蚁群算法(Ant Clony Optimization, ACO)是一种群智能算法,它是由一群无智能或有轻微智能的个体(Agent)通过相互协作而表现出智能行为,从而为求解复杂问题提供了一个新的可能性。蚁群算法最早是由意大利学者Colorni A., Dorigo M. 等于1991年提出。经过20多年的发展,蚁群算法在理论以及应用研究上已经得到巨大的进步。
蚁群算法最早用来求解TSP问题,并且表现出了很大的优越性,因为它分布式特性,鲁棒性强并且容易与其它算法结合,但是同时也存在这收敛速度慢,容易陷入局部最优(local optimal)等缺点。
TSP问题(Travel Salesperson Problem,即旅行商问题或者称为中国邮递员问题),是一种,是一种NP-hard问题,此类问题用一般的算法是很大得到最优解的,所以一般需要借助一些启发式算法求解,例如遗传算法(GA),蚁群算法(ACO),微粒群算法(PSO)等等。
TSP问题可以分为两类,一类是对称TSP问题(Symmetric TSP),另一类是非对称问题(Asymmetric TSP)。所有的TSP问题都可以用一个图(Graph)来描述:
V={c1, c2, …, ci, …, cn},i = 1,2, …, n,是所有城市的集合. ci表示第i个城市, n为城市的数目;
E={(r, s): r,s∈ V}是所有城市之间连接的集合;
C = {crs: r,s∈ V}是所有城市之间连接的成本度量(一般为城市之间的距离);
如果crs = csr, 那么该TSP问题为对称的,否则为非对称的。
求解遍历图G = (V, E, C),所有的节点一次并且回到起始节点,使得连接这些节点的路径成本最低。
表示蚂蚁k经过一个循环(或迭代)锁经过路径的总成本(或距离),即tourLength. ,,Q均为控制参数。
令t = t + n,按照(公式3)更新信息素矩阵phermone。
package ch01; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; public class Ant implements Cloneable { private Vector<Integer> tabu; //禁忌表 private Vector<Integer> allowedCities; //允许搜索的城市 private float[][] delta; //信息数变化矩阵 private int[][] distance; //距离矩阵 private float alpha; private float beta; private int tourLength; //路径长度 private int cityNum; //城市数量 private int firstCity; //起始城市 private int currentCity; //当前城市 public Ant(){ cityNum = 30; tourLength = 0; } /** * Constructor of Ant * @param num 蚂蚁数量 */ public Ant(int num){ cityNum = num; tourLength = 0; } /** * 初始化蚂蚁,随机选择起始位置 * @param distance 距离矩阵 * @param a alpha * @param b beta */ public void init(int[][] distance, float a, float b){ alpha = a; beta = b; allowedCities = new Vector<Integer>(); tabu = new Vector<Integer>(); this.distance = distance; delta = new float[cityNum][cityNum]; for (int i = 0; i < cityNum; i++) { Integer integer = new Integer(i); allowedCities.add(integer); for (int j = 0; j < cityNum; j++) { delta[i][j] = 0.f; } } Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); firstCity = random.nextInt(cityNum); for (Integer i:allowedCities) { if (i.intValue() == firstCity) { allowedCities.remove(i); break; } } tabu.add(Integer.valueOf(firstCity)); currentCity = firstCity; } /** * 选择下一个城市 * @param pheromone 信息素矩阵 */ public void selectNextCity(float[][] pheromone){ float[] p = new float[cityNum]; float sum = 0.0f; //计算分母部分 for (Integer i:allowedCities) { sum += Math.pow(pheromone[currentCity][i.intValue()], alpha)*Math.pow(1.0/distance[currentCity][i.intValue()], beta); } //计算概率矩阵 for (int i = 0; i < cityNum; i++) { boolean flag = false; for (Integer j:allowedCities) { if (i == j.intValue()) { p[i] = (float) (Math.pow(pheromone[currentCity][i], alpha)*Math.pow(1.0/distance[currentCity][i], beta))/sum; flag = true; break; } } if (flag == false) { p[i] = 0.f; } } //轮盘赌选择下一个城市 Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); float sleectP = random.nextFloat(); int selectCity = 0; float sum1 = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < cityNum; i++) { sum1 += p[i]; if (sum1 >= sleectP) { selectCity = i; break; } } //从允许选择的城市中去除select city for (Integer i:allowedCities) { if (i.intValue() == selectCity) { allowedCities.remove(i); break; } } //在禁忌表中添加select city tabu.add(Integer.valueOf(selectCity)); //将当前城市改为选择的城市 currentCity = selectCity; } /** * 计算路径长度 * @return 路径长度 */ private int calculateTourLength(){ int len = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cityNum; i++) { len += distance[this.tabu.get(i).intValue()][this.tabu.get(i+1).intValue()]; } return len; } public Vector<Integer> getAllowedCities() { return allowedCities; } public void setAllowedCities(Vector<Integer> allowedCities) { this.allowedCities = allowedCities; } public int getTourLength() { tourLength = calculateTourLength(); return tourLength; } public void setTourLength(int tourLength) { this.tourLength = tourLength; } public int getCityNum() { return cityNum; } public void setCityNum(int cityNum) { this.cityNum = cityNum; } public Vector<Integer> getTabu() { return tabu; } public void setTabu(Vector<Integer> tabu) { this.tabu = tabu; } public float[][] getDelta() { return delta; } public void setDelta(float[][] delta) { this.delta = delta; } public int getFirstCity() { return firstCity; } public void setFirstCity(int firstCity) { this.firstCity = firstCity; } }
package ch01; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; /** * * @author BIAO YU * * */ public class ACO { private Ant[] ants; //蚂蚁 private int antNum; //蚂蚁数量 private int cityNum; //城市数量 private int MAX_GEN; //运行代数 private float[][] pheromone; //信息素矩阵 private int[][] distance; //距离矩阵 private int bestLength; //最佳长度 private int[] bestTour; //最佳路径 //三个参数 private float alpha; private float beta; private float rho; public ACO(){ } /** constructor of ACO * @param n 城市数量 * @param m 蚂蚁数量 * @param g 运行代数 * @param a alpha * @param b beta * @param r rho * **/ public ACO(int n, int m, int g, float a, float b, float r) { cityNum = n; antNum = m; ants = new Ant[antNum]; MAX_GEN = g; alpha = a; beta = b; rho = r; } @SuppressWarnings("resource") /** * 初始化ACO算法类 * @param filename 数据文件名,该文件存储所有城市节点坐标数据 * @throws IOException */ private void init(String filename) throws IOException{ //读取数据 int[] x; int[] y; String strbuff; BufferedReader data = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename))); distance = new int[cityNum][cityNum]; x = new int[cityNum]; y = new int[cityNum]; for (int i = 0; i < cityNum; i++) { strbuff = data.readLine(); String[] strcol = strbuff.split(" "); x[i] = Integer.valueOf(strcol[1]); y[i] = Integer.valueOf(strcol[2]); } //计算距离矩阵 ,针对具体问题,距离计算方法也不一样,此处用的是att48作为案例,它有48个城市,距离计算方法为伪欧氏距离,最优值为10628 for (int i = 0; i < cityNum - 1; i++) { distance[i][i] = 0; //对角线为0 for (int j = i + 1; j < cityNum; j++) { double rij = Math.sqrt(((x[i] - x[j]) * (x[i] - x[j])+ (y[i] - y[j]) * (y[i] - y[j]))/10.0); int tij = (int) Math.round(rij); if (tij < rij) { distance[i][j] = tij + 1; distance[j][i] = distance[i][j]; }else { distance[i][j] = tij; distance[j][i] = distance[i][j]; } } } distance[cityNum - 1][cityNum - 1] = 0; //初始化信息素矩阵 pheromone=new float[cityNum][cityNum]; for(int i=0;i<cityNum;i++) { for(int j=0;j<cityNum;j++){ pheromone[i][j]=0.1f; //初始化为0.1 } } bestLength=Integer.MAX_VALUE; bestTour=new int[cityNum+1]; //随机放置蚂蚁 for(int i=0;i<antNum;i++){ ants[i]=new Ant(cityNum); ants[i].init(distance, alpha, beta); } } public void solve(){ for (int g = 0; g < MAX_GEN; g++) { for (int i = 0; i < antNum; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < cityNum; j++) { ants[i].selectNextCity(pheromone); } ants[i].getTabu().add(ants[i].getFirstCity()); if (ants[i].getTourLength() < bestLength) { bestLength = ants[i].getTourLength(); for (int k = 0; k < cityNum + 1; k++) { bestTour[k] = ants[i].getTabu().get(k).intValue(); } } for (int j = 0; j < cityNum; j++) { ants[i].getDelta()[ants[i].getTabu().get(j).intValue()][ants[i].getTabu().get(j+1).intValue()] = (float) (1./ants[i].getTourLength()); ants[i].getDelta()[ants[i].getTabu().get(j+1).intValue()][ants[i].getTabu().get(j).intValue()] = (float) (1./ants[i].getTourLength()); } } //更新信息素 updatePheromone(); //重新初始化蚂蚁 for(int i=0;i<antNum;i++){ ants[i].init(distance, alpha, beta); } } //打印最佳结果 printOptimal(); } //更新信息素 private void updatePheromone(){ //信息素挥发 for(int i=0;i<cityNum;i++) for(int j=0;j<cityNum;j++) pheromone[i][j]=pheromone[i][j]*(1-rho); //信息素更新 for(int i=0;i<cityNum;i++){ for(int j=0;j<cityNum;j++){ for (int k = 0; k < antNum; k++) { pheromone[i][j] += ants[k].getDelta()[i][j]; } } } } private void printOptimal(){ System.out.println("The optimal length is: " + bestLength); System.out.println("The optimal tour is: "); for (int i = 0; i < cityNum + 1; i++) { System.out.println(bestTour[i]); } } public Ant[] getAnts() { return ants; } public void setAnts(Ant[] ants) { this.ants = ants; } public int getAntNum() { return antNum; } public void setAntNum(int m) { this.antNum = m; } public int getCityNum() { return cityNum; } public void setCityNum(int cityNum) { this.cityNum = cityNum; } public int getMAX_GEN() { return MAX_GEN; } public void setMAX_GEN(int mAX_GEN) { MAX_GEN = mAX_GEN; } public float[][] getPheromone() { return pheromone; } public void setPheromone(float[][] pheromone) { this.pheromone = pheromone; } public int[][] getDistance() { return distance; } public void setDistance(int[][] distance) { this.distance = distance; } public int getBestLength() { return bestLength; } public void setBestLength(int bestLength) { this.bestLength = bestLength; } public int[] getBestTour() { return bestTour; } public void setBestTour(int[] bestTour) { this.bestTour = bestTour; } public float getAlpha() { return alpha; } public void setAlpha(float alpha) { this.alpha = alpha; } public float getBeta() { return beta; } public void setBeta(float beta) { this.beta = beta; } public float getRho() { return rho; } public void setRho(float rho) { this.rho = rho; } /** * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ACO aco = new ACO(48, 100, 1000, 1.f, 5.f, 0.5f); aco.init("D:\\workspace\\myeclipse\\Algo\\ch01\\data.txt"); aco.solve(); } }