A JFlex-based1 grammar underlies it, tokenizing with cleverness for the following lexical types: alphanumerics, acronyms, company names, e-mail addresses, computer host names, numbers, words with an interior apostrophe, serial numbers, IP addresses, and CJK (Chinese Japanese Korean) characters. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition
This section hopes to whet your appetite for these new features and help you plan for their arrival. Pro Hadoop
If you’re in the mood for fish and you’re on a diet, you could easily find a dish; likewise, if you’re very hungry and want something with lots of calories, you could satisfy your robust appetite by choosing something from the meat section of the menu. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming
I hope this has whetted your appetite to turn the page and read on. RabbitMQ in Action
If we’ve whetted your appetite for thinking about the overall search engine stack, its use in providing a roadmap for the information landscape, and Tika’s relationship to the search engine’s success, then we direct you to chapter 10 for a more detailed breakdown of Tika’s involvement in Apache Lucene. Tika in Action
He loves to use Linux commands and has a never ending appetite for penetration testing. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook
Many US hotels and conference centers are still woefully unprepared for a few hundred software developers, each with two or three devices on the wireless network and a seemingly insatiable appetite for bandwidth.) While I strongly prefer dependencies to be managed by my build tool, it might make sense for me to prepare lab materials with all of the dependencies statically located in the project in the style of old Ant builds.4 For some Java frameworks and APIs, chasing all of these JARs down by hand can be a burden. Gradle Beyond The Basics
A Taste of Scala It’s time to whet your appetite with some real Scala code. Programming Scala
As consumers, we have an increasing appetite for rich media, both in terms of the movies we watch and the pictures and videos we create and upload. Hadoop Beginners Guide
In other words, don't for a moment think this is all that's available; consider it a whetting of the appetite. Hadoop Beginners Guide
Yet our appetite for ever more data shows no sign of being satiated. Programming Pig
Our sincere hope is that this brief overview of the key features of Scala has whetted your appetite for more Scala! Steps in Scala An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming
The only ways to recover a categorically failed node are to completely replace the data files via a resync or to restore from a recent backup. MongoDB in Action
To highlight commonalities and differences between the testing frameworks and their integration with Gradle, all unit tests will verify the functionality of the same class. Gradle in Action
In the next section, we’ll compare commonalities and differences between Maven and Gradle concepts. Gradle in Action
Before we dive into migrating from Maven to Gradle, let’s compare commonalities and differences between both systems. Gradle in Action
When directly comparing Maven and Gradle, you can find many commonalities. Gradle in Action
The benefit of duck typing is that it lets you abstract out commonalities without being part of the same type. Scala in Action
Type classes are a way to define commonalities among sets of types. Scala in Action
We framed Tika’s relationship to each of these technologies, and tried to indicate the overall layered architecture and commonalities between each of these software products, taking special care to show you where Tika fit in along the way. Tika in Action
You will notice a lot of commonalities between MapReduce and Storm architectures. Professional Hadoop Solutions
A lot of commonalities exist between the functionality of Nimbus and of the MapReduce JobTracker. Professional Hadoop Solutions
There are a lot of commonalities between Oozie Coordinator functionality and Data Pipeline, and there are a lot of use cases where either can be used to coordinate EMR-based processes. Professional Hadoop Solutions
The Java EE 6 Managed Bean specification defines the commonalities across the spectrum of Java EE managed objects, extending from basic managed beans through. Java EE 7 Specification
Thus, the store-specific implementations of it share quite a lot of commonalities. Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java
When migrating data from an RDBMS to a Hadoop system, one of the first things you should consider doing is reformatting your data into a more conducive structure. MapReduce Design Patterns
It’s rare that you would want to do something like this in a relational database, since storing data in this way is not conducive to analysis with SQL. MapReduce Design Patterns
The MusicBrainz data set is not conducive to applying the MLT feature, because it doesn't have any descriptive text. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server
In the Preface to the First Edition, I wrote that the Java programming language and its libraries were immensely conducive to quality and productivity, and a joy to work with. Effective Java 2nd Edition
I have found the Java programming language and its libraries to be immensely conducive to quality and productivity, and a joy to work with. Effective Java 2nd Edition
It is impractical if the object is large or if it contains state that is not conducive to string representation. Effective Java 2nd Edition
It’s frequently fast enough to serve these object as well, and the storage method is conducive to streaming. MongoDB in Action
In addition to the NIO based Grizzly connector, GlassFish also supports a blocking connector called the Coyote connector. Java Performance
The max-connections parameter is used to prevent malicious clients from tying up a thread indefinitely when the Coyote blocking connector is used. Java Performance
This discussion is by no means exhaustive—one of the wonders of the Internet is the creativity and imagination that it inspires in individuals to drive it forward, with the design of new protocols and new networking applications. Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing
Implementation details that are not part of the Java Virtual Machine's specification would unnecessarily constrain the creativity of implementors. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition
The existence of a precisely defined virtual machine and object file format need not significantly restrict the creativity of the implementor. The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition
A little string manipulation can retrieve your original code intact, thanks to Roland Bouman’s creativity: High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition
And cloud-hosted servers are less reliable and predictable than dedicated hardware, so achieving high availability requires more creativity. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition
More importantly, we believe this proves that even when a specific feature isn’t provided by the native Java API, the flexibility of lambda expressions and a bit of creativity in reusing and combining what’s already available can let you implement the missing feature on your own. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming
A solid development process, creativity, dedication, and practical design are still some of the necessary virtues to create a successful and quality product. Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials
We attribute these unintended uses in part to the decision to open our trace datastores to developers through a simple programming interface, as this allowed us to harness the creativity of a much larger community. Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
He has had an obsession with creativity in music and computers his whole life. Spring Roo in Action
Analyst creativity was being stifled by the limitations of SQL and lack of access to multiple sources of data. Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework
As can be seen, applying this approach to enable a map-side join requires creativity and not a little luck in regards to the nature of the data set and the problem at hand. Hadoop Beginners Guide
But I don’t have countless pages to describe them all to you, so in the interest of keeping this discussion on track, I’ll leave routing creativity as an exercise for you and move on to discussing how to send messages. Spring in Action 4th Edition
Dissecting a model is a way to see which features make a large difference in the output of the model. Mahout in Action
In dissecting the model, we need to first make sure that the model’s parameters have been finalized B. Mahout in Action
If dissecting a model shows that some variables are never mentioned in the model, it’s probably useful to try eliminating them so that subsequent training goes faster. Mahout in Action
What might sound very abstract becomes strikingly clear by dissecting the inner workings of the Java plugin. Gradle in Action
We present algorithms for dissecting nested records into columns and reassembling them (Section 4) Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets
The details of this dissection are shown in the following listing. Mahout in Action
In dissection, we need to provide the feature encoding with a so-called trace dictionary C. Mahout in Action
Here is the output of the model dissection for a typical run such as shown in figure 15.1 Mahout in Action
Here are the first few lines of the model dissection output from one of the cases with a target leak. Mahout in Action
It’s safe to say that any variable that doesn’t appear in the dissection of the final model can be eliminated with positive effect, but most other conclusions require careful testing. Mahout in Action
First, here’s the whole code in Listing 6-2, and then we’ll see the dissection. Beginning Scala
First we have the code in Listing 8-3 and then a dissection. Beginning Scala
A high-fidelity simulator that replays historic workload traces from Google production clusters, and reuses much of the Google production scheduler’s code. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
Having compared the different scheduler architectures using the lightweight simulator, we use the high-fidelity simulator to explore some of the properties of the Omega shared-state approach in greater detail and without the simplifying assumptions made by the lightweight simulator. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
The core of the high-fidelity simulator is the code used in Google’s production scheduling system. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
We can nonetheless confirm all the trends the lightweight simulator demonstrates for the Omega shared-state model using the high-fidelity simulator. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
We also use the high-fidelity simulator to explore two implementation choices we were considering for Omega. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
Our performance evaluation of the Omega model using both lightweight simulations with synthetic workloads, and high-fidelity, trace-based simulations of production workloads at Google, shows that optimistic concurrency over shared state is a viable, attractive approach to cluster scheduling. Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
The slow query log is the lowest-overhead, highest-fidelity way to measure query execution times in current versions of MySQL. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition
Increase weightBuckets In my experience, increasing weightBuckets to 100 or more improves the fidelity of the weights, resulting in more relevant suggestions. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server
As part of the program, Joe spent six months in Boston, Massachusetts, working as a systems analyst for Fidelity Investments. Beginning CouchDB
Unlike the optimization strategies we employ in the relational world, which typically involve denormalizing and thereby compromising a high-fidelity model, this is not an either/or issue: either the detailed, highly normalized structure, or the high performance compromise. Graph Databases
With the graph we retain the original high-fidelity graph structure, while at the same time enriching it with new elements that cater to new needs. Graph Databases
As we discussed in Chapter 3, graphs enable us to model our problem domain in a way that is easy to visualize and understand, and which captures with high fidelity the many nuances of the data we encounter in the real world. Graph Databases
Remember, actors graciously don’t hold threads hostage, so they share threads across instances and provide better throughput—typed actors do the same. Programming Concurrency on the JVM
Make use of the ExecutorService class to graciously manage a pool of threads and the concurrent data structures to coordinate between threads/tasks. Programming Concurrency on the JVM
The JRebel team has graciously provided free licenses when used with Scala. Scala in Depth
And most of all, I want to say thank you to my wife, See Luan, who graciously allowed me to spend countless evenings and weekends over the last year and a half writing the manuscript that you’re now reading—evenings and weekends when she suffered through the discomfort and hard work of pregnancy and, more recently, of caring for our newborn daughter as I worked on final edits. Redis in Action
Not only will it help make your system more versatile, but it will make it convenient for others in the community to reuse when you graciously contribute it back! Managing Infrastructure with Puppet
However, these kinds of products rarely supported the full dynamic nature of the Java language and were unable to graciously handle things like code being replaced at runtime without large workarounds. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide
The example code was graciously provided by Julien Le Dem. Programming Pig
You couldn’t graciously shut down the previous code (especially if the thread running the loop is not a Daemon thread) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach
This allows us to examine what has changed from previously run inspections (it is worth having historical statistical information, isn't it?) and actually see what is happening. Mastering ElasticSearch
Again, code inspections and code reviews are an excellent way to find code coupling, instead of relying on a tool to root out coupling metrics. Testable JavaScript
When you are really ready to get serious about finding bugs, Fagan inspections are as serious as it gets. Testable JavaScript
However, there is no substitute for Fagan inspections and code reviews in terms of finding bugs and ensuring that your code is not overly complex. Testable JavaScript
Certainly a marvel of productivity, and also an object lesson in why design is important. Thinking in Java 4th Edition
Marvel is a management and monitoring tool for Elasticsearch which is free for develoment use. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide
You do not have to install Marvel, but it will make this book much more interactive by allowing you to experiment with the code samples on your local Elasticsearch cluster. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide
You probably don’t want Marvel to monitor your local cluster, so you can disable data collection with this command: Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide
In fact, this is the same format that is used by the Sense console that we installed withMarvel. Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide
The business of scheduling a job to run on a cluster of machines is handled by software called (somewhat misleadingly) the Workqueue. Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall
However, an operation on this Point object might change its state - for example, modifying its useCount or even, misleadingly, its x or y coordinate. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition
As in C and C++, the if statement of the Java programming language suffers from the so-called "dangling else problem," illustrated by this misleadingly formatted example: The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition
Caution If you misspell the name of a method when extending an adapter class, the compiler won’t catch your error. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition
However, if you accidentally misspell a string, the compiler won’t catch that error. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition
This generates a compiler error if you accidentally misspell the method name or give an improper signature.2 Thinking in Java 4th Edition
For instance, if you happen to misspell the method or accidentally give it a different parameter list, the compiler will respond with an error message: Programming in Scala 2nd Edition
When you misspell the name of the method that you are overriding. Scala for the Impatient
If the programmer were to misspell Test, or to apply the Test annotation to a program element other than a method declaration, the program wouldn’t compile: Effective Java 2nd Edition
It began in England as a reaction to both the machine production of the Industrial Revolution and the highly ornamental style of the Victorian era. Thinking in Java 4th Edition
In addition, it’s rather important to understand the evolution of the I/O library, even if your first reaction is "Don’t bother me with history, just show me how to use it!" The problem is that without the historical perspective, you will rapidly become confused with some of the classes and when you should and shouldn’t use them. Thinking in Java 4th Edition
If the application does not, then you can still set up a web page, which changes when the application needs a reaction from Jenkins. Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook
As a reaction to this complexity, we designed a new abstraction that allows us to express the simple computations we were trying to perform but hides the messy details of parallelization, fault-tolerance, data distribution and load balancing in a library. MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters
The amount of load a disk can handle isn’t linear: once a disk begins getting overloaded, each operation must queue for a longer and longer period of time, creating a chain reaction. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition
This node is responsible for managing the cluster state and process of assigning shards to nodes in reaction of changes in cluster topology. Mastering ElasticSearch
Because you’ve just learned how to use map, your first reaction may be that you can rewrite the previous code using map as follows: Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming
Often, when people first encounter these issues, their reaction is to prefer pessimistic concurrency because they are determined to avoid conflicts. NoSQL Distilled
If this happens, your reaction may vary depending on the cause of that difference. NoSQL Distilled
The initial reaction from examining the garbage collections is that they are indeed quite long, tens of milliseconds, but they do not happen all that often. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide
This means that unlike other languages and systems, where security was implemented as an afterthought or a reaction to breakins, security mechanisms are an integral part of Java technology. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition
We say that the Actor loops over the reaction to a pattern using the pattern matching we saw in Chapter 5 Beginning Scala
This means that if you wait until your cluster is running at capacity to add more shards, adding a new shard can bring your application to a grinding halt through a chain reaction. Scaling MongoDB
That is the type of reaction Impala aims to inspire in Hadoop users. Cloudera Impala
The listener objects will then use the information in the event object to determine their reaction to the event. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition
The traditional reaction to an error in a method is to return a special error code that the calling method analyzes. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition
A typical reaction to a failed build could be that you send an email to all developers on the team to restore the sanity of your code. Gradle in Action
In the previous example, the invalidation of a product in cache happens in reaction to the updating of product details, it executes quickly (or it should), and it is not part of the main function of the application. Pro Spring 3
The latency introduced by that process dramatically slows down our reaction. Storm Blueprints Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation
It’s also possible to remove handlers from the reaction property, using the -= operator. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition
Parsing a formula happens as a reaction to the user’s input into a cell. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition
The reaction to any of these errors is the same: a “not-a-number” value is returned. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition
When the batch operator sees that the execution failed during the second step, their reaction may be to send the log to the creator of the archive and tell them to provide a correct one. Spring Batch in Action
Puppet (http://www.puppetlabs.com/puppet) is a reaction to these gaps in the tools available to SysAdmins, Operators and Developers. Pro Puppet
Although a trace analysis system operating on hours-old data is still quite valuable, the availability of fresh information enables faster reaction to production anomalies. Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
Soon, my primary goal was to elicit a similar reaction from users of a new extension to the Spring programming model that would focus on the enterprise integration patterns. Spring Integration in Action
Most people’s first reaction to a perceived gap is naturally to want to. SQL Antipatterns
Your initial reaction may be the JVM is also experiencing lock contention. Java Performance
Continuing with the example program, the reaction from many Java developers when he or she observes the use of a synchronized HashMap or the use of a java. Java Performance
In truth, those POJOs will only supply methods that are called in reaction to a pointcut. Spring in Action 4th Edition
Counting Uniques Let’s say you want to calculate the number of unique visitors you have to your site/ network/whatever. Programming Hive
Counting uniques is O(n), where n is the number of records, but it has a high constant factor. Programming Hive
Counting Uniques Why this is a problem Load a temp table Querying the temp table. Programming Hive
It can be done with simple command-line tools or richer GUI-based visualizations. Mahout in Action
You can generate visualizations yourself using the -beacon feature—all the data provided by the beacon is detailed. Testable JavaScript
Some of the portfolio projects have additional IDE integration, such as Spring Integration with integration visualizations. Spring in Practice
Features are grouped into a common analysis structure (CAS), which can then be fed into further information analysis and visualizations. Tika in Action
I’ve compiled a number of other visualizations to be made from the history files, which can help you better understand your jobs, including the following: Hadoop in Practice
The system supports several metrics, such as bias computation, Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and the generation of relevant visualizations, including traditional plots and Taylor diagrams for science use/decision making. Programming Hive
In addition, users can also view visualizations of these columns to understand the data distribution before they perform analysis on the data. Programming Hive
After creating a black, semitransparent, rounded, rectangular area (applicationArea), you’ll be creating a simple Group object to hold all the randomly colored Circle nodes that will show off graphical visualizations while the audio is being played. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach
It is also possible to define custom pools with guaranteed minimum capacities specified in terms of the number of map and reduce slots, and to set weightings for each pool. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition
1、Beginning CouchDB
2、Beginning Scala
3、Cassandra High Performance Cookbook
4、Cloudera Impala
5、Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition
6、Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition
7、Dapper a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
8、Dremel - Interactive Analysis of WebScale Datasets
9、Effective Java 2nd Edition
10、Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide
11、Gradle Beyond The Basics
12、Gradle in Action
13、Graph Databases
14、Hadoop Beginners Guide
15、Hadoop in Practice
16、Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition
17、High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition
18、Interpreting the Data Parallel Analysis with Sawzall
19、Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach
20、Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming
21、Java EE 7 Specification
22、Java Network Programming and Distributed Computing
23、Java Performance
24、Jenkins Continuous Integration Cookbook
25、Lucene in Action 2nd Edition
26、Mahout in Action
27、Managing Infrastructure with Puppet
28、MapReduce - Simplied Data Processing on Large Clusters
29、MapReduce Design Patterns
30、Mastering ElasticSearch
31、MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition
32、MongoDB in Action
33、NoSQL Distilled
34、Omega - flexible, scalable schedulers for large compute clusters
35、Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide
36、Pro Hadoop
37、Pro Puppet
38、Pro Spring 3
39、Professional Hadoop Solutions
40、Programming Concurrency on the JVM
41、Programming Hive
42、Programming Pig
43、Programming Scala
44、Programming in Scala 2nd Edition
45、RabbitMQ in Action
46、Redis in Action
47、SQL Antipatterns
48、Scala for the Impatient
49、Scala in Action
50、Scala in Depth
51、Scaling MongoDB
52、Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server
53、Sonar Code Quality Testing Essentials
54、Spring Batch in Action
55、Spring Data Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java
56、Spring Integration in Action
57、Spring Roo in Action
58、Spring in Action 4th Edition
59、Spring in Practice
60、Steps in Scala An Introduction to Object-Functional Programming
61、Storm Blueprints Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation
62、Tenzing - A SQL Implementation On The MapReduce Framework
63、Testable JavaScript
64、The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition
65、The Java Virtual Machine Specification Java SE 7 Edition
66、Thinking in Java 4th Edition
67、Tika in Action