归并排序,使用分治算法实现的一种高效的排序排序算法,时间复杂度为O(N*logN) 这已经是比较排序最好的结果了(任何一种排序算法都需要omega(N!)次比较)。
/* * merge sort implements functions. * * @author chenxin * @see http://www.webssky.com */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "jsort.h" /* * a static function to merge two half subarray. * * @param *__char the pointer of the array to be sort. * @param *tmp the temp array. * @param size the bytes of one item. * @param left the start positon from the left half. * @param right the right position from the right half. * @param end the right-most index of the right half. */ static void merge( unsichar_t *__char, unsichar_t *tmp, size_t size, \ compare_fn_t comp, size_t left, size_t right, size_t end ) { register size_t ptmp = left; register size_t lEnd = right - 1; register size_t pos = left; register unsichar_t *ltmp, *rtmp; //merge the two half subarray. while ( left <= lEnd && right <= end ) { if ( comp( (ltmp = __char + left * size ) , (rtmp = __char + right * size) ) < 0 ) { copy_value_to( ltmp, tmp + pos * size, size ); left++; } else { copy_value_to( rtmp, tmp + pos * size, size ); right++; } pos++; } //copy the rest of the left while ( left <= lEnd ) { copy_value_to( __char + left * size, tmp + pos * size, size ); left++; pos++; } //copy the rest of the right while ( right <= end ) { copy_value_to( __char + right * size, tmp + pos * size, size ); right++; pos++; } //copy the items back from the temp array to the old one. while ( ptmp <= end ) { copy_value_to( tmp + ptmp * size, __char + ptmp * size, size ); ptmp++; } } /* * a static function to make a recursive call. * * @param *__char the pointer of the array. * @param *tmp the temp array. * @param size the bytes of one item. * @param comp the compare function pointer. * @param left the left-most index of the subarray. * @param right the right-most index of the subarray. */ static void merge_recursive( unsichar_t *__char, unsichar_t *tmp, \ size_t size, compare_fn_t comp, size_t left, size_t right ) { if ( left < right ) { register size_t median = ( left + right ) / 2; merge_recursive( __char, tmp, size, comp, left, median ); //merge the left half merge_recursive( __char, tmp, size, comp, median + 1, right ); //merge the right half merge( __char, tmp, size, comp, left, median + 1, right ); } } /* * merge sort algorithm. * * @param *a the pointer of the array to be sort. * @param len the length of the array. * @param size the bytes of one element. * @param comp the compare function pointer. */ void merge_sort( void *a, size_t len, size_t size, compare_fn_t comp ) { unsichar_t *tmp = ( unsichar_t * ) calloc( len, size ); unsichar_t *__ca = ( unsichar_t * ) a; merge_recursive( __ca, tmp, size, comp, 0, len - 1); //free the memory free( tmp ); }
jsort.h头文件可以在"排序篇 - 插入排序的实现"中找到。
/** * merge sort algorithm. * * @param arr an array of Comparable item. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void mergeSort( T[] arr ) { /*if ( arr.length < 15 ) { insertionSort( arr ); return; }*/ T[] tmpArr = (T[]) new Comparable[arr.length]; mergeSort(arr, tmpArr, 0, arr.length - 1); } /** * internal method to make a recursive call. <br /> * * @param arr an array of Comparable items. <br /> * @param tmpArr temp array to placed the merged result. <br /> * @param left left-most index of the subarray. <br /> * @param right right-most index of the subarray. <br /> */ private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void mergeSort( T[] arr, T[] tmpArr, int left, int right ) { //recursive way if ( left < right ) { int center = ( left + right ) / 2; mergeSort(arr, tmpArr, left, center); mergeSort(arr, tmpArr, center + 1, right); merge(arr, tmpArr, left, center + 1, right); } //loop instead /* int len = 2, pos; int rpos, offset, cut; while ( len <= right ) { pos = 0; offset = len / 2; while ( pos + len <= right ) { rpos = pos + offset; merge( arr, tmpArr, pos, rpos, rpos + offset - 1 ); pos += len; } //merge the rest cut = pos + offset; if ( cut <= right ) merge( arr, tmpArr, pos, cut, right ); len *= 2; } merge( arr, tmpArr, 0, len / 2, right );*/ } /** * internal method to merge the sorted halves of a subarray. <br /> * * @param arr an array of Comparable items. <br /> * @param tmpArr temp array to placed the merged result. <br /> * @param leftPos left-most index of the subarray. <br /> * @param rightPos right start index of the subarray. <br /> * @param endPos right-most index of the subarray. <br /> */ private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void merge( T[] arr, T[] tmpArr, int lPos, int rPos, int rEnd ) { int lEnd = rPos - 1; int tPos = lPos; int leftTmp = lPos; while ( lPos <= lEnd && rPos <= rEnd ) { if ( arr[lPos].compareTo( arr[rPos] ) <= 0 ) tmpArr[ tPos++ ] = arr[ lPos++ ]; else tmpArr[ tPos++ ] = arr[ rPos++ ]; } //copy the rest element of the left half subarray. while ( lPos <= lEnd ) tmpArr[ tPos++ ] = arr[ lPos++ ]; //copy the rest elements of the right half subarray. (only one loop will be execute) while ( rPos <= rEnd ) tmpArr[ tPos++ ] = arr[ rPos++ ]; //copy the tmpArr back cause we need to change the arr array items. for ( ; rEnd >= leftTmp; rEnd-- ) arr[rEnd] = tmpArr[rEnd]; }