安装:./configure --prefix=/usr/local/httperf (默认prefix为/usr/local); make; make install
idleconn 80 100
httperf --server --port 80 --num-conns 20 --rate 10
详细参数列表,可以参考http://linux.die.net/man/1/httperf以及官方文档。总的来说,有2种产生负载的模式,session-oriented & request-oriented。session-oriented模式可以通过自定义配置文件,灵活模拟用户通过浏览器访问网站过程,而request-oriented模式产生workload的模式比较单一。需要注意的几个参数:
根据需求,用尽尽可能多的TCP端口;如果不加,则只使用ephemeral ports (in the range from 1024 to 5000)
取值参考2点:1. 真实用户的等待时间(time-out should probably be somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds - research has indicated that most people will give up on a site if it takes more than 8 seconds to download a page.)2. Client 产生流量的速率,如果不释放连接,可能很快耗尽fd(httperf could potentially quickly use up all available file descriptors, at which point it could not induce any new load on the server)
1. 测试整体数据
Total: connections 1000 requests 1000 replies 1000 test-duration 40.037 s
建立了TCP连接总数,HTTP request总数,以及得到HTTP reply总数
2. TCP连接数据
Connection rate: 25.0 conn/s (40.0 ms/conn, <=975 concurrent connections)
Connection time [ms]: min 502.7 avg 29377.2 max 36690.2 median 30524.5 stddev 5620.5
Connection time [ms]: connect 93.6
成功建立的TCP连接的链接建立平均时间(有可能http request发出单并不replay,最终失败)
Connection length [replies/conn]: 1.000
平均每个TCP链接收到的HTTP reply数目
3. HTTP请求数据
Request rate: 25.0 req/s (40.0 ms/req)
每秒HTTP请求数,若没有persistent connections(持久链接),则HTTP Request和Connect指标基本一致
Request size [B]: 67.0
4. HTTP响应数据
Reply rate [replies/s]: min 1.8 avg 24.3 max 127.2 stddev 42.8 (8 samples)
每秒收到的HTTP reply数目。每5s采集一个sample,建议至少30个sample,也就是跑150s以上
Reply time [ms]: response 85.9 transfer 29197.6
response 代表从发送http request到接受到reply的间隔时间,transfer表示接到reply直到结束消耗的时间
Reply size [B]: header 219.0 content 4694205.0 footer 2.0 (total 4694426.0)
Reply status: 1xx=0 2xx=1000 3xx=0 4xx=0 5xx=0
Reply状态码以及Body Size统计
5. 混杂的数据
CPU time [s]: user 1.10 system 38.88 (user 2.8% system 97.1% total 99.9%)
如果total值远远小于100%,代表其他进程同时在run,results are "polluted" and the test should be rerun
Net I/O: 114505.2 KB/s (938.0*10^6 bps)
6. 错误数据
Errors: total 0 client-timo 0 socket-timo 0 connrefused 0 connreset 0
Errors: fd-unavail 0 addrunavail 0 ftab-full 0 other 0
第1行的错误很有可能是server端的瓶颈。client-timo和connrefused错误说明很有可能被测server达到瓶颈,处理慢或者drop掉client请求(也可能是自己time-out参数设置太短)。而fd-unavail说明本机FD不够用了,看看ulimit -n;addrunavail说明client用完了TCP端口,检查net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range以及执行httperf时rate,timeout,num-conns参数的配合。如果other不为0,则在安装./configurej阶段加入--enable-debug,运行时加--debug 1看看。