buildSrc directory of your project that uses the Ant XSLT task, as show in the next listing. Gradle in Action

  2. In addition to standard support for JSP, which is greatly bolstered by the Spring tag libraries, you can take advantage of fully integrated support for Apache Velocity, FreeMarker, Apache Tiles, and XSLT. Pro Spring 3

  3. To work with this view resolver and views we need an XSLT template for transforming our model to a view. Pro Spring MVC

  4. You can use various forms of XML schema definitions (DTDs, XML Schema, RelaxNG) to check document formats, run queries with XPath and XQuery, and perform transformations with XSLT. NoSQL Distilled

  5. Other XML (Solr 3.4): Any arbitrary XML can be given to Solr along with an XSLT file  that Solr will use to translate the XML to the Update-XML format for further processing. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  6. As a readable alternative to XSLT, Scala’s XML library makes reading and parsing XML a breeze. Programming Scala

  7. This chapter introduces transformers, splitters, and routers that take advantage of XPath, XSLT, and Spring’s own XML marshalling (OXM) libraries. Spring Integration in Action

  8. As with the DOM/XSLT approach, you don’t have to worry about escaping characters in attribute values and character data. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  9. A Transformer can transform a document from its Source representation into a new Result representation and optionally apply an XSLT transformation to the document content in the process. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  10. XsltViewResolver Resolves views to be rendered as the result of an XSLT transformation. Spring in Action 4th Edition

849、单词 screenshots 的匹配文本:

  1. Paste in your command output or stack traces, link to screenshots, and so on. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  2. This section includes screenshots of just a few sites and applications that use a standalone CouchDB architecture. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  3. Indeed, to illustrate this point, many screenshots in this book refer to Hudson rather than Jenkins. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  4. Figure 6.2 Ganglia screenshots showing CPU utilization for multiple hosts. Hadoop in Practice

  5. Downloading the color images of this book We also provide you with a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots used in  this book. Apache Kafka

  6. Here is an example of a BMI Calculator application page and HTML code written to render this page in a browser as displayed in the following screenshots: Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

  7. On Windows, the windows appear as shown in the following screenshots. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

  8. The screenshots and examples that follow use a cluster of one host for the JobTracker and NameNode and four slave nodes for running the DataNode and TaskTracker processes. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  9. Earlier versions may have slightly different screenshots and menus than those illustrated in this chapter. Java Performance

  10. Capturing screenshots A lot of the time our Selenium remote control browsers will be running on different machines than the machine that starts the tests. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

850、单词 optimally 的匹配文本:

  1. This chapter will cover how to recognize that your job is having a problem and how to tune the scaling parameters so that your job performs optimally. Pro Hadoop

  2. If we get the number of shards right, we’ll end up with a cluster that can grow optimally. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  3. Optimally, the automated tasks should be executable from the command line, which allows you to run the build from any machine you want, whenever you want. Gradle in Action

  4. The nodes in which the map tasks run are optimally on the nodes in which the data rests. MapReduce Design Patterns

  5. It also requires understanding the inner workings of Cassandra to know when things are working non-optimally. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  6. If you have user code that’s not performing optimally, these throughput numbers will be low. Hadoop in Practice

  7. For the cross_fields query type to work optimally, all fields should have the same analyzer. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

  8. However, if your network is not performing optimally or you have other reasons to suspect that Cassandra could get a false read on this, you can increase this setting to allow more leniency in determining whether a node is actually down. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  9. Many agree that with its myriad parameters, it can be incredibly difficult to configure optimally. Hadoop Operations

  10. ActiveMQ uses a prefetch limit to determine the number of messages it will pre-send to consumers, so that network is used optimally. ActiveMQ in Action

851、单词 templating 的匹配文本:

  1. When we’re building new applications and query templating isn’t an issue, we like to use a single database per shard, with the shard number in both the database and the table name. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. When producing web pages dynamically, it’s common to use a templating language to simplify page generation. Redis in Action

  3. Because CouchDB is designed to run on client computers, where the environment is out of the control of application developers, having some built-in templating capabilities greatly expands the potential uses of these applications. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  4. In addition, for customizing the message body, Spring integrates with templating engines, such as Apache Velocity, which allows the mail content to be externalized from the Java code. Pro Spring 3

  5. They are text-based templating engines and both are widely used in applications for all kind of templating solutions. Pro Spring MVC

  6. Now it is simple to use your favorite templating system to generate an empty unit test for each of these files. Testable JavaScript

  7. You can learn more about how to use templates further at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/templating.html. Pro Puppet

  8. This feature makes templating and configuration a breeze, and lets us test our use of XML without so much as opening a file. Programming Scala

  9. In addition, Facelets provides a powerful templating system that allows you to provide a consistent look and feel across multiple pages in a web application. Java EE 7 Essentials

  10. Velocity is an open source templating engine written in Java2 Solr in action

852、单词 emma 的匹配文本:

  1. Among the free tools, JaCoCo is the most active, whereas Emma and Cobertura haven’t been updated in years. Gradle in Action

  2. An alternative open source tool to Cobertura is emma: http://emma.sourceforge. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

  3. Java developers can pick between Cobertura and Emma, two popular open source code coverage tools, or Clover, a powerful commercial code coverage tool from Atlassian. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  4. As this is my seventh book project, I would like to especially thank my wonderful wife, Gwen, and my sweet children, Isabella, Emma, and Henry, for putting up with the long days, nights, and weekends where I was camped out in front of my computer. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  5. Emma Colby designed the cover of this book, based on a series design by Edie. Java Threads 3rd Edition

  6. To my daughter, Emma, born during the writing of this book. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

  7. Emma Colby designed the cover of this book, based on a series design by Edie Freedman. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  8. Solution Use the Emma code coverage tool to create code coverage reports. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

  9. Lastly, I thank my kids, Cierra, Ariana, Jeremy and Emma, some of whom had to wait for a paragraph to be done before getting help with their homework, and Darleen, who always did her best to take up the slack when her slacker couldn’t keep up. Pro JPA2

  10. Emma Richards of Rackspace Guest Relations took excellent care of our lunch orders and even set aside a pile of sticky notes that had fallen off the walls. OpenStack Operations Guide

853、单词 superstep 的匹配文本:

  1. Within each superstep the vertices compute in parallel, each executing the same user-defined function that expresses the logic of a given algorithm. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

  2. In Pregel, a program runs as a series of coordinated “supersteps.” On each superstep, each vertex in the graph runs a user function that can update state associated with the vertex, change the graph topology, and send messages to other vertices for use in the next superstep. Resilient Distributed Datasets - A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing

  3. This will control the number of messages that are output during each superstep to any neighboring vertices, where a neighbor is defined as a vertex connected to another vertex by one or more edges. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

854、单词 minimizes 的匹配文本:

  1. Removing state from the switches minimizes the memory footprint and eliminates the need to dynamically allocate memory—both useful properties when embedding the agent in switch firmware. Monitoring with Ganglia

  2. Sending tasks to a slot that is hosted on the machine that has a local copy of the input split data minimizes network I/O. Pro Hadoop

  3. It also minimizes work needed to set up the cluster, thanks to discovery mechanisms. Mastering ElasticSearch

  4. Although, technically, it is possible to use different tables for different vectors using vector indexes as row keys, the proposed layout makes reading/writing vectors significantly faster (single-row reads/writes) and minimizes the amount of HBase connections opened at the same time. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  5. Unlike the hash and linear strategies, CRUSH also minimizes data migration under cluster expansion while maintaining a balanced distribution. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

  6. Since the master automatically reassigns regions on a RegionServer stop, this minimizes the amount of downtime that our users experience. Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook

  7. Amazon provides for many services a group of command-line tools that provide a useful way of automating access to AWS services that minimizes the amount of required development. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  8. The upside to HttpFS is that it minimizes the footprint required to communicate with the cluster, but at the cost of total scale and capacity because all data between clients and HDFS must now travel through a single node. Hadoop Operations

  9. The JMS API minimizes the amount of enterprise messaging knowledge a Java programmer is required to possess in order to develop complex messaging applications, while still maintaining a certain amount of portability across JMS provider implementations. ActiveMQ in Action

  10. The load-balancing system minimizes round-trip time for the user’s request, while also considering the available capacity at the various clusters. Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

855、单词 tokenization 的匹配文本:

  1. One big challenge you’ll encounter while vectorizing this data set is the lack of good tokenization of the Stack Overflow questions. Mahout in Action

  2. The process of extracting words from documents is known as parsing and tokenization; we are producing a set of tokens (or words) that identify the document. Redis in Action

  3. You'll learn how to do this including telling Solr how to analyze the text for tokenization, synonyms, stemming, and more. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  4. The result is a sequence of line terminators and input characters, which are the terminal symbols for the third step in the tokenization process. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  5. You’ll make frequent use of the StringUtils class for tokenization. Hadoop in Practice

  6. This process of tokenization and normalization is called analysis, which we discuss in the next section. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

  7. For each document, the words are extracted one by one using a tokenization process. Hadoop in Action

  8. Note that better tokenization could be provided by use of regular expressions or the StringTokenizer class, but for our purposes this simple approach will suffice. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  9. This process is also called tokenization, and the chunks of text pulled from a stream of text are called tokens. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  10. The row format does not need to be configured because the streaming script will do all the tokenization of the fields: Programming Hive

856、单词 tenuring 的匹配文本:

  1. In this case, the JRE must stop the Java process and free the space by forcefully removing discarded objects, or tenuring those that are old enough. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  2. The tenuring distribution is a histogram showing the ages of objects in the young generation’s survivor spaces. Java Performance

857、单词 tsv 的匹配文本:

  1. We will then describe how to use the importtsv and bulk load tools to load TSV data files into HBase. HBase Administration Cookbook

  2. MapReduce is an excellent tool for transforming data into tab-separated values (TSV) Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

  3. The details of parsing a tab-separated values (TSV) file aren’t terribly interesting. HBase in Action

  4. The following steps show you how to clean and extract data from the 20news dataset and store the data as a tab-separated value (TSV) file: Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

  5. HBase ships with a command-line tool called importtsv which, when given files containing data in tab-separated value (TSV) format, can prepare this data for bulk import into HBase. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  6. The output is a tab-separated value (TSV) file with seven columns. Hadoop in Action

  7. Jar up the class files and submit the job to Hadoop: $ Hadoop jar ufo.jar UFOLocation ufo.tsv output. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  8. TSV: This file format is similar to CSV; however, it uses a tab character as the delimiter. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

  9. This example does not properly handle the general case of files in CSV (comma-separated values) and TSV (tab-separated values) formats. Programming Hive

  10. You can use mongoimport to import JSON, CSV, and TSV files. MongoDB in Action

858、单词 transformers 的匹配文本:

  1. This time around you have some transformers (more on that in a minute), so you scan for them at D. Spring in Practice

  2. We call such methods transformers because they take at least one collection as their receiver object and produce another collection in their result. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  3. Writing a DIH configuration file The key pieces of a DIH configuration file include a data source, an entity, some transformers, and a list of fields. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  4. See the chapter notes for more information about monad transformers. Functional Programming in Scala

  5. For example, the core enterprise integration patterns can be used to construct a pipeline of filters, transformers, and routers that all run within a single process. Spring Integration in Action

  6. In this section, we'll cover query response writers and document transformers. Solr in action

  7. This recipe will show you how to use document transformers with the elevation component. Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

859、单词 finalizers 的匹配文本:

  1. Finalizers can be used to minimize the amount of data that needs to be transferred from the database to the user, which is important because the group command’s output needs to fit in a single database response. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  2. Finalizers provide a chance to free up resources that cannot be freed automatically by an automatic storage manager. JSR-133 Java Memory Model and Thread

  3. Finalizers may be called in any order, or even concurrently. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  4. Finalizers In Java, since Java 1.0, every object contains a method called finalize that may be freely overridden by any implementer. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  5. Finalizers have a few valid uses, which we’ll cover later in this item, but as a rule of thumb, you should avoid finalizers. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  6. Therefore, Java can make no guarantees about when (or even whether) a finalizer will be invoked, in what order finalizers will be invoked, or what thread will execute finalizers. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  7. Finalizers force objects to be promoted to old space and degrade the performance of the garbage collector. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  8. This option does not enable many threads to run method finalizers. Java Performance

  9. In contrast, finalizers generally trigger asynchronously as a result of garbage collection, if ever. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

860、单词 authoring 的匹配文本:

  1. Also to the authoring team, including Chris, Manuel and Brent, in providing me extraordinary support in writing this book. Pro Spring 3

  2. One might remark that this technique is like “updating” a file on a CD-R, which allows a file to be written only once by burning with a laser; multiple versions of the file are all stored on the CD (smart CD authoring software might even share common parts of multiple versions), and you pass the appropriate block address of the start of file (or a filename encoding the version within its name) to select which version you want to use. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  3. Writing for Packt We welcome all inquiries from people who are interested in authoring. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  4. You can define a composite component using JSF 1.2 as well, but it requires a much deeper understanding of the JSF life cycle and also authoring multiple files. Java EE 7 Essentials

  5. Some of these projects make authoring MapReduce jobs easier and more accessible, while others focus on getting data in and out of HDFS, simplify operations, enable deployment in cloud environments, and so on. Hadoop Operations

  6. As is always the case, authoring a book about software is a game of chase; as the software evolves, so must the book that is still being written. ActiveMQ in Action

  7. There is support in the Eclipse-based Spring Tool Suite (STS) to support the visual authoring of Spring Batch jobs. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

  8. Although these tag libraries bring dynamic rendering power to JSP in a succinct form, they break any hope of authoring a well-formed document. Spring in Action 4th Edition

  9. Tim Berglund for his sharing of the effort on authoring this book. Building and Testing with Gradle

  10. He creates both tools and faith in collaborative authoring at http://www.booksprints.net/ OpenStack Operations Guide

861、单词 jspx 的匹配文本:

  1. As mentioned earlier, we will use JSPX to implement the view. Pro Spring 3

  2. These files are known as JSPX files, and are written and saved with the .jspx extension. Spring Roo in Action

862、单词 j2ee 的匹配文本:

  1. Dmitri Nevedrov has been working in software research and development for many years, primarily focusing on Java, J2EE technology, and performance optimization techniques. Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

  2. This is where you drop WAR classes according to the J2EE specification. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. In applets, servlets, and other J2EE programs, execution still begins with the. Java Threads 3rd Edition

  4. A plication deployment descriptor contains a name and description for the ion and the URI of a UI icon for the application, as well as a list of the J2EE s that comprise the application. Java EE 7 Specification

  5. The idea behind this benchmark is to exercise as much of the underlying infrastructure, hardware, and software, as possible, while running a typical J2EE application. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  6. Deepak is a Sun Certified Java Programmer and Web Component Developer and has worked in the fields of XML and Java programming and J2EE for over five years. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

  7. For this reason, Java Performance Tuning, Second Edition includes four new chapters: a new chapter on J2EE application tuning in general followed by chapters on tuning JDBC, servlets and JSPs, and EJBs. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  8. It comes pre-integrated with a number of services usually only found in J2EE application servers, or which you would otherwise have to craft together yourself: JNDI, an XA transaction service, a JMS message fabric, and a JDBC accessible database. ActiveMQ in Action

  9. On the Attach Wizard you specify the target type: Application, Applet, or J2EE/ Web Application along with attach method, local or remote, and attach invocation, direct or dynamic. Java Performance

  10. Note If you are using the J2EE JDK, the JavaMail API is included as part of the EE download. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

863、单词 weblog 的匹配文本:

  1. My weblog on Bill Venners’ www.Artima.com has been a source of assistance when I’ve needed to bounce ideas around. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  2. Finally, thanks to all my weblog readers for encouraging me to write informally about MySQL and other technical topics on a daily basis. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  3. Weblog data from several servers is collected and pushed into HDFS. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

  4. You can now run your project using the following command from the root of your weblog project: Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

  5. In this recipe, we will use Hadoop to calculate the minimum, maximum, and average size of a file downloaded from the NASA servers, by processing the NASA weblog dataset. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

  6. Example 4-10 is a program called Weblog that reads a web server logfile and prints each line with IP addresses converted to hostnames. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  7. Instead, if we bucket the weblog table and use user_id as the bucketing column, the value of this column will be hashed by a user-defined number into buckets. Programming Hive

  8. In the previous MapReduce and Apache weblog examples, we used JobRunners, HiveRunners, and PigRunners to execute HDFS operations and MapReduce, Hive, or Pig jobs, but that is not a completely satisfactory solution. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

864、单词 emp 的匹配文本:

  1. If we didn’t get anything because the shard w empty, or we have just made the shard emp. Redis in Action

  2. To use the alias emp_shortest_path your custom JAR file must use the Hadoop Driver class for its main class. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

  3. Consider the table Employee with fields emp id, ldap user, name, dept id, and salary. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

  4. Salary information is considered commercially sensitive, so it may be unwise to place the salary value directly in the EMP table, which may be used for a number of purposes. Pro JPA2

865、单词 stakeholders 的匹配文本:

  1. Gathering estimated performance characteristics of application and system resources prior to the launch helps to address issues early and provides valuable feedback to stakeholders, helping them make key and strategic decisions. Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

  2. Remote repositories are extremely helpful for making artifacts available to other teams or stakeholders within your organization. Gradle in Action

  3. WHAT’S A USER STORY? A good way to think about a user story is as a reminder to have a conversation with your customer (in Agile, project stakeholders are called customers), which is another way to say it’s a reminder to do some just-in-time analysis. Scala in Action

  4. Jenkins can also be used, in conjunction with techniques like Behavior-Driven Development and Acceptance Test Driven Development, as a communications tool aimed at both developers and other project stakeholders. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  5. You will have to come up with something to base your thinking on, so be sure to make it explicit and to communicate it with all the stakeholders. NoSQL Distilled

  6. As with any other open source project, the release cycle depends on the stakeholders (that is, the companies that hire the developers who work on the project) and what features they want to put into a particular release. HBase in Action

  7. Cypher Philosophy Cypher is designed to be easily read and understood by developers, database professionals, and business stakeholders. Graph Databases

  8. A well-designed DSL minimizes the translation effort between requirements and code, thereby improving communications with stakeholders about requirements. Programming Scala

  9. Introduction Behavior-driven Development (BDD) is an agile software development practice that enhances the paradigm of Test Driven Development (TDD) and acceptance tests, and encourages the collaboration between developers, quality assurance, domain experts, and stakeholders. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

  10. Chapter 7 presents a step-bystep approach to tuning the HotSpot VM covering choices such as which JIT compiler to use, which garbage collector to use, and how to size Java heaps, and also provides an indication when the Java application itself may require some rework to meet the performance goals set forth by application stakeholders. Java Performance

866、单词 rrdtool 的匹配文本:

  1. These metrics are then subsequently polled to Ganglia Meta Daemon (Gmetad) servers, where the metrics are computed and saved in round-robin, time-series databases using round-robin database tool (RRDtool) HBase Administration Cookbook

  2. Of course, the poller will probably want to store the data it gleans from the cluster nodes, and RRDtool is a popular solution for this sort of data storage. Monitoring with Ganglia

  3. Many of these are built on top of RRDTool (http://www.rrdtool.org), which stores time-series data in round-robin database (RRD) files. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  4. The gmetad daemon stores data into a database maintained by rrdtool. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  5. There are also suitable rrdtool-ruby RPMs that should work on most RPM-based distributions like Red Hat, CentOS, and Mandriva versions available at Dag Wieer’s repository at http://dag.wieers.com/rpm/packages/rrdtool/ Pro Puppet

  6. It uses RRDtool to render the stored timeseries data in graphs. HBase:The Definitive Guide

867、单词 instrumented 的匹配文本:

  1. With sFlow-instrumented Java, finegrained detail of heap utilization can be tracked. Monitoring with Ganglia

  2. The following figure shows data from a single instrumented run capturing task rates. A Java ForkJoin Framework

  3. It is important to ensure that the test environment is instrumented for resource monitoring to help analyze results more efficiently. Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

  4. To measure usage, we instrumented the FlumeJava library to log a usage record every time a FlumeJava program is run. FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

  5. We have instrumented that framework to define spans around all RPCs. Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure

  6. The design of the InstrumentedSet class is enabled by the existence of the Set interface, which captures the functionality of the HashSet class. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  7. Second, JMX allows you to work with specific aspects of your application that you have instrumented. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  8. Although all of Hadoop is instrumented to capture this information, it’s not available to external systems by default. Hadoop Operations

  9. Instrumented When doing memory profiling, the number of classes with profiler instrumentation; when doing CPU performance profiling, the number of methods with profiler instrumentation. Java Performance

  10. These properties tell the instrumented classes that information related to code coverage should be written to a file named coverage.emma, and that it should be done in aggregate (don’t overwrite the file for each unit test being executed) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

868、单词 pid 的匹配文本:

  1. If you go down this route, be sure to periodically scan the process tables for tail -F whose parent PID is 1 Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

  2. The most basic information we need, the process ID (PID) and name of each Java process, is contained in the output of the jps command. HBase Administration Cookbook

  3. So, you should check the location of the JVM and make sure that HADOOP_PID_DIR can be written. Pro Hadoop

  4. This command will try to find the PID files of the HDFS daemons, and kill the processes with the PID files. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  5. You can see details on the particular version you're running, along with the PID of the Java process that started. Elasticsearch in Action MEAP V07 cHAPTER 1

  6. You also set options for HBase configuration, log directories, niceness, SSH options, where to locate process pid files, and so on. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  7. Hadoop pid directory This is a directory used by all daemons to store pid files. Hadoop Operations

  8. If you are running the server in the background on a Unix system, stop it by finding the server’s process ID and killing it with the kill command (kill pid ) Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  9. The “PID” column is the process id of the process performing the disk access. Java Performance

  10. The most well-known is JMap, which will get a memory dump from the application specified by the process ID (PID) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

869、单词 toolbar 的匹配文本:

  1. When an action is attached to a menu or toolbar and the action is disabled, the option is grayed out. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. In this recipe, you will use the DropDown toolbar plugin. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

  3. A quick way to open the view is to click the Dashboard icon in the toolbar, as shown in Figure A-25 Pro Spring 3

  4. Here is how I ran the whole thing against some tests for a sample Toolbar module in the JUTE repository (more on that later) on my Mac: Testable JavaScript

  5. OpenSearch was originally developed by A9, a subsidiary of Amazon, and has seen some adoption in the market, especially by the browsers to power their toolbar search boxes. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  6. The Paint application is a Swing application that allows you to choose shapes from a toolbar and lay them on a painting area. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

  7. To the left in the Management Console (in the editor area) is the tab group toolbar that selects tabs that are currently visible in the tab container at the bottom of the editor. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  8. Figure 2.10 The Solr administration console; explore each page using the toolbar on the left. Solr in action

  9. See Table 5-1 for an explanation of the shortcuts available on the Analyzer’s toolbar. Java Performance

  10. AbstractAction class, which is also an ActionListener instance but can do much more (toolbar, property change support, and so on) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

870、单词 checksums 的匹配文本:

  1. A slight overhead is added, since HDFS also stores a second, smaller metadata file for each block replica, which contains the checksums for the block data. HDFS scalability the limits to growth

  2. Sequence files support compression, encapsulate the key and value types, and provide validity checksums. Pro Hadoop

  3. The data blocks are replicated on several computing nodes and their checksums are computed. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  4. The chunkservers in aggregate store tens of GBs of metadata, mostly the checksums for 64 KB blocks of user data. GFS - The Google File System

  5. A number of other EBOFS enhancements are planned, including improved allocation logic, data scouring, and checksums or other bit-error detection mechanisms to improve data safety. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

  6. The DFSInputStream also verifies checksums for the data transferred to it from the datanode. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  7. We take full backups multiple times per day, and via checksums of the database state, we compare replicas with one another every few hours. Chubby - The lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems

  8. This is an internal file for HDFS to keep checksums   for the file part-00000 Hadoop in Action

  9. This performs a checksum against the database and compares checksums of peers; if the checksums differ, then the data is exchanged. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  10. When a block is first stored, there is also a hidden file written to the same HDFS directory containing cryptographic checksums for the block. Hadoop Beginners Guide

871、单词 printable 的匹配文本:

  1. So what do you do if your data contains a newline character, like some XML? Using a sequence file can solve this problem because it uses non-printable characters for delimiters. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

  2. These could have non-printable characters inside them such as a tab or newline that would affect the CLI output. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  3. Again, that’s the longest printable geohash you can construct and still fit in a Java long: HBase in Action

  4. The name of the column family must be composed of printable characters, a notable difference from all other names or values. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  5. Supply an object that implements the Printable interface • Start a print job. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  6. BaseEncoding When dealing with binary data, we sometimes have a need to convert the bytes representing the data into printable ASCII characters. Getting Started with Google Guava

  7. There is no easy way to translate int enum constants into printable strings. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  8. A certificate factory for X.509 certificates can parse certificates encoded in binary or printable hexadecimal form. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. Column family names must be printable, but qualifiers may be arbitrary strings. Bigtable - A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data

  10. After computing the grade statistics for the three sets of grades data, the remainder of the GradeAnalyzer main() method demonstrates various methods that can be used to determine array type information and to convert an array to a printable string. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

872、单词 vnc 的匹配文本:

  1. The nova-novncproxy (daemon) provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  2. Provides a proxy for accessing running instances through a VNC connection. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

  3. It captures a screen using the VNC protocol and generates a Shockwave Flash (SWF) movie file. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

  4. No network protocol neatly fits into a GUI (with the arguable exception of the Remote Framebuffer Protocol used by VNC and X11) Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  5. Instances View, launch, create a snapshot from, stop, pause, or reboot instances, or connect to them through VNC. admin-user-guide-trunk

  6. Also, view the log for an instance or access an instance through VNC. user-guide

  7. If this happens, the user can use the Dashboard VNC console to fix this. OpenStack Operations Guide

873、单词 faceted 的匹配文本:

  1. Faceted browsing  is one of the main features of Apache Solr; it helps users reach the right set of information they wanted to get. Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr Chapter-02 Understanding Solr

  2. Apache Solr, built on Apache Lucene, is a wildly popular open source enterprise search server that easily delivers powerful search and faceted navigation features that are elusive with databases. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  3. Enhance your search with faceted navigation, result highlighting, fuzzy queries, ranked scoring, and more. Solr 3.1 Cookbook

  4. It supports powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic clustering, database integration, rich document handling (for example, Word and PDF), and geospatial search. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

  5. Configuration management is an extremely complex and multi-faceted problem, however, and as result we cannot expect Puppet alone to address every problem. Pro Puppet

  6. Enhance your search with faceted navigation, result highlighting, relevancy ranked sorting, and more. Apache Kafka

  7. This is known as faceted-search and is one of the main strengths of Solr. Solr in action

  8. For example, Solr, a sister open-source project under the Lucene Apache umbrella, adds a server that exposes an administration interface, scaleout, indexing content from a database, and adds important end-user functionality like faceted navigation, to Lucene. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  9. Remember that if you use this method, your filter cache size should have at least the size of the number of unique facet values in all your faceted fields. Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

874、单词 allocator 的匹配文本:

  1. The allocator avoids conflicts by only offering a given resource to one framework at a time, and attempts to achieve dominant resource fairness (DRF) [11] by choosing the order and the sizes of its offers.3 Because only one framework is examining a resource at a time, it effectively holds a lock on that resource for the duration of a scheduling decision. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters

  2. If you use a global allocator to generate values, be careful that the single point of contention doesn’t create a bottleneck for your application. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  3. To make this possible it provides an abstraction called ByteBufAllocator. Netty in Action MEAP V08

  4. Fungible resources complicate scheduling, but they also empower the allocator to pack the cluster more tightly. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

  5. Introducing ShardAllocator ShardAllocator is the main class responsible for making a decision about the shard's placement. Mastering ElasticSearch

  6. Sawzall therefore uses an arena allocator [11], resetting the arena to the initial state after each record is processed. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

  7. The JRockit calling convention demands that integers be returned in the register eax, so the register allocator that is the next step of the code pipeline doesn't really have a choice for a register for the return value. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  8. A portion of the HotSpot VM global data is initialized such as the event log, OS synchronization primitives, perfMemory (performance statistics memory), and chunkPool (memory allocator) Java Performance

  9. Slab allocator Allocates only large chunks of memory, slicing them up into little chunks for particular classes of items, then maintaining freelists for each class whenever an object is freed. Memcached

875、单词 autoboxing 的匹配文本:

  1. If the caller supplies integers or other primitive type values, autoboxing turns them into objects.) It now faces the unenviable task of scanning the fmt string and matching up the ith format specifier with the value args[i] Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. Autoboxing is an implicit conversion from a primitive type to its boxed type. Scala in Depth

  3. Java SE5 autoboxing will automatically convert from a primitive to a wrapper type: Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  4. Java also has an autoboxing mechanism to facilitate the task for programmers: boxing and unboxing operations are done automatically. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  5. Since that time, we at Sun tried to simplify program development by extending the language with piecemeal solutions to particular problems, like the for-each loop, enums, and autoboxing. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  6. Generics, annotations, autoboxing and unboxing, enum types, foreach loops, variable arity methods, and static imports are all new to the language as of Autumn 2004 The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  7. The most significant set of changes was the addition of generics, enum types, annotations, autoboxing, and the for-each loop in Java 5 Effective Java 2nd Edition

  8. Autoboxing and autounboxing conversions to automatically convert back and forth between primitive values and their corresponding wrapper objects (such as int values and Integer objects) as needed. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. Note A technique known as autoboxing is used in this example. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

876、单词 jsse 的匹配文本:

  1. What's the difference between a key store and a trust store? The Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) documentation defines a key store as a storage mechanism for private keys and their corresponding public keys. Spring Security 3.1

  2. Chapter 14 This chapter discusses how the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) provides SSL encryption, which can be used to encrypt data over TCP sockets. Java Security 2nd Edition

  3. For more information on using keystores, please see the J2SE SDK Documentation, on the Internet, especially the JSSE section on creating keystores. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  4. If you want to add SSL to your application, see the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) reference at http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  5. Currently, this property is specific to the Oracle JSSE implementation and may not be recognized by other implementations. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

  6. Like all Java security APIs, JSSE is highly configurable and gives low-level control over all details of setting up and communicating over an SSL socket. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  7. The concrete classes that implement the encryption algorithms and protocols in Sun’s reference implementation of the JSSE. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  8. Since its detailed description is out of the scope of this book, please refer to the online information for JSSE (http://mng.bz/7TYe) before proceeding to the rest of this section. ActiveMQ in Action

877、单词 decrement 的匹配文本:

  1. For example, the AtomicInteger class has methods incrementAndGet and decrementAndGet that atomically increment or decrement an integer. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. The possible values are zero for a zero slope metric, positive for an increment-only metric, negative for a decrement-only metric, and both for an arbitrarily changing metric. Monitoring with Ganglia

  3. These methods consist of addExact, subtractExact, multiply-Exact, incrementExact, decrementExact, and negateExact with int and long arguments. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  4. On some machines, pushes and pops (of integers) can be written in one machine instruction, operating on a register with auto-increment and auto-decrement addressing. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

  5. Every time that we sell a widget, we decrement the stock count in. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

  6. By default, a spinner manages an integer, and the buttons increment or decrement it by 1 Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  7. The arithmetic, increment and decrement, bitwise, and shift operators return a double if at least one of the operands is a double. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  8. When one of these operations finishes, it uses the countDown() method to decrement the internal counter. Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

  9. Notice that the only transitions that can possibly affect waiting threads are those that step away from states empty and full; that is, increment the size up from zero or decrement it down from the capacity. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

  10. As the user clicks the buttons to display the previous and next image, the currentIndex will decrement or increment, respectively. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

878、单词 oltp 的匹配文本:

  1. At the same time, MySQL can power embedded applications, data warehouses, content indexing and delivery software, highly available redundant systems, online transaction processing (OLTP), and much more. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. Online transaction processing (OLTP) systems are used by applications to record transactional information in real time. HBase in Action

  3. They are the equivalent of “normal” online transactional processing (OLTP) databases in the relational world. Graph Databases

  4. This has evolved from traditional use cases, such as combining OLTP and log files, to more sophisticated uses, such as using Hadoop for data warehousing (exemplified by Facebook) and the field of data science, which studies and makes new discoveries about data. Hadoop in Practice

  5. By default, consumers store the state in ZooKeeper, but Kafka also allows storing it within other storage systems used for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) applications as well. Apache Kafka

  6. Consequently, it underwhelms when attempting to mimic low-latency, random access patterns found in traditional online transaction processing (OLTP) systems. Hadoop Operations

  7. If you have only dealt with smaller OLTP-style databases, the emphasis on large data volumes will expand your horizons. Cloudera Impala

  8. An OLAP or OLTP, i.e., SQL, interface is provided to then mine the data interactively. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

  9. If you need OLTP features for large-scale data, you should consider using a NoSQL database. Programming Hive

  10. This delay would not be acceptable in a DBMS running OLTP tasks, but it is tolerable in an incremental processing system building an index of the web. Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

879、单词 jbcp 的匹配文本:

  1. Some tips on getting started are found in the Getting started with the JBCP Calendar sample code section in Appendix, Additional Reference Material. Spring Security 3.1

880、单词 parallelization 的匹配文本:

  1. Here is another place MapReduce can be used; instead of writing a custom loader with its own ad hoc parallelization and fault-tolerance support, a simple MapReduce program can be written to load the data into the parallel DBMS. MapReduce a flexible data processing tool

  2. As a reaction to this complexity, we designed a new abstraction that allows us to express the simple computations we were trying to perform but hides the messy details of parallelization, fault-tolerance, data distribution and load balancing in a library. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

  3. Sqoop leverages database to describe the schema for the imported/ exported data and MapReduce for parallelization operation and fault tolerance. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  4. The MapReduce paradigm offers the ability to process data using a simple programming model, which hides the complexity of the infrastructure required for parallelization, data transfer, scalability, fault tolerance and scheduling. Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

  5. The MapReduce model simplifies parallel processing by abstracting away the complexities involved in working with distributed systems, such as computational parallelization, work distribution, and dealing with unreliable hardware and software. Hadoop in Practice

  6. The nature of Pig Latin, in comparison to HiveQL, appeals to everyone with a procedural programming background, but also lends itself to significant parallelization. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  7. The size of each split should be small enough for a more granular parallelization. Hadoop in Action

  8. The developer focuses on expressing the transformation between source and result data sets, and the Hadoop framework manages all aspects of job execution, parallelization, and coordination. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  9. The following year, another paper, titled "MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters," was presented, defining a programming model and accompanying framework that provided automatic parallelization, fault tolerance, and the scale to process hundreds of terabytes of data in a single job over thousands of machines. Hadoop Operations

  10. This characteristic makes this class adequate for the parallelization of tasks using the divide and conquer programming technique. Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

881、单词 r28 的匹配文本:

  1. To get full benefits from this book, a JRockit version of R28 or later is recommended. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

882、单词 mnesia 的匹配文本:

  1. The second folder is for the Mnesia database that RabbitMQ uses to store information about the broker, like queue metadata, virtual hosts, and so on. RabbitMQ in Action

883、单词 spi 的匹配文本:

  1. Starting from version 3, Spring introduced the Type Conversion and Field Formatting SPI, which provide a simpler and well-structured API in performing type conversion and field formatting. Pro Spring 3

  2. HandlerAdapter is therefore more a service provider interface (SPI) that you would implement only if you needed to support a new handler type; you wouldn’t normally make calls against it yourself. Spring in Practice

  3. The JavaMail API has two application-level interface used by the application components to send d a service provider interface used at the Java EE SPI level. Java EE 7 Specification

  4. Hence, if you want to implement a security provider, you extend the SPI of each engine that you want to provide. Java Security 2nd Edition

  5. We focus on these later when we describe the Spring Batch partitioning Service Provider Interface (SPI) in section 13.5.2 Spring Batch in Action

  6. Portable Extensions CDI exposes an Service Provider Interface (SPI) allowing portable extensions to extend the functionality of the container easily. Java EE 7 Essentials

  7. For example, dynamic class loading may be used with an SPI framework, and when it fails to work as expected, a useful start may be to find out if the classes that should have been contributed by the framework were even loaded at all. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  8. Thus, in addition to defining a security API, this package also defines a service provider interface (SPI) Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. Providers contain META-INF/services files that indicate their SPI classes to be invoked. Pro JPA2

  10. These commands are then translated to the SPI, which is stateless. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

884、单词 recompile 的匹配文本:

  1. The binary package contains the same Maven POM file as the source archive so you can always recompile the code even if you start with the binary distribution. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

  2. Moreover, if the timestamp of the version of Employee.java that it finds is newer than that of the existing Employee.class file, the Java compiler will automatically recompile the file. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  3. Explicit logging by applications might have provided slightly more accurate data, but it is logistically impossible to recompile and restart thousands of running clients to do so and cumbersome to collect the results from as many machines. GFS - The Google File System

  4. Next, we run the classes task to recompile our changed Java source file: Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

  5. One benefit is that changes to the job flow can be made without having to recompile the code because the master driver is a scripting language instead of Java. MapReduce Design Patterns

  6. The only way currently is to replace the HBase JARs with the newer ones and recompile Hive from source. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  7. After making changes to those three lines, you can recompile the program and execute it again. Hadoop in Action

  8. If you replace the raw type List with the parameterized type Listin the unsafeAdd declaration and try to recompile the program, you’ll find that it no longer compiles. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  9. If we hardcode the abbreviations, we would need to recompile our mapper each time. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  10. However, in some cases, it may make sense to continue using the deployment descriptor for servlet registration (for example, if you do not want to recompile sources when a URL pattern changes) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

  11. 885、单词 annotating 的匹配文本:

    1. By annotating tail recursive methods, we can guarantee expected runtime performance. Scala in Depth

    2. You can also implement your own exception handler by annotating a controller method with the @ExceptionHandler annotation and passing in the exception type as the attribute. Pro Spring 3

    3. Because annotating methods with throws clauses is a heavy burden, too many developers write code that swallows and drops exceptions, just to get the code to compile without adding all those throws clauses. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    4. Annotating your map() and reduce() methods with the @Override annotation will allow the Java compiler to catch these errors. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. You can define a mapping between a custom representation and a corresponding Java type by implementing the MessageBodyReader and MessageBodyWriter interfaces and annotating with @Provider. Java EE 7 Essentials

    6. You could make the class truly useful by supplying a method that adds the event handler instead of just constructing it.) However, this example shows the mechanics of annotating a program and of analyzing the annotations. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    7. In an abstract class or an interface, however, it is worth annotating all methods that you believe to override superclass or superinterface methods, whether concrete or abstract. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    8. Pig accomplishes this by duplicating records on the map side and annotating each record with its pipeline number. Programming Pig

    9. Annotating the Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) with @MTOM as shown in the following code snippet: Java Performance

    10. Creating an Entity Regular Java classes are easily transformed into entities simply by annotating them. Pro JPA2

    886、单词 ported 的匹配文本:

    1. The Java interpreter can execute Java bytecodes directly on any machine to which the interpreter has been ported. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. It provides the stable base of Hadoop 0.18.3 with bug fixes and some new features back-ported in and added-in hooks to the support scribe log file aggregation service (http://scribeserver.wiki.sourceforge.net/) Pro Hadoop

    3. We then follow it up with a discussion on few of the popular frameworks that have already been ported to YARN. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    4. An application built against an RDBMS cannot be “ported” to HBase by simply changing a Java Database Connector (JDBC) driver. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. Nutch was also the first public proof-of-concept application ported to the framework that would later become Hadoop, and the effort required to port Nutch algorithms and data structures to Hadoop proved to be surprisingly small. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. If, for any reason, the JNI libraries fail to load the matching native ones, the server will abort at startup with an IOException stating "Compression codec  not sup ported, aborting RS construction" HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. Doug Cutting immediately saw the applicability of these technologies to Nutch, and his team implemented the new framework and ported Nutch to it. Hadoop in Action

    8. This provides a more portable way of writing applications that can be ported across operating systems. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    9. We will be primarily using the new APIs in this book, though we do include a few examples of the older API in later chapters as not of all the existing features have been ported to the new API. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    10. These port numbers are expected to change as newer versions of Hive get ported to Amazon EMR. Programming Hive

    887、单词 provisioned 的匹配文本:

    1. You’ll write two simple tasks in a script plugin: one for retrieving information on a provisioned application in your CloudBees account, and another one for deploying a WAR file to the cloud. Gradle in Action

    2. Either create a few jobs by hand, or use the HTML form that provisioned jobs in the previous recipe. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. DEV@cloud will provision a slave for you and kick off a build (it may take a minute or two for the slave to be provisioned) Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    4. Administrator) to insure that the resource is provisioned for use by the ion4 Java EE 7 Specification

    5. Once you’ve made up your mind, bought the hardware, or provisioned the instances, it’s time to deploy the software. HBase in Action

    6. After the cluster is provisioned, go to the Amazon EMR console (https://console. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    7. For each cluster, the NameNode and the BackupNode hosts are specially provisioned with up to 64GB RAM; application tasks are never assigned to those hosts. The Hadoop Distributed File System

    8. In both cases, the default data source will be provisioned and available to the application. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. The DynamoDB pricing model is particularly interesting; instead of paying for a certain number of servers hosting the service, you allocate a certain read/write capacity and DynamoDB manages the resources required to meet this provisioned capacity. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    10. As the cluster grows, these services are separated and dedicated hardware for each is provisioned. Hadoop Operations

    888、单词 unordered 的匹配文本:

    1. Note that limit also works on unordered streams (for example, if the source is a Set) Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    2. A PCollection can either have a well-defined order (called a sequence), or the elements can be unordered (called a collection) FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

    3. You are using the unordered list HTML tag (

      • ) to create a new list.

      • Beginning CouchDB
      • Arrays are indexed by integer values, while maps are like associative arrays or Python dictionaries and may be indexed by any type, with the indices unordered and the storage for the elements created on demand. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

      • You’ll upload a small file with unordered names, and test whether the secondary sort code produces output sorted by first name: Hadoop in Practice

      • We sorted the output, as the reduce output partitions are unordered (owing to the hash partition function) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

      • Clients could insert values at unexpected timestamps and cause seemingly unordered version histories. HBase:The Definitive Guide

      • JsonObject provides a Map view to access the unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs from the model. Java EE 7 Essentials

      • Unordered collections like Set simply guarantee that repeated calls to next( ) return all elements of the set without omissions or duplications but do not specify an ordering. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

      • Because we’re using Thrift as the underlying RPC mechanism to communicate with Cassandra, the results will come back to you unordered and you’ll have to sort them on the client. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    889、单词 cdplayer 的匹配文本:

    1. Then you’ll create a CDPlayer class and have Spring discover it and inject it with the CompactDisc bean. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    890、单词 prototyping 的匹配文本:

    1. Other usability aspects of Pregel motivated by user experience include a set of status pages with detailed information about the progress of Pregel programs, a unittesting framework, and a single-machine mode which helps with rapid prototyping and debugging. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. Putting this data at the fingertips of analysts and engineers has grown increasingly important; interactive response times often make a qualitative difference in data exploration, monitoring, online customer support, rapid prototyping, debugging of data pipelines, and other tasks. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

    3. MapReduce has been so successful because it makes it possible to write a simple program and run it efficiently on a thousand machines in the course of half an hour, greatly speeding up the development and prototyping cycle. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

    4. This is an easy way to begin sketching out and prototyping code whose final form you do not yet know, which is a typical workflow in the development of new forms of build automation. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    5. We will also be discussing other advanced Hadoop features such as using DistributedCache for distribute data, using Hadoop Streaming for quick prototyping of Hadoop computations, and using Hadoop counters to report custom metrics for your computation as well as adding job dependencies to manage simple DAG-based workflows of Hadoop MapReduce computations. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    6. This isn’t the approach you’ll want to take when working with large volumes of data, but nonetheless is great for prototyping and testing with smaller datasets: Hadoop in Practice

    7. There is also a JSON-based data encoder, which, being human-readable, is useful for prototyping and debugging Avro data. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. This is useful for testing and prototyping, but should not be used for larger data sets. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    9. Furthermore, its improved ease of development enables rapid prototyping of alternative features. Hadoop in Action

    10. We shall start by looking at how to use scripting programming languages to aid MapReduce prototyping and initial analysis. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    891、单词 computationally 的匹配文本:

    1. Keep in mind that any heavy processing in your custom interceptor can affect overall throughput, so be mindful of object churn or computationally intensive processing in your implementations. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. In such a setup, the performance metrics of the mute nodes aren’t measured because those nodes aren’t a computationally relevant portion of the grid. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. The result of this misconfiguration was that none of the computationally intense work could be run in the map task, and the map method would return immediately with an exception. Pro Hadoop

    4. Parsing text or other types of content in the mapper can sometimes be the most computationally intense operation in a MapReduce job. MapReduce Design Patterns

    5. The natural method to tune the model would be to use a local search (with optimization) —  a technique for working with computationally extensive optimization problems. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. Different algorithms can be used that may be less computationally expensive while still achieving good entropy. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    7. This works fine for computationally intensive work, but for data-intensive processing, the size of data becomes too large to be moved around easily. Hadoop in Action

    8. At first glance, it may seem like fsck is a reasonable way to monitor HDFS health, but many of the metrics it provides can be accessed programmatically (and less computationally expensive) via the monitoring APIs. Hadoop Operations

    9. Note that the field has many distinct values, leading to large internal hash-tables; computing the hashes themselves on possibly large strings is already computationally quite expensive. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    10. Common examples include highvolume Web servers or application servers that are computationally intensive but essentially stateless. Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

    892、单词 antipattern 的匹配文本:

    1. The antipattern is the unnecessary line with the creation of the answer object before the return. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    2. This is why you’ll sometime find classes that are declared “final” intentionally: they can’t be inherited from to prevent this kind of antipattern or have their core behavior messed with. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. What is an antipattern? An antipattern is a technique that is intended. SQL Antipatterns

    4. Do not follow the common antipattern of logging everything you can think of just in case someone might need it someday. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    893、单词 elem 的匹配文本:

    1. First, you can use "$elemMatch" to force MongoDB to compare both clauses with a single array element. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    2. In this case we will use the built-in handler as.xml.Elem to handle the XHTML response: Scala in Action

    3. For convenience, the library will provide factory methods named “elem” that construct new elements from passed data. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    4. We are sending the pair of values (large and elem) to the max2( ) method. Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

    5. Note that we combined the positiveDigit Parser with elem('0') into a Parser that accepts all digits. Beginning Scala

    6. In addition, if some string contains XML content, then one can use method loadString to create an Elem object from it. Steps in Scala An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming

    7. Matching an Entire Array If you want to match an entire array within a document, you can use the $elemMatch operator. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    8. To go from a chi.elem value ei to the underlying value of. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    9. To restrict multiple conditions to the same sub-document, you use the $elemMatch operator. MongoDB in Action

    894、单词 dist 的匹配文本:

    1. Other tasks ----------clean - clean up dist - generate the distribution compile - compile the source init. Gradle in Action

    2. Getting ready You will need to install the Script Realm plugin and also have Perl installed with the URI module (http://search.cpan.org/dist/URI/URI/Escape.pm) Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. If we execute the filterFiles task, we get the resulting filter.txt file in the dist directory: Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    4. This will compile source code and build a JAR file: $ ant dist. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    5. The link http://hbase.apache.org/book/standalone_dist.html#distributed explains how to run HBase in the distributed mode. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    6. DistType cvw = cost of edge from v to w; Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    7. It also supports the HTFP filesystem, which utilities such as distCp use to enable cross-cluster copies when Hadoop versions differ. Hadoop in Practice

    8. Using DistCp You need to use a tool supplied by HBase to operate on a table. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    9. DistCp Run a distcp command to copy data to or from another HDFS cluster. Programming Hive

    10. The dist field that accompanies each document is a measure of that item’s distance from the center point. MongoDB in Action

    895、单词 euclidean 的匹配文本:

    1. This similarity metric computes the Euclidean distance d between two such user points.2 This value alone doesn’t constitute a valid similarity metric, because larger values would mean more-distant, and therefore less similar, users. Mahout in Action

    2. In our case, the value 2 tells Solr to calculate the Euclidean distance. Solr 3.1 Cookbook

    3. Mahout supports several different distance calculation methods such as Euclidean, Cosine, Manhattan, and so on. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    4. Popular measures that can calculate these scores include Euclidean distance and Pearson’s correlation. Hadoop in Practice

    5. Since these objects represent points similar to Euclidean geometry, the 2D API also has other methods such as determining the distance between two points. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    6. In particular, the database uses Euclidean distance to determine the distance between points.4 For a lot of use cases, including finding the closest n locations to a given point, this is perfectly acceptable, and the simplicity of the math ensures the fastest query result. MongoDB in Action

    896、单词 nonpersistent 的匹配文本:

    1. For example, we run two types of Rabbit clusters: traditional RabbitMQ clustering for nonpersistent messaging, and pairs of active/hot-standby nonclustered Rabbit servers for persistent messaging (using load balancers) RabbitMQ in Action

    2. Finally, we group and aggregate around the term and document to get the term frequency, which is a nonpersistent aggregate. Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

    3. Local asynchronous session bean invocations and the nonpersistent EJB Timer Service are new additions in EJB 3.2 Lite. Java EE 7 Essentials

    4. Consequently, users employing nonpersistent job flows will not need to consider many of the topics in this chapter. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    5. It presents some general tuning techniques covering such topics as persistent versus nonpersistent messages, transactions, embedded brokers, tuning the wire level protocol, tuning the TCP transport, and some optimizations for message producers and message consumers. ActiveMQ in Action

    6. In such cases, it is optimal to identify such attributes as nonpersistent using the transient keyword. Java Performance

    7. Until an entity manager is used to actually create, read, or write an entity, the entity is nothing more than a regular (nonpersistent) Java object. Pro JPA2

    8. Config servers If mongos processes are nonpersistent, then something must durably store the shard cluster’s canonical state; that’s the job of the config servers. MongoDB in Action

    897、单词 vhost 的匹配文本:

    1. But if you’ve played around much with Rabbit, you know there’s one nagging concept we haven’t talked about yet: the vhost. RabbitMQ in Action

    2. This is just a normal Apache vhost stanza, with the exception of the inline included name variable. Managing Infrastructure with Puppet

    3. We gave a definition a title (apache::vhost) and then specified a list of potential variables. Pro Puppet

    898、单词 german 的匹配文本:

    1. For example, a resource bundle may map the string "readingFile" into strings "Reading file" in English or "Achtung! Datei wird eingelesen" in German. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. The name Dirichlet refers to a family of probability distributions defined by a German mathematician, Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet. Mahout in Action

    3. Colophon The animal on the cover of CouchDB: The Definitive Guide is a Pomeranian dog (Canis familiaris), a small variety of the generally larger German Spitz breed, named for the Baltic region of Pomerania (today spilt between northeastern Germany and northern Poland) where it was first bred. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. For example, user code may want to count total number of words processed or the number of German documents indexed, etc. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

    5. The success of this campaign was greatly due to the work of Alan Turing, who with his colleagues broke the German encryption algorithm known as Enigma. Java Security 2nd Edition

    6. VirtualBox was originally developed by the German company Innotek, who were acquired by Sun Microsystems, who in turn are now part of Oracle Corporation. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. We will close this chapter with a complete example—a retirement calculator with a user interface in English, German, and Chinese. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    8. The Locale.GERMAN argument was used to illustrate the use of this method. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    9. A user can quickly drill down to values of interest, e.g., all German searches from yesterday afternoon that contain the word “auto”, by restricting a set of charts to these values. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    10. Here, we construct a map that contains, for each language in the available locales, as key its name in your default locale (such as "German"), and as value its localized name (such as "Deutsch") Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    899、单词 cygwin 的匹配文本:

    1. It is possible to run and develop Hadoop applications under Windows, provided that Cygwin is installed. Pro Hadoop

    2. If you run MapReduce on Windows, you must install Cygwin.) By default, a local job runner uses the local filesystem to read/ write data. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. Windows users can try Cygwin to get an OpenSSH client. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    4. If you are using Windows machines, install Cygwin and SSH server in each machine. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    5. In fact, Windows operating systems are not supported production platforms (although they can be used with Cygwin as a development platform; see Appendix A) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. If you are running HBase on Windows, you must install Cygwin to have a Unix-like environment for the shell scripts. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. The software is pre-installed on many Linux systems and Mac OS X, and a Cygwin port is also available. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    8. For a Windows box, you’ll need to install cygwin   (http://www-cygwin.com/) to enable shell and Unix scripts. Hadoop in Action

    9. If you’re on Windows, you’ll first have to get the Cygwin POSIX emulator and then install Git. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    10. Using a virtual machine is currently the only way to run Hadoop on Windows systems, even when Cygwin or similar Unix-like software is installed. Programming Hive

    900、单词 dataflow 的匹配文本:

    1. Pregel is also different because it implements a stateful model where long-lived processes compute, communicate, and modify local state, rather than a dataflow model where any process computes solely on input data and produces output data input by other processes. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. Even though the example is quite simple, it exposes the nature of a dataflow program. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    3. This change in type may propagate to subsequent instructions as the dataflow analysis proceeds. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    4. Building a high-level dataflow system on top of map-reduce: the pig experience. Building LinkedIn’s Real-time Activity Data1

    5. To enable parallel operations to run efficiently, FlumeJava defers their evaluation, instead internally constructing an execution plan dataflow graph. FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

    6. The Hive query language provides facilities to control the MapReduce dataflow and inject your own custom map, and to reduce scripts at each stage. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    7. As each step processes the data and all dependencies are defined as data dependencies, we call Pig a Dataflow language. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    8. HBase Hadoop database for random read/write access Hive SQL-like queries and tables on large data sets Pig Dataflow language and compiler Oozie Workflow for interdependent Hadoop jobs Sqoop Integrates databases and data warehouses with Hadoop. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    9. Hadoop’s datajoin package implements the dataflow of a join as described previously. Hadoop in Action

    10. The overlap between the projects is that whereas Hive looks to present a familiar SQL-like interface to data, Pig uses a language called Pig Latin that specifies dataflow pipelines. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    901、单词 contravariant 的匹配文本:

    1. As you can see, the compiler gives us a nice message that we’ve used our type parameter A in a position that’s contravariant, when the type parameter is covariant. Scala in Depth

    2. Write a generic method with a contravariant argument of the first generic class that calls its method. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Type variance complements type parameterization with a mechanism to specify constraints like covariant and contravariant to the type system. Scala in Action

    4. Besides +, there is also a prefix -, which indicates contravariant subtyping. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. Scala uses kindskinds to track how many type arguments a type constructor takes, whether it is co- or contravariant in those arguments, and what their kinds are. Functional Programming in Scala

    6. This is especially true for library writers, who will want to understand when to use parameterized types versus abstract types, which type parameters should be covariant, contravariant, or invariant under subtyping, and so forth. Programming Scala

    7. We’ll discuss why this happened and the very complex topic of invariant, covariant, and contravariant types later in this chapter. Beginning Scala

    8. In general, reading is covariant (subtypes are okay) and writing is contravariant (supertypes are okay) Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    902、单词 dbcp 的匹配文本:

    1. In real-world applications, you can use Apache Commons BasicDataSource (http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/) or a DataSource implemented by a JEE application server (e.g., JBoss, WebSphere, WebLogic, GlassFish, etc.), which may further increase the performance of the application. Pro Spring 3

    2. As shown in figure 1.3, the code also specifically creates a dependency on a BasicDataSource, a specific DataSource implementation from the Apache Commons Database Connection Pool (DBCP) project. Spring in Practice

    3. If you plan to use the data source in a concurrent application, then use a connection pool, like Apache Commons DBCP or c3p0 Spring Batch in Action

    4. We’ll do our experimenting on the Apache Commons DBCP library. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    5. The preceding example uses the Apache Commons DBCP BasicDataSource to wrap the MySQL JDBC driver for connection pooling. ActiveMQ in Action

    6. If a connection pool is needed, it is easy to change the configuration to use Apache Commons DBCP or c3p0 connection pools. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

    7. You might choose to configure a Commons DBCP connection pool like this: Spring in Action 4th Edition

    903、单词 dbref 的匹配文本:

    1. In the latter case, you use the DBRef specification, which provides more flexibility in case a collection changes from one document to the next. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    2. DBRef private Product product; private BigDecimal price; private int amount; Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

    3. DbRef Indicates that a field is intended to reference another document, possibly in another database. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    904、单词 placeholders 的匹配文本:

    1. Abstract methods act as placeholders for methods that are implemented in the subclasses. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Instead of using the overloaded ‘+’ operator (which C doesn’t overload) to concatenate quoted text and variables, printf( ) uses special placeholders to show where the data should go. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Prepared statements can have parameters, which are question-mark placeholders for values that you can specify when you execute them. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    4. In the properties file, add the following keys and replace the placeholders with the actual values of your account: Gradle in Action

    5. For actions, the listing only shows names and types, flow-control definitions, and placeholders for the action body section. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. The size may be larger, but that is because it has kept placeholders for each revision of the database. Beginning CouchDB

    7. It has placeholders for all methods required by the RegionObserver interface. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    8. This page defines a default structure for the page, including placeholders for the content that will be defined in the pages. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. The string sql contains a SQL statement that can contain one or more parameter placeholders denoted by ? characters. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    10. An outer join uses null values as placeholders for the columns of. SQL Antipatterns

    905、单词 refactored 的匹配文本:

    1. Flume 1.X (Flume-NG) There were many reasons to why Flume was refactored. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. It is good to keep in mind that our build script is just code, and code can be organized and refactored to create cleaner code. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    3. That sounds good, but in which situations? We discuss two common code patterns that can be refactored to leverage lambda expressions: conditional. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. Our implementation of the newCharacter() method could be refactored into multiple. Java Threads 3rd Edition

    5. Note that the example can easily be refactored to work properly: The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    6. The logic of the refactored MapReduce job was not too hard to follow, was it? We added an explicit count for each key/value pair. Hadoop in Action

    7. Those applications must be refactored to be multithreaded to do their work in parallel. Java Performance

    8. To enable many sessions to be handled without using many threads, the tasks first must be refactored into an event-driven style, where an event here signifies IO availability. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    9. So, what actually got refactored? Well, I moved all the drawing code from the paintComponent() method into another method called draw() Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. It is unlikely that the Java collections library will be refactored in this way, but when you implement your own interfaces, there is no longer a reason to provide a separate companion class for utility methods. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    906、单词 objectoriented 的匹配文本:

    1. The Java programming language has an interesting history, and draws heavily from earlier objectoriented languages such as C++ and Smalltalk. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. Alan Kay summarized five basic characteristics of Smalltalk, the first successful objectoriented language and one of the languages upon which Java is based. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Complex build logic is best structured in custom task classes, which give you all the benefits of objectoriented programming. Gradle in Action

    4. This fits naturally into the way developers in modern objectoriented languages think about their data. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. Java code is organized in modular objectoriented units called classes. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. DataJoinMapper and TaggedMapperOutput There is a way of implementing a reduce-side join in a more sophisticated and objectoriented fashion. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    7. On the other hand, good objectoriented design actually encourages many small methods and significant polymorphism in the method hierarchy. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. It’s also a great language to look into if you are familiar with programming, and you’re looking for a multi-paradigm programming language that permits several styles of programming (e.g., objectoriented programming, structured programming, and so on) The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    9. The Java language is a robust, secure, and modern objectoriented language that can be used to develop applications to run on the JVM. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. In addition, most developers now work with objectoriented languages, and they want a data store that better maps to objects. MongoDB in Action

    907、单词 readme 的匹配文本:

    1. The README file that is included with the download contains the installation instructions. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. The source tree contains some files that aren’t necessary for the application—the README and THANKS files are among those. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    3. For more information, please check the README.txt file in the source code root directory. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    4. In the following example we have the filterFiles task, where we define a file collection of two files with the names INSTALL.txt and README. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    5. To learn more about the data set, refer to the documentation included with the download in README.txt. MapReduce Design Patterns

    6. To be used as the input, create a directory called input under HADOOP_HOME and copy the README.txt file to the directory. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    7. For details on how to build and use the C API, refer to the README file in the src/c directory of the ZooKeeper distribution. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. You might want to check out the README.txt file, as it will have the list of dependencies required to run the tool. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. README.txt—A file containing some URLs to documentation to get new users started with ActiveMQ. ActiveMQ in Action

    10. Check the project’s README for details on tooling version requirements. Building and Testing with Gradle

    908、单词 solrj 的匹配文本:

    1. Client APIs and SolrJ client Apache Solr client  provides  different ways of  talking with Apache Solr web application. Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr Chapter-02 Understanding Solr

    2. Ignore the client directory Most client libraries are maintained by other organizations, except for the Java client SolrJ which lies in the dist/ directory. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    3. If you don't use Linux or UNIX, you can write a simple Java code using, for example, SolrJ. Solr 3.1 Cookbook

    4. Let’s continue our discussion of how to index documents by learning about a popular Java-based client for Solr called SolrJ. Solr in action

    909、单词 combiners 的匹配文本:

    1. Combiners are not enabled by default, because there is no mechanical way to find a useful combining function that is consistent with the semantics of the user’s Compute() method. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. Combiners also must be idempotent, as they may be run an arbitrary number of times by the Hadoop framework over a given map task’s output. Pro Hadoop

    3. It’ll explain what the map phase does, what the reduce phase does, and also lets you know if it’ll be using any custom partitioners, combiners, or input formats. MapReduce Design Patterns

    4. The primary goal of combiners is to save as much bandwidth as possible by minimizing the number of key/value pairs that will be shuffled across the network between mappers and reducers. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. There are two Pig recipes that show different analytics with the Audioscrobbler dataset and one MapReduce Java API recipe that shows Combiners. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    6. The data size gets smaller in each iteration, and finally, we apply the Reduce function to the output of the last level of Combiners. Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

    7. Solution Learn how to parse Apache log files, and how filtering, projection, and combiners can be used in Crunch. Hadoop in Practice

    8. Combiners Check whether your job can take advantage of a combiner to reduce the amount of data passing through the shuffle. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    9. Fortunately, the Hadoop roadmap supports native Streaming scripts as combiners. Hadoop in Action

    10. In contrast, in our hand-coded Hadoop plan we (and the authors of [23]) failed to take advantage of hash aggregation for the smaller query because sort-based aggregation (using Combiners) is a MapReduce standard practice. HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    910、单词 subpackages 的匹配文本:

    1. The Java compiler itself is highly skilled in guessing the various meanings of the period character as separator between packages, subpackages, classes, inner classes, and methods and variables. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. In Scala, when you import a package, Scala makes its members, including subpackages, available to you. Scala in Action

    3. Several subpackages provide support of JDBC data access with more specific purposes (e.g., a JdbcTemplate class that supports named parameters) and related support classes as well. Pro Spring 3

    4. All collection classes are found in the package scala.collection or one of its subpackages: mutable, immutable, and generic. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. The members of a package are classes, interfaces, and subpackages. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    6. Protected types are visible only within the same package and subpackages. Programming Scala

    7. Once you import a package, you can access its subpackages with shorter names. Scala for the Impatient

    8. When specifying a package, the subpackages aren’t exported by default, which means you need to explicitly specify each one if you want to export them all. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    9. Such packages are known as subpackages, although there is no linguistic support for package hierarchies. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    10. The documentation of the javax.crypto package and its subpackages was also reviewed by Jon Eaves. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    911、单词 uber 的匹配文本:

    1. Thankfully, Cargo provides an UberJar, a single JAR file that packages the API and container functionality, which will make the dependency management easier. Gradle in Action

    2. Almost all modern smartphones have an app for Twitter; however, if you want to compare with a freely available one, then UberSocial (http://ubersocial.com/) is a good alternative. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. Chapter 8 completes the Oozie description by showing some of the advanced Oozie features, including custom Workflow activities, dynamic Workflow generation, and uber-jar support. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    4. You can add those JARs to the classpath, or you can create an uber-JAR, exploding all of those JARs’ classes inside your own. HBase in Action

    5. This is different from MapReduce 1, where small jobs are never run on a single tasktracker.) Such a job is said to be uberized, or run as an uber task. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. As you’ll see later, this will help produce an executable uber-JAR file that contains all of the application’s dependencies. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    912、单词 heuristic 的匹配文本:

    1. For example, a typical heuristic employed for the Web graph is to colocate vertices representing pages of the same site. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. Behind the scenes, the fork-join framework uses an effective heuristic for. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    3. This is an arbitrary choice, but in most cases it’s difficult to find a good heuristic, other than trying to optimize it by making several attempts with different inputs. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. Otherwise, you’ll want to build a heuristic to decide on a precision based on the query parameters. HBase in Action

    5. In addition, the JRE has heuristic algorithms that adjust these assumptions as your process is running. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    6. As referenced objects may, in worst case, appear anywhere on the heap, on NUMA the GC usually needs an additional object moving heuristic. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. The benefit of this heuristic is much greater if we’re looking at reverse patent citation or text documents, where frequency of items are extremely skewed and quadratic expansion on a few popular items can dominate the amount of data processed. Hadoop in Action

    8. The heuristic for blacklisting a tasktracker is simple but effective. Hadoop Operations

    9. In practice, a good heuristic is to let a domain expert. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    10. Thread.yield is a purely heuristic hint advising the JVM that if there are any other runnable but non-running threads, the scheduler should run one or more of these threads rather than the current thread. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    913、单词 tablespace 的匹配文本:

    1. If the table uses the InnoDB storage engine, the amount of free space in the InnoDB tablespace appears here. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. The Oracle database always has a tablespace called SYSTEM, used for similar purposes. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    3. In general, the single-table approach tends to be more wasteful of database tablespace, but it does offer peak performance for both polymorphic queries and write operations. Pro JPA2

    4. Initially InnoDB tables could reside only in the tablespace file or raw device. Understanding MySQL Internals

    914、单词 artifactory 的匹配文本:

    1. If you’re eager to learn about it, feel free to directly jump to chapter 14, which talks about how to set up and use open source and commercial repository managers like Sonatype Nexus and JFrog’s Artifactory. Gradle in Action

    2. That is not Jenkins but a Maven repository or a repository manager such as Artifactory (http://www.jfrog.com/products.php), Apache Archiva (http://archiva.apache.org/) or Nexus (http://nexus.sonatype.org/) Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. He is a lead developer at Thomson Reuters where he’s responsible for a number of activities, some of which are directly related to Maven, Groovy, and build tools such as Artifactory and Jenkins. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    4. One critical piece of this is to push good builds to a package repository (for example, Nexus, Artifactory, or even a simple fileshare) where the deployment process can find them. Spring in Practice

    5. Sonatype’s Nexus and JFrog’s Artifactory are two examples of products that can be used to deploy Maven-style binary repositories internally. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    6. Publishing to a Maven Repository After a successful Gradle build, a binary artifact such as a JAR should be deployed to a binary repository manager such as Artifactory or Nexus for team-wide consumption. Building and Testing with Gradle

    915、单词 inlined 的匹配文本:

    1. What happens if the virtual machine loads another subclass that overrides an inlined method? Then the optimizer must undo the inlining. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. After all, once you get through escaping quotes and leaving out newlines, it’s not much fun to edit HTML templates inlined into JavaScript. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    3. Don't need foreign keys or joins if data is inlined. F1 - The Fault-Tolerant Distributed RDBMS

    4. For instance, in Java, when performing a generic sort (using a Comparator), an element comparison can be expensive (because comparisons might not be easily inlined, and thus the overhead of dynamic dispatch could slow things down), but moving elements is cheap (because they are reference assignments, rather than copies of large objects) Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    5. Let’s say we want to see each station’s history, with the station’s metadata inlined in each output row. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. He and I spent several sessions together examining optimizations of WebLogic code and deciphering why this method or that wasn't getting inlined or devirtualized. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. Primitive constant fields (those primitive data type fields defined with the final modifier) are inlined within a class and across classes, regardless of whether the classes are compiled in the same pass. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. Each of these safepoints also contains all the information describing the chain of methods that were inlined and the description of the Java frame required for support of deoptimization. Java Performance

    9. If the method is inlined, the compiler may further rearrange the orders with respect to yet other statements. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. Although the code contains HTML markup tags in Java code, which totally violates the principles of the separation of concerns, I inlined HTML by concatenating string values for brevity. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    916、单词 haskell 的匹配文本:

    1. Common functional languages (SML, OCaml, Haskell) also provide further constructs to help programmers. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    2. Haskell—If you want to use RabbitMQ with Haskell, take a look at this package on hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/amqp. RabbitMQ in Action

    3. His non-work interests include functional programming in languages like Haskell and Lisp dialects, and their application to real-world problems. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    4. For instance, Lisp, Haskell, and Python implement big integers; Fortran and Python implement complex numbers. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. Footnote 11mThis is named after the mathematician Haskell Curry, who discovered the principle. Functional Programming in Scala

    6. In fact, the sequence comprehensions we went over are both examples of a technique popularized by the highly functional language Haskell that is known as monadic transformations, which rely on a concept from category theory known as monads. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

    7. So, Scala requires more type annotations than languages like Haskell. Programming Scala

    8. NOTE: Some programming languages (such as ML and Haskell) can infer the type of a recursive function, using the Hindley-Milner algorithm. Scala for the Impatient

    9. It enables you to invoke scripts written in JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, and even exotic languages such as Scheme and Haskell, from a Java program. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    10. So, why doesn’t Java have more immutable data structures? Because it’s not obvious that Java needs them until you code with them for a while, and very few Java developers I know spent a lot of time with Lisp, ML, or Haskell. Beginning Scala

    917、单词 linearization 的匹配文本:

    1. As implicits also have a lookup policy, the inheritance linearization, they can be used to change the return type of methods. Scala in Depth

    2. Scala solves this problem using a something called class linearization. Scala in Action

    3. With traits, the method called is determined by a linearization of the classes and traits that are mixed into a class. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    4. Not all linearization techniques are created equal The geohash is approximating the data space. HBase in Action

    5. We’ll also learn about Scala’s alternative to Java’s static class members and the linearization rules for method lookup. Programming Scala

    918、单词 xms 的匹配文本:

    1. Remember if you increase this value you may also have to increase your Java heap space using the -Xmx and optionally the -Xms parameters. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. In addition, there may be a danger here of running out of memory if your byte buffer grows too large, so you must be mindful of memory consumption (perhaps adjust Java heap parameters such as Xms and Xmx) Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    3. We would set the Xms and Xms Java properties to 8g and for our case it should be enough, because our index size is not very high, and we don't have the parent-child relationships in our data because we don't facet on high cardinality fields. Mastering ElasticSearch

    4. To do that, you need to add the Xmx and preferably the Xms parameter to the start script of your servlet container (Apache Tomcat or Jetty) Solr 3.1 Cookbook

    5. Xms initmem[k|m] Specifies how much memory is allocated for the heap when the interpreter starts up. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. Try setting the -Xmx and -Xms options to the same value to keep Java from having to manage heap growth. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    7. The VMs provided by most vendors include the two main heap tuning parameters: -mx/-Xmx and -ms/-Xms. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. The memory management system within the HotSpot VM is capable of expanding and shrinking the garbage collected heap if the values set for -Xmx and -Xms differ. Java Performance

    9. The option -Xms size sets the starting size of the heap and the option -Xmx size sets the maximum allowed size of the heap. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    10. To do that, you need to add the Xmx and, preferably, the Xms parameter to the start-up script of your servlet container (Apache Tomcat or Jetty) Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

    919、单词 fanout 的匹配文本:

    1. Fanout queues are only currently used for the advertising of the service capabilities to nova-scheduler workers. Deploying OpenStack

    2. The next type of exchange that we’ll discuss is the fanout exchange. RabbitMQ in Action

    3. Using these segments, they achieve a much higher fanout compared to binary trees, resulting in a much lower number of I/O operations to find a specific key. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    4. Finally, we’ll see how the fanout connector enables clients to send messages to multiple brokers. ActiveMQ in Action

    5. Fanout—A message will be routed to all queues that are bound to the exchange, regardless of the routing key or headers/values in the table of arguments. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    920、单词 uptime 的匹配文本:

    1. In this example, we want to record the system load via the Linux uptime command, which prints out some system information to stdout and exits: Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. In a production system that’s handling a stream of classification requests, it’s fairly common for there to be an expectation of nearly 100 percent uptime. Mahout in Action

    3. You should now be able to run bin/slaves.sh uptime and receive the output of uptime. Pro Hadoop

    4. Computed by aggregating all metered CPU time and dividing by metered node uptime. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    5. Hector also provides client-side load balancing because detecting and automatically failing-over between servers is important to achieve good uptime. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    6. If you stay up at night worrying about your database (uptime, scale, or speed), you should seriously consider making a jump from the RDBMS world to HBase. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    7. It is difficult to scale up our MySQL clusters rapidly while maintaining good load balancing and high uptime. Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook

    8. Ring You can view system information such as uptime and heap usage. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. You'll often hear terms such as "five nines" (referring to 99.999 percent uptime or availability) Hadoop Beginners Guide

    10. In our previous example, /hbase could be on a namenode that requires extremely high uptime while maybe /logs is used only by batch operations in MapReduce. Hadoop Operations

    921、单词 scalac 的匹配文本:

    1. Let’s compile the code using the scalac compiler, but first we must remember to specify the classpath to Akka library files. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    2. When you compile this with scalac, you get the following compilation errors: Scala in Action

    3. One way to do this is to use scalac, which is the basic Scala compiler, like this: Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    4. Here’s how to write a class and compile it using the scalac compiler. Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

    5. This time, you must first compile the code to a JVM .class file using scalac: Programming Scala

    6. You can see exactly how Scala turns patterns into code by typing scalac -print FileName.scala. Beginning Scala

    7. In this appendix, we show how to use both the Scala compiler (scalac) and the Scala interpreter (scala) by experimenting with their command line arguments. Steps in Scala An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming

    922、单词 repo 的匹配文本:

    1. Its GitHub repo is top-notch: the build compiles and is easy to run locally, making it frictionless to develop against. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    2. Gradle’s API supports two ways of configuring a custom repository: maven() and mavenRepo() Gradle in Action

    3. Your Subversion repo contains an index.html file, which is pulled into the workspace of the job. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. We define the URL of the Maven repository with the maven() or mavenRepo() methods. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    5. Documentation for the library can be found in its repo at http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka-modules/1.3.1/modules/amqp.html. RabbitMQ in Action

    6. Since a Maven repository is nothing more than a website containing downloadable POM files and modules in a predictable directory structure, declaring a Maven repository in Gradle begins with telling Gradle the URL of the repo. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    7. We’re going to show you a simple example of how to create an additional type and provider, one that manages version control systems (VCS), which we’re going to call repo. Pro Puppet

    8. See the book's source code repo on GitHub for more information on getting set up with sbt. Functional Programming in Scala

    9. Replace the URL in baseurl in the following code and execute the command to add the R mirror repo to your Yum configuration: Hadoop in Practice

    10. Since many organizations will need to additionally, or as a replacement, depend on a company-internal repository, that is equally easy with an addition of a URL to the mavenRepo configuration element of repositories in Example 4-15 Building and Testing with Gradle

    923、单词 redirects 的匹配文本:

    1. This is often issued in response to a POST request, which processes the information and redirects to a standard page. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. This program attaches standard input to a file and redirects standard output and standard error to another file. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Gradle redirects standard error to log messages, with log level ERROR. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    4. Often, browsers follow these redirects transparently to the user; in Java, the programmer has the ability to determine if the redirection should automatically be followed or not. Java Security 2nd Edition

    5. What’s interesting with the implementation of this servlet is that it redirects the actual file download to one of the DataNodes that contains the first block of the file. Hadoop in Practice

    6. Summary This short overview of Nutch necessarily omits many details, such as error handling, logging, URL filtering and normalization, dealing with redirects or other forms of “aliased” pages (such as mirrors), removing duplicate content, calculating PageRank scoring, etc. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    7. Starting the process before redirecting input or output will cause the process to disregard your redirects and the application will execute using the standard IO locations. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    8. Redirects The 300-level response codes all indicate some sort of redirect; that is, the requested resource is no longer available at the expected location but it may be found at some other location. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. The dispatcher redirects the client to send the request to another server. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    10. The sendRedirect() method accepts a URL in String format and then redirects the web browser to the given URL. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    924、单词 ssds 的匹配文本:

    1. Alternatively, good experiences have been reported by users placing RRD files on SAN storage or solid-state drives (SSDs) Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. Solid-state storage (SSDs and PCIe cards) presents special challenges for benchmarking, which we address in Chapter 9 High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. Example: specify compute hosts with SSDs In this example, we configure the Compute service to allow users to request nodes that have solid-state drives (SSDs) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    4. WARNING: SSDS AND appendfsync always You’ll want to be careful if you’re using SSDs with appendfsync always. Redis in Action

    5. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are pretty sweet because they can append to a file while loading old blocks, with a minimum of overhead. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    6. You should be wary of creating full-text indexes that will not fit in RAM (unless you have SSDs) MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    7. The even larger standard deviation in read latencies is partially due to the fact that Paxos leaders are spread across two data centers, only one of which has machines with SSDs. Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

    8. Disk access can be improved by using solid-state drives (SSDs) in place of spinning disks, providing an approximate 20 times increase in performance, or by using enterprise flash hardware, which can reduce latencies even further. Graph Databases

    9. It is a good performance practice to use SSDs or disk arrays with write caches for transaction logging and for storing JMS messages. Java Performance

    10. So the use of SSDs such as Flash is encouraged. Redis Cookbook

    925、单词 implementors 的匹配文本:

    1. The rules are complex enough to baffle the compiler implementors—early versions of Java implemented them with subtle errors. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Much like synchronized, the implementors of the Lock interface guarantee that calls to their methods cross the memory barrier. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    3. We describe YARN’s inception, design, opensource development, and deployment from our perspective as early architects and implementors. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    4. This is the one place most likely to require JVM implementors to change their implementation to be compliant with JSR-133 JSR-133 Java Memory Model and Thread

    5. There is a single method that implementors of the Principal interface must implement: Java Security 2nd Edition

    6. Implementors should retrieve the next record from the RecordReader, map it to. Hadoop in Practice

    7. This interface permits implementors to compare records read from a stream without deserializing them into objects, thereby avoiding any overhead of object creation. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. The implementors of this class felt a need to express their individuality by introducing yet another iteration protocol. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    9. It is much harder to use the mutable companion class than to use BigInteger for all of the reasons outlined earlier, but luckily you don’t have to: the implementors of BigInteger did the hard work for you. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    10. The java.awt.peer package The interfaces in the java.awt.peer package are part of the Java platform but are documented for use by AWT implementors only. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    926、单词 ini 的匹配文本:

    1. You can also remove unused PHP modules from your php.ini file. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. Configuring your Compute installation involves many configuration files - the nova.conf file, the api-paste.ini file, and related Image and Identity management configuration files. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    3. Find your local.ini file and open it in your text editor. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. For example in Compute, you can remove the middleware parameters from api-paste.ini, as follows: bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    5. At the time of writing, the latest version of CouchDB provides two configuration files, default.ini and local.ini. Beginning CouchDB

    6. This is configured in the default.ini file, but may be specified using the q query parameter when creating a database. Scaling CouchDB

    7. The puppet.conf configuration file is constructed much like an INI-style configuration file and divided into sections. Pro Puppet

    8. In the Eclipse home folder, there is a configuration file, eclipse.ini, that can be altered to change the command-line flags of the JVM running Eclipse. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    9. To do so, open a text editor (e.g., vim, nano, or whichever text editor you prefer) and alter the file called php.ini, which is the main configuration file PHP uses to control its behavior, including which extensions it should load. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    10. Look for a pipeline value in the project’s conf or ini configuration files in /etc/ to identify projects that use Paste. OpenStack Operations Guide

    927、单词 puppetlabs 的匹配文本:

    1. See the Puppet language guide at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/lan guage_guide.html for complete documentation. Managing Infrastructure with Puppet

    2. For more information on Hiera, please see the Puppet documentation page at http://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/1/index.html. Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

    3. Puppet (http://www.puppetlabs.com/puppet) is a reaction to these gaps in the tools available to SysAdmins, Operators and Developers. Pro Puppet

    928、单词 django 的匹配文本:

    1. Dashboard Horizon is a modular Django web application that provides an end user and administrator interface to OpenStack services. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    2. Django may be built for the Web, but CouchDB is built of the Web. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    3. Dashboard The dashboard is a modular Django web application that provides a graphical interface to OpenStack services. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    4. That page also contains information on integrating Solr with other frameworks and applications, such as Django. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    5. It also shows you how to develop applications that are housed entirely in the database itself, in addition to using Python, Django, and Ruby to interact with CouchDB from a traditional serverside application. Beginning CouchDB

    6. Most other web development frameworks, including Doctrine for PHP, Django for Python, and Microsoft ASP.NET, support features similar to Rails’ migrations, either included with the framework or available as a community project. SQL Antipatterns

    7. The source is all in Python, and it has a few dependencies on Django and a JSON library to sort out, but it’s a great place to start. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    8. He works as an application developer and database administrator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, and is the lead for the Django-Jython project (http://code.google.com/p/django-jython/) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    9. Additionally, the dashboard’s use of Django makes it a flexible framework for extension. OpenStack Operations Guide

    929、单词 truststore 的匹配文本:

    1. A client’s browser truststore (which contains a list of authorized root CAs) will also not trust our selfsigned certificate by default, since it cannot be verified by any of the known and trusted CAs. Pro Spring MVC

    2. If you run into PKIX/certificate trust issues, you may need to import the Gmail IMAP certificate into your truststore. Spring in Practice

    3. In many common administration scenarios, however, the key store and trust store are combined into a single file (in Tomcat, this would be done through the use of the keystoreFile and truststoreFile attributes of the connector) Spring Security 3.1

    4. Note N  A truststore is a repository of certificates that are trusted by the JRE that uses such a truststore. Pro Spring Security

    5. In fact, a truststore has exactly the same format as a keystore; both are administered with keytool, and both are represented programmatically as instances of the KeyStore class. Java Security 2nd Edition

    6. In most Java environments, a keystore is used to store the private keys, and a truststore to store the trusted certificates. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. Without creating and denoting the proper keystore and truststore, you can expect to see the following exceptions: ActiveMQ in Action

    930、单词 parameterless 的匹配文本:

    1. In the case of the parameterless findOne method, you’re using -1 as the key because the method doesn’t take a parameter. Scala in Action

    2. Web Flow creates an instance using the default (or parameterless) constructor of the class. Pro Spring MVC

    3. The supplier method has to return a Supplier of an empty result—a parameterless function that when invoked creates an instance of an empty accumulator used during the collection process. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. In addition to these topics, we’ll discuss abstract classes, parameterless methods, extending classes, overriding methods and fields, parametric fields, invoking superclass constructors, polymorphism and dynamic binding, final members and classes, and factory objects and methods. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. Ivan Tarasov discusses some Scala puzzlers, including a problem with parameterless case classes. Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

    6. It’s also possible to omit the dot (period) when calling a parameterless method or one that takes only one argument. Programming Scala

    7. The rule of thumb is that a parameterless method that doesn’t modify the object has no parentheses. Scala for the Impatient

    8. Writable and the Parameterless Constructor You will find that most classes provided by the API and discussed throughout this chapter do possess a special constructor, one that does not take any parameters. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    9. A second alternative when you are faced with many constructor parameters is the JavaBeans pattern, in which you call a parameterless constructor to create the object and then call setter methods to set each required parameter and each optional parameter of interest: Effective Java 2nd Edition

    10. If a lambda expression has no parameters, you still supply empty parentheses, just as with a parameterless method: Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    931、单词 prefetch 的匹配文本:

    1. Caching read-ahead data If the RAID controller notices sequential requests for data, it might decide to do a read-ahead read—that is, to prefetch data it predicts will be needed soon. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. In particular, inodes are embedded directly within directories, allowing the MDS to prefetch entire directories with a single OSD read request and exploit the high degree of directory locality present in most workloads [22] Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

    3. In particular, a class loader may cache binary representations of classes and interfaces, prefetch them based on expected usage, or load a group of related classes together. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    4. You can also set how much to cache/prefetch on the Scan instance itself. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. One way to mitigate future round-trips is to prefetch location information in a single request, thus updating the client cache ahead of time. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    6. Also, a prefetch retrieves an entire cache line, which takes time, so unless the prefetch operation can be pipelined, or hidden in parallel with other actions before its data is to be used, it has no or even negative effects. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. ActiveMQ uses a prefetch limit to determine the number of messages it will pre-send to consumers, so that network is used optimally. ActiveMQ in Action

    8. However, if a prefetch instruction was inserted upstream in the sequence of instructions generated by a compiler to prefetch from memory the data being loaded by the load instruction, it is likely the number of clock cycles required to load the data will be less with the additional prefetch instruction since the prefetch can be done in parallel with other CPU instructions ahead of the load instruction. Java Performance

    9. Although tablet locations are stored in memory, so no GFS accesses are required, we further reduce this cost in the common case by having the client library prefetch tablet locations: it reads the metadata for more than one tablet whenever it reads the METADATA table. Bigtable - A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data

    932、单词 deserialize 的匹配文本:

    1. The key feature of a Writable is that the framework knows how to serialize and deserialize a Writable object. Pro Hadoop

    2. Developers should be aware that no special care is taken to protect the contents of a serialized object from scrutiny or modification, and that any class in any JVM may choose to deserialize an object at a later time. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    3. There’s a GitHub project called csv-serde,44 which has a Hive SerDe that can both serialize and deserialize CSV. Hadoop in Practice

    4. We construct a new, value-less IntWritable, and then call deserialize() to read from the output data that we just wrote. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. Clients attempting to serialize an instance using an old version of the class and deserialize it using the new version will experience program failures. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    6. The SignedObject can then be serialized and transmitted to a recipient, who can deserialize it and use the verify( ) method to verify the signature: Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    7. The serialized int at that location holds the byte offset into the data file, so you deserialize that int. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. For example, a complex type can be serialized as an encoded string and a UDTF will deserialize the complex type when needed. Programming Hive

    9. This will allow you to serialize classes, modify them, and then deserialize the original classes while implementing some backward compatibility. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. The bottom, colored segment of the bars represents the time taken by HadoopDB when hand-coded and the rest of the bar indicates the additional overhead as a result of the SMS planner (e.g., SMS jobs need to serialize tuples retrieved from the underlying database and deserialize them before further processing in Hadoop) HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    933、单词 subelement 的匹配文本:

    1. Here we show just the header enricher’s chat-to subelement in isolation to focus on this option: Spring Integration in Action

    2. In the lazy scenario, the Order-OrderLine relationship has a fetched-with subelement of  so that the OrderLines are not fetched when the Order is looked up. Java Performance

    3. Configuration options are passed using a single  subelement with arbitrarily named attributes. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    4. It can be specified either at the global level as a subelement of entity-mappings, at the entity level as a subelement of entity, or at the field or property level as a subelement of the id mapping element. Pro JPA2

    5. For example, to list the contents of a directory using an Ant FileScanner and Ant FileSet, just use the ant instance with Groovy closure nesting for Ant subelement access, as shown in Example 3-18 Building and Testing with Gradle

    934、单词 uml 的匹配文本:

    1. Many programmers use the UML (Unified Modeling Language) notation to draw class diagrams that describe the relationships between classes. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Figure 17.3 Simplified UML view of database tables used to support the data flow at Shop It To Me. Mahout in Action

    3. I began using Enterprise Architect from Sparxsystems on this book, and it has rapidly become my UML tool of choice. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    4. Yes libvirt Generally considered a lower performance virtualization option, UML runs each guest as a regular process in user space. Deploying OpenStack

    5. Figure 8.2 illustrates the UML diagram of the observer pattern. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    6. There are even tools, such as UmlGraph, that let you produce Javadoc with embedded UML diagrams to give you a better picture of how the classes fit together in the application. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    7. If you do a thorough program design and Unified Modeling Language (UML) model of. Java Threads 3rd Edition

    8. We’ve used the black-diamond composition marker in UML to show how data fits into the aggregation structure. NoSQL Distilled

    9. The UML diagram keys on pages 3-4 of the present book are excerpted by permission. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. We say in this case that Employee has a one-to-one relationship with Address, represented in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) model by the 0..1 notation. Pro JPA2

    935、单词 jira 的匹配文本:

    1. In Hadoop JIRA (the issue-tracking system), item 4686 is a tracking ticket to separate HDFS into its own Hadoop project. Pro Hadoop

    2. For publishing with a different groupId, you’ll need to create another JIRA ticket. Gradle in Action

    3. If your organization is using Atlassian products such as JIRA and Confluence, you may also be using Crowd. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    4. It is used in reallife search applications by a wide variety of companies, including Apple, IBM, Attlassian (Jira), Wolfram, and others. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. Hadoop has a contrib project (contributed in JIRA ticket HADOOP-3754) that contains a Thrift server and bindings for various client languages including Python, Ruby, and Perl. Hadoop in Practice

    6. For an interesting flash back in time, see HBASE-287 on the Apache JIRA, the issue tracking system. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. Recovering from a checkpoint image is explained in http://issues.apache.org/jira/ browse/HADOOP-2585 Hadoop in Action

    8. For more information on this work, see the JIRA HDFS-3077 Hadoop Operations

    9. This is something that should happen automatically and will probably be corrected in the near term based on a JIRA issue that was created to point this out. ActiveMQ in Action

    10. Also, more than in any other chapter in this book, we’ll occasionally refer you to Hive JIRA entries for more information. Programming Hive

    936、单词 zmq 的匹配文本:

    1. Note that when you use a SUB socket you must set a subscription using zmq_setsock opt() and SUBSCRIBE, as in this code. ZeroMQ

    937、单词 tenzing 的匹配文本:

    1. Tenzing supports a mostly complete SQL implementation (with several extensions) combined with several key characteristics such as heterogeneity, high performance, scalability, reliability, metadata awareness, low latency, support for columnar storage and structured data, and easy extensibility. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

    938、单词 conditionally 的匹配文本:

    1. The control transfer instructions conditionally or unconditionally cause the Java Virtual Machine to continue execution with an instruction other than the one following the control transfer instruction. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    2. The last interesting feature allows us to conditionally remove the whole document. Mastering ElasticSearch

    3. The columns loc and fatalities are conditionally checked for empty strings; and if found to be empty, are set to a default value. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    4. A compare and exchange instruction is also commonly available, for atomically and conditionally loading and/or storing data in memory. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. The unconditionally and conditionally thread-safe categories in the above taxonomy are both covered under the ThreadSafe annotation. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    6. It is an if statement, which executes another statement conditionally. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    7. The simplest way to handle all this is to have a flag on which objects are conditionally passed to the monitor from the Object constructor and to have this flag in a simple class with no superclasses so that classloading does not impose extra calls to superclasses. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. Thus, given the present, the future is conditionally independent of the past. Java Performance

    9. It must conditionally swap in a new state representation only if the existing state representation is the one expected by the caller. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. The contents of the closure printlns the result, but could also perform manipulation or testing of the nodes, searching for a given pattern and conditionally acting on its inclusion. Building and Testing with Gradle

    939、单词 typesafe 的匹配文本:

    1. His current work at Typesafe Inc., has him doing everything from building MSIs to profiling performance issues. Scala in Depth

    2. Understanding this concept is important for building generic, typesafe, reusable components in Scala. Scala in Action

    3. That way you can use Long, String, or any other Serializable type in a typesafe way. Spring in Practice

    4. Now we’ve successfully added both new implementations of Shape and new operations over it, and we’ve done so in a typesafe manner! Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

    5. This commonly happens when you are implementing singletons and typesafe enumerations. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    6. If you eliminate all warnings, you are assured that your code is typesafe, which is a very good thing. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    7. The java.util collections classes have been converted to be generic types, providing support for typesafe collections. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    8. This is a clear and typesafe interface but is by definition Java specific. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    9. We will look at some recent developments around typesafe querying using Querydsl. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

    940、单词 auc 的匹配文本:

    1. Audio page 285 Ted and Ellen discuss the AUC evaluation method. Mahout in Action

    941、单词 april 的匹配文本:

    1. After its first release in April 2008, a vibrant community quickly started to form around it. Gradle in Action

    2. As shown here, all the data for April 13 will be in the first directory shown. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. About Packt Publishing Packt, pronounced 'packed', published its first book "Mastering phpMyAdmin for Effective MySQL Management" in April 2004 and subsequently continued to specialize in publishing highly focused books on specific technologies and solutions. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    4. Class signing bug A bug in the getSigners( ) method of the Class class was discovered in April 1997 Java Security 2nd Edition

    5. CouchDB: The Story So Far In April 2005, Damien Katz posted on his blog about a new database engine he was working on. Beginning CouchDB

    6. As Cassandra matured and began attracting more mainstream users, it became clear that there was a need for commercial support; thus, Matt Pfeil and I cofounded Riptano in April 2010 Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    7. This branch has been one of the longest-lived branches in Hadoop’s history since being at Apache, with the first release appearing in April 2009 Hadoop Operations

    8. It also says it was last modified on April 20 and has an ETag, so if the local cache already has a copy more recent than that, there’s no need to load the whole document now: Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. Bigtable clusters have been in production use since April 2005, and we spent roughly seven person-years on design and implementation before that date. Bigtable - A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data

    10. We have built and deployed Percolator and it has been used to produce Google’s websearch index since April, 2010 Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

    942、单词 heuristics 的匹配文本:

    1. Users could rely on few heuristics when estimating how many nodes their jobs required, and would often ask for whatever multiple of 10 matched their intuition. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    2. In general there are no precise criteria for deciding whether a given task should be further divided or not, but there are various heuristics that you can follow to help you with this decision. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. Instead, it uses heuristics to determine the optimal number of files per directory, and creates subdirectories appropriately. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    4. Concurrent Mark Sweep uses heuristics to decide when to start a concurrent collection. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    5. Even with those in place, the JRE is limited to the implementation of such heuristics and can handle some use cases better than others. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    6. Most of the time, heuristics are used for choosing where on the heap to compact, and how much. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. Finally, we can use heuristics   to remove cocitation pairs that we don’t think are important. Hadoop in Action

    8. If the order of tables specified in the query is not optimal, the compiler can also use a combination of rule and cost based heuristics to switch the order of joins so that the larger table becomes the driving table. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

    9. They have proven that the problem of finding an optimal reordering is NP-hard, present heuristics, and test them on real-world data. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    10. It sounds tedious to put such annotations everywhere, but in practice, some of the drudgery can be avoided by simple heuristics. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    943、单词 callees 的匹配文本:

    1. So you do not need to worry about the distinction between foo( )'s execution time and the time spent executing foo( )'s callees. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    2. Of the tabs in the left panel, the ones expected to be the most useful and get the most use while analyzing Java method profile experiments are Functions, Call Tree, Callers-Callees, Source, and Disassembly. Java Performance

    944、单词 infix 的匹配文本:

    1. A method of one argument can be treated as an infix operator. Scala in Depth

    2. To keep it short, we intentionally omitted discussions of many other Sphinx features, such as HTML indexing support, ranged queries for better MyISAM support, morphology and synonym support, prefix and infix indexing, and CJK indexing. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. Scala also allows the infix operation pattern, in which you can specify an infix operator in your pattern. Scala in Action

    4. But methods that take one argument can be written in an infix form. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    5. For just this reason, whenever you are chaining an infix operation such as +, it is a common Scala style to put the operators at the end of the line instead of the beginning: Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    6. Scala infers a semicolon if your statement does not end with an infix. Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

    7. There is, however, a trick to add infix syntax to  type using. Functional Programming in Scala

    8. Second, we’re using a bit of syntactic sugar that Scala provides that allows us to treat any method with a single argument as an infix operator. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

    9. When used in case expressions, the compiler supports this special infix operator notation for invocations of unapply. Programming Scala

    10. The 3n operator is used in infix notation, meaning it’s written in-between the two subqueries. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    945、单词 sgd 的匹配文本:

    1. Mahout classification algorithms include naive Bayes, complementary naive Bayes, stochastic gradient descent (SGD), and random forests. Mahout in Action

    946、单词 namenodes 的匹配文本:

    1. Namenodes and Datanodes An HDFS cluster has two types of nodes operating in a master-worker pattern: a namenode (the master) and a number of datanodes (workers) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    2. Store the edit logs at a common place and share to both the Namenodes. Namenode High Availability

    3. Namenode high availability (or HA) is deployed as an active/passive pair of namenodes. Hadoop Operations

    947、单词 archiving 的匹配文本:

    1. Additionally, it provides a wide range of predefined tasks for file system and archiving operations. Gradle in Action

    2. Thus, hinting to you it is time to perform some action, such as archiving and then deleting. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. Archiving files To create an archive file, we can use the Zip, Tar, Jar, War, and Ear tasks. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    4. Actual build activity like copying, compiling, and archiving takes place during the execution phase. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    5. Microsoft Research’s MyLifeBits project gives a glimpse of the archiving of personal information that may become commonplace in the near future. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. Logs that are archived by their region server (archiving is basically moving a log from the region server’s logs directory to a central logs archive directory) will update their paths in the in-memory queue of the replicating thread. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. As such, a vast majority would not be read from the database but must be available at all times and with low latency, so archiving would be difficult. Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook

    8. To suppress archiving of a property, mark it as transient in the property descriptor. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    9. By archiving the partition it is stored as a single, large file, but it can still be accessed by hive. Programming Hive

    10. Besides the DefaultTask, there are task types for copying, archiving, executing programs, and many more. Building and Testing with Gradle

    948、单词 accessors 的匹配文本:

    1. However, in the Java programming language, no special syntax distinguishes accessors from mutators. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. We stipulate the existence of 22 Prolog predicates ("accessors") that have certain expected behavior but whose formal definitions are not given in this specification. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    3. Spanner might move a directory to shed load from a Paxos group; to put directories that are frequently accessed together into the same group; or to move a directory into a group that is closer to its accessors. Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

    4. We made the WorkItem class a case class because of the syntactic conveniences this entails: you can use the factory method, WorkItem, to create instances of the class, and you get accessors for the constructor parameters time and action for free. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. When it is fully executed, its results are guaranteed to be visible to all potential accessors. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    6. There are accessors for various types, such as getString and getDouble. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    7. To test its argument for equality, the equals method must first cast its argument to an appropriate type so its accessors may be invoked or its fields accessed. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    8. ThreadLocals have accessors that return an object local to the current thread. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    9. For example when two related attributes are obtained by calling two different locked accessors, the values obtained might not obey intended relationships if a state transition occurs between calls. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. Why not just work with the fields directly and make them public then? It is not good programming practice to work directly with fields of other classes because by using accessors and mutators, access can be granted in a controlled fashion. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    949、单词 mapreduce 的匹配文本:

    1. If you will also enable secure MapReduce, we recommend you use different users for HDFS and MapReduce, for example the hdfs and mapreduce users respectively. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. In addition, the user writes code to fill in a mapreduce specification object with the names of the input and output files, and optional tuning parameters. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

    3. The MapReduce community has made sure that applications written against 1.x can run on top of YARN in a fully binary compatible manner (mapred APIs) or just by recompiling (source compatibility for mapreduce APIs) Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    4. In general, we try to use the newer mapreduce API for all of our examples, not the deprecated mapred API. MapReduce Design Patterns

    5. In the case of very small, fast-running map tasks (where the order of execution time is in seconds), Hadoop allows you to enable several tasks to reuse JVMs by specifying the job configuration mapreduce.job .jvm.numtasks. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. If we wanted to test the classifier using MapReduce, we just need to change the -method parameter to mapreduce. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    7. Moreover, an aggregator’s performance is crucial for the performance of the system, and since it needs to interact with the Mapreduce framework, it is best expressed in C++, the language of the Sawzall runtime and Mapreduce. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

    8. The rmr mapreduce function is a trigger to launch a MapReduce job. Hadoop in Practice

    9. A list of Streaming configuration parameters can be found on the Hadoop website at http://hadoop.apache.org/mapreduce/docs/current/streaming.html#Configurable+pa rameters. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    10. Hadoop mode is sometimes called Mapreduce mode in the Pig documentation.) At the end of the previous section we’ve entered the Grunt shell running in Hadoop mode. Hadoop in Action

    950、单词 xyz 的匹配文本:

    1. This latter attitude, I think, is the biggest contributor to programmers smiling and nodding when XYZ method is adopted, and then quietly doing whatever they’ve always done. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. It’s difficult to analyze the slow query log when it just shows CALL XYZ('A'), because you have to go and find that procedure and look at the statements inside it. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. A file permission object has a list of actions that could include read, write, and delete; an XYZ payroll permission object could have a list of actions that includes view and update. Java Security 2nd Edition

    4. Replace the Hadoop JAR found in the HBase lib directory with the hadoop-xyz.jar you are running on your cluster to avoid version mismatch issues. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    5. Why Not Use an XYZ HA Package? Users familiar with packages such as the Linux-HA project sometimes ask why they can't simply write some scripts and manage the HDFS namenode HA issue that way. Hadoop Operations

    6. Prioritizing subsections (e.g., the compression component must be completed but can use an alternative compression algorithm, the graphics types XYZ must be supported but the graphics types ABC may be dropped until later, etc.) Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    7. The query abc xyz will be interpreted as either abc OR xyz or abc AND xyz, based on the implicit operator setting. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    8. For example, if methods log actions in a log file and the log file supports a "please disregard log entry XYZ" option, then this can be invoked in case of failure. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    951、单词 yui 的匹配文本:

    1. Included JavaScript library frameworks Jenkins uses the YUI library (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/) Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    2. For JavaScript, the domain-independent code is the client-side framework such as YUI, or Node.js on the server side. Testable JavaScript

    3. Several CSS/JavaScript minifiers are available on the market, including YUICompressor (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/), a Java-based compressor from Yahoo. Java Performance

    952、单词 unboxing 的匹配文本:

    1. Finally, let us emphasize that boxing and unboxing is a courtesy of the compiler, not the virtual machine. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. One is to avoid the boxing and unboxing of integers. Mahout in Action

    3. The opposite approach (that is, converting a reference type into a corresponding primitive type) is called unboxing. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. Previously, the Scala compiler somewhat “magically” wrapped and unwrapped arrays to and from Seq objects, when required, in a process called boxing and unboxing. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. Generics, annotations, autoboxing and unboxing, enum types, foreach loops, variable arity methods, and static imports are all new to the language as of Autumn 2004 The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    6. However, if a particular use of the type or method uses one of the AnyVal types, say Int, then we get inefficient boxing and unboxing operations in the implementation. Programming Scala

    7. If your primitive does require boxing, the Scala compiler does all the boxing and unboxing for you, and it even does null testing when it unboxes—nice and. Beginning Scala

    8. It is called autoboxing, and it allows the programmer to mix primitive and boxed primitive types, boxing and unboxing automatically as needed. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    9. Java 5.0 introduces two new types of conversions known as boxing and unboxing conversions. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    10. Similarly, unboxing automatically occurs when you try to convert in the opposite direction, from a wrapper class to a primitive. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    953、单词 varchar 的匹配文本:

    1. You could also use a String element to describe the actual SQL type, e.g., "VARCHAR(30)" or "INTEGER" Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. Dynamic rows vary in length because they contain variable-length fields such as VARCHAR or BLOB. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. Hive’s STRING type is like VARCHAR in other databases, although there is no declaration of the maximum number of characters to store with STRING. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    4. The name is mapped to the NAME column with a default VARCHAR(255) Java EE 7 Essentials

    5. How can you know that VARCHAR(30) supports the longest list you will. SQL Antipatterns

    6. For example, almost every database has a date type, and you should store your dates in that date type and not in the more generic varchar data type. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    7. Broker Name VARCHAR(250) The name of the ActiveMQ broker that has the lock. ActiveMQ in Action

    8. The initial Impala release supports a set of core column data types: STRING instead of VARCHAR or VARCHAR2; INT and FLOAT instead of NUMBER; and no BLOB type. Cloudera Impala

    9. Most databases have an upper boundary when it comes to the storage size of VARCHAR fields. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. Finally, the Rankings table contains three attributes: pageURL (VARCHAR(100)), pageRank (INT), and avgDuration(INT) HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    954、单词 realtime 的匹配文本:

    1. We logically divided our infrastructure into several different groups such as webservers, internal systems, map-reduce cluster, and realtime bidding. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. Many queries are response-time critical in order to satisfy the requirements of both realtime Website requests and heavy workloads of decision supporting queries submitted by highly-concurrent users. RCFile A Fast and Space-efficient Data Placement Structure in MapReduce-based Warehouse Systems

    3. It also makes realtime data access feasible by significantly reducing the amount of served data through intermediate preprocessing. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    4. Yes, you do lose data locality and will be transferring data over the network for every job, but that’s the only way to reliably guarantee SLAs for the realtime workloads. HBase in Action

    5. However, many efforts have been put to improve its read/write response time in order to support applications like Scribe that provide real-time data streaming to HDFS, or HBase that provides random, realtime access to large tables. The Hadoop Distributed File System

    6. The actual Bigtable has been in production at Google since at least 2005, and it has been in use for a variety of different use cases, from batch-oriented processing to realtime data-serving. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. In a realtime web application, an additional 100ms may be too much latency to. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    8. The first set of applications requires realtime concurrent, but sequential, read access to a very large stream of realtime data being stored in HDFS. Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook

    9. Often you use messaging to broadcast data from an external resource, be that changes to records in a database, or comma-separated values appended to a file, or a raw realtime data feed. ActiveMQ in Action

    10. Aside from deadlock, looking at thread dumps gives you an idea about what your program is doing in realtime. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    955、单词 qemu 的匹配文本:

    1. The libvirt project has created a common set of tools for managing virtualization resources on different virtualization platforms, currently including: Xen, QEMU, KVM, LXC, OpenVZ, User Mode Linux, VirtualBox, and VMware ESX and GSX. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. The nova-compute process is primarily a worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances via hypervisor's APIs (XenAPI for XenServer/XCP, libvirt for KVM or QEMU, VMwareAPI for VMware, etc.) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    3. Sheepdog An open-source, distributed storage system specifically designed for QEMU/KVM installations that is developed by NTT Laboratories. Deploying OpenStack

    4. The optional cpu_period element specifies the enforcement interval (unit: microseconds) for QEMU and LXC hypervisors. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    5. The command creates a qemu snapshot and automatically uploads the image to your repository. admin-user-guide-trunk

    6. Make sure the version of qemu you are using is version 0.14 or greater. user-guide

    7. While the command should work with any hypervisor that is controlled through libvirt (e.g., KVM, QEMU, LXC), it has only been tested with KVM. OpenStack Operations Guide

    956、单词 conciseness 的匹配文本:

    1. For simplicity and conciseness, we focus here on the singlesource variant that fits Pregel’s target of large-scale graphs very well, but offers more interesting scaling data than the s-t shortest path problem. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. The Scala version of Account is a direct translation from the Java version with Scala and Akka conciseness. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    3. I prefer Groovy because you can benefit from its dynamic language features and conciseness. Gradle in Action

    4. Creating collections in Scala is simple, thanks to its emphasis on conciseness. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    5. For conciseness and simplicity in our examples, we often exhibit code fragments without class or method definitions, or explicit dereferencing. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    6. Creating a cut-down dataset is an art, as ideally it should be rich enough to cover all the cases to exercise your queries (the completeness property), yet small enough to make sense to the programmer (the conciseness property) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    7. A job’s conciseness makes it widely applicable to different data sets for different purposes. Hadoop in Action

    8. You might sacrifice some performance or conciseness, but in exchange you get better type safety and interoperability. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    9. But don’t let this fact, or the conciseness of the examples, tempt you into complacence: There is a lot going on under the covers of Lucene. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    10. Part of the conciseness of the code is due to the convenience of post-increment and post-decrement coding idioms.) Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    957、单词 rpcs 的匹配文本:

    1. For example, GFS client code may break a read into multiple RPCs to increase parallelism, from which we infer the original read. GFS - The Google File System

    2. In addition to pure serialization Avro also supports Avro RPCs, allowing you to define Avro Interactive Data Language (IDL), which is based on the Avro schema definitions. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. A larger buffer means fewer RPCs during writes but higher memory consumption. HBase in Action

    4. When a user request (the initiator in this case) arrives at the front end, it sends two RPCs to servers B and C. Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure

    5. In Hadoop, interprocess communication between nodes in the system is implemented using remote procedure calls (RPCs) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. You do not cause any RPCs to occur, though, because the Put instances you stored are kept in memory in your client process. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. When file data or meta-data is to be changed, the modification is blocked while the master sends invalidations for the data to every client that may have cached it; this mechanism sits on top of KeepAlive RPCs, discussed more fully in the next section. Chubby - The lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems

    8. Internally, the jobtracker maintains a worker thread pool to handle RPCs, much the same way that the namenode does. Hadoop Operations

    9. Using a scan reduces the number of RPCs executed by the benchmark since a single RPC fetches a large sequence of values from a tablet server. Bigtable - A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data

    10. The observers perform transactions by sending read/write RPCs to Bigtable tablet servers, which in turn send read/write RPCs to GFS chunkservers. Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

    958、单词 jrcmd 的匹配文本:

    1. These flags can also be read and, depending on the particular flag, written using the command-line utility JRCMD after the JVM has been started. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    959、单词 javase 的匹配文本:

    1. Tip The excellent tutorial at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/getStarted/cupojava goes into much greater detail about the “gotchas” that beginners can run into. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. If you look at the Runnable interface of Javadocs (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Runnable.html), you'll notice that this method will be executed when the thread execution will be to is started and this is exactly what we want. Mastering ElasticSearch

    3. More information about where you can use annotations in your code can be found here: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/html/jls-9.html#jls-9.7.4 Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. This registration mechanism uses a little-known part of the JAR specification; see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jar/jar.html#Service%20Provider. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    5. You can download the latest JDK for other operating systems from Sun at http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp. Hadoop in Action

    6. The interested reader will find more details about these enhancements at http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/vm/performanceenhancements-7.html. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    7. If you need a JDK, you can get one at http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    8. To install the JDK, follow the instructions for your OS at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/index -137561.html. Hadoop Operations

    9. If you don’t have the Sun J2SE installed and you’re using Linux, Solaris, or Windows, download and install it from the following URL: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/ index.html. ActiveMQ in Action

    10. For more information regarding the use of StringBuffer, please refer to the online documentation: http://download.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/StringBuffer.html. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    960、单词 expressiveness 的匹配文本:

    1. By the end of part 1, you’ll have a feel for Gradle’s expressiveness and flexibility. Gradle in Action

    2. Because the DSL is based on Groovy, we can write Groovy code to describe a build and use the power and expressiveness of the Groovy language. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    3. Here it’s clear that Scala’s pattern matching wins on ease of expressiveness over Java, and you can only look forward to a future Java allowing more expressive switch statements. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. Despite its apparent greater expressiveness, each MSCR operation is implemented using a single MapReduce. FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

    5. Hadoop lacked the expressiveness of popular query languages like SQL and as a result users ended up spending hours (if not days) to write programs for even simple analysis. Hive A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse Using Hadoop

    6. Although some problems, such as database joins, are poor fits to the model, most of the processing we do on large data sets fits well and the benefit in notation, convenience, and expressiveness has made Sawzall a popular language at Google. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

    7. If you use raw types, you lose all the safety and expressiveness benefits of generics. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    8. Generics add type-safety and expressiveness to Java programs by allowing types to be parameterized with other types. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    9. Triveni also includes computation and composition rules surrounding the interruption and suspension of activities upon reception of events, which adds to expressiveness especially in real-time design contexts. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. Also, XML’s strictly hierarchical structure limits the expressiveness of the format. Building and Testing with Gradle

    961、单词 mysqldump 的匹配文本:

    1. To gain more control over the conversion process, you might choose to first dump the table to a text file using the mysqldump utility. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. Backing up the MySQL sonar database Backup and restore on MySQL is done with the mysqldump and mysqlimport command-line tools respectively: Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials

    3. In the case of MySQL, the mysqldump and mysqlimport will be used for retrieving data from the database server or moving data back. Apache Sqoop Cookbook

    4. The script also enables you to SSH to your instances and run a mysqldump command into them. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    5. In the preceding example, if --direct was added as an argument, Sqoop would use mysqldump for fast exporting of the weblogs table. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    6. What if you want to bypass JDBC altogether and use the fast MySQL Sqoop connector for a high-throughput load into HDFS? This approach uses the mysqldump utility shipped with MySQL to perform the load. Hadoop in Practice

    7. For example, MySQL’s mysqldump application can read from a table with greater throughput than a JDBC channel. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. To export an entire table (or indeed an entire database), MySQL offers the mysqldump utility. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    962、单词 bool 的匹配文本:

    1. The value 0 is equivalent to the bool value false, and a non-zero value is equivalent to true. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. MySQL supports many aliases for compatibility, such as INTEGER, BOOL, and NUMERIC. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. So, we need to modify our query by adding the bool query on top. Mastering ElasticSearch

    4. For example, a BOOL column generally contains only two distinct values: true and false. Apache Sqoop Cookbook

    5. Next, it was time to add a private property to the xpub class definition in xpub.hpp: // If true, send all subscription messages upstream, not just // unique ones bool verbose; ZeroMQ

    6. This formulation is also legal, of course, and the code using this version of boolAssert would still look exactly as before: Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    7. Notice that it uses the basic data types str, bool, date, int, and float. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    8. The bool filter is used to combine multiple filter clauses using Boolean logic. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    9. How you access elements in an array depends on whether the array stores objects or a primitive type (bool, char, or a numeric type) Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    10. The storage engine class (a subclass of handler) can optionally define the bool auto_repair( ) method. Understanding MySQL Internals

    963、单词 sslsocket 的匹配文本:

    1. The SSLSocketFactory class overrides the getDefault( ) method to provide a factory that produces SSL sockets: Java Security 2nd Edition

    2. Create a client application, which uses a SSLSocket instance to communicate with the server. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    3. It defines the SSLSocket and SSLServerSocket subclasses of the java.net socket and server socket. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    4. SSLSocketFacto ry is an abstract class that follows the abstract factory design pattern. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    964、单词 prefetching 的匹配文本:

    1. This is a worthwhile improvement—CPUs hate branching because it interferes with their strategy of prefetching instructions while processing the current one. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. We intentionally set the two transactions on a collision course in this example by prefetching the balance and delaying the execution. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    3. If a user-defined classloader prefetches binary representations of classes and interfaces, or loads a group of related classes together, then it must reflect loading errors only at points in the program where they could have arisen without prefetching or group loading. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    4. These include predictive read-ahead for prefetching data from disk, an adaptive hash index that automatically builds hash indexes in memory for very fast lookups, and an insert buffer to speed inserts. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    5. A (dynamic) hierarchical partition preserves locality in each MDS’s workload, facilitating efficient updates and aggressive prefetching to improve performance for common workloads. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

    6. It is the responsibility of a class loader, however, to reflect loading errors only at points in the program where they could have arisen without prefetching or group loading. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    7. Inverting the condition of the jump instruction that caused the branch prediction miss and prefetching data ahead of the instruction that caused the cache miss would solve these issues. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    8. Prefetching, on the other hand, allows related entities to be fetched along with the parent entity. Java Performance

    9. However, accesses within an index data block do benefit from spatial locality, which hardware prefetching (or possibly larger cache lines) can exploit. Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

    10. Prefetching takes advantage of the fact that reading two or more values in the same row is essentially the same cost as reading one value. Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

    965、单词 resolvers 的匹配文本:

    1. We can use all Ivy resolvers to define upload repositories. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    2. The resolvers key tells SBT of the locations to find the dependencies. Scala in Action

    3. These descriptions cover only a few commonly used handlers and resolvers. Pro Spring 3

    4. When multiple resolvers are detected, the dispatcher servlet will consult each of them until a viewname is returned or the response is written. Pro Spring MVC

    5. You can define interceptor chains and exception handling for your controllers, and you can choose from different strategies for resolving locales, UI themes, multipart resolvers, and more. Spring in Practice

    6. This file can contain many configuration options, but we’ll focus on resolvers. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    7. Note that the function resolvers are invoked only for functions defined in an external namespace, so they cannot be used to override the meaning of XPath’s built-in functions or to add new core functions to the XPath language. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    8. As in the case of XML Entity resolvers, using an XML Catalog is the best way to achieve this. Java Performance

    9. Instead of moving a ball through various ramps, teeter-totters, and wheels, Spring moves requests between a dispatcher servlet, handler mappings, controllers, and view resolvers. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    966、单词 updatable 的匹配文本:

    1. Updatable Views An updatable view lets you update the underlying base tables via the view. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. In this implementation you’ll wrap the existing DBCollection and provide three kinds of interfaces: a read-only collection, an administrable collection, and an updatable collection. Scala in Action

    3. The only updatable storage mechanism provided by Hadoop is HBase. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    4. By that definition, the following function is pure, even though it uses a while loop, an updatable , and a mutable array:var. Functional Programming in Scala

    5. In an updatable result set, you can programmatically update entries so that the database is automatically updated. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    6. It is sometimes helpful to define different classes, supporting different usages, for the immutable versus updatable versions of some concept. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    7. Make your ResultSet object updatable and then update the rows as needed while iterating through the results. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    8. Primary keys are assumed to be insertable, but not nullable or updatable. Pro JPA2

    967、单词 monoid 的匹配文本:

    1. Whenever you are working with a list or concatenating strings or accumulating the result of a loop, you are almost certainly using a monoid. Functional Programming in Scala

    2. We treat the concept of monoid again in Section 8.10.2 when dealing with the path abstraction. Steps in Scala An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming

    968、单词 mongodump 的匹配文本:

    1. For example, mongodump (a backup utility covered in Chapter 22) uses snapshotted queries by default. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    2. The MongoDB backup utility is called mongodump; this utility is supplied as part of the standard distribution. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    3. For instance, you might be tempted to use mongodump and mongorestore, but these utilities preserve collections and index declarations only. MongoDB in Action

    969、单词 html5 的匹配文本:

    1. Make sure that the web browser on your local machine supports HTML5 bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    2. Making noise with HTML5 browsers This recipe describes how to send a custom sound to a Jenkins user's browser when an event, such as a successful build, occurs. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. Other protocols, such as Comet and HTML5 WebSocket, also attracted a lot of developers. Pro Spring 3

    4. HTML5 brings postMes sage as a workaround, but by using a socket.io-based event architecture this can all be easily bypassed. Testable JavaScript

    5. The WebSocket protocol, developed as part of the collection of technologies that make up HTML5, brings a new level of ease of development and network efficiency to modern, interactive web applications. Java EE 7 Essentials

    6. This chapter explains how to test video and canvas elements and web storage API of HTML5 Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

    7. This layout defines a very comprehensive page structure, including features such as HTML5 compatibility C, JavaScript and CSS support, the Dojo widget library, D CSS, and preinstalled tag libraries B. Spring Roo in Action

    8. HTML5 is the new standard markup language for rendering content in web browsers. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    9. Here’s the main trunk for a very simple HTML5 page: Redis Cookbook

    10. In later chapters we will discuss different mechanisms that we can use within our tests that might be useful against HTML5 elements on the page. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

    970、单词 ecpm 的匹配文本:

    1. Making values consistent To greatly simplify our calculations as to the value of showing a given ad, we’ll convert all of our types of ads to have values relative to 1,000 views, generating what’s known as an estimated CPM, or eCPM. Redis in Action

    971、单词 edrn 的匹配文本:

    1. Chapter 14 presents how Tika is used at the National Cancer Institute, helping to power data systems for the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) Tika in Action

    972、单词 invalidation 的匹配文本:

    1. This coarse invalidation policy might seem inefficient, because the changes made to the tables might not affect the results stored in the cache, but it’s a simple approach with low overhead, which is important on a busy system. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. In the previous example, the invalidation of a product in cache happens in reaction to the updating of product details, it executes quickly (or it should), and it is not part of the main function of the application. Pro Spring 3

    3. The maximum size of this cache I tend to set is the number of unique queries and their sorts that Solr handles in the time between Searchers object invalidation. Solr 3.1 Cookbook

    4. As with any cache mechanism, invalidation issues are a problem, especially on multiprocessor systems where we often get the situation that two processors want to access the same memory at the same time. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. On receipt of an invalidation, a client flushes the invalidated state and acknowledges by making its next KeepAlive call. Chubby - The lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems

    6. In fact, if ZooKeeper had to manage cache invalidations, it could cause ZooKeeper operations to stall while waiting for a client to acknowledge a cache invalidation request, because write operations would need a confirmation that all cached values had been invalidated. ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination

    7. In the absence of explicit invalidation of compiled code it is normally never freed. Java Performance

    8. When a layout occurs (invalidation), the layoutContainer() will be called to reposition components. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    9. The maximum size of this cache that I tend to set is the number of unique queries and their sorts that are handled by my Solr in the time between the Searcher object's invalidation. Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

    973、单词 amq 的匹配文本:

    1. You can see that several exchanges are declared already, such as amq.topic, amq.direct and amq.fanout. RabbitMQ in Action

    2. Note that the previous configuration file uses the ActiveMQ namespace (amq) B, which simplifies the configuration syntax for defining the JMS components. Spring Roo in Action

    3. Although not presented here, we also tested an alternative AMQ message store and found its performance very similar to that of KahaDB. Kafka a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing

    4. We’ll start with the AMQ message store, which like the KahaDB message store is a file-based implementation. ActiveMQ in Action

    5. First, be sure to declare the amq namespace in the Spring configuration XML file: Spring in Action 4th Edition

    974、单词 encoders 的匹配文本:

    1. In this code, there are three different encoders for three different kinds of data. Mahout in Action

    2. Various types of abstract classes are provided for encoders and decoders, depending on the task at hand. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    3. Default password encoders that can be configured using the hash attribute on  Pro Spring Security

    4. The Priorities class defines built-in priorities for security, decoders/encoders, and more. Java EE 7 Essentials

    5. As of this writing, the only encoders capable of encoding video to VP6 legally are the commercial converters from Adobe and Wildform (http://www.wildform.com) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    975、单词 deletions 的匹配文本:

    1. But if you are sure that this case can never happen, or a supplementary condition prevents undesirable deletions, then follow symbolic links. Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    2. This is quicker, but may output stale information as it won’t include any of the recent document updates, deletions, and inserts since the view was last updated. Getting Started with CouchDB

    3. A B-tree is a sorted data structure that allows for searches, insertions, and deletions in logarithmic time. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. To replicate deletions in addition to creations, every deleted record or file in the system is marked by a tombstone. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    5. As a result, insertions and deletions cause minimal changes to the set of chunks and hence the inputs to MapReduce tasks remain stable, i.e., similar to those of the previous run. Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

    6. However, if insertions and deletions occur throughout the list, and in particular, at the front of the list, then the array is not a good option. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    7. Time-to-live HBase supports predicate deletions on the number of versions kept for each value, but also on specific times. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    8. This map uses a byte array key to point to the deletions you want to make, so you can use different keys with the same or different mutation objects to perform the batch delete. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. The LinkedList generates one node object for every insertion, irrespective of any deletions that might take place. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    10. The unit test also demonstrates the use of the hasDeletions() method to check if an index contains any Documents marked for deletion. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    976、单词 pathname 的匹配文本:

    1. Tests this abstract pathname for equality with the given object. Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    2. Note that this does not indicate that the metrics have been dropped, but rather that the rrdcached file still has not written them to their final location.) Individual metrics can be flushed to disk by using the rrdcached socket and issuing a FLUSH command followed by the full pathname to the target RRD file. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. The GET request takes two parameters: the pathname of the resource and the version of HTTP being used. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    4. Typically, a class or interface will be represented using a file in a hierarchical file system, and the name of the class or interface will be encoded in the pathname of the file. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    5. Class loader implementation bug In March 1996, a bug was found that allowed an applet to load a class referenced by an absolute pathname. Java Security 2nd Edition

    6. Under this simple organization of packages, an implementation of the Java SE platform would transform a package name into a pathname by concatenating the components of the package name, placing a file name separator (directory indicator) between adjacent components. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    7. The program needs a way of detecting whether its update was applied by encoding information in the znode’s pathname or its data. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. A backup tool doesn’t know how to include files referenced by pathname. SQL Antipatterns

    9. The jar: URL syntax uses the ! character to separate the pathname of the JAR archive from the filename within the JAR archive. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    10. These are derived from the pathname syntax on the Unix operating systems where the Web and URLs were invented. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    977、单词 marshaller 的匹配文本:

    1. The batchMarshaller is declared for Castor to perform marshaling and unmarshalling between POJO and XML. Pro Spring 3

    2. You’re using the oxm namespace to define a JAXB2 marshaller, which happens to be an unmarshaller too. Spring in Practice

    3. Spring OXM provides generic components called marshaller and unmarshaller to convert, respectively, objects to XML, and vice versa, as shown in figure 5.7 Spring Batch in Action

    4. This decoupling is achieved by encapsulating the mapping process behind implementations of the Marshaller interface, which maps from an Object to the XML Result, and the Unmarshaller interface, which maps from a Source to the Object representation. Spring Integration in Action

    5. The serializer classes, XMLStreamWriter (StAX), Transformer (DOM), and Marshaller (JAXB), are created through the use of factory as in the case of parsers or JAXBContext objects in the case of JAXB. Java Performance

    6. Assuming you have created Java binding files for your XML schema as described in recipe 22-4, use a JAXBContext instance to create a Marshaller object. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    978、单词 integrations 的匹配文本:

    1. The book covers numerous practical implementations and also covers different types of integrations. Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

    2. Continuous integration is the process of verifying these integrations by building the project in well-defined intervals (for example, every five minutes) or each time a commit is pushed to the VCS. Gradle in Action

    3. Expect more kinds of cloud, such as integrations, around Jenkins. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. Installing the RBTools package gives you the post-review command-line script that should be used to create review requests; Review Board also has an HTTP JSON API that you can leverage for more complex integrations. Testable JavaScript

    5. In a hurry? This chapter covers a wide variety of integrations with Solr. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    6. It is aimed at getting you started with a feel for programming with Kafka so that you will have a solid foundation to dive deep into its different types of implementations and integrations. Apache Kafka

    7. Elasticsearch provides official clients for several languages, and there are numerous community-provided clients and integrations, all of which can be found in the Guide. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    8. Develop your own service-based applications, from simple deployments through to complex legacy integrations. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    9. Before proceeding with the actual integrations, it’s a good idea to take a high-level look at the sample web application. ActiveMQ in Action

    10. Many also offer integrations with deluxe and highly specialized distributed caching products. Pro JPA2

    979、单词 customizable 的匹配文本:

    1. The filter uses the same JavaScript as the other systems in CouchDB and is therefore immensely customizable to your needs. Getting Started with CouchDB

    2. Nagios: A Monitoring and Alert Generation Framework Nagios  (http://www.nagios.org) provides a flexible customizable framework for collecting data about the state of a complex system and triggering various levels of alerts based on the collected data. Pro Hadoop

    3. Established build tools continuously fall short in meeting these goals in a simple but customizable fashion. Gradle in Action

    4. We used a println method in our Gradle build scripts to see some output, but we can also use Gradle's logging mechanisms to have a more customizable way to define logging messages. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    5. This phase is not customizable and the framework handles everything automatically. MapReduce Design Patterns

    6. With PigLatin, developers can specify how the data is loaded and where to checkpoint data in the pipeline, and it is highly customizable. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    7. By itself, Gradle is a deeply customizable toolkit for creating custom build software. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    8. It’s highly customizable and supports a plugin architecture where you can add custom data sources and data sinks. Hadoop in Practice

    9. Virtually all parts of the processing path are customizable: loading, storing, filtering, grouping, and joining can all be altered by userdefined functions (UDFs) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    10. For this reason, ActiveMQ provides a flexible and customizable security model that. ActiveMQ in Action

    980、单词 endian 的匹配文本:

    1. Multibyte data items are always stored in big-endian order, where the high bytes come first. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    2. Big endian" places the most significant byte in the lowest memory address, and "little endian" places the most significant byte in the highest memory address. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. The APNS specification dictates that certain payload values should be sent in big endian ordering (token length for example) Netty in Action MEAP V08

    4. Most drivers support both littleand big- endian systems, so you can run clients on either. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. As we already mentioned, Java uses big-endian ordering for binary data. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    6. Assumes big-endian when decoding if there is no byte order mark. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    7. You can think of this group of bytes as a number, but in general the number of bytes in an address or the ordering of those bytes (big endian or little endian) is not guaranteed to. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    8. It’s good to know that the counter and timestamp fields are stored in Big Endian. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    9. This usually isn’t difficult to comply with, but users running SPARC, PowerPC, PA-RISC, and other big-endian architectures will have to hold off.1 Most of the drivers support both little- and bigendian byte orderings, so clients of MongoDB can usually run on either architecture. MongoDB in Action

    10. On a little-endian architecture, the macro is a mere pointer dereference. Understanding MySQL Internals

    981、单词 federated 的匹配文本:

    1. It consisted of a federation of worker daemons (agents) configured from a centralized master (or masters) via Zookeeper (a federated configuration and coordination system) Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. It also provides a simple query mechanism for collecting specific information about groups of machines and supports hierarchical delegation, making possible the creation of federated monitoring domains. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. The ISAM engine was removed completely, but new storage engines such as Federated were introduced. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    4. On a non-federated HDFS cluster, all the DataNodes register with and send heartbeats to the single NameNode. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    5. FARSITE: Federated, available, and reliable storage for an incompletely trusted environment. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

    6. Farsite: Federated, available, and reliable storage for an incompletely trusted environment. Cassandra A Decentralized Structured Storage System

    7. To access a federated HDFS cluster, clients use client-side mount tables to map file paths to namenodes. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. Containers provide a federated view of the underlying Java EE APIs to the application components. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. An example of a federated namespace is the Linux filesystem: many devices can be mounted at various points to form a single namespace that clients can address without concern for which underlying device actually contains the data. Hadoop Operations

    10. Broker clustering—Many ActiveMQ brokers can work together as a federated network of brokers for scalability purposes. ActiveMQ in Action

    982、单词 openssl 的匹配文本:

    1. We’ll use the OpenSSL library, which has support for most *nix-style operating systems as well as Windows. RabbitMQ in Action

    2. When you run nova-api the first time, it generates the certificate authority information, including openssl.cnf. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    3. It is pretty straightforward to do, and we will use the openssl tool to do it: Pro Spring Security

    4. Several recipes in this chapter will use password-less access to the OpenSSL tools such as ssh, scp, and rsync. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    5. It is assumed that you have OpenSSL installed, as well as the following development tools: Beginning CouchDB

    6. We will use the OpenSSL software package as an example. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    7. Create a new OpenSSL key pair with the following commands: $ ssh-keygen. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    8. It is also responsible for encrypting the data using the OpenSSL library calls if the connection options are set appropriately. Understanding MySQL Internals

    983、单词 xsd 的匹配文本:

    1. Prior to Spring 3.1, the id attribute is the same as the XML identity (i.e., xsd:ID), which posts a restriction in the characters that you can use. Pro Spring 3

    2. An interesting approach to solving this problem is leveraging existing XML schema (XSD) design tooling, and then programmatically converting those XSDs into Avro schemas. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. An XML custom namespace is simply an XML-based Domain Specific Language (DSL), guided by the rules of an XML schema (xsd) file, that allow developers to create Spring beans using concepts and a syntax more in synch with the programming concerns they are trying to model. Pro Spring Security

    4. We first configure the XML definition of the entities used with Spring WS’s SimpleXsdSchema class B. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    5. This declaration states that the schema file config.xsd should be used to validate the document. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    6. Third, the URI is used as an identifier to point to the actual location of the XML schema document (XSD) via the schemaLocation attribute. ActiveMQ in Action

    7. Note that a marked distinction in performance exists between the use of schema types xsd:int and xsd:integer. Java Performance

    8. To create the Java classes for the patients.xsd file from section 22-3, you could issue the following command from within a console: Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    9. Whereas JavaConfig’s @Configuration annotation was all you needed to get started, the XML elements for configuring Spring are defined in several XML schema (XSD) files that must be declared in the preamble of the XML configuration file. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    10. Though often cited, it is debatable as to whether Maven actually has a strong model or merely a strong authoring language in the form of an XSD-compliant XML file. Building and Testing with Gradle

    984、单词 imap 的匹配文本:

    1. While many browsers and e-mail clients support only POP3, some also support the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. This kind of protocols are often text based and famous examples are SMTP/POP3/IMAP. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    3. It supports several formats like HTTP, RTMP, IMAP, and many more. RabbitMQ in Action

    4. Sourcing tickets from an IMAP store your primary ticket source prior to introducing the form. Spring in Practice

    5. The DataImportHandler contrib module is a flexible data importing framework with out-of-the-box supports for importing arbitrary XML formats and e-mail, via the IMAP protocol. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    6. Sending email either event-driven (IMAP push) or polling (POP, IMAP pull) Spring Integration in Action

    7. There is an entire alphabet soup of application layer protocols: in addition to HTTP for the Web, there are SMTP, POP, and IMAP for email; FTP, FSP, and TFTP for file transfer; NFS for file access; Gnutella and BitTorrent for file sharing; the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Skype for voice communication; and many, many more. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    8. Furthermore, while Tika focuses only on text extraction, Aperture also provides crawling support, meaning it can connect to file systems, Web servers, IMAP mail servers, Outlook and iCal file and crawl for all documents within these systems. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    9. You can also use the Email API to check an IMAP or POP3 mailbox. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    985、单词 iscsi 的匹配文本:

    1. A SAN is usually connected to the server via the Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) or iSCSI, while a NAS device is connected via a standard network connection. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. The compute node attaches to the requested cinder-volume using iSCSI and maps this to the third disk (vdc) as requested. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    3. It can use volumes from a variety of providers such as iSCSI or AoE. Deploying OpenStack

    4. The compute node is attached to the cinder-volume using iSCSI, and maps to the third disk, vdc. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    5. Note that iSCSI is just an example – several additional protocols are supported (e.g., Cinder-grizzly-deep-dive-pub

    6. The instance boots from the volume, which is provided by nova-volume through iSCSI. user-guide

    7. The Block Storage service (cinder) is installed natively on external storage nodes and uses the LVM/iSCSI plugin. OpenStack Operations Guide

    986、单词 cacheable 的匹配文本:

    1. Some content may also be marked as not cacheable, using the "Pragma" header field (see below) Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. If the query is cacheable, MySQL will also place the results into the query cache at this stage. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. Etags We’ve mentioned that show function requests are side effect–free and cacheable, but we haven’t discussed the mechanism used to accomplish this. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. Each document is processed individually for efficiency, and the functions are designed to be cacheable. Beginning CouchDB

    5. The selfcontained nature of the OpenTSDB query has the added bonus of making the results served by tsd cacheable. HBase in Action

    6. The nature of the problem requires that the response be fast, and ideally it should be cacheable. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    7. All subsystems, including RMI, JMS, JDBC drivers, JSP tags, and cacheable page fragments, should be optimized, and the more optimized, the better. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. Each time an entity class is annotated with @Cacheable(false), you are effectively overriding the default and disabling the cache for instances of that entity type. Pro JPA2

    9. Then annotate your POJOs like you normally would, with @Cacheable on methods you want cached. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

    10. Cacheable Indicates that Spring should look in a cache for the method’s return value before invoking the method. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    987、单词 selectable 的匹配文本:

    1. The ButtonModel interface inherits a method getSelectedObjects from the ItemSelectable interface that, rather uselessly, returns null. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Notice that this method returns a SelectableChannel object, which represents a channel that can be multiplexed via a Selector. Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    3. For this application we want to support 3 different protocols, and so have make them selectable in the implementation of our ServerProvider. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    4. Using this functionality, it is much easier to modularize your application and provide different, user-selectable implementations of key pieces of application logic. Pro Spring 3

    5. The file content is split into large blocks (typically 128 megabytes, but user selectable file-by-file) and each block of the file is independently replicated at multiple DataNodes (typically three, but user selectable file-by-file) The Hadoop Distributed File System

    6. If you come back to the original frame, then no other frame was selectable, and you give up. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    7. The network and pipe channels are all subclasses of the SelectableChannel class, and may be put into nonblocking mode, in which calls to read( ) and write( ) return immediately, even if the channel is not ready for reading or writing. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    8. The register() method is declared in the SelectableChan nel class. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. The selectable I/O operations and their meanings when ready are specified in Table 4.4 Fundamental Networking in Java

    10. One such class is the DatagramChannel, which is a selectable channel for datagram-oriented sockets. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    988、单词 nasa 的匹配文本:

    1. Rackspace and HP provide commercial compute services built on Nova and it is used internally at companies like Mercado Libre and NASA (where it originated) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    2. The OpenStack project began through the work of two organizations: Rackspace Hosting (a large US hosting firm) and NASA (the US Space agency) decided to join forces and release their internal cloud object storage and cloud compute code bases (respectively) as a common open source project. Deploying OpenStack

    3. We show you how NASA and its planetary and Earth science communities are using Tika to search planetary images, to extract data and metadata from Earth science files, and to identify content for dissemination and acquisition. Tika in Action

    4. In this recipe, we will use Hadoop to calculate the minimum, maximum, and average size of a file downloaded from the NASA servers, by processing the NASA weblog dataset. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    5. Funding for this cooperative agreement is also provided by DARPA and NASA, and by Interval Research, and the industrial partners of the Stanford Digital Libraries Project. The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine

    6. As an example, AIRS is NASA’s Atmospheric Infrared Sounder and provides parameters including surface air temperature, temperature, and geopotential; MODIS is NASA’s Moderate Imaging Spectroradiometer and provides parameters including cloud fraction; and TRMM is NASA’s Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission and provides parameters including monthly precipitation. Programming Hive

    989、单词 bdd 的匹配文本:

    1. Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) gives you the best of Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design, and Acceptance Test Driven Planning techniques, so you can create better software with self-documenting, executable tests that bring users and developers together with a common language. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    2. A test case written in a BDD style has a clear title and is formulated in a given/when/then narrative. Gradle in Action

    3. With BDD, the project team writes the description of tests in terms of behavior. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. The first thing to notice is that the definition of BDD doesn’t talk about testing at all. Scala in Action

    5. One of the most efficient ways to write high quality tests is to write them first, using techniques such as Test-Driven Development (TDD) or Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    6. Behavior-Driven Development Behavior-driven development (BDD) builds on TDD to provide developers and nondevelopers a common language to describe correct application and module behavior. Testable JavaScript

    7. In the behavior-driven development (BDD) testing style, the emphasis is on writing human-readable specifications of the expected behavior of code, and accompanying tests that verify the code has the specified behavior. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    8. Besides supporting the traditional XUnit-style syntax with test methods and assertions, ScalaTest provides a Behavior-Driven Development ([BDD]) syntax that is becoming increasingly popular. Programming Scala

    9. Introduction Behavior-driven Development (BDD) is an agile software development practice that enhances the paradigm of Test Driven Development (TDD) and acceptance tests, and encourages the collaboration between developers, quality assurance, domain experts, and stakeholders. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

    10. I find that Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) provides the best way to write tests because business people can read and understand BDD, and BDD tests tend to be higher-level and focus on the logic, not the mechanics, of code. Beginning Scala

    990、单词 crm 的匹配文本:

    1. Heartbeat needs to be combined with a Cluster Resource Manager (CRM) to start/stop services for that cluster. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. For example, in a customer relationship management (CRM) system, each time a customer record is inserted, updated, or deleted, the previous version should be kept in a history or auditing table to fulfill the firm’s auditing or other compliance requirements. Pro Spring 3

    3. After graduation, he dynamically entered the enterprise field, where he helped his organization make the transition from legacy client server ERP and CRM applications to full-stack J2EE web applications, all in a streamlined and integrated development environment. Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials

    4. Along the way, you’ll explore Springbased approaches to domain-specifi c challenges like CRM, confi guration management, and site reliability. Spring in Practice

    5. Getting ready This recipe demonstrates secondary indexes with a limited CRM application. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    6. Salesforce provides a hosted CRM product that exposes rich relational database functionality to customers through a web browser interface. HBase in Action

    7. These may include ERP, CRM, core processing engine, and so on. Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

    8. To do so, start the crm shell and change into the configuration menu by entering configure. high-availability-guide

    9. These abstractions form the basis of a rudimentary CRM (customer relationship management) and inventory system. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

    991、单词 tradeoffs 的匹配文本:

    1. To understand the tradeoffs between the different approaches described before (monolithic, two-level and shared-state schedulers), we built two simulators: Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters

    2. These approaches, although more space efficient, also involve performance tradeoffs for data recovery. HDFS scalability the limits to growth

    3. Startup overhead and sequential scanning speed are indicators of maturity of implementation and engineering tradeoffs, not fundamental differences in programming models. MapReduce a flexible data processing tool

    4. In the first experiment, we examine performance tradeoffs of columnar vs. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

    5. In early versions of Java, this simplicity came with tradeoffs; some of the advanced. Java Threads 3rd Edition

    6. We studied the CAP theorem and eventual consistency—and the tradeoffs. HBase in Action

    7. In fact, browser creators have made a number of tradeoffs so that their browsers appear to run faster in a slow environment. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. This book shows readers how to use the Java platform's threading model more precisely by helping them to understand the patterns and tradeoffs associated with concurrent programming. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    9. This isn’t the ideal benchmark for Percolator since TPC-E is designed for OLTP systems, and a number of Percolator’s tradeoffs impact desirable properties of OLTP systems (the latency of conflicting transactions, for example) Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

    10. Furthermore, in some cases, there is a clear tradeoff between fault tolerance and performance, and parallel databases tend to choose the performance extreme of these tradeoffs. HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    992、单词 incoop 的匹配文本:

    1. In this paper, we describe the architecture, implementation, and evaluation of Incoop, a generic MapReduce framework for incremental computations. Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

    993、单词 retried 的匹配文本:

    1. With speculative execution for map tasks disabled, the only time more than one instance of a map task will occur in the job will be if the task is retried after failing. Pro Hadoop

    2. By this configuration, a failed task will be retried up to three times before being declared failed. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    3. Both are internally retried (clients need not write their own retry loops) Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

    4. If this skipping feature is turned on, a task enters into skipping mode after it has been retried several times. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. Because it’s unlikely that any data source, sink, or Hadoop itself can be 100 percent available, it’s important that an ingress or egress action be retried in the event of failure. Hadoop in Practice

    6. Furthermore, if a task fails four times (or more), it will not be retried again. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    7. If this skipping feature is on, a task will enter into skipping mode after the task has been retried several times. Hadoop in Action

    8. If a sink fails, the event is retried on another sink, but the failed sink remains in the pool. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    9. Tasks are rescheduled and will execute on another tasktracker; the client application is completely shielded from the internal failure and as far as it’s concerned, the job appears to simply slow down for some time while tasks are retried. Hadoop Operations

    10. In this example, if Commit() returns false, the transaction has conflicted (in this case, because two URLs with the same content hash were processed simultaneously) and should be retried after a backoff. Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

    994、单词 nvp 的匹配文本:

    1. Security Groups are only supported if the VMware driver is used in conjunction with the the OpenStack Networking Service running the Nicira NVP plugin. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    2. While the instructions in this section refer to the Nicira NVP platform, they also apply to VMware NSX. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    3. Specifically, Open vSwitch, Linux Bridge, and Nicira NVP support them, but new versions of other plugins might bring additional functionality. admin-user-guide-trunk

    995、单词 stylesheet 的匹配文本:

    1. Add a line to include your new stylesheet pointing to custom.css: (I’ve highlighted the new line in bold.) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    2. The plugin allows you to upload a stylesheet and JavaScript file. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. Using XSLT to expose Solr via OpenSearch A relatively unknown, but powerful way to integrate with Solr is via its support for XSLT, eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    4. In the template, it is recommended that you refer to the stylesheets using h:outputStylesheet so that they are resolved appropriately. Java EE 7 Essentials

    5. You need to provide an XSLT stylesheet that describes the conversion of XML documents into some other format. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    6. JavaDocs now also use a CSS stylesheet to simplify changes to the appearance of the pages. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    7. A tutorial on XSLT stylesheets is beyond the scope of this book, but the following code (which contains only six key lines) shows how you can apply such a stylesheet (which is an XML document itself) to another XML document and write the resulting document to a stream: Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    8. But how can you produce this XML from a Web search UI in the first place?  There are various approaches but one simple approach is to use the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) to define query templates as text files that can be populated with user input at run-time. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    9. The following code demonstrates how to read a source document, apply an Extensible Stylesheet. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. That can be handy for debugging, but in general, it seems better to use an external stylesheet. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    996、单词 png 的匹配文本:

    1. As we write this, images must be in GIF, PNG, or. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Focusing on the readAllBytes() method, the following code snippet reads the previously created ball.png binary file (the file must exist) into a byte array (the file path is passed as an argument): Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    3. The CouchDB test suite even illustrates using show functions to output a PNG image. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. To generate a graph in a PNG format having dimensions of 800x600 based on the Job in this recipe, you would use a URL similar to the following: Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    5. It will generate a file called freqdist.png, which will look like the following: Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    6. Run gnuplot, which will generate a PNG image file called mr.png. Hadoop in Practice

    7. As of Java SE 6, the GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP (Windows bitmap), and WBMP (wireless bitmap) file formats are supported. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    8. After they’ve executed, resolved contains the absolute URI http://www.example.com/ images/logo.png. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. For example, if your app lets users upload photos to their profiles, then there’s a good chance half the files you receive will be called photo.jpg or me.png. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    10. Java can currently load .jpg, .gif, and .png image formats. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    997、单词 tajo 的匹配文本:

    1. Tajo is designed for low-latency and scalable ETL and ad-hoc queries on large-data sets by leveraging advanced database techniques. Introduction to Tajo

    2. In this demo, we present Tajo, a relational, distributed data warehouse system on shared-nothing clusters. Tajo A Distributed Data Warehouse System on Large Clusters

    998、单词 interactively 的匹配文本:

    1. We do not have enough space to do the trace view justice, but it is characterized by a global time line (seen at the top) and the ability to expand and collapse subtrees interactively. Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure

    2. Or you can use Grunt, the Pig Shell, to enter the Pig Latin statements interactively. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    3. It’s commonly used only for queries that a user supplies interactively. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    4. The tools let their users interactively construct applications that access these classes, but the generated applications access the classes normally, not reflectively. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    5. If a command requires an option that does not have a default value, keytool prompts you interactively for the value. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. Here you’ll look at two examples: one that queries your domain name server interactively and another that can improve the performance of your web server by processing logfiles offline. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    7. You can traverse large data sets and data structures interactively like a Pythonista inside the Python shell. Cloudera Impala

    8. But before talking about how to create scripts for er_print, it makes sense to talk about its command syntax and more generally how to use it interactively. Java Performance

    9. An OLAP or OLTP, i.e., SQL, interface is provided to then mine the data interactively. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    10. The CLI can be used interactively to type in statements one at a time or it can be used to run “scripts” of Hive statements, as we’ll see. Programming Hive

    999、单词 javadocs 的匹配文本:

    1. The binary distribution is much larger because it contains not just the Flume source and the compiled Flume components (JARs, javadocs, and so on), but all the dependent Java libraries as well. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. As an extra, Maven also has the ability to generate HTML project documentation that includes the Javadocs for your application. Gradle in Action

    3. If you look at the Runnable interface of Javadocs (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Runnable.html), you'll notice that this method will be executed when the thread execution will be to is started and this is exactly what we want. Mastering ElasticSearch

    4. We have seen how easy it is to display test results and to publish Javadocs, but you can also publish a large number of other very useful reports using Jenkins’s plugins. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    5. Date format strings follow Java SimpleDateFormat guidelines Check out the Javadocs for SimpleDateFormat to learn how your custom date strings can be used with the date transform UDFs. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    6. To see a comprehensive list, we recommend that you look at the javadocs. HBase in Action

    7. Ironically, the next step may be to fall back on the StringTokenizer class, use of which is discouraged in the class Javadocs comments in favor of the newer regular expression-based tokenizers. Hadoop in Practice

    8. Each component of the platform is defined in a separate specification that also describes the API, javadocs, and expected runtime behavior. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. The full javadocs for JMAPI can be requested by Oracle customers. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    10. How It Works If you’ve ever seen a simple RSS reader or the Javadocs, you’ll notice that the screen is divided into sections with dividers that allow the user to adjust. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1000、单词 crosscutting 的匹配文本:

    1. Both kinds of AOP have their place, and in most cases, Spring AOP is sufficient in addressing an application’s crosscutting requirements. Pro Spring 3

    2. It enables you to modularize things like transaction management or performance logging, features that span multiple types and objects (crosscutting concerns) Pro Spring MVC

    3. As we have explained to a certain degree, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm that allows to separate the crosscutting concerns of an application into their own dedicated modules. Pro Spring Security

    4. Traits are a powerful tool in Scala that allow you to mix in crosscutting concerns, and you can use them to create highly extensible code. Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

    5. Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) Aspect-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that allows modularizing crosscutting concerns. Spring Batch in Action

    6. Another important crosscutting concern is monitoring, and because that’s the topic of this chapter, we now revisit the role of a ChannelInterceptor that’s specifically dedicated to that concern. Spring Integration in Action

    7. In short, a crosscutting concern can be described as any functionality that affects multiple points of an application. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    1001、单词 scm 的匹配文本:

    1. You can download the client distribution from the Git homepage (http://git-scm.com/) Gradle in Action

    2. However, it is also great for centralizing code in an SCM with web access. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. To check out the latest version of the Spring code, first install GitHub, which you can download from http://git-scm.com/, and then open the Git Bash tool, and run the following command: Pro Spring 3

    4. Other approaches include building on regular intervals (for example, once a day), requiring a user to kick of the build manually, or even triggering a build remotely using a “post-commit” hook in your SCM. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    5. We will install Software Configuration Management (SCM), and learn how to import and manage the source code hosted in it. Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials

    6. First, we edited the <scm> section to set the Maven connection and URL variables: Spring Roo in Action

    1002、单词 svn 的匹配文本:

    1. Get the latest source code of Apache Nutch by using SVN, which is a subversion repository. Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

    2. For example, let’s say you wanted to make sure the SVN revision of the deployed program listing was the same across all servers. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. Set Check-out Strategy to Use 'svn update' as much as possible. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. To use source code from a Subversion repository, you simply provide the corresponding Subversion URL—it will work fine with any of the three Subversion protocols of (http, svn, or file) Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    5. This recipe shows how to checkout Cassandra code from Subversion (SVN) and build it. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    6. Navigate to a base folder and perform an SVN checkout of the latest Giraph source, located at the official Apache site: Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    7. In this case we’re going to create the type and two providers, one for Git and one for SVN. Pro Puppet

    8. Use the svn diff command to see the changes between the two files and dump the result to a new file: Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. Information on checking out Pig using svn or cloning the repository via git is available on Pig’s version control page. Programming Pig

    10. Section 8.10 provides details on how to access the Sandbox SVN repository. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    1003、单词 swt 的匹配文本:

    1. The Eclipse integrated development environment uses a graphics toolkit called SWT that is similar to the AWT, mapping to the native components on various platforms. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. In the 4th edition, Chris Grindstaff was very helpful during the development of the SWT section, and Sean Neville wrote the first draft of the Flex section for me. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. It contains, among other things, the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), JFace, the Eclipse OSGi implementation (Equinox), and an integrated mechanism to deliver and update RCP applications. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    1004、单词 acyclic 的匹配文本:

    1. An acyclic-directed graph is built by the framework, out of the functions and filters. Pro Hadoop

    2. As noted in chapter 1, the internal structure that represents these task dependencies is modeled as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) Gradle in Action

    3. Gradle builds up a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with all the tasks before any task is executed. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    4. The result of executing a series of FlumeJava operations is thus a directed acyclic graph of deferred PCollections and operations; we call this graph the execution plan. FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

    5. In mathematics and computer science, a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a directed graph with no cycles. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. In this recipe, we will implement a variant of the Google Pregel shortest-path implementation between employees connected via an acyclic directed graph. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    7. In an acyclic graph it’s not possible for a vertex to traverse a path to reach itself. Hadoop in Practice

    8. JobControl When there is more than one job in a MapReduce workflow, the question arises: how do you manage the jobs so they are executed in order? There are several approaches, and the main consideration is whether you have a linear chain of jobs or a more complex directed acyclic graph (DAG) of jobs. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    9. Jaql automatically translates a collection of pipe definitions into a directed acyclic graph of MapReduce jobs. Hadoop in Action

    10. Configuration is the phase in which those task objects are assembled into an internal object model, usually called the DAG (for directed acyclic graph) Building and Testing with Gradle

    1005、单词 memoization 的匹配文本:

    1. One way to solve this problem immediately is by memoization.6 To speed things up, you’ll remember the calls made to the find method and avoid making the same call to the underlying collection again. Scala in Action

    2. Another particularly useful method is computeIfAbsent, which we briefly mentioned in chapter 14 when explaining memoization. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. To achieve efficiency without sacrificing transparency, we adopt recent advances in the area of programming languages to identify the shortcomings of task-level memoization approaches, and to address these shortcomings by using several novel techniques: a storage system, a contraction phase for Reduce tasks, and an affinity-based scheduling algorithm. Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

    4. Some languages provide first-class support for Memoization using higher-order functions. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

    5. Even in “pure” functional libraries, it is common to perform internal optimizations like caching previously computed values (sometimes called memoization) Programming Scala

    1006、单词 w3c 的匹配文本:

    1. The Unicon validation plugin uses the validation service at W3C to generate a report on the URL you configure. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    2. W3C Support That they produce logical representations of triples doesn’t mean triple stores necessarily have triple-like internal implementations. Graph Databases

    3. The W3C standard recommends that developers provide an id attribute for elements that are unique to each element. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

    4. The org.w3c.dom package contains the definitions of interface types such as Document and Element. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    5. Several HTML validity checkers are available for download and you can validate HTML online [W3C-validator] Effective Java 2nd Edition

    6. Implementations are required to support the W3C XML Schema standard and may also support other schema types as well. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    7. On the client side, XRX uses XForms, which is a W3C-recommendation XML format distinct from HTML forms; XForms is capable of expressing the kinds of controls required in forms, but it does not dictate the final presentation form. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    8. Although there are many standards organizations in the world, the two that produce most of the standards relevant to application layer network programming and protocols are the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. Processing and validating against a DTD is normally cheaper than processing and validating against a W3C Schema. Java Performance

    10. XPath (XML Path Language) is a global standard created by the W3C for addressing parts of an XML document. Programming Hive

    1007、单词 datatypes 的匹配文本:

    1. Like its sister class, DataInputStream, the DataOutputStream class is designed to deal with primitive datatypes, such as numbers or bytes. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. We started with each of the different datatypes, and then discussed PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE, followed by SORT, MULTI/EXEC transactions, and key expiration. Redis in Action

    3. The extensibility argument enters the picture when pattern matching is supported only for basic datatypes like Int, Long, or String. Scala in Action

    4. Trying to perfectly map datatypes over expected values is not flexible to an erroneous input. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    5. Collection elements are recursively resolved, so they may contain any of the other datatypes allowed by files() Gradle Beyond The Basics

    6. These allow us to specify data types and the operations performed on them independently and to extend datatypes with both new implementations and new operations while taking advantage of the JVMs highly optimized method dispatch. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

    7. Besides the simple scalar datatypes that we mentioned above, JSON also. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    8. For the UFO data, we use STRING as the data type; HiveQL, as with SQL, supports a variety of datatypes: Hadoop Beginners Guide

    9. This means that a MongoDB database isn’t bound to any predefined columns or datatypes the way that relational databases are (such as MySQL) The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    10. These datatypes are not common in traditional databases as they break first normal form. Programming Hive

    1008、单词 proxying 的匹配文本:

    1. These are like the REST requests, but the proxying server treats them differently. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    2. Proxy initiates connection to VNC server, and continues proxying until the session ends. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    3. Because show functions (and the others like list, etc.) are available as resources within the design document path, all resources provided by a particular design document can be found under a common root, which makes custom application proxying simpler. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. In these cases, DI can really simplify the glue code by providing automatic JNDI lookup and automatic proxying of remote resources. Pro Spring 3

    5. Networking supports proxying those requests to nova-api, even when the requests are made from isolated networks, or from multiple networks that use overlapping IP addresses. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    6. The dumbproxy is nginx packaged up with a custom proxying module. Scaling CouchDB

    7. The comparator-ref, greedy-proxying, and member-type attributes are specific to list and set tags. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    8. HAproxy Nodes HAProxy is a very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. high-availability-guide

    9. An entity manager obtained in this way is called container-managed because the container manages the lifecycle of the entity manager, typically by proxying the one that it gets from the persistence provider. Pro JPA2

    10. The following configuration class shows how to enable auto-proxying in JavaConfig. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    1009、单词 rhipe 的匹配文本:

    1. In addition non-daemon software related to R (including Rhipe and RHadoop) needs to be installed. Hadoop in Practice

    1010、单词 chararray 的匹配文本:

    1. This implementation first loads the data, treating each line of text as a record with a single field named line of type chararray (that is, a string) in the schema for input. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    2. Each Pig tuple contains a chararray field for each JSON element in the line. Hadoop in Practice

    3. The year:chararray notation describes the field’s name and type; chararray is like a Java string, and an int is like a Java int. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    4. The AS part explicitly defines that the row key and the colfam1:query column are converted to chararray, which is Pig’s string type. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    5. The fields user and query are both strings (chararray in Pig) whereas time is a long integer. Hadoop in Action

    6. A map in Pig is a chararray to data element mapping, where that element can be any Pig type, including a complex type. Programming Pig

    1011、单词 intra 的匹配文本:

    1. Each cluster consists of thousands of commodity PCs organized into racks with high intra-rack bandwidth. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. The language supports nested subqueries, inter and intra-record aggregation, top-k, joins, user-defined functions, etc; some of these features are exemplified in the experimental section. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

    3. Programming frameworks running on YARN coordinate intra-application communication, execution flow, and dynamic optimizations as they see fit, unlocking dramatic performance improvements. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    4. When we refer to this, we say that the program obeys intra-thread semantics. JSR-133 Java Memory Model and Thread

    5. In this recipe, we are going to use Apache Nutch in the standalone mode for small-scale, intra-domain web crawling. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    6. Intra-job fault tolerance and straggler handling – Critical for long running tasks. MapReduce A Major Step Backwards

    7. So Lars started writing critical how-tos and architectural descriptions inbetween jobs and his intraEuropean travels as unofficial HBase European ambassador. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    8. Gossip and Failure Detection To support decentralization and partition tolerance, Cassandra uses a gossip protocol for intra-ring communication so that each node can have state information about other nodes. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. Administrators can optionally disable intra-queue prioritization of jobs as well. Hadoop Operations

    10. In order to support this kind of intraVM communication, ActiveMQ provides a special protocol named the VM protocol. ActiveMQ in Action

    1012、单词 oreilly 的匹配文本:

    1. Find us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/oreilly Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/oreillymedia Watch us on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/oreillymedia. Getting Started with CouchDB

    2. Code examples used in this book are available from the O'Reilly web site located at http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/javasec2/ Java Security 2nd Edition

    3. For more information about our books, courses, conferences, and news, see our website at http://www.oreilly.com. Scaling CouchDB

    4. Getting the Code Examples You can download the code examples from http://examples.oreilly.com/ 9780596155964/ Programming Scala

    5. You can find a complete list of Java books from O’Reilly at http://java.oreilly.com/ Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. For example, to proxy everything except hosts in the oreilly.com domain: Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    7. The longer examples can be downloaded from the book’s web site at http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/9780596009571 Understanding MySQL Internals

    1013、单词 traversals 的匹配文本:

    1. Many storage engines actually use a B+Tree index, in which each leaf node contains a link to the next for fast range traversals through nodes. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. This is much more efficient for large datasets, and for reasons such as memory caches, the larger the dataset the more important it is to minimize the number of traversals. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. Traversals by other threads will be detected early as a deadlock. Java Threads 3rd Edition

    4. We can use traversals with multiple edge types to traverse the graph using the new and old edge types. NoSQL Distilled

    5. Almost all collection operations are implemented in terms of traversals and builders. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    6. Graph databases, on the other hand, are optimized for precisely these types of traversals and pattern-matching queries, providing in many cases millisecond responses. Graph Databases

    7. Using a State State action to  a collection, we can implement complex traversals that keeptraverse some kind of internal state. Functional Programming in Scala

    8. The local variables are thread-safe, as are the traversals, since Lists themselves are immutable. Programming Scala

    9. In addition, they also enable you to do range scans very efficiently, since the leaf nodes in the tree are linked and represent an in-order list of all keys, avoiding more costly tree traversals. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    10. The more complex the XPath, the slower the test since it needs to do more DOM traversals which is an expensive operation. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

    1014、单词 ebs 的匹配文本:

    1. For the purpose of practicing HBase, a 32-bit, EBS-backed AMI is the most cost effective AMI to use. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. You can use LVM snapshots, SAN snapshots, EBS snapshots— any snapshot will do. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. Generally, there are two types of AMIs one is EBS-backed AMI (Elastic Block Storage-backed AMI) and the other is instance store-backed AMI. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    4. Amazon has what is probably the most widely-used networked block store, called Elastic Block Store (EBS) MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. This way, changes you make to your server instance are persisted on an EBS volume so that you don't lose them when the server shuts down. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    6. You’ll often hear people talk about S3 and EBS when discussing Hadoop or HBase in the cloud. HBase in Action

    7. The differences between running on a single consumer-grade hard drive, running in the cloud in a virtual disk (say, EBS), and running against a high-performance SAN can’t be overemphasized. MongoDB in Action

    8. Elastic Block Storage (EBS) The Amazon commercial block storage product, similar to cinder. OpenStack Operations Guide

    1015、单词 beta 的匹配文本:

    1. The recommended solution is the current beta project for a CouchDB installer. Getting Started with CouchDB

    2. Plans to upgrade to the latest version, 2.1-beta, continue apace. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    3. Cloudera introduced Impala (currently in beta state), which is part of the Cloudera Hadoop distribution (CDH 4.1) Professional Hadoop Solutions

    4. At the time of writing, CouchDB is in beta and has been used in production by a number of organizations. Beginning CouchDB

    5. For example, Amazon has a tool called Elastic Load Balancing and Rackspace provides a service called Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers (in beta as of this writing) Scaling CouchDB

    6. But it’s not always possible to test with real workloads without launching a beta version of the application where a select few users interact with it. HBase in Action

    7. There are several classes we are going to cover in this chapter that have an @Beta annotation indicating that the functionality of that class may be subject to change in a future release. Getting Started with Google Guava

    8. Then the library was beta tested, released, and used extensively by millions of programmers for the better part of a decade. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    9. For example, we may want to watermark an interface to show that it is a beta version, or possibly to provide an indication of an error with a graphical X in a text field that is not otherwise possible. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    10. Vector Clocks may or may not ultimately become how timestamps are represented in Cassandra 0.7, which is in beta at the time of this writing. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    1016、单词 cmdb 的匹配文本:

    1. The switch to sFlow was used as an opportunity to templatize all the Puppet CMDB configurations for this purpose. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. This chapter shows how Willie is using Spring to implement several features in an open source configuration management database (CMDB) called Zkybase1 (http:// zkybase.org/) Spring in Practice

    1017、单词 keytab 的匹配文本:

    1. On every node of the cluster, create a directory to store the Kerberos keytab file, using the following command: HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. Show available keytab file entries with the following command: klist -e -k -t hduser.keytab. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    3. For services that must be authenticated, keytab files containing the encrypted passwords of the services must be generated for the protocol, and the underlying system uses that password information for exchanges. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    4. In cases where you don’t want to be prompted for a password (for running an unattended MapReduce job, for example), you can create a Kerberos keytab file using the ktutil command. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. When the daemons start up, they use this keytab to authenticate with the KDC and get a ticket so they can connect to the namenode or jobtracker, respectively. Hadoop Operations

    1018、单词 verbosity 的匹配文本:

    1. In addition, these properties file can be used to fine-tune JMeter components' log verbosity. Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

    2. Lambda expressions in Java 8 tackle the problem of verbosity. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. In particular, Java provides poor support for simple anonymous functions and heterogeneous tuples, which leads to verbosity and some loss of static type safety. FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

    4. Turning off superstep counters will limit the verbosity of the MapReduce WebUI for our job. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    5. Running the verbosity command without arguments will list all the available logging modules with their current status. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    6. A fourth advantage of static factory methods is that they reduce the verbosity of creating parameterized type instances. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    7. It avoids unchecked warnings in a program, and it reduces generic verbosity by not requiring explicit duplicate specification of parameter types. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    8. These examples can easily be rewritten to support earlier Java versions at the cost of increased verbosity. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. To cut down on verbosity, new to Java 7 is what is known as the diamond operator. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. Some of the downsides of Ant were its verbosity, its lack of conventions, and its lack of dependency management. Building and Testing with Gradle

    1019、单词 assembler 的匹配文本:

    1. The Assembler takes the Car off a CarQueue and hires Robots to work on it. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. The Application Assembler is responsible for providing assembly ions describing external dependencies of the application that the Deployer solve in the deployment process. Java EE 7 Specification

    3. The second step uses the assembler property to determine which data to export through JMX. Spring Batch in Action

    4. The authors find it helpful just to think of bytecode as serialized source code, and not as some low level assembler that needs to run as fast as possible. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. These overhead s can cause a Java application to run slower than an equivalent application written in a lower-level language (just as a C program is generally slower than the equivalent program written in assembler) Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    6. An MBean info assembler is the key to constraining which operations and attributes are exported in an MBean. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    1020、单词 performant 的匹配文本:

    1. Ganglia gives us a system that can listen to all of these sources, serve all of these consumers, and be performant, reliable, and quick to update. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. By providing the capability to explicitly specify classes responsible for different phases of the MapReduce execution, Hadoop allows developers to adapt its execution to a specific problem’s requirement, thus ensuring that every job is executed in the most costeffective and performant way. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. This has been fueled by the system becoming more reliable and performant, due in large part to the engineering effort invested by the various companies backing and using it. HBase in Action

    4. The simplicity of the format has a lot going for it, such as making it easy to process with other tools, including MapReduce programs or Streaming, but there are more compact and performant binary SerDes that you might consider using. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. Give each ZooKeeper server around 1 GB of RAM, and if possible, its own dedicated disk (a dedicated disk is the best thing you can do to ensure a performant ZooKeeper ensemble) HBase:The Definitive Guide

    6. As such, there has been less emphasis on making Hadoop performant for random access workloads by providing low latency access to HDFS. Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook

    7. These disk arrays can be highly performant but will usually have a penalty on either reads or writes. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    8. So it’s vital that a MOM be highly available, performant, and scalable. ActiveMQ in Action

    9. Highly tuned and performant systems have evolved that provide users with the possibility of answering ad hoc queries over large datasets in an interactive manner. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    10. We frequently use external partitioned tables because of the many benefits they provide, such as logical data management, performant queries, etc. Programming Hive

    1021、单词 timelines 的匹配文本:

    1. All of the core services that make up Twitter's architecture are built on Finagle, from backends serving user information, tweets, and timelines to front end API endpoints handling HTTP requests. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    2. These timelines can be seen when visiting a user’s profile, and are the primary entry point for finding someone interesting. Redis in Action

    3. It is possible to add two Timeline widgets tracking historical data on different aspects, for instance having two timelines tracking metrics on Complexity and Unit Testing. Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials

    4. At the time, we were getting by with our home-grown distributed system, but the influx of a new data stream and requirements to join that stream with our crawl data couldn’t be supported by our existing system in the required timelines. Hadoop in Practice

    5. Finally, chapter 13  covers adapters for XMPP instant messaging to enable chat services and presence notifications, as well as support for Twitter search, timelines, status updates, mentions, and direct messages. Spring Integration in Action

    6. With this knowledge of timelines you can animate any graph node in JavaFX. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1022、单词 rackspace 的匹配文本:

    1. You can also use other hosting services such as Rackspace, or real servers to set up your HBase cluster. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. We focus most on the first category: cloud hosting on platforms such as AWS, Rackspace Cloud, and Joyent.1 There are many good resources for learning how to deploy and manage MySQL and the resources needed to run it, and there are too many platforms for us to cover them all, so we don’t show code samples or discuss operational techniques. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. Rackspace and HP provide commercial compute services built on Nova and it is used internally at companies like Mercado Libre and NASA (where it originated) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    4. Intended Audience This book assumes that the reader is familiar with public Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud offerings such as Rackspace Cloud or Amazon Web Services. Deploying OpenStack

    5. The API endpoints are basic HTTP web services which handle authentication, authorization, and basic command and control functions using various API interfaces under the Amazon, Rackspace, and related models. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    6. For example, Amazon has a tool called Elastic Load Balancing and Rackspace provides a service called Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers (in beta as of this writing) Scaling CouchDB

    7. We haven’t come across many instances deployed in Rackspace or in Microsoft. HBase in Action

    8. For example, Mailtrust, Rackspace’s mail division, used Hadoop for processing email logs. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    9. Apache Whirr Recently, we have seen an increase in the number of users who want to run their cluster in dynamic environments, such as the public cloud offerings by Amazon’s EC2, or Rackspace Cloud Servers, as well as in private server farms, using open source tools like Eucalyptus. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    10. I became involved in December of that year, when Rackspace asked me to build them a scalable database. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    1023、单词 callee 的匹配文本:

    1. Caller takes an Incrementable reference in its constructor (although the capturing of the callback reference could happen at any time) and then, sometime later, uses the reference to "call back" into the Callee class. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. Even if the caller and callee were executed on different threads, the caller would still wait for the callee to complete; this gives rise to the phrase blocking call. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. This is slick! The callback will execute the remote function in the caller’s space with the callee’s provided data. Testable JavaScript

    4. This is because it has figured out that one stack position will be required for the spilled variable and that it also needs to use two callee-save registers for storage. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. What this means is that the parameter’s value, or reference in the case of an AnyRef, is placed on the stack and passed to the callee. Beginning Scala

    6. For example, each call generates a call data record (CDR) , which includes information such as the caller’s phone number, the callee’s phone number, the start time of the call, the call’s duration, information about the call’s routing, and so forth. Hadoop in Action

    7. Since the "callee" for these methods is listed as System.gc( ), this also indicates that the methods are significantly involved in memory creation, and suggests that the next. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. Using RPC, when one application calls another application, the caller is blocked until the callee returns control to the caller. ActiveMQ in Action

    9. The amount of time attributed to a given method by a method that calls it or is a callee of. Java Performance

    1024、单词 terabyte 的匹配文本:

    1. Conversely, the memory channel is much faster, but failure results in data loss and has much lower storage capacity when compared with the multi-terabyte disks backing the file channel. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. Jim Gray introduced a contest called the TeraByteSort, which was a benchmark to sort one terabyte of data and write the results to disk. Pro Hadoop

    3. For example, reading one terabyte of compressed data in one second using today’s commodity disks would require tens of thousands of disks. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

    4. One computation searches through approximately one terabyte of data looking for a particular pattern. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

    5. For example, joining a terabyte of data onto another terabyte data set could require at least two terabytes of network bandwith—and that’s before any actual join logic can be done. MapReduce Design Patterns

    6. On a thousand-machine cluster, a MapReduce implementation can sort a terabyte of data at an aggregate rate of a gigabyte per second [9] Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

    7. Our production clusters presently generate more than 1 terabyte of sampled trace data per day. Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure

    8. Imagine you’re working with a terabyte-scale dataset and you have a MapReduce application you want to test with that dataset. Hadoop in Practice

    9. The New York Stock Exchange generates about one terabyte of new trade data per day. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    10. It is no longer uncommon to hear of companies claiming to load more than a terabyte of structured data per day into their analytical database system and claiming data warehouses of size more than a petabyte [19] HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    1025、单词 loopback 的匹配文本:

    1. The first, and most important from a network programming perspective, is known as the loopback or localhost address. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. A note of relief: by default, CouchDB will listen only on your loopback network interface ( or localhost) and thus only you will be able to make requests to CouchDB, nobody else. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    3. The following example shows discarding logs that are from the loopback address: Hadoop in Practice

    4. Using any free port is acceptable in this case, as the server only binds to the loopback address. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. You need to make sure that it reports the public IP address of the server and not the loopback address HBase:The Definitive Guide

    6. If you simply ask for the address of localhost, you always get the local loopback address, which cannot be used by others to connect to your computer. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    7. Next, we need to update the listen address for this machine so it’s not just on loopback. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    8. Communication between the task attempt (usually called the child, or child process) and the tasktracker is maintained via an RPC connection over the loopback interface called the umbilical protocol. Hadoop Operations

    9. For instance, I’ve already mentioned that is the local loopback address. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    10. This ‘local loopback’ can be disabled on some systems via the methods: Fundamental Networking in Java

    1026、单词 peter 的匹配文本:

    1. One of the perks of writing this book was getting to know Steve Peter, who endured the first draft of this book as the initial development editor. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    2. The name Dirichlet refers to a family of probability distributions defined by a German mathematician, Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet. Mahout in Action

    3. Thanks also to Peter and Vadim for being such great teachers and colleagues. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    4. Out of pure desperation, my two Neo cofounders, Johan and Peter, and I started experimenting with other models for working with data, particularly those that were centered around graphs. Graph Databases

    5. Peter is a common first name and Smith is a common last name—both will have low IDFs. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    6. In the first sequence, the setName method was executed using an argument of Peter. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    7. However, in their book J2EE Performance Testing with BEA WebLogic Server (Expert Press), Peter Zadrozny, Philip Aston, and Ted Osborne state that there is no real difference in performance between these two options, as long as the beans are explicitly removed from the container when the session expires.[2] The beans are removed automatically by binding the session to a session listener that calls ejbRemove( ) when the session terminates. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. Peter Membrey lives in Hong Kong and is actively promoting Open Source in all its various forms and guises, especially in education. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    9. The following account illustrates the JCSP package developed by Peter Welch and colleagues. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. I would also like to thank Hans Dockter, Ken Sipe, Adam Murdoch, Peter Niederwieser, Szczepan Faber, and Luke Daley of the Gradleware team for their support in answering questions and providing feedback during the writing process. Building and Testing with Gradle

    1027、单词 reusability 的匹配文本:

    1. It turns out that this reusability is not nearly so easy to achieve as many would hope; it takes experience and insight to produce a reusable object design. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. Another advantage of enhanced tasks over simple tasks is reusability. Gradle in Action

    3. The execute around pattern (that is, you need to execute a bit of behavior in the middle of code that’s always required in a method, for example, resource allocation and cleanup) can be used with lambdas to gain additional flexibility and reusability. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. Passing Arguments to Oozie Jobs As with every application, the reusability of Oozie applications (to a large extent) depends on how arguments are passed to the Oozie job. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. Inheritance and Parameterized Classes As we saw in the ntp example, classes are great for organizing our configurations, but they can also enhance the reusability of our code. Managing Infrastructure with Puppet

    6. They reduce code duplication, increase reusability, and make your code concise as well. Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

    7. Stackable Traits There are a couple of refinements we can do to improve the reusability of our work and to make it easier to use more than one trait at a time, i.e., to “stack” them. Programming Scala

    8. The remainder of this section looks more closely at safety, liveness, performance, and reusability in concurrent programs. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    9. The ability to return a value allows for reusability as well. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. Before we look at an example of overriding an embeddable with a relationship in it, let’s first think about the reusability of such an object. Pro JPA2

    1028、单词 tokenized 的匹配文本:

    1. The third step converts the tokenized documents into vectors using the term-frequency weight, thus creating TF vectors. Mahout in Action

    2. This will result in the input data to be tokenized on whitespace characters. Mastering ElasticSearch

    3. The comment is tokenized into words, and each word is cleaned of any extraneous characters. MapReduce Design Patterns

    4. Basically, fields need to be single valued, indexed, and not-tokenized. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    5. The RecordReader needs to supply a key/value pair representation of each record to the mapper, and in this case the key is the byte offset in the file, and the value is an array containing the tokenized parts of the CSV line:38 Hadoop in Practice

    6. While, this is still supported by the runtime, and needs to be for full bytecode compliance, we shall soon see that handling unmatched locks is orders of magnitude more expensive than handling tokenized locks. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. Tokenizer Next, the string is tokenized into individual terms by a tokenizer. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    8. The second argument is the analyzer to use when indexing tokenized fields (analysis is covered in Chapter 4) Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    9. The value, the line of text, is tokenized into words, using one of several possible techniques (e.g., splitting on whitespace is the simplest, but it can leave in undesirable punctuation) Programming Hive

    10. We also told Solr that we want our text to be tokenized by whitespaces by adding the whitespace tokenizer (the tokenizer tag) Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

    1029、单词 oxm 的匹配文本:

    1. Object/XML Mapping (OXM) in Spring in Spring Most applications need to integrate or provide services to other applications. Pro Spring 3

    2. The OXM module provides an abstraction layer that offers simplified and consistent support for popular Object/XML mapping tools such as Castor, the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB), JiBX, XMLBeans, and XStream. Spring in Practice

    3. To address this limitation and provide efficient conversion between XML and objects, the Spring framework includes the Object/XML Mapping framework (aka OXM or O/X Mapper) Spring Batch in Action

    4. This chapter introduces transformers, splitters, and routers that take advantage of XPath, XSLT, and Spring’s own XML marshalling (OXM) libraries. Spring Integration in Action

    1030、单词 pds 的匹配文本:

    1. Tika’s helped us extract information from PDS datasets and index them for a revamp of PDS’s search Powering NASA science data systems. Tika in Action

    1031、单词 nondeterministic 的匹配文本:

    1. Nondeterministic algorithms can disable confined recovery and fall back to the basic recovery mechanism. Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

    2. Starting threads is easy, but their execution sequence is nondeterministic. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    3. Complex dependency graphs can cause a mix-up of dependencies with multiple versions resulting in unreliable, nondeterministic builds. Gradle in Action

    4. When the map and/or reduce operators are nondeterministic, we provide weaker but still reasonable semantics. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

    5. A nondeterministic machine thus has the power of extremely good (optimal) guessing. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    6. The other gotcha to be aware of is that the ordering of tuples that have the same sort value is nondeterministic. Hadoop in Practice

    7. An XML parser may reject certain complex rule sets that lead to nondeterministic parsing. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    8. If another thread attempts to use such a corrupted object, arbitrary nondeterministic behavior may result. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    9. Bloom filters are very fast, nondeterministic algorithms for testing whether an element is a member of a set. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    10. An example of a nondeterministic query using rand() is the following: Programming Hive

    1032、单词 ssd 的匹配文本:

    1. Consequently, if there is a truly huge number of RRD files and if the disk storage system does not cope well with a random access workload (e.g., if it is not an SSD or SAN), the startup phase may take many hours or may not even complete at all. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. We know from extensive benchmarking that the particular SSD drive this customer was using can’t sustain hundreds of megabytes of writes per second. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    3. For example, you may want to allow users to request compute hosts that have SSD drives if they need access to faster disk I/O, or access to compute hosts that have GPU cards to take advantage of GPU-accelerated code. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    4. You might not be able to afford an SSD for your entire data set, but you might be able to get one for your users. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. Let's buy SSD drives"; this is one of the solutions we could propose, which is a very good idea, but for now, you decide to limit the I/O operations used by the segments merge process. Mastering ElasticSearch

    6. Placing your RabbitMQ’s message store on an SSD can greatly improve the performance of persistent messaging. RabbitMQ in Action

    7. Solid State Drives (SSD) do not have physical parts and can seek extremely quickly. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    8. Higher RPM drives, solid-state drives (SSD), or a RAID configuration (the appropriate RAID level depends on your needs related to data redundancy, read performance, and write performance) could help. Scaling CouchDB

    9. In cases where disk performance is an issue, it is recommended that the application server instance be configured to have the transaction log file on a fast disk (best choice would be a solid state disk, also know as an SSD) or a disk array with write cache. Java Performance

    10. The auxiliary volume need not be large; a 120 GB disk is more than sufficient, and a solid state drive (SSD) of this size is affordable. MongoDB in Action

    1033、单词 concatenating 的匹配文本:

    1. Overall, the designers of Java decided that the efficiency of sharing outweighs the inefficiency of string editing by extracting substrings and concatenating. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. First, a little background: Unix cat creates a stream by concatenating two files, tr translates the characters in a stream, sort sorts lines in a stream, and tail -3 gives the last three lines in a stream. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    3. You could hypothetically group items with the same key and send them over together, but this has no major compression gains since all you would be doing is concatenating strings, so the size of the resulting string would be the same as the inputs. MapReduce Design Patterns

    4. The + in the rowkey refers to concatenating the two values. HBase in Action

    5. In this case, the result for each year is independent of other years and may be combined by concatenating all the results and sorting by year. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    6. Building a query manually, by concatenating strings, is tedious and potentially dangerous. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    7. Using the Joiner class Taking arbitrary strings and concatenating them together with some delimiter token is something that most programmers deal with on a regular basis. Getting Started with Google Guava

    8. The combine() method should strip out the join key in those elements before concatenating them. Hadoop in Action

    9. For example, consider the following method that constructs a string representation of a billing statement by repeatedly concatenating a line for each item: Effective Java 2nd Edition

    10. The Java language provides a couple of different options for concatenating Strings of text. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1034、单词 subflows 的匹配文本:

    1. A flow scope variable is not accessible in its subflows. Pro Spring 3

    2. However, in this section, we want to give a short introduction to subflows, since we will refer to them before covering them fully in the “Subflows” section. Pro Spring MVC

    3. As you’ll see in section 5.6, large flows can be broken down into reusable subflows with their own predefined contracts and lifecycle, making reusability and modularity straightforward. Spring in Practice

    4. Even in flows that aren’t subflows, there may be several landing pages that follow the completion of a flow, depending on the course that the flow took. Spring in Action 4th Edition

    1035、单词 deque 的匹配文本:

    1. A double-ended queue, or deque, lets you efficiently add or remove elements at the head and tail. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Subtasks generated in tasks run by a given worker thread are pushed onto that workers own deque. A Java ForkJoin Framework

    3. LinkedList also adds methods that allow it to be used as a stack, a Queue or a doubleended queue (deque) Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    4. Write routines to support the deque that take O(1) time per operation. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    5. The class implements a double-ended queue, known as a deque, and allows for the insertion and removal of elements from both ends of the deque. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    1036、单词 michael 的匹配文本:

    1. Thank you to Michael Stack for helping me with a quick review of the book. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. I’d like to thank Michael Loukides, Meghan Blanchette, and the awesome team at O’Reilly for making this book a reality. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. Thanks to the readers that have helped me clarify concepts by submitting comments, including James Watson, Howard Lovatt, Michael Barker, and others, in particular those who helped with generics. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    4. Michael Stephens, who I talked to first, bought into the idea of this book and ultimately trusted me to do a good job. Gradle in Action

    5. Other publications in which Michael has been involved include Mobile Web Development and Drupal for Education and E-Learning, both of which he acted as technical reviewer for. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    6. The startup Powerset decided to dedicate Jim Kellerman and Michael Stack to work on this Bigtable analog as a way of contributing back to the open source community on which it relied.9 HBase in Action

    7. Michael Noll is one of the first bloggers to provide detailed setup instructions for Hadoop, and he continues to write about real-life challenges and uses of Hadoop: http://www.michael-noll.com/blog/ Hadoop in Practice

    8. For a good introduction to NIO, consider Learning Java (O'Reilly) as well as a basic introduction in Michael Nygard's excellent article in JavaWorld.[15] Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    9. I would like to thank my wife Karen for editing and proofreading my chapters; my children Chris, Connor, and Michael for keeping the zombies at bay; and my dog Rex for forcing me to go on walks in the snow and the rain. ActiveMQ in Action

    10. Michael O’Brien spent many long nights translating our chapterware into running code, and probably got more than he bargained for! Thanks to Doug Clarke and Shaun Smith for spreading the word that a JPA book was available, and to Dennis Leung for offering his full support of my writing this book. Pro JPA2

    1037、单词 datacenters 的匹配文本:

    1. It handles more than three billion write and 20 billion read transactions daily and stores nearly a petabyte of primary data across many global datacenters. Megastore - Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services

    2. As datacenters increasingly relied on commodity hardware instead of specialized servers, Sun Microsystems fell on hard times and was purchased by Oracle in 2009 Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    3. We’ve worked on such applications both in datacenters and in the cloud. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    4. At the highest level of abstraction, it is a database that shards data across many sets of Paxos [21] state machines in datacenters spread all over the world. Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

    5. However, in multiple datacenter or multiple switch environments, having a read cross a switch or a slower WAN link between datacenters can add milliseconds of latency. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    6. In essence, the preference list of a key is constructed such that the storage nodes are spread across multiple datacenters. Cassandra A Decentralized Structured Storage System

    7. Dominant resource fairness: Fair allocation of heterogeneous resources in datacenters. Mesos A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center

    8. Message compression techniques are very useful for mirroring the data across datacenters using Kafka, where large amounts of data get transferred from active to passive datacenters in compressed format. Apache Kafka

    9. This instance of Kafka runs a set of embedded consumers to pull data from the Kafka instances in the live datacenters. Kafka a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing

    10. Even with the proper client installation, having all of the correct network access can be difficult, especially across subnets or datacenters. Programming Hive

    1038、单词 haproxy 的匹配文本:

    1. Many of them use HAProxy (http://haproxy.1wt.eu), which seems to be very popular and work quite well. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. Chapter 6 discusses how to load balance a set of RabbitMQ brokers using HAProxy while teaching how to create smart messaging clients that know how to reconnect to the broker in case of failures. RabbitMQ in Action

    3. The Havana release offers a reference implementation that is based on the HAProxy software load balancer. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    4. HAProxy For production use, I like HAProxy, a simple and powerful HTTP proxy server to do a round robin load balancing between the pool of slaves. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    5. Many open-source software projects also exist, including Apache itself, HAProxy, Nginx, and Pound. Pro Puppet

    6. Requests are load balanced using a virtual IP address and a load balancer such as HAProxy. high-availability-guide

    7. Use any standard HTTP load balancing method (DNS round robin, hardware load balancer, software like Pound or HAProxy) OpenStack Operations Guide

    1039、单词 luke 的匹配文本:

    1. I'd like to extend my special thanks to Luke Taylor for his leadership of Spring Security. Spring Security 3.1

    2. To query the search index created by our simple indexer example, you can use the IndexReader class from Lucene or a higher-level index browser tool like Luke.2 Tika in Action

    3. Special thanks go to Luke Daley, who didn’t just edit, but provided significant rewrites to the chapter on dependency management when the original version didn’t quite capture the spirit of the subject matter. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    4. If you wish to check the actual data structures, please take a look at the Luke utility (a utility that lets you see the index structure, field values, and operate on the index) Solr 3.1 Cookbook

    5. If in doubt, use Luke, which is a wonderful tool for inspecting all details of a Lucene index, to check whether numbers survived your analyzer and were added to the index. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    6. If you wish to check the actual data structures, take a look at the Luke utility (a utility that lets you see the index structure and field values, and operate on the index) Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

    7. I would also like to thank Hans Dockter, Ken Sipe, Adam Murdoch, Peter Niederwieser, Szczepan Faber, and Luke Daley of the Gradleware team for their support in answering questions and providing feedback during the writing process. Building and Testing with Gradle

    1040、单词 openjdk 的匹配文本:

    1. HBase runs on Oracle's JDK only, so do not use OpenJDK for the setup. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. For example, if we don't want to install OpenJDK, we can specify this with -java. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    3. Let’s look at some of these points, most of which are discussed in more detail on the JDK Enhancement Proposal website at http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/0 Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. If you didn’t already have Java installed on your server, it will also install the OpenJDK version of Java. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    5. As a result, Oracle offers OpenJDK: http://openjdk.java.net/, which is GPLv2 licensed. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    6. While the author understood the need for OpenJDK, the recipes in this book have been tested using the Oracle JDK. Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

    7. This chapter will focus on those that have been grouped as part of the Project Coin (http://openjdk.java. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    8. When a StringBuilder or StringBuffer becomes large enough to exceed the underlying data storage capacity, a new char array of a larger size, 2x larger in the OpenJDK StringBuilder and StringBuffer implementation (used by Java HotSpot Java 6 JDK/JRE), is allocated, the old char array elements are copied into the new char array, and the old char array is discarded. Java Performance

    9. Download the requisite Java 7 distribution for your platform, or download and build OpenJDK. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1041、单词 charlie 的匹配文本:

    1. This query returns the EMAILED relationships between Bob and Charlie (there will be one for each email that Bob has sent to Charlie) Graph Databases

    2. Charlie falls through to the catch-all case; even though he has the same age value as Bob, we’re matching on the name property as well. Programming Scala

    3. This book has been possible only because of the vision, determination, and perseverance of my coauthor, Charlie Hunt. Java Performance

    1042、单词 semantically 的匹配文本:

    1. However, semantically, Combiners were only designed to run at most once, and therefore the correctness of the MapReduce computation is only required to be maintained across a single Combiner invocation, that is: Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

    2. When the Pig Latin interpreter sees the first line containing the LOAD statement, it confirms that it is syntactically and semantically correct, and adds it to the logical plan, but it does not load the data from the file (or even check whether the file exists) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    3. This new validation group can now be specified as part of the constraint, and is semantically equivalent to specifying two groups separately: Java EE 7 Essentials

    4. An exception of this type is thrown during reflection if the generic type information contained in a class file is syntactically correct but semantically wrong. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    5. An array is a clearly useful data structure, but not semantically rich. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    6. This also makes the mapper and reducer logic clearer as comparisons between object attributes are more semantically meaningful than comparisons with slices of a string identified only by absolute index positions. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    7. This flow analysis can be extended to determine if other sections and code branches that are syntactically valid are actually semantically unreachable. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. There are actually two types of headers, which are basically the same logical concept but differ semantically. ActiveMQ in Action

    9. In this case, we can allow those operations that do not semantically conflict with each other to execute at the same time, thus permitting more concurrency than possible in a fully synchronized version of the class. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. Finally, experience with notifications led us to introduce a lighter-weight but semantically weaker notification mechanism. Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

    1043、单词 populates 的匹配文本:

    1. Adds hook for manipulating WTP component file after Gradle populates its build information. Gradle in Action

    2. For every region, the implementation creates a new split and populates the MultitableSplit class with the appropriate information. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. Such a run executes all tasks and populates the memoization server by storing the performed computations and the location of their results. Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

    4. The INSERT statement also populates the partition with data from table t, where as the alter table creates an empty partition. Hive A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse Using Hadoop

    5. OpenTSDB’s UI allows a user to start typing a UID name, and OpenTSDB populates a list of suggestions with UIDs from this table. HBase in Action

    6. Your UDF constructor creates and populates a list of private IP ranges. Hadoop in Practice

    7. For this reason, it is more common to create a new table that defines new columns and populates them using a SELECT statement. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. This method creates a new Movie instance, populates it with the values from the backing bean, and POSTs the bean to the REST endpoint. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. This call establishes a database connection, issues the query, populates the row set, and disconnects. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    10. It also populates different data structures with meta information such as the Deserializer and InputFormat classes required to scan the table and extract the necessary fields. HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    1044、单词 datatype 的匹配文本:

    1. But if an object contains an object as a member variable (as opposed to a primitive datatype), the story is somewhat different. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. As incoming messages are received, each vertex compares the integer contained in each message against the currently held minimum to see if it represents a lower value, therefore the business logic is made a bit easier by setting the initial minimum value to the maximum possible for the datatype. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    3. The main() method of the job looks similar to the WordCount example, except for the highlighted lines that has been changed to accommodate the input and output datatype changes: Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    4. A mapping defines the fields within a type, the datatype for each field, and how the field should be handled by. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    5. See ByteBuffer (the most important subclass) for documentation of these methods; all the other subclasses define similar methods which differ only in the datatype of the values being read or written. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. As with standard SQL, this requires that each column in the table has a name and datatype. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    7. Boolean: This datatype can be set to either TRUE or FALSE. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    8. Hive cannot work with this datatype directly, however a Book could be encoded to and decoded from a string format: Programming Hive

    9. What we meant was that the Set datatype in Java does not allow them. Pro JPA2

    10. Predefined data types add the benefit of being able to perform datatype specific operations inside Redis, which is typically faster than processing the data externally. Redis Cookbook

    1045、单词 interchangeably 的匹配文本:

    1. Note that we’re using the terms item and point interchangeably in this whole book. Mahout in Action

    2. For example, the Apache, NGINX, and Tomcat sFlow agents generate the same set of HTTP metrics, allowing web servers to be monitored interchangeably using a variety of performance analysis tools. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. Where the command servletrunner is used, the command startserver can be used interchangeably with later editions. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    4. We will refer to “containers” as the logical lease on resources and the actual process spawned on the node interchangeably. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    5. Unfortunately, in business, the term is often used interchangeably with business analytics. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. Also much of the documentation seems to use LZO and LZOP interchangeably. Hadoop in Practice

    7. Subsequently, they are referred to interchangeably as root table and meta table, respectively, since, for example, "-ROOT-" is how the table is actually named in HBase and calling it a root table is stating its purpose. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    8. We will use the terms live and in use interchangeably. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    9. In common usage, however, the distinction is not a sharp one and the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    10. From now on, we will use message ids and offsets interchangeably. Kafka a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing

    1046、单词 dwr 的匹配文本:

    1. In this section, we’ll describe the general concepts behind integrating these frameworks with Spring DM, then we’ll look at examples of two of the most popular ones: DWR and GWT. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    1047、单词 kinded 的匹配文本:

    1. The chapter moves into a discussion of higher-kinded types and finishes with a dive into existential types. Scala in Depth

    2. The type parameters used by the Application trait look quite different than what you saw in section 4.1—they’re called higher-kinded types in Scala. Scala in Action

    1048、单词 reimplement 的匹配文本:

    1. If you write a method that returns a collection, you may also want to return an interface instead of a class because you can then change your mind and reimplement the method later with a different collection. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. If we reimplement the PetCreator using class literals, the result is cleaner in many ways: Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. In the next section, we investigate the remaining features of the Optional class and give more practical examples showing various techniques you could use to reimplement the code you write to manage missing values. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. As an exercise, we will reimplement as native a method of the Employee class that was introduced in Volume I, Chapter 4 Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    5. Example 3-4 shows how we might reimplement Circle to prevent circles with negative radii. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. Distributed applications that require leader election, locking, group membership, service location, and configuration services can use ZooKeeper rather than reimplement the complex coordination and error handling that comes with these functions. Hadoop Operations

    7. Using this method, you can reimplement the discard server to log the host sending the data as well as the data sent. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    8. If you have followed the factory design pattern,[6] it is relatively simple to reimplement the original factory method to use a clone. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    9. You give the sort method a snippet of code needed to compare elements, and that code is integrated into the rest of the sorting logic, which you’d probably not care to reimplement. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    10. Interestingly enough, although this method has a fairly complex default implementation, most existing storage engines reimplement it. Understanding MySQL Internals

    1049、单词 datastore 的匹配文本:

    1. NoSQL design space: we partition the datastore and replicate each partition separately, providing full ACID semantics within partitions, but only limited consistency guarantees across them. Megastore - Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services

    2. Otherwise, you have to search for your datastore and uncomment it if it is commented accordingly. Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

    3. Any loss of data can wipe out your entire HDFS datastore. Pro Hadoop

    4. The Hive metadata, typically stored in a relational datastore, is also stored directly in Cassandra. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    5. Chapter 10, Persistence Using Apache Accumulo, contains recipes that show off many of the unique features and capabilities that come with using the NoSQL datastore Apache Accumulo. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    6. The datastore that they’d built on top of the then nascent Amazon Web Services to hold the index intermediaries and the webcrawl was buckling under the load (Ring. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. Near real-time consumers that are consuming messages and storing them in any NoSQL datastore such as HBase or Cassandra for near real-time analytics. Apache Kafka

    8. A common setup it to use some other database as the primary datastore and Elasticsearch to make the data searchable, which means that all changes to the primary database need to be copied across to Elasticsearch as they happen. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    9. Using a Local Datastore A simple backup script that creates archives in a specified directory will suffice if you have a large backup drive attached to your system or you can mount an external filesystem through NFS or SMB. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    10. On first access, expressions such as date(timestamp) are computed and materialized in the datastore as virtual fields. PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    1050、单词 nic 的匹配文本:

    1. Not only was it necessary to monitor the CPU and NIC, but it became necessary to focus on the individual process, the CPU core it uses, and its memory footprint. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. The manufacturer of the network interface card (NIC) installed in such devices is responsible for ensuring that no two card addresses are alike, and chooses a suitable addressing scheme. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    3. With connections at or above this scale, expect to use bare metal servers and expect to pay close attention to the NIC (Network Interface Card) vendor. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    4. Only first nic of vm will get default gateway from dhcp server. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    5. CIs can be anything you want to manage in this context: an entire data center can be a CI, as can an individual NIC on a physical server. Spring in Practice

    6. Multiple interfaces for your instances (multinic) The multi-nic feature allows you to plug more than one interface to your instances, making it possible to make several use cases available: bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    7. The reason why they cannot communicate is purposefully left undefined here because it usually doesn’t matter;2 a switch, cable, NIC, or even host failure of the recipient all look the same to the sender participating in the connection (or vice versa) Hadoop Operations

    8. For example, here are the first couple of results from the same search at the main French whois server, whois.nic.fr: Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. For the sake of optimal performance, it will default to using virtio for both disk and VIF (NIC) models. admin-user-guide-trunk

    10. We recommend that you use a fast NIC, such as 10 GB. OpenStack Operations Guide

    1051、单词 synchronizes 的匹配文本:

    1. Much like rsync synchronizes two directories locally or over a network, replication synchronizes two databases locally or remotely. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    2. A child writer synchronizes to its parent’s levels whenever a new value is added. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

    3. An unlock action on monitor m synchronizes-with all subsequent lock actions on m (where "subsequent" is defined according to the synchronization order) The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    4. Consider the following short Java method that synchronizes on an implicit monitor object, in this case this, as it is an instance method: Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. In effect, we are applying the advice of Item 13 by encapsulating the lock object within the object it synchronizes. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    6. This class synchronizes a group of n threads, where n is specified to the CyclicBarrier( ) constructor. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    7. Synchronized Blocks To indicate that these five lines of code should be executed together, wrap them in a synchronized block that synchronizes on the System.out object, like this: Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    8. As a consequence, volatile variables can be slower than non-volatile variables because of the extra requirement to always synchronize the variable, but faster than synchronized access and updates because volatile synchronizes only one variable whereas synchronization synchronizes all variables. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    9. As the Exchanger class only synchronizes two threads, you can use it if you have a producer-consumer problem with one producer and one consumer. Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

    10. The fulfillOrder() method synchronizes on the inventoryMap map and modifies both the inventoryMap map and the customerOrders list before finishing the synchronized block. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1052、单词 enqueue 的匹配文本:

    1. Here’s a simple example that has two methods which enqueue method calls: Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. We could include an execution time as part of queue items, and if a worker process sees an item with an execution time later than now, it can wait for a brief period and then re-enqueue the item. Redis in Action

    3. Users would submit their job with a description of an appropriately sized compute cluster to Torque, which would enqueue the job until enough nodes become available. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

    4. Once this command has been run, mongod will enqueue all incoming writes. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. An enqueue operation increments the pointer and uses its current position as a key. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. The enqueue() method is used by our LocalQueueFunction class to complete the recursion. Storm Blueprints Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation

    7. But where a list is usually extended at the front, using a :: operation, a queue is extended at the end, using enqueue. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    8. The basic operations on a queue are enqueue, which inserts an element at the end of the list (called the rear), and dequeue, which deletes (and returns) the element at the start of the list (known as the front) Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    9. This class allowed clients to enqueue work items for asynchronous processing by a background thread. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    10. If we are using an explicit queue of connections, we only need to enqueue a new connection and it will be picked up by an idle. Fundamental Networking in Java

    1053、单词 enumerations 的匹配文本:

    1. However, you will find enumerations in some legacy code because they were the only available mechanism for generic collections until the collections framework appeared in Java SE 1.2 Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Enumerations were introduced briefly at the end of Initialization & Cleanup. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you use enumerations or hashes for event names instead of typing them over and over. Testable JavaScript

    4. Along the way we’ll discuss pre-initialized fields, lazy vals, path-dependent types, and enumerations. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. Unlike enumerations in other languages, enums are objects and may have their own methods. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    6. Enumerations Remember our examples involving various breeds of dog? In thinking about the types in these programs, we might want a top-level Breed type that keeps track of a number of breeds. Programming Scala

    7. However, the standard library provides an Enumeration helper class that you can use to produce enumerations. Scala for the Impatient

    8. The interface provides two enumerations, which are used throughout the framework: Priority and State. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    9. This commonly happens when you are implementing singletons and typesafe enumerations. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    10. Over the years, the language has added features such as inner classes, JavaBeans, regular expressions, generics, enumerations, and so on. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1054、单词 zxid 的匹配文本:

    1. The Stat structure contains information about the znode, such as the timestamp of the last change (zxid) that changed this znode and the number of children in the znode. ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination

    2. It initially collects the latest epoch of a quorum of followers Q, proposes a later epoch, and collects the latest epoch and highest zxid of each of the followers in Q. Zab High-performance broadcast for primary-backup systems

    1055、单词 jill 的匹配文本:

    1. Since all the nodes are immutable, in order to accomplish this task, we’d have to copy the Sara, Jill, and root nodes; the rest of the nodes are unaffected. Programming Concurrency on the JVM

    2. Joe is furious, and Jill has trouble understanding what Joe is saying. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    3. In the graph in Figure 11.1, we know that Barbara is connected to Jill by two distinct paths; to find all these paths and the distance between Barbara and Jill along those different paths, we can use. NoSQL Distilled

    4. First, I’d like to thank Jill, the love of my life, who has been there for me throughout this whole project. Beginning CouchDB

    5. Jill and Jack must check in for their afternoon flight to New York. Spring Integration in Action

    6. If Jill has checked out the first book and Jack has checked out the second, and neither is willing to give up the book they have, neither can finish the paper. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    1056、单词 jslint 的匹配文本:

    1. Measures such as JSLint, cyclomatic complexity, lines of code, and fan-in and fan-out are important. Testable JavaScript

    1057、单词 upsert 的匹配文本:

    1. Without an upsert, we might try to find the URL and increment the number of views or create a new document if the URL doesn’t exist. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    2. The upsert feature gives us power to create a new document when document addresses by the URL we've used do not exist. Mastering ElasticSearch

    3. Solution If you need both updates and inserts in the same job, you can activate the so-called upsert mode with the --update-mode allowinsert parameter. Apache Sqoop Cookbook

    4. In cases like these, we can use the upsert parameter to specify the document that should be created if it doesn’t already exist: Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    5. The update() function takes four arguments: criteria, objNew, upsert, and multi. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    6. Then you issue a targeted update, indicating that this is to be an upsert—an update that will insert a new document if the document to be updated doesn’t exist. MongoDB in Action

    1058、单词 commandline 的匹配文本:

    1. Notice how you can control which Class objects are loaded via the commandline argument. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    2. The commandline output of Gradle tasks wrapping Ant targets is pretty sparse. Gradle in Action

    3. Also, you’ll be able to use jobs that have already been productionalized to work through a commandline interface, but not a script. MapReduce Design Patterns

    4. Finally, we close the shell by means of the exit command and return to our commandline prompt: HBase:The Definitive Guide

    5. Commandline utilities and parameters are also be printed with a fixed width font. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    6. But version 0.7 introduced dynamic loading, so all creation and modification of keyspace and column family definition is done through the Thrift API or the commandline interface (CLI) Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    7. Using web, commandline, or programmatic interfaces to create objects, which can be everything from text files to images to MP3s, you can store and retrieve your data based on a hierarchical model. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    8. Client applications can really be any type of application the developer desires, from commandline tools to services. Hadoop Operations

    9. Instead, we had Usenet news and FTP and commandline interfaces, and we liked it that way! But as good as the good old days were, there were some problems. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    10. Solution #2 allows you to choose your favorite editor and use the commandline prompt to compile and execute JavaFX programs. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1059、单词 mxml 的匹配文本:

    1. You use the MXML syntax to declare layout management and widget controls, and you use dynamic scripting to add event-handling and service invocation code which links the user interface to Java classes, data models, Web services, etc. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    1060、单词 statuses 的匹配文本:

    1. All the hosts, the Hadoop/HBase/ ZooKeeper daemons, and their statuses are now shown on the Nagios admin page: HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. Examples in the same file would have consecutive sequence numbers within a limited range and would have identical spam and nonspam statuses. Mahout in Action

    3. The preceding screenshot will show you the number of jobs and their statuses for the crawling that you have performed. Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

    4. To fetch a page of statuses from a given user, we can call the same get_messages() function, but we’ll pass profile: as the timeline argument in our call. Redis in Action

    5. Mobile apps for Android and iOS There are a number of rich mobile apps for the notification of Jenkins job statuses. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    6. Then shut down any producers and wait for your consumers to drain all of the queues (use rabbitmqctl to watch queue statuses until all of them are empty).5 Now, shut down the nodes and unpack the new version of RabbitMQ into your existing installation directories. RabbitMQ in Action

    7. Sonar manual reviews Similar to Bug Tracking systems, reviews are assigned to users and may have one of four possible statuses: Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials

    8. You can poll for progress, and when the jobs have finished, you can query for all the jobs’ statuses and the associated errors for any failures. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    9. The getStatus operation is not an enumeration with some set list of possible statuses. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    10. The statuses that are returned by Solr are the same as with the full import, so please refer to the appropriate chapters to see what information they carry. Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

    1061、单词 todo 的匹配文本:

    1. First, let’s look at the model of a todo action item. Gradle in Action

    2. See section TODO for a summary of the most common options, or run mongod with --help to see all the possible options. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    3. Code quality metrics can encompass many aspects of code quality, from coding standards and best practices right through to code coverage, with everything from compiler warnings to TODO comments in between. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    4. First, the items that need to occur at the current time are selected using takeWhile and saved into the val todoNow. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

    5. Footnote 18mAs you work through more of the exercises, you may want to read appendix Todo discussing different techniques for generalizing functions. Functional Programming in Scala

    6. Controlling relevance (TODO) Similarity Boosting at index time Boosting at query time Ignoring relevance Boosting with filters Boosting with scripts Boosting and performance 20 Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    1062、单词 validations 的匹配文本:

    1. Views and validations, however, aren’t stored as attachments; rather, they are directly included in the design document’s JSON body. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    2. Well, you could implement necessary validations inside the placeOrder function, but using the type system to enforce an order would be even better. Scala in Action

    3. Process validations: In this phase, the JSF implementation processes all validators registered on the components in the tree. Pro Spring 3

    4. In this flow, we did not apply validations or any of those features. Pro Spring MVC

    5. It can’t apply its own validations upon that data to ensure that different applications don’t manipulate data in an inconsistent way. NoSQL Distilled

    6. Figure 7.8 Using a composite item processor allows item processors to be chained in order to apply a succession of business rules, transformations, or validations. Spring Batch in Action

    7. The advantage of doing this is that the Pig framework will perform validations, which will let the user know if there’s a type mismatch. Hadoop in Practice

    8. Application developers don’t necessarily need to know the details of the life cycle, but it helps those who need to know information such as when validations, conversions, and events are usually handled and what they can do to change how and when they are handled. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. We will show you how to add validations and spinners to text fields and how you can display structured text such as HTML. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    10. Still, even if the heft of an object-relational mapper isn’t required, many developers like using a thin wrapper over the drivers to handle associations, validations, and type checking.8 MongoDB in Action

    1063、单词 french 的匹配文本:

    1. For a fascinating explanation of calendars around the world, from the French Revolutionary calendar to the Mayan long count, see Calendrical Calculations by Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Rafa Nadal produced another masterclass of clay-court tennis to win his fifth French Open title ... Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    3. Florent Delannoy is a French software engineer, now living in New Zealand after graduating with honors from a MSc in Lyon. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. For instance, you might like to provide the collective sentiment about a given topic to your French users; to do this you could ask the Facebook or Twitter API for the most trending comments about that topic in any language and maybe rank the most relevant ones with your internal algorithms. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    5. Aside from his work at Core, Joe has worked on several successful web development projects, including Learn French by Podcast, a language-learning web site that offers its members free highquality MP3 podcasts and allows them to purchase accompanying professional PDF guides for a small fee. Beginning CouchDB

    6. The _analyzer field allows you to specify a default analyzer for each document (eg english, french, spanish) while the analyzer parameter in the query specifies which analyzer to use on the query string. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    7. Java SE also predefines a number of language locales that specify just a language without a location: Locale.CHINESE Locale.ENGLISH Locale.FRENCH Locale.GERMAN Locale.ITALIAN Locale.JAPANESE. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    8. There are also representations of this resource in English, French, Arabic, and many other languages. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    9. For example, when searching for a French word that contains an accented letter, the user might expect a nonaccented spelling to match. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    10. The Brazilian and French analyzers use language-specific stemming and custom stop-word lists. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    1064、单词 keyspaces 的匹配文本:

    1. Cassandra puts the standard and super column families into keyspaces. NoSQL Distilled

    2. New clusters do not have any preexisting keyspaces or column families. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    3. To see which keyspaces are available in the cluster, issue this command: [default@unknown] show keyspaces system. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    1065、单词 aof 的匹配文本:

    1. The other method is called AOF, or append-only file, and it works by copying incoming write commands to disk as they happen. Redis in Action

    2. It isn’t uncommon to disable both snapshotting and the append-only file (aof) on the master and let a slave take care. The Little Redis Book

    3. If you come to the conclusion that snapshotting is putting too much strain on your Redis servers you might want to consider using slaves for persistence (by commenting out all the save statements in your masters and enabling them only on the slaves), or using AOF instead. Redis Cookbook

    1066、单词 avg 的匹配文本:

    1. Both of column pageRank and avgDuration are of integer type, and pageURL is of string type. RCFile A Fast and Space-efficient Data Placement Structure in MapReduce-based Warehouse Systems

    2. The possible values are total, max, min, avg, and multiply. Mastering ElasticSearch

    3. Build the Protocol Buffers StockAvg object using the Builder that was created as part of. Hadoop in Practice

    4. Eval AVG Calculates the average (mean) value of entries in a bag. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    5. Aggregate functions, such as sum(), or avg(), known from RDBMSes and SQL, could be moved to the servers to scan the data locally and only returning the single number result across the network. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    6. For numbers and dates, you can reduce a multi-value field to a single value using the min, max,avg or sum sort modes. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    7. On multicore and multiprocessor systems the bar with the avg label shows the overall CPU utilization. Java Performance

    8. Perhaps the two best known examples are count, which counts the number of rows (or values for a specific column), and avg, which returns the average value of the specified column values. Programming Hive

    9. There are five supported aggregate functions (AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX, and SUM), and results may be grouped in the GROUP BY clause and filtered using the HAVING clause. Pro JPA2

    10. Finally, the Rankings table contains three attributes: pageURL (VARCHAR(100)), pageRank (INT), and avgDuration(INT) HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    1067、单词 rebalance 的匹配文本:

    1. Finally, we will rebalance these regions to make them well-balanced within the cluster. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. The Balancer will also rebalance the cluster as new DataNodes are added to an existing cluster. Pro Hadoop

    3. It can be configured either manually or automatically to rebalance the data blocks. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    4. From the other side, while using over allocation, we can just add a new server with ElasticSearch installed and ElasticSearch will rebalance the cluster and move parts of the index to the new machine without additional cost of re-indexing. Mastering ElasticSearch

    5. To rebalance the existing data in the cluster, you can run the following command from the head node: Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    6. Adding a new DataNode This recipe shows how to add new nodes to an existing HDFS cluster without restarting the whole cluster, and how to force HDFS to rebalance after the addition of new nodes. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    7. To ideally rebalance the tree, we would like to move X up a level and Z down a level. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    8. When a new process is started with the existing consumer group name, Kafka triggers rebalance between the new and existing process threads for the consumer group. Apache Kafka

    9. However, using OPP means that your operations team will need to manually rebalance nodes periodically using Nodetool’s loadbalance or move operations. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    10. When to rebalance Hadoop does not have any automatic alarms that will alert you to an unbalanced filesystem. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    1068、单词 roadmap 的匹配文本:

    1. We’ll also briefly describe capabilities available on CouchDB’s roadmap, like replication filters, update handlers for parsing non-JSON input, and a rewrite handler for making application URLs more palatable. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    2. Deep integration testing with a sophisticated toolkit is one of the items on the roadmap and will be available in a future version of Gradle. Gradle in Action

    3. The view sublimely hints at the professionalism of your company and the stability of your product's roadmap. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. You can see how close a production release is by browsing the core server roadmap on the MongoDB bug tracker. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. HBase in Action brief contents contents foreword letter to the HBase community preface acknowledgments about this book Roadmap Intended audience Code conventions Code downloads Author Online. HBase in Action

    6. The Hortonworks blog is worth reading; it discusses application and future Hadoop roadmap items: http://hortonworks.com/blog/ Hadoop in Practice

    7. Roadmap The book has 12 chapters divided into three parts. Hadoop in Action

    8. There is an impalad daemon that runs on each data node in the cluster and does most of the work, a statestored daemon that runs on one node and performs periodic health checks on the impalad daemons, and the roadmap includes one more planned service. Cloudera Impala

    9. I also thank all the Oracle Java experts: you hit a home run with Java 7 and the roadmap for the future is looking great. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. Still, all of MongoDB’s core developers are either founders or employees of 10gen, and the project’s roadmap continues to be determined by the needs of its user community and the overarching goal of creating a database that combines the best features of relational databases and distributed key-value stores. MongoDB in Action

    1069、单词 chukwa 的匹配文本:

    1. Chukwa: A Monitoring Service Chukwa’s goal is to provide extract, transform, and load (ETL) services for cluster logging data, thereby providing end users with a simple and efficient way to find the logging events that are actually important. Pro Hadoop

    2. Next, we will introduce Hadoop-specific monitoring systems Ambari and Chukwa. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    3. In addition, we’ll cover using Flume for moving log data into Hadoop, and in the process we’ll evaluate two competing log collection and aggregation tools, Chukwa and Scribe. Hadoop in Practice

    4. For example, Chukwa, a data collection and monitoring system built on HDFS and MapReduce, excels at mining log data for finding large-scale trends. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    1070、单词 maintainability 的匹配文本:

    1. Using Ant across many projects within an enterprise has a big impact on maintainability. Gradle in Action

    2. Maintainability of scripting For later re-use, consider centralizing your Groovy code outside the build files. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    3. Sonar reports on code coverage, rule compliance, and documentation, but also on more high-level metrics such as complexity, maintainability and even technical debt. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    4. Some of the major benefits of using these higher-level of abstractions include readability, maintainability, development time, and automatic optimization. MapReduce Design Patterns

    5. The HFile refactoring into a reader and writer hierarchy allows for significant improvements in code maintainability. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. The class of the returned object can also vary from release to release for enhanced software maintainability and performance. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    7. The methods that are used and the structure of the code affect the readability and maintainability of the code. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    8. The ordinal() method can be used to retrieve an enum constant’s ordinal value; however, it is not recommended that applications be written to depend on this value for maintainability reasons. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    9. Method extraction, parameter introduction, and other refactoring techniques can help break down complex application logic into testable chunks, improving the overall readability and maintainability of the application in the process. Pro JPA2

    10. But is the unlimited ability to code your way through a complex build a good thing? It might open broad new vistas of flexibility, but the result might ultimately be a catastrophe of maintainability. Building and Testing with Gradle

    1071、单词 mysqld 的匹配文本:

    1. The procedure is to start gdb, attach it to the mysqld process, and dump stack traces for all threads. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. It might also mean configuring any NAT firewall between nodes to allow direct connections, or disabling SELinux or configuring it to allow mysqld to listen to sockets at unprivileged ports. high-availability-guide

    3. Most of the code is found in the file sql/mysqld.cc. Understanding MySQL Internals

    1072、单词 vertica 的匹配文本:

    1. As scale increases, you’re likely to have to commit to a parallel extraction architecture, such as Hadoop, or a commercially supported system like Aster Data, Vertica, or Greenplum. Mahout in Action

    2. Furthermore, like Vertica and other column-store databases, we will read data only from the columns needed for this analysis, since Bigtable can store data segregated by columns. MapReduce a flexible data processing tool

    3. The success of MR led to a wide range of third-party implementations (notably open-source Hadoop [15]), and a number of hybrid systems that combine parallel DBMSs with MR, offered by vendors like Aster, Cloudera, Greenplum, and Vertica. Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

    4. This is clearly highlighted by the balance sheets of companies like Oracle, Vertica, Teradata, and others. HBase in Action

    5. One of the key aims of Tenzing has been to have performance comparable to traditional MPP database systems such as Teradata, Netezza and Vertica. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

    6. For our application, partitioning is much more powerfull than traditional indices, since partitions allow indexing by multiple dimensions and enable covering lookups without duplication the data (such costly duplication is, e.g., used by C-Store / Vertica as proposed in [3]) PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

    7. Venture capitalists are very much aware of this trend, and have funded no fewer than a dozen new companies in recent years that build specialized analytical data management software (e.g., Netezza, Vertica, DATAllegro, Greenplum, Aster Data, Infobright, Kickfire, Dataupia, ParAccel, and Exasol), and continue to fund them, even in pressing economic times [18] HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    1073、单词 filemq 的匹配文本:

    1. Large-Scale File Publishing: FileMQ Let’s put all these techniques together into a file distribution system that I’ll call FileMQ. ZeroMQ

    1074、单词 dropdown 的匹配文本:

    1. The RegExp Tester view is one of the options you can choose from the View Results Tree listener dropdown menu items. Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

    2. Basic HyperText Markup Language (HTML) contains simple mechanisms for data gathering: text-entry boxes, check boxes, radio boxes, lists and dropdown lists, as well as a button that could only be programmed to reset the data on the form or “submit” the data on the form back to the server. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Because you’ll want to deploy a WAR file, choose the value JVM Web Application (WAR) from the dropdown box and enter todo into the input field to represent the application name. Gradle in Action

    4. Now it’s time to make things a bit more interesting by adding a dropdown box (a HTML select) to select a category to search for in addition to the title. Pro Spring MVC

    5. Jenkins will provide a dynamic dropdown showing the available machine names and labels as you type. Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    6. Introduction Selenium WebDriver implements a very comprehensive API for working with web elements, Advanced User Interactions, executing JavaScript code, and support for various types of controls such as List, Dropdown, Radio Button, and Checkbox. Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

    7. By changing the chart value in the dropdown, you can see in detail the graduations in which Cassandra is using its memory. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    8. On the Project tab, select the appropriate project from the CURRENT PROJECT dropdown list, and click the Access & Security category. admin-user-guide-trunk

    9. You already know what the fieldnames will be (the title, the message, and a dropdown box to identify who will add the post), so it’s easy to construct the HTML form in a new PHP page named add.php. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    10. You can type into it to use the auto complete functionality or use it as a dropdown. Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

    1075、单词 eric 的匹配文本:

    1. David Culler’s cluster research attracted talented graduated students, including Brent Chun and Matt Welsh, as well as world-class technical staff such as Eric Fraser and Albert Goto. Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. The anonymous OSDI reviewers, and our shepherd, Eric Brewer, provided many useful suggestions of areas where the paper could be improved. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

    3. We appreciate Eric Sammer’s help in finding reviewers and wish him luck with his book Hadoop Operations. MapReduce Design Patterns

    4. Special thanks to Matt Landolf, Mubarak Seyed, Tyler Hobbs, and Eric Tamme who contributed the knowledge and free time to add to the content of the book. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    5. Jane Thomas and Charles Bing have no fax numbers in their documents, and Eric Quinn has no e-mail address in his. Beginning CouchDB

    6. People again tried to put HBase and its peers into this perspective: for example, using Eric Brewer’s CAP theorem. HBase in Action

    7. We saw the advent of the so-called NoSQL solutions, a term coined by Eric Evans in response to a question from Johan Oskarsson, who was trying to find a name for an event in that very emerging, new data storage system space.# The term quickly rose to fame as there was simply no other name for this new class of products. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    8. The CAP theorem is sometimes called Brewer’s theorem after its author, Eric Brewer. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. About the Author Eric Sammer is currently a Principal Solution Architect at Cloudera where he helps customers plan, deploy, develop for, and use Hadoop and the related projects at scale. Hadoop Operations

    10. We’d also like to thank Eric McCall for helping us get Vertica running on EC2 HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

    1076、单词 nontransactional 的匹配文本:

    1. If you don’t really need them, you might be able to get higher performance with a nontransactional storage engine for some kinds of queries. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. Let’s quickly create a nontransactional pipeline and make all of our requests over that pipeline. Redis in Action

    3. Figure 9.2 illustrates the difference between a nontransactional and a transactional reader. Spring Batch in Action

    4. Master Data Management Master data is data that is critical to the operation of a business, but which itself is nontransactional. Graph Databases

    5. Transactional access to databases is slower than nontransactional access, so use the nontransactional form whenever possible. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    6. Nontransactional reads do not have the overhead of starting and stopping a transaction and should be preferred in cases where entity state is not being modified. Java Performance

    7. The old nontransactional storage engine, ISAM, was reworked and released as MyISAM. Understanding MySQL Internals

    1077、单词 mkdir 的匹配文本:

    1. If you are a Windows user, the following command should be used: #mkdir urls. Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

    2. Target named init that used task mkdir to create directory build. Gradle in Action

    3. Put the downloaded data into HDFS with the following commands: hadoop fs -mkdir testdata. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

    4. It is important to create the data directory (e.g., mkdir -p /data/db/) and to make sure your user has permission to write to the directory before starting MongoDB. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    5. The FileSystemActions class supports execution of the HDFS operations (delete, mkdir, and so on) during the preparation phase. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    6. File.mkdir(  ) To create a directory, you must be able to write to thefilesystem. Java Security 2nd Edition

    7. Run the following command to create a new directory called /test: >bin/hadoop dfs -mkdir /test. Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

    8. This directory isn’t automatically created for you, though, so let’s create it with the mkdir command. Hadoop in Action

    9. Create a directory into which Hadoop will store its data: $ mkdir /var/lib/hadoop. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    10. Make a directory for Zookeeper to store its data: $ sudo mkdir /var/zookeeper. Programming Hive

    1078、单词 firebase 的匹配文本:

    1. Firebase and Urban Airship are among the startups using Netty, the former Firebase for long-lived HTTP connections, the latter for all kinds of push notifications. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    1079、单词 semistructured 的匹配文本:

    1. Hybrid MySQL/Hadoop deployments are very common for processing large or semistructured datasets. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    2. This is especially true for semistructured data, such as XML or JSON, since these typically require parsing arbitrary quantities of information into usable objects. MapReduce Design Patterns

    3. HBase stores structured and semistructured data naturally so you can load it with tweets and parsed log files and a catalog of all your products right along with their customer reviews. HBase in Action

    4. In this social network, as in so many real-world cases of connected data, the connections between entities don’t exhibit uniformity across the domain—the domain is semistructured. Graph Databases

    5. Network protocols, many physical systems like vending machines and elevators, and parsing semistructured text can all be done with state machines. Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

    6. We’ll look at Hadoop data ingress across a spectrum of data sources, starting with log files, then semistructured or binary files, then databases, and finally HBase. Hadoop in Practice

    7. MapReduce works well on unstructured or semistructured data because it is designed to interpret the data at processing time. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. There are many variations in how the data is stored, which include key/value stores (compare to a HashMap), semistructured, column-oriented stores, and documentoriented stores. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    9. Pig can operate on data that is relational, nested, semistructured, or unstructured. Hadoop in Action

    10. As with key-value stores and documentoriented databases, graph databases allow you to represent semistructured data and naturally evolve your schemas according to newfound relationships and properties. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    1080、单词 obj 的匹配文本:

    1. Employee e = (Employee) obj; In Java, only the primitive types (numbers, characters, and boolean values) are. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. If you’ve programmed with a compiled language, you might be used to the compiler spitting out an intermediate form (usually an “obj” file) that is then packaged together with others of its kind using a linker (to create an executable file) or a librarian (to create a library) Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Equivalently, if you take the "avgObjSize" and multiply it by "count", you’ll get "size" MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    4. The map method from an IntStream expects only another int to be returned for each element of the stream, which isn’t what you want! You can rewrite this using the method mapToObj of an IntStream, which returns an object-valued stream: Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    5. If start_time_obj is set to None, then that means we are on the first row for that location and cannot yet do a time delta comparison. Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    6. The default for this is identitydb.obj in the user's home directory. Java Security 2nd Edition

    7. The update() function takes four arguments: criteria, objNew, upsert, and multi. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    8. The forwardObj array will be used to return result rows: Programming Hive

    9. Also, when discussing invocations of the form obj.msg(arg), the recipient (that is, the object bound to variable obj) is called the target object. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. An Object or ObservableValue and a sequence of public property names, yielding the property obj.p1.p2 Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    1081、单词 york 的匹配文本:

    1. He has studied graphic design in New York, in the late 1990s. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. The first release of Java in 1996 generated an incredible amount of excitement, not just in the computer press, but in mainstream media such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Business Week. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    3. Accountants Don’t Use Erasers Say you want to give $100 to your cousin Paul for the New York cheesecake he sent to you. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    4. During that same time, AOL released a set of “anonymized” search engine logs for research purposes, and a New York Times reporter was able to cross-reference this data set with phonebook listings to personally identify users. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. If one point is the temperature in New York and another in San Francisco, they’re likely not related even with a similar timestamp. HBase in Action

    6. The New York Stock Exchange generates about one terabyte of new trade data per day. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    7. Our case studies in chapter 12 will describe how companies including New York Times , China Mobile , and IBM are using Hadoop. Hadoop in Action

    8. This indicates that we have one hotel in New York, New York, but we see six results because the results are column-oriented, and there are six columns for that row in the column family. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    9. Misconfiguration Kathleen Ting, a manager on Cloudera’s support team gave a talk at HadoopWorld 2011 in New York City, supported by research done by Ari Rabkin, where she talked about common failures and their cause. Hadoop Operations

    10. Others, such as the New York Times website, implement it through cookies and HTML forms. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    1082、单词 recompiled 的匹配文本:

    1. The code containing the call e.getSalary() need not be recompiled. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. The protocol buffer framework allows types to be upgraded (in constrained ways) without requiring existing applications to be changed (or even recompiled or rebuilt) MapReduce a flexible data processing tool

    3. In this case the game will still run (unless it’s recompiled) despite adding the method setRelativeSize to the Resizable interface. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

    4. Chapter 13 describes binary compatibility, specifying the impact of changes to types on other types that use the changed types but have not been recompiled. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    5. Other challenges with Hive and Hadoop also exist, where Hive may need to be recompiled to work with versions of Hadoop other than the one it was built against. Hadoop in Practice

    6. It has to be recompiled, perhaps by a weaker compiler that doesn't optimize as well as for x86 Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    7. If the int associated with an enum constant is changed, its clients must be recompiled. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    8. Alreadycompiled annotations are affected, even if they are never recompiled after the change to the type. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    9. At times in large projects, I have seen some classes recompiled with the wrong compiler. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    10. Another great side effect: A class that implements an interface can be changed and recompiled without affecting code that works against the interface. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1083、单词 trivially 的匹配文本:

    1. We already discussed that the collection interfaces have quite a few methods that can be trivially implemented from more fundamental methods. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Using a superclass member that is not protected is trivially correct.) The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    3. A single leader replica can trivially assign timestamps in monotonically increasing order. Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

    4. These two values can be calculated on the reduce side very trivially, by iterating through each value in the set and adding to a running sum while keeping a count. MapReduce Design Patterns

    5. Inode numbers are allocated in ranges to metadata servers and considered immutable in our prototype, although in the future they could be trivially reclaimed on file deletion. Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

    6. The sorted arrangement of the entire set is then trivially obtained. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

    7. When the reference count for an object decreases to zero, the object has no referrers left, and trivially, the object is available for garbage collection. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    8. It trivially implements a getTag() and a setTag(Text tag) method. Hadoop in Action

    9. Worse, since the tasktracker’s job is to execute user supplied code as a user indicated by the jobtracker, an attacker would trivially have full control over all worker nodes. Hadoop Operations

    10. A more profitable way to exploit parallelism for applications such as the index server is to leverage the trivially parallelizable computation. Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

    1084、单词 singletons 的匹配文本:

    1. The universe master and the placement driver are currently singletons. Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

    2. The keyword table introduces an aggregator type; aggregators are called tables in Sawzall even though they may be singletons. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

    3. The container now initializes all such startup-time singletons, executing the code marked in @PostConstruct, before the application becomes available and any client request is serviced. Java EE 7 Essentials

    4. For static singletons, initialization can be performed with initialize on demand, providing the same semantics and avoiding double checked locking. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. This commonly happens when you are implementing singletons and typesafe enumerations. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    6. While a full discussion of how the Spring Framework functions is beyond the scope of this book, it is worth noting that Spring creates singletons by default, which is exactly what we want here. Getting Started with Google Guava

    7. Singletons typically represent a system component that is intrinsically unique, such as the window manager or file system. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    8. Singletons (see Section 4.2.4) that maintain some state information are a prime. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    9. Because JVMs perform dynamic loading of classes, there is usually no need to support lazy initialization of singletons. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

    10. The container can create singletons that do not specify eager initialization lazily, but this is vendor-specific and cannot be assumed. Pro JPA2

    1085、单词 slurper 的匹配文本:

    1. You now have a Groovy-based configuration file in place, but how do you read its content from the Gradle build? Groovy provides a handy API class named groovy.util .ConfigSlurper that’s designed to parse a treelike data structure. Gradle in Action

    2. Solution The HDFS File Slurper open source project can copy files of any format in and out of HDFS. Hadoop in Practice

    1086、单词 tsd 的匹配文本:

    1. We will only start one Time Series Daemon (TSD) in the demonstration. HBase Administration Cookbook

    2. OpenTSDB includes a process called tsd for handling interactions with HBase. HBase in Action

    1087、单词 superinterface 的匹配文本:

    1. If any superinterface of C declares a method with the name and descriptor. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    2. A non-static member type of a raw type R that is not inherited from a superclass or superinterface of R. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    3. In an abstract class or an interface, however, it is worth annotating all methods that you believe to override superclass or superinterface methods, whether concrete or abstract. Effective Java 2nd Edition

    4. When one interface extends another, it inherits all the abstract methods and constants of its superinterface and can define new abstract methods and constants. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    5. It is important to note that class initialization requires superclass initialization, although not superinterface initialization. Java Performance

    6. NOTE: In Java 8, the forEach method has been added to the Iterable interface, a superinterface of Collection, using the mechanism that I will describe in this section. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

    7. Sets or Collections The most common collection type used in associations is the standard Collection superinterface. Pro JPA2

    1088、单词 unmarshalling 的匹配文本:

    1. At the skeleton end the parameters are reconstituted to form primitive datatypes and objects, which is known as unmarshalling. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. The batchMarshaller is declared for Castor to perform marshaling and unmarshalling between POJO and XML. Pro Spring 3

    3. For each Lucene Document found from the Lucene Query, listing 6.6 demonstrates how to use Tika to assist in unmarshalling the Lucene Document into an RSS-compatible item, surrounded by an enclosing RSScompatible channel tag (provided by the getRSSHeaders() method and the getRSSFooters() called in the following listing) Tika in Action

    4. For example, after unmarshalling all of the arguments from a data buffer, a programmer might assert that the number of bytes of data remaining in the buffer is zero. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

    5. These formats work in a straightforward manner in most programming languages, with several tools available to help you with marshalling, unmarshalling, and validating where applicable. Hadoop in Practice

    6. We also need to transform the portable format back to a domain object, which is fittingly called unmarshalling. Spring Integration in Action

    7. For distributed applications , you need to break down measurements into times spent on each component, times spent preparing data for transfer and from transfer (e.g., marshalling and unmarshalling objects and writing to and reading from a buffer), and times spent in network transfer. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. Instead, the focus is on the marshalling and unmarshalling performance. Java Performance

    9. This is useful during the next step of XML processing, which is either unmarshalling or marshalling these bindings. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1089、单词 vcs 的匹配文本:

    1. It’s common practice that a version control system (VCS) manages the versioning of the build definition and source code files. Gradle in Action

    2. We must click on the VCS settings button to go to the next page and define our Git repository as version controller repository. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    3. It will check out THE (?) code from your Version Control System (VCS) and build it. Pro Spring MVC

    4. To manage your content, we recommend that you use a Version Control System or VCS. Pro Puppet

    1090、单词 multiplexing 的匹配文本:

    1. In contrast, a multiplexing channel selector can write to different channels depending on certain header information. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

    2. Moreover, the Selector processes multiple sockets’ I/O read/write operations in a single thread, thanks to a concept known as multiplexing—this solves the problem of dedicating one thread to each socket connection. Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    3. Multiplexing of connections • Providing support for different transfer priorities. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    4. Green threads Green threads usually refers to implementing threads with some kind of multiplexing algorithm, using one OS thread to represent several or all Java threads in the JVM. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    5. See Selector and SelectionKey for further details on multiplexing selectable channels. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    6. Selectors replicating and multiplexing The source selector has two modes, replicating as we have seen here and multiplexing. Hadoop Beginners Guide

    7. However, almost all operating systems support an efficient multiplexing function call, often called select( ) or sometimes poll( ) Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

    8. More powerful channel classes exist which support multiplexing as well as reading and writing. Fundamental Networking in Java

    1091、单词 xsl 的匹配文本:

    1. For the transformation from XML to HTML, you used an XSL file provided with the Checkstyle distribution. Gradle in Action

    2. However, what isn't immediately obvious is that this information is actually being served up to the browser as XML with an embedded link to an XSL style sheet that transforms it in the browser into HTML. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

    3. The XSL Transformations (XSLT) mechanism allows you to specify rules for transforming XML documents into other formats, such as plain text, XHTML, or any other XML format. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    4. This class defines string constants that hold the names of the attributes of an <xsl:output> tag in an XSLT stylesheet. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

    5. For instance, it omits various XML applications such as RDF (.rdf), XSL (.xsl), and so on that should have the MIME type application/xml. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    6. But how can you produce this XML from a Web search UI in the first place?  There are various approaches but one simple approach is to use the Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) to define query templates as text files that can be populated with user input at run-time. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    7. Language (XSL) transform file, and produce the transformed, new document. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1092、单词 iiop 的匹配文本:

    1. With the introduction of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, a new technology known as RMI over IIOP helps bridge the gap between RMI and CORBA systems. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. For example, when you pass serialized objects over IIOP, the ORB. Java Threads 3rd Edition

    3. I-IIOP subsystem is composed of APIs that allow for the use of RMI-style ming that is independent of the underlying protocol, as well as an. Java EE 7 Specification

    4. Andy was responsible for many of WebLogic’s enterprise-class features, such as clustering, RMI, IIOP, and HA technologies. Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    5. Other possible protocols include JMXMP (as described in the Java SE documentation) and IIOP. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

    6. Such non-JMS APIs could consist of utilizing the CORBA IIOP protocol or some other native protocol beyond Java RMI. ActiveMQ in Action

    7. Depending on the JMX implementation, you may have several remoting protocol options to choose from, including Remote Method Invocation (RMI), SOAP, Hessian/ Burlap, and even Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP) Spring in Action 4th Edition

    1093、单词 hyperlinks 的匹配文本:

    1. If you like, you can place hyperlinks to other classes or methods anywhere in any of your documentation comments. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Not only that, but hyperlinks could be made within the same document, such as to a glossary of terms. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    3. Javadoc will not check the hyperlinks you give it to make sure they are valid. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    4. Optimizing GROUP BY on BoardReader.com An improvement to the BoardReader service required counting hyperlinks and building various reports from the linking data. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

    5. The following example analyzes each comment in StackOverflow to find hyperlinks to Wikipedia. MapReduce Design Patterns

    6. We have created maps containing as many as 518 million of these hyperlinks, a significant sample of the total. The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine

    7. The editor pane displaying an HTML page The hyperlinks are active: If you click a link, the application loads it. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

    8. In a web application where the user types in an expression that is parsed with QueryParser, the original expression could be made part of the hyperlinks for navigating the pages and reparsed for each request, or the expression could be kept in a hidden HTML field or as a cookie. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    9. The final step is to add two hyperlinks at the bottom of your page. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

    10. The left column shows a text field at the top to allow the user to enter new urls and RSS feed sources as hyperlinks underneath. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    1094、单词 proxied 的匹配文本:

    1. Note that the toString method is proxied even though it does not belong to the Comparable interface—as you will see in the next section, certain Object methods are always proxied. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Java’s dynamic proxy takes the idea of a proxy one step further, by both creating the proxy object dynamically and handling calls to the proxied methods dynamically. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. Long polling requests can be interrupted, but proxied requests cannot. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    4. Configuring the API (top-level) cell The compute API class must be changed in the API cell so that requests can be proxied via nova-cells down to the correct cell properly. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

    5. However, operator-facing tools such as novamanage, are not proxied and should not be used. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

    6. The following ProxyPassReverse directives instructs Apache to adjust the URLs in the HTTP response headers to match that of the proxy server, instead of the reverse proxied server. Scaling CouchDB

    7. To use the cluster, network traffic from the client needs to be proxied through the master node of the cluster using an SSH tunnel, which we can set up using the following command: Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    8. The JNDI naming context, classloader, and security context is propagated to the proxied object. Java EE 7 Essentials

    9. One might expect proxies to make the cell temporarily unavailable at least twice as often as before, because each proxied client depends on two machines that may fail: its proxy and the Chubby master. Chubby - The lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems

    10. You can also use an asterisk as a wildcard to indicate that all the hosts within a particular domain or subdomain should not be proxied. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

    1095、单词 memstore 的匹配文本:

    1. Sum of all the memstore sizes in this RegionServer (MB) Monitoring with Ganglia

    2. The memstore holds in-memory modifications to the store in the form of key/values. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    3. Writes arriving at a regionserver are first appended to a commit log and then are added to an in-memory memstore. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    4. When data is updated it is first written to a commit log, called a write-ahead log (WAL) in HBase, and then stored in the in-memory memstore. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    1096、单词 denormalization 的匹配文本:

    1. It’s common for the data that you acquire directly to require denormalization before it can be used to train a model, because the original data may be scattered across many different storage formats including log files, database tables, and other sources. Mahout in Action

    2. This kind of denormalization is a particularly good fit for CouchDB. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

    3. Normalization versus Denormalization There are many ways of representing data and one of the most important issues is how much you should normalize your data. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

    4. Although this denormalization strategy uses more space on disk, a lookup query by Logsandra will only read a single contiguous portion of one row in Cassandra, which is very efficient. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

    5. Denormalization optimizes for reads, but you pay the cost of writing multiple copies at write time. HBase in Action

    6. Recall that denormalization is quite common in HBase to reduce the required read operations in favor of vastly improved user-facing responsiveness. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. This process, called denormalization, is antithetical to the five normal forms that characterize the relational model, and violate Codd’s 12 Commandments for relational data. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

    8. Open source projects that build on Lucene, like Hibernate Search, Compass, LuSQL, DBSight, Browse Engine and Oracle/Lucene integration each have different and interesting approaches for handling this denormalization. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

    9. However, you pay the penalty of denormalization, data duplication and the greater risk of inconsistent data. Programming Hive

    10. Since you don’t have the join option with MongoDB, you can proceed in one of two ways: either query against the user collection for each review or accept some denormalization. MongoDB in Action

    1097、单词 multimodule 的匹配文本:

    1. The Echo Client / Server Maven project Appendix A uses the configuration of the Echo Client / Server project to explain in detail how multimodule Maven projects are organized. Netty in Action MEAP V08

    2. The same concept translates to multimodule projects, called partial builds. Gradle in Action

    3. Under these circumstances, you are left with the choice of writing a number of build files, perhaps as a multi-module project (http://Maven.apache.org/plugins/Mavenassembly-plugin/examples/multimodule/module-source-inclusion-simple. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

    4. This project is a multimodule project, so a separate subdirectory is generated for each module (core, services, web and so forth) Jenkins The Definitive Guide

    5. It’s a multimodule project with support for Hibernate, JPA, DAOs, and web app development. Spring in Practice

    6. Maven 2 is able to handle multimodule projects; the immediate benefits (regarding the build) are the possibility of sharing metadata between projects (by using POM inheritance) and building all the modules at once (by launching the build of the root module) Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

    7. To create a multimodule project, you begin by defining the outer project using the --packaging tag, setting the value to POM: Spring Roo in Action

    1098、单词 desc 的匹配文本:

    1. Methods of the ActivationDesc class are listed below; all are public. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

    2. The application-desc attribute tells the JNLP implementation which class is the executable class, or entry point, to the JAR file. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

    3. If we have a task first in our project, we want to add a task descFirst to show the description property of the task first. Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

    4. To sort the nobots relationship by timestamp in the descending order, use the desc option: Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

    5. You then build up your new task’s document in JSON format, using the value of the Description textarea field for the value of the desc field. Beginning CouchDB

    6. Once again, you would make use of implicit sorting by prefixing the values with an index ID—for example, idx-subject-desc, idx-to-asc, and so on. HBase:The Definitive Guide

    7. Also included in your JNLP file was a description of your applet, surrounded by the applet-desc tag. Java 7 New Features Cookbook

    8. You can specify any columns you wish and specify whether or not the columns are ascending using the ASC keyword (the default) or descending using the DESC keyword. Programming Hive

    9. You’ll also notice the application-desc element’s attribute main-class containing the class that has the main() method. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

    10. Each of the attributes can be optionally followed by an ASC or DESC keyword to define whether the attribute should be ordered in ascending or descending order. Pro JPA2

    1099、单词 cdi 的匹配文本:

    1. Currently, he is developing web applications using the latest Java technologies on the market (EJB 3.0, CDI, Spring, JSF, Struts, Pro Java 7 NIO.2

    2. The not tors specification for the rules that determine which classes are CDI beans treatment of interceptors. Java EE 7 Specification

    3. The Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification is now a core component model, and is enabled by default. Java EE 7 Essentials

    1100、单词 customizations 的匹配文本:

    1. A Swing application will now pick up the color scheme customizations and faithfully render the throbbing buttons and scrollbars that have become fashionable. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

    2. Any customizations, integration with external tools, and other interesting hurdles are also discussed. Monitoring with Ganglia

    3. However, it’s impossible for the DSL to reflect configuration options for third-party Eclipse plugins or personalized user customizations. Gradle in Action

    4. A significant portion of this book is dedicated to describing approaches to such customizations, as well as practical implementations. Professional Hadoop Solutions

    5. There are few dependency management scenarios it can’t handle natively or be adapted to through a few easy customizations. Gradle Beyond The Basics

    6. The following sections describe the customizations that are needed to run Hadoop. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

    7. Almost all of these customizations relate to the index, and the types which it contains. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

    8. The next page allows for some customizations of the JMS connection factory as shown in figure 8.12 ActiveMQ in Action

    9. You can use these recipes as an initial point to implement your own customizations. Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

    10. Building Hive from Source Running Apache releases is usually a good idea, however you may wish to use features that are not part of a release, or have an internal branch with nonpublic customizations. Programming Hive

  12. 涉及文献数目:171

  13. 1、A Java ForkJoin Framework

  14. 2、ActiveMQ in Action

  15. 3、Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

  16. 4、Apache Hadoop Goes Realtime at Facebook

  17. 5、Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

  18. 6、Apache Kafka

  19. 7、Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

  20. 8、Apache Sqoop Cookbook

  21. 9、Beginning CouchDB

  22. 10、Beginning Scala

  23. 11、Bigtable - A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data

  24. 12、Building LinkedIn’s Real-time Activity Data1

  25. 13、Building and Testing with Gradle

  26. 14、Cassandra A Decentralized Structured Storage System

  27. 15、Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  28. 16、Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  29. 17、Ceph A Scalable, High-Performance Distributed File System

  30. 18、Chubby - The lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems

  31. 19、Cinder-grizzly-deep-dive-pub

  32. 20、Cloudera Impala

  33. 21、Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

  34. 22、Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  35. 23、Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  36. 24、CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  37. 25、Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure

  38. 26、Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

  39. 27、Deploying OpenStack

  40. 28、Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets

  41. 29、Effective Java 2nd Edition

  42. 30、Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide

  43. 31、Elasticsearch in Action MEAP V07 cHAPTER 1

  44. 32、F1 - The Fault-Tolerant Distributed RDBMS

  45. 33、FlumeJava - Easy, Efficient Data-Parallel Pipelines

  46. 34、Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

  47. 35、Functional Programming in Scala

  48. 36、Fundamental Networking in Java

  49. 37、GFS - The Google File System

  50. 38、Getting Started with CouchDB

  51. 39、Getting Started with Google Guava

  52. 40、Getting Started with Storm

  53. 41、Gradle Beyond The Basics

  54. 42、Gradle Effective Implementation Guide

  55. 43、Gradle in Action

  56. 44、Graph Databases

  57. 45、HBase Administration Cookbook

  58. 46、HBase in Action

  59. 47、HBase:The Definitive Guide

  60. 48、HDFS scalability the limits to growth

  61. 49、Hadoop Beginners Guide

  62. 50、Hadoop MapReduce Cookbook

  63. 51、Hadoop Operations

  64. 52、Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  65. 53、Hadoop RealWorld Solutions Cookbook

  66. 54、Hadoop in Action

  67. 55、Hadoop in Practice

  68. 56、HadoopDB An Architectural Hybrid of MapReduce and DBMS Technologies for Analytical Workloads

  69. 57、Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  70. 58、High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  71. 59、Hive A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse Using Hadoop

  72. 60、Incoop MapReduce for Incremental Computations

  73. 61、Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall

  74. 62、Introduction to Tajo

  75. 63、JSR-133 Java Memory Model and Thread

  76. 64、Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

  77. 65、Java 7 New Features Cookbook

  78. 66、Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

  79. 67、Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  80. 68、Java EE 7 Essentials

  81. 69、Java EE 7 Specification

  82. 70、Java EE 7 Web Profile Specification

  83. 71、Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  84. 72、Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing

  85. 73、Java Performance

  86. 74、Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  87. 75、Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

  88. 76、Java Security 2nd Edition

  89. 77、Java Threads 3rd Edition

  90. 78、Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  91. 79、Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook

  92. 80、Jenkins The Definitive Guide

  93. 81、Kafka a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing

  94. 82、Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  95. 83、Mahout in Action

  96. 84、Managing Infrastructure with Puppet

  97. 85、MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters

  98. 86、MapReduce A Major Step Backwards

  99. 87、MapReduce Design Patterns

  100. 88、MapReduce a flexible data processing tool

  101. 89、Mastering ElasticSearch

  102. 90、Megastore - Providing Scalable, Highly Available Storage for Interactive Services

  103. 91、Memcached

  104. 92、Mesos A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center

  105. 93、MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  106. 94、MongoDB in Action

  107. 95、Monitoring with Ganglia

  108. 96、Namenode High Availability

  109. 97、Netty in Action MEAP V08

  110. 98、NoSQL Distilled

  111. 99、Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters

  112. 100、OpenStack Operations Guide

  113. 101、Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  114. 102、Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

  115. 103、Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

  116. 104、PowerDrill - Processing a Trillion Cells per Mouse Click

  117. 105、Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

  118. 106、Pro Hadoop

  119. 107、Pro JPA2

  120. 108、Pro Java 7 NIO.2

  121. 109、Pro Puppet

  122. 110、Pro Spring 3

  123. 111、Pro Spring MVC

  124. 112、Pro Spring Security

  125. 113、Professional Hadoop Solutions

  126. 114、Programming Concurrency on the JVM

  127. 115、Programming Hive

  128. 116、Programming Pig

  129. 117、Programming Scala

  130. 118、Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

  131. 119、Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  132. 120、RCFile A Fast and Space-efficient Data Placement Structure in MapReduce-based Warehouse Systems

  133. 121、RabbitMQ in Action

  134. 122、Redis Cookbook

  135. 123、Redis in Action

  136. 124、Resilient Distributed Datasets - A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing

  137. 125、SQL Antipatterns

  138. 126、Scala for the Impatient

  139. 127、Scala in Action

  140. 128、Scala in Depth

  141. 129、Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr Chapter-02 Understanding Solr

  142. 130、Scaling CouchDB

  143. 131、Scaling MongoDB

  144. 132、Selenium 2 Testing Tools Beginner's Guide

  145. 133、Selenium Testing Tools Cookbook

  146. 134、Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  147. 135、Solr 3.1 Cookbook

  148. 136、Solr in action

  149. 137、Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials

  150. 138、Spanner - Google’s Globally-Distributed Database

  151. 139、Spring Batch in Action

  152. 140、Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

  153. 141、Spring Dynamic Modules in Action

  154. 142、Spring Integration in Action

  155. 143、Spring Roo in Action

  156. 144、Spring Security 3.1

  157. 145、Spring in Action 4th Edition

  158. 146、Spring in Practice

  159. 147、Steps in Scala An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming

  160. 148、Storm Blueprints Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation

  161. 149、Storm Real-Time Processing Cookbook

  162. 150、Tajo A Distributed Data Warehouse System on Large Clusters

  163. 151、Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework

  164. 152、Testable JavaScript

  165. 153、The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

  166. 154、The Hadoop Distributed File System

  167. 155、The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  168. 156、The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  169. 157、The Little Redis Book

  170. 158、The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine

  171. 159、Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  172. 160、Tika in Action

  173. 161、Understanding MySQL Internals

  174. 162、Web Crawling and Data Mining with Apache Nutch

  175. 163、Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

  176. 164、Zab High-performance broadcast for primary-backup systems

  177. 165、ZeroMQ

  178. 166、ZooKeeper Distributed Process Coordination

  179. 167、admin-user-guide-trunk

  180. 168、bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

  181. 169、bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  182. 170、high-availability-guide

  183. 171、user-guide
